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Discovering the Second Half of the Gospel


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2 hours ago, Yowm said:

Sure we are, but that is not the Gospel.


I'm using Gospel in the sense of that which God does on our behalf to secure our redemption. Law is that which we do.

If you are going to define Gospel as the whole bible, then this whole thread is moot, there is no 2nd half to the Bible.

I guess you don't consider that making our calling and election sure is part of the gospel either, in that case brother. 

And the gospel is interwoven throughout the whole bible and is the focus of it, yes certainly.  The gospel is the mystery of God from the foundation of the world. 

Sure there is a second half of the bible.......if somebody only teaches half of the bible and omits the rest, then we certainly could say there is a second half of the bible that needs teaching.  

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1 hour ago, Not me said:

Hi, I hope this finds you well. As I’m sure you know, a person could not be considered to be “saved” unless they were born again. This birth is real, and that which comes to life is called the “New Creation” in scripture. Scripture also says “that which is born of God sins not”. It is the New Creation that can not sin. To separate the New Creation from holiness or sanctification cannot be done because the New Creation is that life in the believer, that causes the believer to be sanctified or made holy.  I believe the OP was trying to bring forth the “how”,  according to scripture,  one might bring this manifestion of holiness to be brought  forth in their life. This manifestion of holiness is called in scripture  “putting on Christ” or “Christ being formed”in the believer. For the direct  purpose of causing the believer to walk a victorious Christian life. A life that is holy and set apart by God, where victory over the “old man” and his deeds is manifested in the life of the believer.  This is accomplished by the putting off the old nature and putting on that which does not sin. (the new creation). In scripture this is put forth a couple of ways one being what the OP was trying to bring forth. “ reckon yourself dead onto sin but alive onto God”. Another way this same truth is put forth is “I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I that live but Christ that lives in me” same truth just different words. 

But this was not my purpose for my post. It was being discussed what the Gospel or the “Good News” was. So I brought forth when it was first spoken of by God. (Which was in Genesis.) Seeing how when it was first spoken about  with these words, “the seed of the woman shall bruise the serpent’s head”. That this was the first speaking of the Good News, all things must have been included in it. The whole process  of Christ. That which would be necessary to undo the fall of Adam and to restore man to his unfallen state. 

Much love in Christ, Not me


 It is the New Creation that can not sin. To separate the New Creation from holiness or sanctification cannot be done because the New Creation is that life in the believer, that causes the believer to be sanctified or made holy. 

  Where did you read in the bible that born-again Christians cannot  sin?

Righteousness through Faith
…22And this righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no distinction, 23for all have sinned andfall short of the glory of God, 24and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.…Romans 3 :22-24

Walking in the Light
…7But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin. 8If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.…1 John 1:8


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21 hours ago, Yowm said:

I must have missed something if this is the Gospel...

Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: (1Co 15:1-4)

What is the 2nd half of the Gospel??

Yown, I thought the same question that you posted, did I miss something with Gideon's post and the true gospel? 

The true gospel is the gospel of Jesus Christ for sinners to repent, there's no other way to heaven than through Jesus blood , many roads will lead to Rome but only one road will lead us to heaven...

I never heard about a second half of the gospel?


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On 5/1/2018 at 9:05 PM, Gideon said:

 Is it actually possible? Can we as the church actually be blinded to a huge part of our new covenant? Indeed we can.... and we have!  Satan has had us, His church, blinded to the second half of the gospel, that He will not only forgive us, but will also take full responsibility to change us into His likeness if we but admit we truly do need the new nature He has for each one of us, natures necessary for us to walk totally pleasing to Him. 

Listen. We must understand this. Those that are in the flesh cannot please Him. He loves us, but we cannot please Him and that is a hard pill to swallow. They may truly want to, just as Paul found in Romans 7... “to will is present with me, but how to perform it, I find not.” And neither can we, even by trying our hardest to walk as He walked. There is one way to escape Romans 7 and truly walk in the power of the resurrected life of Romans 8. We must agree to let our old nature, the one that has brought misery and heartache to us all the days of our lives, die. 

But how can we do that? How do we die to self? Praise  God, He has made a way where there is no way! He took us down with Him in death, so that His death was also ours. Glory to God! He bought for us brand new natures that are pure through and through.

When we finally awake to the futility of ever trying to change ourselves, realizing that the flesh cannot.... will not... crucify the flesh, and we ‘put off’ our old corrupt natures by faith, hating even the garment stained by sin and our failing, fleshly efforts, we are finally ready to be clothed anew and truly come to understand the depth of the term “born from above”. Born again is was never meant to be a religious catch phrase.  God means it in the truest sense of the word, and when we finally see it, it is flat out mind blowing. 

