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The Christians' Separation from the World


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Here is an article on the Biblical principles of separation from the word that I found. Seems like this is one Biblical principle that is way too often overlooked by christians today, but it is more clearly taught in the bible than many other teachings. I guess this is one of the 'camels' that some may have missed while straining at that 'gnats'.

The Bible is NOT vague on the matter of separation from the world. God's children are commanded in the Bible to be SEPARATED from the world. In what way should we be separated from the world?

  1. We are to be separated in our beliefs. The heathen have their own system of beliefs. As believers, we should meditate in the Bible day and night as David did in Psalm 1:2. We must not fall into the foolish sayings, beliefs, and inferior values of the Godless world.

    Such statements as "Only the strong survive" or "You deserve a break today" or "If it feels good, do it!" surely are not based upon the Bible, but rather humanism. We all deserve to burn in Hell, nothing better. We are to rely upon the Lord's strength and not our own. God is looking for a few weak men (2nd Corinthians 12:10). The Apostle Paul said he was strong when he was weak, because his weakness caused him to rely upon God more. We must obey the Bible, whether it feels good or not. We must constantly be on guard against adopting worldly quotes and reasoning into our mind. Since we have a tendency to repeat what we hear, we must analyze everything we hear using the Bible as our measuring stick. Carnal thinking is completely backwards from the Bible. As Christians, we need to seek the truth, asking God's Spirit to guide us.

  2. We are to be separated in our lifestyles. We should not go to taverns, nightclubs, and other heathen establishments. No Christian should ever spend a dime at Disney World, most of their movies are no better than Hollywood's vomit. We should not support sinful things produced by the Godless world. We are surrounded by Satan. Television is Hellivision. TV is very bad nowadays. I really hate television. The technology is not sinful, but the way mankind uses it certainly is. Technology simply allows mankind to go further down the road he was already traveling on... and it's the road to Hell.

  3. We are to separated in our fellowship. Christians should have little dealings with those who sin openly other than ministering the Gospel to them. We should never be unkind or mean to anyone, rather we should always be loving and kind. The Bible commands us to be blameless and harmless as believers, not rendering evil for evil.

"That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world." —Philippians 2:15

We should be wise as serpents and as harmless as doves. The Apostle Paul warns us about having intimate dealings with covetous and scornful people (1st Corinthians 5:11). We are not to be unequally yoked together with unbelievers or heathen believers (2nd Corinthians 6:14). Christians should associate with other God-fearing believers who are living an upright life for Jesus. No Christian should ever become a Freemason, which is a Satanic organization.

Christians should decline invitations to join non-Christian groups which will draw us away from the Lord and holy living. The Church is the organization which Jesus founded, so let's support our local New Testament churches. Promise Keepers is a heathen organization, Catholic friendly (ecumenical), and draws much money away from churches. No surrogate organization can replace the Church. Jesus may have been a Friend of sinners, but He certainly was not a companion of those living in sin. Jesus ministered to the people and talked with them openly; whereas the religious Pharisees looked down upon them, condemning them, and refusing to even associate with them. This is not what the Bible is teaching.

  1. We are to be separated in our conversation. From listening to many professed Christians, you'd never know that they were a Christian. I have always been saddened in the workplace when I hear a professed "Christian" take God's name in vain (or anyone for that matter). I used to work for a boss who claimed to be a Christian. I heard him curse loudly in God's name one day in the main office in front of everyone. I am not judging him at all... we are all sinners. My point is that we are the only Jesus that someone may know. If we are worldly, others may miss Heaven because of our tarnished testimony. We should be very careful what we say. God tells us to "season" our words with grace (i.e., look for opportunities to include God in our conversations). Sadly, many people look for opportunities to make sexual innuendos because their mind is continually in the gutter. This should not be the testimony of a child of God. If nothing else, keep your mouth shut.

  2. We are to be separated from the world in marriage. If you marry an unsaved person, then you will have the Devil for a father-in-law. God forbids us from marrying an unsaved person. Love may be blind, but marriage is a real eye-opener. Be careful who you marry, make sure that they love God more than you. Make sure you love them. Would you be willingly to care for that person in a wheel-chair for the rest of your life? God's love is unconditional.

