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Three Questions Desperately Needing to be Answered ....


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9 hours ago, Wesley L said:

1. Follow His words in faith. The Holy Spirit will guide, unless He is not in you? Persevere until the day we meet Him.

2. By true faith in Him, we become righteous in the eyes of God.

3. By prayer and thanksgiving, through faith in Him.

Good questions, good reminders. God told us to keep questioning ourselves whether we are in faith. Our faith grows while questioning ourselves whether we are in the faith. Thanks God for His teachings!

James said, faith without good works is dead faith.
Good works without faith is dead as well.

2 Corinthians 13:5 Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you, unless indeed you fail the test?


There are none perfect, no not even one   does that make imperfection OK.  No ! Jesus said come to the throne room of grace. 

HEB 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly unto the Throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Edited by Mike Mclees
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Something I rarely speak of is my "walk towards perfection".  I can almost measure the changes that have taken place in my life from point to point. (And I can tell you that it started long after "being saved" and NOT until I started to STUDY.  I had to let go of that "special love relationship only God and I had and was all I needed and all God wanted from me", and to seek out HIS TRUTH.  Needless to say or maybe needed to say  but "what I believed" and what Gods Truth is/ was  were so far apart to this day I THANK GOD I was taught Eve ate an apple.  When I figured out that at the VERY LEAST I should have been taught IF anything along those lines,  it should have at least been a fig (parable of the fig).
I quickly realized I was in a deep old mess of lies and confusion.  I didn't even know the HOUSES had been split (didn't even know there were houses for that matter) so HOW could I think I knew ANYTHING about Gods Plan, Gods Will, Gods ways? (answer: power of the prince of the air").  Realizing I had wasted many years on ME telling God what I BELIEVED (and so followed my line of thought "God as a loving God would have to honor OUR relationship, the one I was dictating through MY complete lack of Gods Truth)  I started in earnest to study. (one good thing about obsessive and compulsive) 
 IT IS ONLY THEN you can truly start to repent because without the knowledge, you are only repenting for "breaking" your own preconceived laws, NOT HIS.  And only THEN the "new" life really begins, for me at least. 
ANYoNE who has ever gotten to the point where God takes all the information you have received through months and months of deep study accumulating information you have no idea how to connect or understand (yet you continue on in faith God will reveal when God sees fit) "in a moment?"  GOD SORTS it out FOR you. That is the point where obsessive and compulsive  "by the Spirit" equals being a "captive" and you will remain a captive forever more.  You are no longer living in faith, you are living in a new reality. 
You quit living in this world and you start living in Gods.  The sins of this world lose most of their pull and desire.  EXCEPT, when... and when the when comes along, the conviction of the evilness of it FAR outweighs ANYthing you may have gotten out of that sin.  You feel the separation from God and it is devastating.  It is only then that you truly, down deep in your soul UNDERSTAND the difference between being under the law and under grace.  COULD you imagine having that kind of conviction of sin and the only way to relieve yourself of it is to go and sacrifice and animal and to "confess" to another human have him go talk with God FOR YOU???  I WOULD just die.  I don't know how they handled it.  I think one of the problems was they "got used" to being in a sinful state cause you just couldn't get that sin covered soon enough.  We all know how the first is the hardest and the next not so bad and the way the "air" of this world will make you believe its not so bad, what's a little more......not good.  Makes you cry Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah and mean it.  The work Christ did FOR us can NOT be understood with out the study of the OT.  Period.  I would say none of the NT could but there must be some parts....

Find the truth IN GODS WORD.  That is the knowledge that allows you to walk holy.  It isn't a feeling.  It is a WORK.  It is a labour.  It is loving the One who loves you.  It is the only way.  It is a lonely way (as in "many" are/come against you, but the trials and tribulations and subtle and not so subtle put downs and names you are called are all worth it).  You will find your eyes opened to what is really going on and see how it is hidden from this world.

For so many many years the Word has been taught with slogans and "love" and traditions, and false christs, and the synagogue of satan....and so to continue in that vein (where is the love?) as far as my conviction goes is a sin.  To teach salvation to those already saved is a WASTE of GODS TIME.  To teach the same love of Jesus to those who same love Him already  is a waste of time.  To not humble yourself to the truth God puts forth before the famine comes,  will render you to be one of those whose "eyes and ears are opened" when you see the 10 day trials of Gods elect going on INSTEAD of being one of those whom the HOLY SPIRIT will speak through to open those eyes and ears of those being deceived.  And if they kill me, I say so what??  Because I believe the truth of the matter is exactly as it is put forth 


Matthew 10:25 It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more shall they call them of his household?