When we finally humble ourselves, believing that God can and will do in us, through these new natures, what we could never do, walk in true obedience to Him. and simply step out in faith, believing that the old us has been dead ever since the day we were first saved, we can finally understand that all these years we see we have been, as Paul said, beating the air, trying to fight something that no longer exists. 

Guys, I can get no more serious. We... you... me... all saints everywhere that now walk the earth, are the blessed generation that is destined to awaken to what has been hidden from our eyes for over 1900 years. This is what powered the early church to take the world by storm. This is what caused them to walk as one, one with the Lord, one with one another. It is not ‘new age”, it is not cultish, it is not to be feared. 

What needs to be feared is us walking even one day further in a carnal nature that God has already delivered us from. Do not fear that your faith is too weak, or what He is asking you to believe is too improbable, too impossible, to good to be true. Your faith is just enough. Your weakness is your strength.

Can the gospel really be this good?  Of course! This is the God we serve. This is our destiny, and it is for every single person who loves the Lord, who wants to see light win the battle their  heart, so that God can reign supreme.. 

We have been fighting the black dog we have believed inescapable long enough. Do we get it? The black dog is dead. It is up to us to believe it. That and that alone is our part. Believe Him! Once we do that, I promise you, God will make sure we will not fail..... ever. Once He plants our feet on the highway of holiness, know this. There is no evil beast found on that highway. The weak there are strong. “And a man, though he be a fool, shall not err therein.” 

Yes, you can put this off for another day. But I pray the Holy Spirit gives you no rest until you listen to His still small voice and it grows to a deafening roar that you can no longer ignore. God is about to make us true overcomers, totally and completely victorious over the world, the flesh and the devil.

This is our birthright. It is our high calling. If we run away, He will follow us, unrelentingly, because love does that. He will not give up until we say “Yes, Lord”, I believe”.  And when we finally do, prepare to be amazed. God is about to awaken us to the truth of who we are, who we always have been, and we, His church, is about to blow Satan out of the water. About time. :)

Blessings to you, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, 


Is this your gospel message?

You confuse me of how people can be worthy of going to heaven? God is going to awake me?

Please explain what will happen and where in scripture do we read this?


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11 hours ago, Gideon said:

The word “gospel” in the Greek is euangelion. It simply means “good news”. We have made it a catch phrase to sum up what we know as the good news, that Jesus died for our sins. And this is true. But in truth, the good news... the gospel.... is all of the new covenant, from justification, through sanctification all the way to glorification. It comes as a package deal. 

Like Israel, we too have escaped the hand of our oppressor. They were slaves to  their pharaoh, we were slaves to Satan. Israel then spent forty years in the wilderness, a journey that should have taken a month. Why? They refused to believe God would cause them to triumph over the giants and armies that had to be driven out of the possession God had already given them, the land of promise. And as a result, they  died in that wilderness. Oh, they were God’s children. He kept them alive. But good news? I don’t think anyone would consider wearing the same clothes, eating the same food, and wandering in circles in the hot sun every single day for forty years to be “good news.”

And guess what? We too have stalled in our own journey. Jesus died to forgive us, yes, but did He then back off, leave us pretty much to ourselves, tell us to be good till He comes back, and that the longer the clock ticked, the holier we would be? Isn’t that pretty much the sum of the gospel we currently share? Heck, no wonder people are not beating the door down to get what we got. Can you blame them? 

You say sanctification is not part of the good news. The truth is, we are wrong.  We see it as simply a time process. Time does not sanctify. Jesus does. IN us. Here is our definition:

Live long enough, and God will change us, free us ( not all the way, of course, that is impossible) and make us fully sanctified, set apart, holy children (well, somewhat, because after all, no one is perfect.) There is truly nothing we need to do, nothing we actually can do, because that would be work and God is the one who sanctifies

Can I ask a simple question? Do we not see what is plainly in front of us? Are we simply blind? If what we think was actually true, where are all the holy saints who have walked this way for decades? We have bought into a lie and it has brought us to a place where the world laughs at our hypocrisy, while we walk on, ready for another lap in the same clothes we started the journey in, around and around our own wilderness of unbelief. 

And why is this? Why do we still struggle with the same sins year after year, never sniffing real victory? Why are our prayer lives such a one way street? Why are our lives so lacking in spiritual fruits, despite the passage of time.... MUCH time? 

It is simple. We have not seen that sanctification is a crucial part of the gospel.... God’s amazing good news to us. How do we escape this wilderness existence, where we are free from the penalty of our sins, but not actually free from the sins themselves? The same way the Israelites did. We finally choose to believe ALL of what God told us. 

