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Is it wrong of a believer today , not to go to church ?


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10 hours ago, Your closest friendnt said:

If you are dating someone and want to have a church wedding, or later the want the children to be dedicated, or how about when someone is from out of town, and needs to meet a christian family.

We need churches for many and deferent needs, even to do our funeral.




Luke 9:60 Jesus said to him, "Let the dead bury their own dead, but ...

But Jesus told him, "Let the spiritually dead bury their own dead! Your duty is to go and preach about the Kingdom of God." English Standard Version And Jesus  ...

Matthew 8:22 But Jesus told him, "Follow me, and let the dead bury ...

Let the spiritually dead bury their own dead." English Standard Version And Jesus said to him, “Follow me, and leave the dead to bury their own dead.”
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38 minutes ago, Davida said:

Like I said before , the pattern given us in the Bible is for us to belong to a local body of believers called a Church and to have a Pastor who is the head of that church & preaches/teaches us scripture as JESUS read &  taught in the Synagogue. It is no mystery or wonder to me that some of the people we have seen here at worthy who are given to lack of understanding of scripture &  have strangest interpretations of Bible scripture are also the ones that are convinced of their own wisdom & think they do not need Church or a Pastor!

maybe this link will help, the churches under the tax form 5013c have to abide by the regulations under this guidelines, to have this right, it comes with, and it is common knowledge, , but does it make a difference of what the sheep is feed, ? can a church that is giving the word of God ,be in union of the law ,that it must obey? , right or wrong,  ? this is what many do not know and I wanted to atleast give you a look that you are not told this in church,

but would God hold back of what He says is truth and about life and obedience, that we cannot follow the laws of the world and follow God for the laws are opposite of what God stands for , so you be the judge,  and blessings and peace  to you .

knowledge is the key , and God says that my people perish, for their lack of wisdom!



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On ‎3‎/‎21‎/‎2016 at 8:18 AM, Davida said:

I want to say : BIBLICAL CHURCHES ARE NOT EXTINCT!!! Lol!  They exist and should be supported. Now I realize there are corrupt Churches out there but my point is if you are genuinely seeking a Bible believing Church you will find one. The other side of that coin is that - Some people are stubborn & unteachable, or easily offended, some people get mad because they seek some kind of social status or authority within the Churches, & some people are simply too lazy to find a decent Church and too lazy to attend regularly and look for any excuses not to. My point is the problem isn't always with the Church.

 A Christian needs to apply wisdom & discernment in finding a Church, but why is it I have found two Biblical churches with no problem, so ,that I've had to decide which one to attend? No one will find a perfect "congregation" but if they look they will find independent Bible preaching Churches with a good Pastor who believes the Word of God is inerrant & infallible, who is Holy Spirit filled & knows the BIBLE and teaches it. We owe it to the Lord to give our support & prayers to these Churches.  There is no shortage of critical people who like to complain & whine about Churches & about Christendom having members who are self-righteous gossipers & hypocrites-- when they themselves , often seem to fit this description perfectly.  Finding a place to Learn , Pray, Worship & to Serve Christ Jesus that is what should be at the top of the list.  Unfortunately , I've seen that many people are looking for a social club & people who show themselves lacking in emotional maturity, get easily offended & are ego driven rather then allowing themselves to be Holy Spirit guided.  

Biblical Churches are out there for sure, imho, people need to seek them out and support them & forgive each other & pray for each other.  Be like a tree planted by a nourishing stream and flourish and work in that Church for the Kingdom of heaven until the Lord Jesus Christ Returns.