  3. We are to be separated from the world in music. The same boss I mentioned above came strutting in the door one day at work, listening to some heathen "Christian" rock. He asked me to listen to it. It certainly didn't sound very Christian. The average believer is very immature in the Lord. I can sadly say that I have only met a small handful of truly mature Christians in my life. Listen folks, there ain't no such animal as "Christian rock." All "rock" is straight from Hell. Any music that glorifies sin is evil. Country music and divorce go hand-in-hand. Do you know what you get when you play a Country song backwards? You get your job back, your wife back, your home back, your truck back, your dog back, et cetera.

"Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you" —2nd Corinthians 6:17

Hopefully the length of the article hasn't bored you...

Edit : Maybe one of you Moderators can move this to the General discussion section. I guess I wasn't really posting a doctrinal question; just an sharing a general observation.

Edited by Way195
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I agree with a lot of what is said in the article but disagree a bit with the "christian rock" part. While I completely agree that the majority of the christian rock(and rap) out there is worthless, to say that there is no such thing as christian rock is wrong. I listen to mostly christian rap and I have found some amazing artists who love the Lord. There are a few good christian artists out there who glorify God with the talents He has given them. Their lyrics are all about Jesus and are full of sound biblical doctrine. They glorify God and not sin. God is doing something wonderful through some of these Christian rappers and its impacting alot of the young people I know. I've seen a great passion for God and his word. A passion for the teachings of Spurgeon, Edwards, Luther, Moody, Piper and many more.

Like I said earlier, it is true that there is alot of worthless christian music out there today...but not all. There are a few christian rock and rap artists that are being mightily used by God to bring glory and honor to His Name.

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The ability of being separate from the world does not come in a set of rules impossible to follow even with all the human strength available, but thru the blessings of a crucified life. The way of the cross is the straight and narrow.

"But may it never be that I should boast, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. For neither is circumcision anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation. Galatians 6:14,15

It's the way of the cross that isn't preached in many churches today. The crucified life. Not popular or easy but when the cross is not central in our doctrine or our life something else will be.

We have more law than anyone can possibly keep but the believer who picks up their cross every day loves the Lord their God with all their heart, and then as natural as the rain gives life to a seed, they love their neighbor as themselves.

Before Jesus was raised in glory He humbled Himself as a servant and was obedient even unto the cross. We have the opportunity as we live and breath in this life to do the same. We all have a calling, we all have a purpose and the way to find it and walk it is the way of the cross.

We are eternal beings. Not temporal. So much of what is taught today is about temporal things. At best foolishness and at worse demonic.

Forgive me Lord for setting my cross down, and deal with me my God

His mercies are new every morning.

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I believe this is the right place for this thread. You are discussing biblical doctrine.

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I likewise, agree with what you have to say - except for the part of music styles.

Back in the 80's, when I was a teen, the Christian rock groups had lyrics such as:

Love God, hate sin

I don't want to be a man-pleaser, I want to be a God-pleaser

I don't want to live for temporary things

And a whole lot of other songs that encouraged my faith and challenged my thought process towards seeking the Lord and His ways. I wasn't getting this from hymns or other "church" music.

The style of music is a preference issue, not a spiritual one. What matters is the artists' faith and character and the lyrics they sing.

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The style of music is a preference issue, not a spiritual one. What matters is the artists' faith and character and the lyrics they sing.

In contrast, read this portion of II Corinthians 6 below:

14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?

16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.

Christian music is christian music - rock music is rock music. Can we mix the two according to the Bible? No. It clearly says in verse 17 and 18 that we cannot expect God to receive us if we are not willing to separate ourselves from the world. Can we justify 'christian' rock music? The answer is quite clear.

Edited by Way195
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Rock music is a mix of rhythm and blues music and country music. I've never heard anyone condemn the two styles that make up the roots.

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Are you saying that rock music(not 'christian' rock) is not to be classified as 'of the world'?

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Guest shiloh357

I will say that I miss the old contemporary Christian music from the 80s and 90s. I mean, the stuff that they have now with some exceptions is nothing like what used to be out there: Twyla Paris, David Meece, De Garmo and Key, Dallas Holm, Wayne Watson, Steve Green, Petra (before John Schlitt), Carman, et al. They were just terrific. I mean they had music that was both worshipful and also encouraged people to stand for Christ and to count the cost. There was the constant theme of "no compromise" and living in purity and holiness.

I really miss those guys on the radio. I can listen to them by myself, but it would be nice to share them with younger people today.

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yes ccm has been water downed. we know have the cross light music on the radio.

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