And what did He tell... no, PROMISE.... us? 

He promised to cause us to walk obediently and to sanctify us wholly.... body, soul and Spirit. You see, He is the potter. We are the clay. We are not left to time to sanctify us because, whether we can admit it or not, it is clearly not happening.

He forgives and He also cleanses. But He cannot... will not... transform our old natures into new ones. He simply asks that we put off our old natures, nature’s He already has put to death, reckoning that our old natures really did die when He died. He asks that we put on our new natures.... yes, by faith..... and leave them on.

Trust me, when we humble ourselves, admit we are missing the mark, and cry out to Him to open our eyes to the truth of the WHOLE  gospel, we will finally discover what God's definition of the gospel is. GOOD NEWS!




Trust me, when we humble ourselves, admit we are missing the mark, and cry out to Him to open our eyes to the truth of the WHOLE  gospel, we will finally discover what God's definition of the gospel is. GOOD NEWS

How would you explain the whole gospel?

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13 minutes ago, angels4u said:

Yown, I thought the same question that you posted, did I miss something with Gideon's post and the true gospel? 

The true gospel is the gospel of Jesus Christ for sinners to repent, there's no other way to heaven than through Jesus blood , many roads will lead to Rome but only one road will lead us to heaven...

I never heard about a second half of the gospel?


To be honest we should seriously be on guard AGAINST the BROAD ROAD GOSPEL .    for that gospel saves none.    I call her Romes gospell of enterdeath .

I don't care who one is ,    STAY far from that .   kissing keyrans ,  oh forgive my west texas typecent ,  I meant korans and buddas and saying everyone isfinding God in they own way.

THAT is one GO   SPELL that all who enter that spell have made a conventant with death itself and are in full agreement with hell.    And since I loves ya sister

I just thought hey why not warn out one more time .    I mean heck it seems like I hardly warn against it all these days .    

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16 minutes ago, angels4u said:

Is this your gospel message?

You confuse me of how people can be worthy of going to heaven? God is going to awake me?

Please explain what will happen and where in scripture do we read this?


Sister that worries me too.     their is no end time awakening .    IF the man would cease on that and just keep on warning about holiness my soul would feel better.

Not saying more souls wont be won and some wont wake up , as in Awake to righteousness and sin not message paul was teaching .

But the end time great awakening ,  now that puts a lil fear in my heart ,  cause the only thing JESUS said was an endtime fallilng away .

If Gideon would simply focus on exhorting Now and grave it up a bit ,  which I have to admit he does seem like he has a bit .

The thing is either we are following Christ now or we aint .   their is no middle ground on that .   Either we born again or we aint .

Either we fight the good fight of faith or we don't .   SO its TODAY is the DAY ,    not some awakening for tomorrow , for what man knows their end .

Souls are at stake and I admit many churches are slumping bad .    And dear sister ,  someone gots to do something NOW .   SO know you are loved

and onward I go to warn and remind .  

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IT IS TIME .   I need many to pray and do so feverently ,    SEND the laborers out ,  send the exhorters out , 

one last big push in an all out message of the HOPE found ONLY IN CHRIST .  OF the true untained un mixed gospel of truth.

The enemy is working on a flood of deception ,  well I am not giving up,  we are to counter his lies by preaching truth to all

that JESUS only saves and no other does .    We will not run from the lies that are exploding worldwide ,  we will fight the fight of faith

and we will win souls and we will correct .     We are not entering anything that others have no entered  before us and tribulation will not destroy the church .

No matter where they chase us the gospel will go with us .    But its our turn to simply do what others before us have .   LET the LIGHT of CHRIST SHINE

to a very untolerant world towards truth.    It has just got ugly ,    and it will get far worse .    But the LOVE of CHRIST compels us onward

to do all to remind ,  to instruct to get the real gospel out .     The only gospel that saves ,  IS the JESUS ONLY SAVES GOSPLE .

the all inclusive is a lie from hell, and it must be countered by those who will be willing to even die to get the true gospel out .

THIER is an end time climatic battle building ,  and I aint running from it ,    by grace RUN RIGHT INTO THE TRENCHES and fight the good fight of faith till the last breath .

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On 5/1/2018 at 9:05 PM, Gideon said:

 Is it actually possible? Can we as the church actually be blinded to a huge part of our new covenant? Indeed we can.... and we have!  Satan has had us, His church, blinded to the second half of the gospel, that He will not only forgive us, but will also take full responsibility to change us into His likeness if we but admit we truly do need the new nature He has for each one of us, natures necessary for us to walk totally pleasing to Him. 