Matthew 10:26 Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.

Matthew 10:27 What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops.

Matthew 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

FEAR NOT.  OK.  SO I don't.


I forgot what the questions were but here are the answers

Repent  STUDY
Repent  STUDY
Repent  Study and seed.  

Study to show yourself approved as in planting Gods Truth. That is our salvation.  That is our peace. 

THE WORD (OLD TESTAMENT)  Who was made flesh and walked among us.  Don't do it by cliff notes.  Get to know the Word and as natural as thanking God everything or breathing it happens.  God promises it.  

Best word of advice  When God says something take it as what God means.  God created language and all the laws that go along with it.  Even if you don't understand it at the time or whatever, don't give it some other meaning UNTIL God gives it to you.  If means "if" .  No slogan of the world, no matter how much "worldly  sense" it makes on the surface, can change that fact.  If GOD doesn't teach it THAT WAY, then don't learn it that way and don't teach it that way.   

If GOD states something outright, there is NO "roundabout it".   

3340  metanoeo
to change one's mind or purpose
change the inner man to the will of God
(that is action on our part)

to the WILL OF GOD 

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19 hours ago, Gideon said:

Three questions needing to be answered but almost never heard asked-

1) How do I stop yielding to sin? 

2) How do I become holy? 

3) How do I abide in Jesus and actually know Him in deep intimacy, rather than just talk about Him? 

In reviewing page after page of posts from Christians here on Worthy, subjects run the full spectrum, but oddly enough, the questions that really matter, how to walk as obedient children drawing nearer and nearer to the Lord, abiding in the vine, these types of posts are almost non-existent. Do you not find that strange? 

The Word tells us that in the last days, there will be those who draw near God with their lips, but their hearts will be far from Him. These will be those who have strayed from their first love, Christ Himself. Could it be that we are those referred to, those who have a form of godliness, but our lives in outer observance deny the power of godliness to a world desperately needing witnesses of God's transforming ability?  Indeed it could. 

And when confronted with unpleasant questions such as these, do we dig in our heels, get our feathers ruffled and say "We have need of nothing"and pat ourselves on the back for such a wise answer, as if grace makes our partly yielded  lives acceptable to God? Some declare Jesus sees us all as holy children, no matter our sin or self-love.  Hmmmm.... Please explain that to the Laodecians. 

I fully realize a post such as this is not going to garner a bunch of likes. But God has impressed upon me it is these three questions that need to be answered and He will require each one of us to soon give one. It is called the valley of decision., and to not give an answer is to answer in the negative. No abstaining allowed. 

The shakings are just beginning. Do not think they will cease. Calamity will follow calamity.  This is the time to for each one of us count the cost of walking with the Lord. We cannot serve God and self. CANNOT. We will, in the end, love one and hate the other. In the valley of decision, we must choose which will be which. 

Jesus has made it clear. If we really are to follow Him, we must arrive at the point where we hate ourselves, our self-nature that refuses to fully bow the knee to God. It is called absolute surrender.

Have we mis-understood? We are called to lose our lives to fully find His in us. The time for religious service(s) is coming rapidly to a close. The collapse of all we think is stable.... this world system....and yes, our beloved earthly church system as well .... is on the horizon. The new normal will be chaos, and yet God has made a way where there is no way..... a please of safety.... despite the crescendo of darkness that is about to be unleashed.  

Where is it found? Only in our walking in our new nature. We all have it, but you see, most have in still in the gift box it came in. We have not yet understood it must be put on by faith. Only one problem. We must first put  off our old man  and therein lies the rub. Ouch.

What is the purpose of the coming shakings? To shake us awake. To shake everything out of us that is not God's will for us. We can do it willingly, and please God to no end, and I guarantee those who do WILL find rest for their  souls no matter how the storm rages externally.

But know this, you who will defend our current take on Christianity as pleasing to God, declaring in essence that  "we need nothing".  He knows each of our  inner thoughts, and where our real treasure lies. They that sow to the Spirit will reap an abiding in Christ beyond our wildest expectations, but those who continue to sow to the flesh under a religious cloak of doctrines? They will reap a whirlwind of judgment. Guaranteed. 

There is but one alternative for those who want to answer those three questions in a way that pleases God. We must repent of self-love and a hidden unbelief that denies that God can and WILL deliver us from the power of darkness.  And we must  believe with all that is within us that God can and will keep us from falling and yielding to sin's desires. It is the only way we can draw near Him in full assurance of faith, for without holiness, no man shall see the Lord.  We must WANT to be "free indeed".... free from yielding ourselves to sin so we can abide in Him, and we must want it more than any other thing on this planet. 