Hello Davida, thank you for your passion and courage to fight for the church, and we not to forget the gathering of our selves, but I wanted to let you , know this,

 that if there was a church that was following and in the scriptures and following the ways that it was intended for , I would be there in the front seat every time the doors open, but , I find that it is not so, and I am not against church , but what they do in starving the sheep , and that's no good, we need to be fed ? and I get fed more in my research and study time, then 30 minutes of preaching, a week, does it add up to being fed? when I can study my bible for a hour a day or couple hours a day, does that keep me from the love of God or, tells me more of the one that loves my soul ?

blessings to you, and I do sincerely mean that, thank you for your time and letting me give my 2 cents,

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3 hours ago, Davida said:

Lol! whew!! ....lucky for me, Okies are easily appeased or distracted by cake! :P

Yup ya got us pin pointed to the inth  degree or inches whatever suits the cake baker :thumbsup: 

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I used to go to church quite often most of my life til I moved in with my business partner/boss/now father of two small kids.

Since then, I left weekends to get some personal space by going to my family's place, sometimes going to church there.

Last year, I went to church maybe a few times, and for Easter & Christmas.

Really hope to go more often again.  Will attend on Sun. & work from there.  Prayers to those who hope to go more often too.

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15 hours ago, simplejeff said:




Luke 9:60 Jesus said to him, "Let the dead bury their own dead, but ...

But Jesus told him, "Let the spiritually dead bury their own dead! Your duty is to go and preach about the Kingdom of God." English Standard Version And Jesus  ...

Matthew 8:22 But Jesus told him, "Follow me, and let the dead bury ...

Let the spiritually dead bury their own dead." English Standard Version And Jesus said to him, “Follow me, and leave the dead to bury their own dead.”

That's not the only situation today,

Like when the time comes for someone of us to hit the backet, we have to do something with the body, bury it, and or cremate it. 

What are we going to say, he did go to the church on his own, but here finaly he made it. 

Or let the ones with the life bury their dead. Or

Let the ones with the life bury the dead body of the one with the life.

I need some help with this one.


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On Sunday, March 20, 2016 at 3:59 PM, SINNERSAVED said:

Hello opportunityKenny, I understand that what I said, many don't want to agree, I am not against church, for I was exposed to the lord through a church movement, and that is where I started my road to seek God, but prior to that I was raised a catholic, and wondered, what is this church stuff and religion all about ? and so when I was  adult I changed my faith to follow a Christian church, and learned, a system, but never really understanding God, so all that time for me, I did not know God,

I was in church for many years and did not know God, I did not even look at my bible, until a few years ago, and said , there is something missing and I need to see for my self, so I went to another church in search of God, the true God, and all that pastor would talk about is the Love of God, the passion of God,

 and so I went to church three times a week for a short time and then realized, I was not being fed in the church, I was starved for the word and I could not get enough, and I craved for the word to where I had to study on my own watch videos, and finally, the holy spirit filled me to see the light of God through the scriptures , I was now ,m, looking at things and people a different way , I had love for my enemy, and I started to see what Jesus was really talking about in the scriptures,

 and so I stop going to church and I am everyday , all the day long, study research, and praying, and I am closer to God then ever before, and it may seem wrong, but I can see false teaching in the churches now that I could not see when I did not seek God, and so I do not go to church , for the reason, that it does not fill me, and it is not enough to take the time to go , for I see many like my self lost in the building called church,

I believe that if there is a church that will have at least a solid bible teaching and a lesson of life that we live in to go with it, and not about assumptions and mans ideas, and not made up to be a business, then please go attend it,

for I believe there is more power in the word in small groups like bible study , and to communicate like this on a web site, for it makes you search the scriptures and yet you get filled with solid food, and not milk any more, we have to ,GET OFF THE MILK, and get to the solid facts, that will change us and strengthen us through our lord God,

 for if you read what Reinitin wrote about the church telling the Chinese that  they would not suffer and then they did for they were not informed, and no one gave them the truth , then we perish, for the lack of knowledge, for we are to be very careful, and my self included , know that we are responsible, for others for if we say , there is a God, and we say, we must be ready to face persecution and death for the churches are not telling you that,