Listen. We must understand this. Those that are in the flesh cannot please Him. He loves us, but we cannot please Him and that is a hard pill to swallow. They may truly want to, just as Paul found in Romans 7... “to will is present with me, but how to perform it, I find not.” And neither can we, even by trying our hardest to walk as He walked. There is one way to escape Romans 7 and truly walk in the power of the resurrected life of Romans 8. We must agree to let our old nature, the one that has brought misery and heartache to us all the days of our lives, die. 

But how can we do that? How do we die to self? Praise  God, He has made a way where there is no way! He took us down with Him in death, so that His death was also ours. Glory to God! He bought for us brand new natures that are pure through and through.

When we finally awake to the futility of ever trying to change ourselves, realizing that the flesh cannot.... will not... crucify the flesh, and we ‘put off’ our old corrupt natures by faith, hating even the garment stained by sin and our failing, fleshly efforts, we are finally ready to be clothed anew and truly come to understand the depth of the term “born from above”. Born again is was never meant to be a religious catch phrase.  God means it in the truest sense of the word, and when we finally see it, it is flat out mind blowing. 

When we finally humble ourselves, believing that God can and will do in us, through these new natures, what we could never do, walk in true obedience to Him. and simply step out in faith, believing that the old us has been dead ever since the day we were first saved, we can finally understand that all these years we see we have been, as Paul said, beating the air, trying to fight something that no longer exists. 

Guys, I can get no more serious. We... you... me... all saints everywhere that now walk the earth, are the blessed generation that is destined to awaken to what has been hidden from our eyes for over 1900 years. This is what powered the early church to take the world by storm. This is what caused them to walk as one, one with the Lord, one with one another. It is not ‘new age”, it is not cultish, it is not to be feared. 

What needs to be feared is us walking even one day further in a carnal nature that God has already delivered us from. Do not fear that your faith is too weak, or what He is asking you to believe is too improbable, too impossible, to good to be true. Your faith is just enough. Your weakness is your strength.

Can the gospel really be this good?  Of course! This is the God we serve. This is our destiny, and it is for every single person who loves the Lord, who wants to see light win the battle their  heart, so that God can reign supreme.. 

We have been fighting the black dog we have believed inescapable long enough. Do we get it? The black dog is dead. It is up to us to believe it. That and that alone is our part. Believe Him! Once we do that, I promise you, God will make sure we will not fail..... ever. Once He plants our feet on the highway of holiness, know this. There is no evil beast found on that highway. The weak there are strong. “And a man, though he be a fool, shall not err therein.” 

Yes, you can put this off for another day. But I pray the Holy Spirit gives you no rest until you listen to His still small voice and it grows to a deafening roar that you can no longer ignore. God is about to make us true overcomers, totally and completely victorious over the world, the flesh and the devil.

This is our birthright. It is our high calling. If we run away, He will follow us, unrelentingly, because love does that. He will not give up until we say “Yes, Lord”, I believe”.  And when we finally do, prepare to be amazed. God is about to awaken us to the truth of who we are, who we always have been, and we, His church, is about to blow Satan out of the water. About time. :)

Blessings to you, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, 


Hello Gideon,

Would you mind sharing where you get all your information about the coming awakening and 2th half of the gospel?

Are you Universalist or connected to the New Dawn religion?

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1 hour ago, angels4u said:

  Where did you read in the bible that born-again Christians cannot  sin?

Righteousness through Faith
…22And this righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no distinction, 23for all have sinned andfall short of the glory of God, 24and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.…Romans 3 :22-24

Walking in the Light
…7But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin. 8If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.…1 John 1:8


1 John 5:18 (NASB)
We know that no one who is born of God sins; but He who was born of God keeps him, and the evil one does not touch him.. 

This I talking about the New Creation. “no one who is born of God sins”. 

For the new creation is under the “law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus” and can not sin. This is how great our salvation is in Christ. Total, complete in every area. Lacking in nothing.  All God asks is, that we believe it. Yes, it is that great! A victorious Christian life is for all that wish for it. Yes it is possible. Yes, it is for  all believers. Yes, yes, yes. But it will only be found by those that hunger and thirst for it. But first they must know it’s for them. Than they can choose for themselves if they want it or not. But yes “not I but Christ” is the path forward, to all that wish to find it. For “Christ in us” is our “hope of glory” today, as for all eternity 

“for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and death”

and this is accomplished by; 

“reckoning ourselfs dead onto sin, but alive onto God”

Much love in Christ, Not me 

Edited by Not me
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