Let us put on our new natures and yield ourselves fully and completely to God, not as "sinners saved by grace but still giving in to the desires of the enemy", but rather as those who are alive from the dead, saints who have been.... and will continue to be..... delivered from the power of darkness by the overflowing power of God's grace.



Your point?

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We are justified by the blood of christ only.  Now we are to grow up in the faith once delivered to the saints. How ? Peter said by the word of God. The word corrects us as we look into it. The holy spirit gives us power. Our identity is Christ . We are no longer our own. But belong to jesus bought by his blood. Praise God for that.

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Here is the deal. If our way that we have all been taught is THE way, and we are all slowly but surely being changed into the image of God, time being the critical X factor, then it would follow that there will be many older saints, those who have followed after the Lord for many decades, who would be shining  lights, holy and victorious. The problem is, seldom does that happen. VERY seldom. 

Think for a minute. God took 120 uneducated common men and poured His Spirit out on them. The day of Pentecost  was like a match to dry kindling, and a fire of holiness and joy-fueled love erupted and spread out over the entire known world..... in one generation. 

We can interpret God's Word in a multitude of ways, but the early church was the benchmark of what God wanted to do with and through His people. The early saints walked in purity, power and meekness. They were selfless, and had eyes focused only on Jesus. Their life's purpose had become Jesus. What He wanted, they wanted. 

We have fallen for a lie that God does not expect us to do anything. We have been blinded to the truth that God's offer of adoption expects a response. Are we called to DO things? Heck, yes! The entire New Testament is an exhortation for us to walk worthy of our calling. We are called to follow Him . to set our affections on things above, to follow after holiness, for without holiness, no man shall see the Lord. The question is..... HOW? 

We have been placated by leaders telling us all we have to do is get saved. End of story. No, guys, no. That is to be the beginning of our story! 

Search back 10 pages in any post category, and make a list of how many posts are from men and women crying out in desperation  as to how to get the victory over their tongue, or their jealousy, or their sexual addictions. Where are the posts instructing the saints as to how to walk as overcomers?  Why so few? Because we have been told that actually walking in holiness is impossible, and if you try, you will simply end up miserable. 

99.9% of posts shared here deal with head knowledge about God and the Bible. Why? We are eating from the wrong tree.... the tree of knowledge. We think if we can learn all about God, we will somehow, by intellectual osmosis, get to know Him.   It simply does not  work that way. We need the tree of life!  But here is a problem. If we are still walking in our old nature, with us in the pilot's seat, we cannot see the truth of who we are and therefore we cannot have our minds renewed to think, to act and to believe differently. . 

Listen. We ARE new creatures.... every  single one of us that love the Lord. BUT, and this is huge, until we actually believe it, arm ourselves with that truth,  satan can still torment us with temptations and accusations. 

Think for a minute. If God has given us armor, a sword and a shield of faith that He promises will quench all the fiery arrows of the enemy, why are we still falling to their power? 

If God has promised.... and He has..... that He will not allow us to be tempted above our ability to resist, and will actually provide a way of escape so we can walk through every one of them victorious, how do you explain why so often that way is ignored and we plunge on into sin.... again? 

People will say. "Well, we are only human. No one is perfect" as if God was not aware of that fact. Did He forget to take that into consideration when He showered the promises upon us? God's promises can be chains of iron, but if we are the weak link, they are, in essence, valueless.

So here is the question. Can God take a weak man or woman, regenerate them, and then transform them into overcoming children? Yes or no? 

He has promised to do so over and over. We simply do not want to hear the promises for in our minds, it is an unattainable standard that will make us miserable in our efforts to live up to it. Look. If it were on our shoulders to walk in full obedience, I would agree! But..... BUT..... it is NOT on our shoulders!  Our amazing God has made a way where there is no way!

What is this amazing way we are even now being awakened to? It is simply, by an act of faith, our putting off our old nature, confessing that the old us, the sinful us, the selfish us..... really is dead. That is no longer who we are. And  by that same  bodacious faith, we can put on our new nature that God has given us.... natures that not only can obey, but actually WANT TO obey,..... every time! Glory! We are new, but until we arm ourselves with that truth, we will continue to walk healed only slightly. 