then I my self ,is responsible for placing those words of warning before you, and if I know what I know and have place my self into teaching or explaining the love and passion of God, I am to tell you the dangers also , for I do not gain anything, by stirring any one wrong but I place my self in judgment for leading people to hell, by not telling them the truth and I aquire rewards if I steer some one to Yashua and be saved, so we all have a roll to play

 many do not want to hear the dangers,  and other then God loves you and be happy, and no worries, but this is not the life we live today ,and about unity in the church, I have been in those churches, and after it is a run to the car and get out, no one really is seeking God,

they don't want to talk scripture, they want to go watch football, and go watch television, so , its a social club meeting for nice people,

 so here is the warning, God is God and the son of God died for you , and now if you believe and have faith to believe and seek God you will find Him, but you must read the bible to learn of the ways of God, and then to share it with others, and you will be filled with the holy spirit , when you have called on the name of the lord and surrender your ways your life, give it all to God, and then He will show you , that we cannot follow mans traditions and social gatherings any more,

but we are in the end times, and we must make a choice for our souls, there is no urgency to save or to tell people about persecution, there is no urgency that we could all be tossed in jail and hated and put to death , they are not telling you this part, for it will scatter the sheep,

and so we must, follow God and love Him with all that we are and all that we have , and know that if death came to me today , for the name of Yashua thati follow , that I will still be filled with joy and love, for God is with me, until the end of my time on earth ,

and to die in this body is to be ever present with the lord for ever, if we understand this, then we would not tell others that we do not suffer for it will be a fall to them that say it and to those that listen , and not to the truth that we are going to suffer, and die, and some, need to know that,

 many have gone to church for years and do not know that they are going to be persecuted  and put to death , if you give it enough time, we are seeing what they have been doing forever, killing the saints, today its the same,but when are the people going to wake up, they refuse to see the lions are coming, and the evil and wicked ones are setting the traps,

but we understand for we were told ahead of time, what to watch for, and what to prepare for, and what many do not get , is WHAT is the COST to follow Jesus it could mean death, are we ready, thank you for your time, blessings


Sorry that I am just replying now, I needed to go through your long response and besides I was busy with other things. It is unfortunate that you had had this experience of yours about the church. However, is it that there are no more real bible believing and practising churches in your area? Or could it be that it is you based on your experience over the years had totally lost interest in finding and attending good one? Or can we conclude to say that in your best knowledge, no good one is available? Please be specific and coincise (concise).


God bless.

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I would like to ask, Who is the church to you and which church is one stopped going to.

Is church a place where we go or not go. I have stopped going to the established traditional church several years ago because I learned about false doctrines used to attract more pew sitters and then teach false doctrine to them. So who is the church. is it a thing called a church so the traditional church says we go to on Sunday.

It says wherever two or three are gathered in His name there He is in the mist.  You can have church under a tree or in a park which I have done several years ago. Strictly non traditional not locked up in a box. Yet the traditional church being the only way most know it would  be almost impossible to step out side the institutional church.

The institutional church is a thing , but the church is first founded in the heart walking in us by the Holy Spirit. We are the church everyday until Jesus comes

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Response to the opening post on the subject


Hi, Yes it is wrong. Wrongly motivated to start with.

No church body,  no matter how grand the elders and deacons and deaconesses may be, no matter how fine the presentations of the word of God with exhortations  that come from behind a pulpit will be sufficient for you if you re not going for the purpose of worshipping, with fellow saints, our Lord. If you want for you, you are wrongly motivated.

You are to join with your fellow saints to give glory to God. When two or three are gathered in that purpose the Holy Spirit is among those gathered. Two or three can gather at a dirt road intersection, or a grand multi windowed ediface. The purpose is the same.

Could that be via internet? Maybe, but do you think this  board or another other is worship in a corporate gathering with the Holy Spirit amongst us? How many are cheerful givers to God? How many hate the giving, and pound keys to state why day, after day, after day? How many are always finding fault in church bodies in general? Are they saints, or perhaps something else? Do they help fill a need  in other saints? Do they stand with others  in the spreading of the word into all the world? Or are they  a void?  It is very dangerous to allow ones self to become empty, a void.

