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Joyce Meyer

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Faith for those enmeshed in the false doctrine of the Word of Faith movement becomes a set of rules for engaging God so that He is OBLIGATED to give you what faith in

faith demands of Him. I have heard people declare "God You HAVE to do it...I have faith that you will do it and therefore You must do it

God, must not do a single thing. He is not obligated whatsoever because some person DEMANDS He do something. There are false miracles that are attributed to

God as well which makes this type of teaching even more insidious. There are people who accept every experience they encounter as being from God. They do

not question or test, they just accept. Even worse, there are people who seek experiences and they certainly get what they ask for....NOT God.

Nowhere in scripture are we told to seek experiences. We are to seek God...with our whole heart and our entire mind. God decides if and when and to whom He will

give any type of experience.

Have you ever noticed that Jesus often told people He healed not to say anything...other than to give God thanks? Or how about Paul; he said not one word about His

visions or experience other than those that led him to Christ or affirmed his apostleship. Every time there is a recorded vision in the Bible, you will find that the author

was ordered to make the vision known. Or to write it down even if it was not for the immediate present

Now however, we have prophets running around and bumping into each other...each with a word that they are just about exploding to pour into the itching ears of

people who really have no time for God but cannot wait to hear the next prophecy or have a healing or a vision.

For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect--if that were possible. Matt 24:24

But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ.

4For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it easily enough. 5But I do not think I am in the least inferior to those “super-apostles.” 6I may not be a trained speaker, but I do have knowledge. We have made this perfectly clear to you in every way. II Cor 11

In the verses above, Paul refers to the false teachers as SUPER APOSTLE...exactly what we have today, presenting this false Jesus that Paul dealt with

Nothing changes...ever heard the expression..'the more it changes, the more it stays the same?' Solomon said there is nothing new under the son.

It's the same devil deceiving now and the one that deceived when Paul wrote what he did concerning false teachers, false miracles and a false Jesus.

Why would he change his MO? It's always worked and apparently will until God says 'that's enough now.'

For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles of Christ.

14And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. 15It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve. II Cor. 11

The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, II Thes 2:9

Because of the signs he was given power to do on behalf of the first beast, he deceived the inhabitants of the earth. He ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived. Rev. 13:14

It is very difficult to throw aside deception when it has been accepted and integrated into an individuals' life. It means you must

admit you are wrong. It means you must admit you have been deceived and you have accepted another gospel

The defense of deception by those who are deceived is a natural reaction of course so be prepared to be spat upon, maligned,

lied about, betrayed, mocked and misrepresented should you decide or feel led by God to help those who are in deception.

Many people need help and will even ask for help to get out from under the cruel embrace of the false Jesus; but you will be

dealing with deceiving spirits who oppose you every step of the way just as they have always done to those who

oppose the devil and his kingdom.

It really is a war.

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It really is a war.

Because we see the truth in God's Word He 'IS' able to do all things! And Does! We cannot be caught in this

2 Ti 3:1-6

3 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money,

boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without

self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,

5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!


The greatest knowledge of God 'IS' His humility... He 'IS' not a grand stander! I have to seek Him out everyday and

His Pleasure is to watch me do so! He then blesses me with His awesome presence that 'IS' always there and

increases my faith through His Word! The doorway of denial of His power swings uniquely in two directions:

The first is to deny the actual power He displays...

The second it is the claiming this is His power when it is not...

God want us to walk in the relax of truth and not to be ashamed of Him! He tests us by the world coming against us

and saying show us a sign... I will pray and ask Him all manner of request but I will wait upon His perfect doing in them

all! Every prayer I submit to Him I know goes into His perfect considerations and they are fulfilled when they leave my

mouth to enter into His Hearing...

1 Jn 5:14-15

14 Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. 15 And if

we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.


I know no greater peace than this! Love, Steven

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The greatest knowledge of God 'IS' His humility... He 'IS' not a grand stander! I have to seek Him out everyday and

His Pleasure is to watch me do so! He then blesses me with His awesome presence that 'IS' always there and

increases my faith through His Word! The doorway of denial of His power swings uniquely in two directions:

The first is to deny the actual power He displays...

The second it is the claiming this is His power when it is not...

Be still and KNOW that I am God. I don't know how many times his Word has gripped my heart and pierced

my armor that I sometimes put on because of the grief caused by those who display a knowledge of God

but do not know Him even though they scream and rant and rave that it is you or I that do not know Him

It is as though they demand "LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME! I am a prophet...I am special...look at how God

answers me...look at all I have...look at the miracles and the anointing...blah blah blah

They do not look upon Jesus whom they have pierced...as have every single one of us...they just think they

see Jesus sitting on a throne and waiting for them to ask Him for something

God want us to walk in the relax of truth and not to be ashamed of Him! He tests us by the world coming against us

and saying show us a sign... I will pray and ask Him all manner of request but I will wait upon His perfect doing in them

all! Every prayer I submit to Him I know goes into His perfect considerations and they are fulfilled when they leave my

mouth to enter into His Hearing...


I had an occasion this past December (2011) to pray about something that I had no hope for...I was like a deflated

tire...just no air...I felt the hopelessness of the situation and the quiet...no special presence of God...that I have felt many

times and you know He is right there through His Spirit...no assurance in my spirit I was heard

But Jesus said we should always pray and not faint. So I said Dear Lord...Jesus said we should always pray and not

faint...so here goes....just words like whispers falling into the night air of my living room...everyone else already gone to

bed....just my heart reaching out and my mind believing

My prayer was answered 2 days later and in exactly the way I prayed, He answered and I believe He was pleased to

show me that way to let me know He heard and I remember it like a special treasure and I know He hears

Well, God is good!