Up till now, throughout the entire time of the church after the early rain ended falling on the church in the book of acts, men have walked as best they could, trying to tame their fleshly nature. But God is coming back for a church without spot or wrinkle. If Paul rebuked the early saints for their carnality for boasting "I am of Paul" or "I am of Appolos", what do you think God's opinion of us is when we now have 500+ denominations, each bickering as to why their way is the right way. 

I have stated it before.God has shown me that darkness is coming, Pure evil. He wants us safe, not tossed to and fro through fear and doubt. He is calling to us to run INTO Him, leaving our old nature at the door. Only then will we be able to resist the enemy and actually see him flee from us.  The question is..... will we? Are we quite content with our lives the way they are, or is there a gnawing hunger deep within us that God has more for us?

Our God cries out "Draw near to me and I will draw near to you". All He asks is brokenness and an admission of need. He will supply the faith needed to walk as new creatures, and when you do, you will look back in amazement at what you thought was the best God could do in your life. Of that, you can be sure. 

Prepare to be amazed. 





Edited by Gideon
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11 minutes ago, Gideon said:

God took 120 uneducated common men and poured His Spirit out on them.

Just a minor point, but we dont know the education level or gender of the 120.

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I think if a person is born again they will overcome.  Unless the bible is a lie. John said in his letter I am writing to you father's because you know him who is from the beginning. 

              I am writing to you young men because you have overcome the evil one. 

               I wrote to you young men because you are strong and the word of God abides in you. And you have overcome the evil one  

      I write these things to you about those who are trying to deceive you. But the anointing that you received from him abides in you and you have no need that anyone should teach you.But as his anointing teaches you about everything and is true and is no lie just as it has taught you abide in him. 

           We all have received the anointing from God. So to say Gidion finds everyone not living the christ filled life cannot be accurate.  Paul said he cared little if they judge him. It did not mean much. He said I dont even judge myself. But the lord judges all things. 

                   I dont have anything against Paul's word in Roman's about being dead to sin. It's what happens when we trust christ. If he died for us then all have died. Because he is the second Adam. We belong to the second adam and no longer to the first Adam. 

                 Gidion is making a error in not letting the whole of scripture enlighten this. Every Christian is a work in progress in Gods hands. Some Christian have more baggage to begin with. And will take more time to shine. But the moment they trusted christ they received the holy spirit. Read eph 1. 

         If you have faith in christ you are a overcomer. Through the blood of christ. It says in Rev they overcome through the blood and did not love there life unto death. 


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7 hours ago, leah777 said:

Just a minor point, but we dont know the education level or gender of the 120.

Leah, may I point out that the level of education is of no consequence to those 120, the disciples were uneducated and were looked down on by others, fishermen were that, just fishermen. Who was the spokesperson for the disciples and the christians in Acts 2, Peter no less. Education  is not the issue here, but I believe you have a personal agenda against Gideon, he's not attacking you, or anyone else. He is just sharing his heart, trying to explain that we have not realised that there is so much more in store for us as disciples of Jesus, if only we would allow our eyes of understanding be enlarged by the Holy Spirit, are we willing to be brave enough?, God bless.

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2 hours ago, Heybro said:

Leah, may I point out that the level of education is of no consequence to those 120, the disciples were uneducated and were looked down on by others, fishermen were that, just fishermen. Who was the spokesperson for the disciples and the christians in Acts 2, Peter no less. Education  is not the issue here, but I believe you have a personal agenda against Gideon, he's not attacking you, or anyone else. He is just sharing his heart, trying to explain that we have not realised that there is so much more in store for us as disciples of Jesus, if only we would allow our eyes of understanding be enlarged by the Holy Spirit, are we willing to be brave enough?, God bless.

You are wrong about a personal agenda.

I respond to all who do not teach the word of God, and attack and demean their fellow Christians in this way Gideon does, setting up straw arguments to harangue and falsely judge believers.

It not personal to anyone.

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2 hours ago, Heybro said:

Leah, may I point out that the level of education is of no consequence to those 120, the disciples were uneducated and were looked down on by others, fishermen were that, just fishermen. Who was the spokesperson for the disciples and the christians in Acts 2, Peter no less. Education  is not the issue here, but I believe you have a personal agenda against Gideon, he's not attacking you, or anyone else. He is just sharing his heart, trying to explain that we have not realised that there is so much more in store for us as disciples of Jesus, if only we would allow our eyes of understanding be enlarged by the Holy Spirit, are we willing to be brave enough?, God bless.

Ps. Why single out me for this? Perhaps you have personal agenda against me, as you do not say such things to others who posted.

My point was reasonable and valid. Women were among the 120.

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