When you fail to seek and find a place to call home with other saints all gathered for worship in songs of praise to Jesus,  and in the education and sharing of th word of God, you defeat yourself over the longer term. And soon you will find yourself to be a church body of one with nothing in common with the body of Christ, except a sense of being alone at home. You will absolutely fail a fellow saint too. For one may be waiting in vain for you at the intersection on the dirt road or even a fine edifice, hoping to have the privilege of corporate worship with you, and that person will suffer for the loss of your common worship of God and the praising of Jesus with the Holy Spirit present among the two or three of you or even among the seven thousand of you.

If you cannot find a local body to call home, Move! Move to where the Holy Spirit will lead you, and ask, should I be on the missions field when trained up and confirmed by the Holy Spirit to go right back into where there was no local body, or might I support the mission of another to do so, if they are called,   encouraging as many as you may find to gather and start a body that will praise Jesus.

Do not kid yourself into thinking you do well at home alone. Hermits do not do well in any manner nor endeavor.

Edited by Neighbor
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53 minutes ago, Neighbor said:

Response to the opening post on the subject


Hi, Yes it is wrong. Wrongly motivated to start with.

No church body,  no matter how grand the elders and deacons and deaconesses may be, no matter how fine the presentations of the word of God with exhortations  that come from behind a pulpit will be sufficient for you if you re not going for the purpose of worshipping, with fellow saints, our Lord. If you want for you, you are wrongly motivated.

You are to join with your fellow saints to give glory to God. When two or three are gathered in that purpose the Holy Spirit is among those gathered. Two or three can gather at a dirt road intersection, or a grand multi windowed ediface. The purpose is the same.

Could that be via internet? Maybe, but do you think this  board or another other is worship in a corporate gathering with the Holy Spirit amongst us? How many are cheerful givers to God? How many hate the giving, and pound keys to state why day, after day, after day? How many are always finding fault in church bodies in general? Are they saints, or perhaps something else? Do they help fill a need  in other saints? Do they stand with others  in the spreading of the word into all the world? Or are they  a void?  It is very dangerous to allow ones self to become empty, a void.

When you fail to seek and find a place to call home with other saints all gathered for worship in songs of praise to Jesus,  and in the education and sharing of th word of God, you defeat yourself over the longer term. And soon you will find yourself to be a church body of one with nothing in common with the body of Christ, except a sense of being alone at home. You will absolutely fail a fellow saint too. For one may be waiting in vain for you at the intersection on the dirt road or even a fine edifice, hoping to have the privilege of corporate worship with you, and that person will suffer for the loss of your common worship of God and the praising of Jesus with the Holy Spirit present among the two or three of you or even among the seven thousand of you.

If you cannot find a local body to call home, Move! Move to where the Holy Spirit will lead you, and ask, should I be on the missions field when trained up and confirmed by the Holy Spirit to go right back into where there was no local body, or might I support the mission of another to do so, if they are called,   encouraging as many as you may find to gather and start a body that will praise Jesus.

Do not kid yourself into thinking you do well at home alone. Hermits do not do well in any manner nor endeavor.

I have never been a house hermit. I have always had fellowship with other believers and when I am with them I'm fulfilling the mandate to come together with other believers. I am no longer meeting under the tree with my fellow brothers at the park. I now attend a small church across the road yet I am not a Baptist, A Methodist, or of any of the thousand denominations. I only identify as a believe and follower of Christ. As for the church Identify as Paul " Know ye not ye are the Temple God and the Holy Spirit.  dwells with in You"

Denominationalism is only confusion with many false teachings. I have a daily walk With Christ and spend time with Him every morning  in prayer and devotions 

Edited by Mike Mclees
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