God is not at the command of human beings despite what some people may claim

We are saved ONLY because of His mercy. We do not become little gods and we do not make claims on God to get what we want

Twisting the Bible to make it say what some WOF teachers say, is more proof of Jesus warnings concerning deception and the

words of the apostle concerning deceitful liars whose reward is in this world

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We do not become little gods and we do not make claims on God to get what we want

We will be His Wife and we will have the same heart as He

Php 2:5-9

5 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery

to be equal with God, 7 but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the

likeness of men. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the

point of death, even the death of the cross.


In this if He in His heart considered it not worthy of consideration to give up His position as God to became as we in all ways except without sin...

the reverse shall be as I am placed as wife in the intimacy In Him I will not let go of His heart within me (The Holy Spirit) to be lifted in

pride to be so! :) and He shall always have preeminence in the everything of me... Love, Steven

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(quote) Fez

God decide's who recieves, as it is all His anyway.

So true... !

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Fez, I've been away so did not get back to you. I apologize to you as it appears some thought I was being rude to you.

I was getting fed up with answering what I perceived I had already answered, so please let me try again.

Why is it always about the money?

For me, it is genuinely not always about the money. It is, as I believe you have written yourself, about a myriad of things.

I found Meyers remarks regarding being rewarded now (with all the money because that was what she was referring to in

the interview I quoted from) as tacky to say the least. It is not a true picture of so called rewards and not valid whatsoever

when you consider people that are probably far more faithful than her may have nothing at all.

IMO, and from what I can tell scripture states, neither conclusion would be correct.

Go back and read my post's if you will, but here is what I beleive.

Having great wealth is not a sin, nor is having no wealth. Having no wealth does not make you more "Christian", that someone with wealth, and having great wealth does not make you any different in God's eyes from someone who has no wealth.

I agree with your statement above.

It is about how you use what you have in your hands, and the bible is full of examples of this. It is about blossoming where you are planted.

God decide's who recieves, as it is all His anyway.

But what we do with it is called free will.

Yes, but I would prob word it differently, but fine.

Now. if I needed a jet to spread the Word to far flung places, and my motives were loving and obeying God, and honoring Him in everything I did, what would be wrong about spending some of His blessing on a jet?

Nothing. But when you have people like Meyers and Hinn who are using money garnered from a ministry they SAY is the Lords to exercise their

lust for more and more and more, well, I find that not honoring to the gospel whatsoever. Then, Meyers states that she is being rewarded (from God), referring to her riches. How misleading is that? That is when I ask "Is that why Christ died, so you could have a $10,000.00 bathroom added to your already over bathroomed mansion?" and then state you have been rewarded? If you disagree with me on this, fine, but kindly respect that this is what I meant concerning money and the use thereof

Money, was not even the main event regarding Meyers that I posted. Some of her doctrine is so wrong, that it could lead people way off somewhere

and into even more error...such as what people have been discussing since my last post.

I also posted, as have others, that she is a decent motivational speaker...a Bible teacher, not so much. I find her likeable because she identifies

with people...and I don't care if she draws a big salary or makes big buckaroos from her many book sales. I hope this is clear now. To state

that God is rewarding you because you are 'faithful' smacks of 'if you do not have the dollars rolling in, then maybe God is not so pleased with you.'

Again, hope this is clear now. And even if you disagree, respectfully, understand this is what I believe scripture would state.

But if I was wealthy, and had no children, and not that many visitors, then living in a 23 bedroomed mansion would probably be wrong.

One is correct motive and one is mammon.

There are no easy answers to this, because there are too many questions.

But prosperity gospel is wrong, and so is saying you are poor and live in a mud hut because you lack faith. That really gets me angry. Some of the most faith filled people I know, who Love Jesus, live in mud huts.

Well we agree on the prosperity gospel.

Well it seems we agree with most everything, with a few exceptions.

Like I know Mrs Meyer is saying God is rewarding her, and then she goes and builds bathrooms, etc.

But take this into account. Maybe God is rewarding her

She is just not doing what she should be with the rewards. She is not honoring God with the wise management and use of the reward in His name.

I don't know that. But I know God does.

And He has a way of showing that he does. Time will tell.

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Everything I have; my flat, my food , my health and yes, the few pence I have are a gift's from God.

How I use them is so important to me. I have been blessed.

I could never bring myself to use that which God has supplied for me in an irresponsible way.

God knows how I use what He has provided for me and personally I try not to let Him down.

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That is your Religious folks again that brought that up. Got to love them judgmental religious folk...

You are far more judgmental than those you claim are.

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Php 2:5-9

5 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery

to be equal with God, 7 but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the

likeness of men. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the

point of death, even the death of the cross.


hmmmm.....you know, God asks far less of us then what He gave and what He gave up

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Well it seems we agree with most everything, with a few exceptions.

Like I know Mrs Meyer is saying God is rewarding her, and then she goes and builds bathrooms, etc.

But take this into account. Maybe God is rewarding her

She is just not doing what she should be with the rewards. She is not honoring God with the wise management and use of the reward in His name.

I don't know that. But I know God does.

And He has a way of showing that he does. Time will tell.

well, I am glad that I finally got my words across better...at any rate, I certainly do not believe I judge her heart or even her motives

only concerned for correct teaching and meaning of scriptures...as anyone in a position to reach millions should be


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