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What is the Mark on The Hand?


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1 hour ago, Hopefully said:

I am trying to understand how a person could be stopped from buying selling or trading unless they have an invisible mark of the beast?

It is my understanding the seal of God is invisible and nobody is asked to check for it either also it is said to be only on the forehead.

If the mark of the beast is invisible why have a choice of forehead or right hand if nobody can see it anyway?

I believe the "buying and selling" aspect has nothing to do with the actual purchases of goods and services, although I would not put anything past mankind and their need for power and control!

I liken this phrase to the parable of the 10 virgins where five  of them had no time left to purchase oil for their lamps - oil being the Holy Spirit.... they failed to accept the gift of the Holy Spirit and time had indeed run out and toooooo late, Charlie

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I keep thinking to myself that the men Jesus chose as His disciples were not learned men, they weren't the Pharisees of the day, or the noted speakers or book-wise....they were simple fishermen, although I believe...Matthew was a tax collector. And yet....these men 'wrote' what we now consider to be our...roadmap to the last days, the tribulation, the antichrist, all of it, literally. Of course not counting Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel, the other 'end times' prophecy books. What made them different in the things that they wrote, is God was leading and speaking through them, making His plans known to mankind through these simple men. 2 Corinthians says, "My strength is made perfect in weakness".....

We don't have to be scholars, or anything else to understand the things that are coming upon the world. We don't have to dissect every single word to find hidden meaning, or veiled things, although that doesn't mean studying and learning is a bad thing unless it, for want of a better phrase, means we 'can't see the forest, for the trees'. God is perfectly capable of giving us the wisdom to understand these things- and that is what it says in Rev. " Let him who has wisdom..." - Not a Master's in theology, or dead languages, or anything else. Wisdom comes from above.

We all have opinions and thoughts on what's what insofar as end times prophecy goes...it can be so confusing when there are so many different thoughts and ideas, it's hard to sort it all out and make sense out of it. My own thought is to pray, ask God for wisdom to understand, and to watch what happens with the various things that are coming our way.

My humble two-cents, lol.

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4 hours ago, Charlie744 said:

I liken this phrase to the parable of the 10 virgins where five  of them had no time left to purchase oil for their lamps - oil being the Holy Spirit.... they failed to accept the gift of the Holy Spirit and time had indeed run out and toooooo late, Charlie

I agree and it starts out as

““At that time God’s kingdom will be like ten girls who went to wait for the bridegroom. They took their lamps with them.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭25:1‬ ‭

This introduction implies a comparison and ends with

““So always be ready. You don’t know the day or the time when the Son of Man will come.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭25:13‬ ‭

this explains the comparison.

In the mark of the beast verses it says 

“The second beast did great miracles. He even made fire come down from heaven to earth while people were watching. This second beast fooled the people living on earth by using the miracles that he had been given the power to do for the first beast. He ordered people to make an idol to honor the first beast, the one that was wounded by the sword but did not die. The second beast was given power to give life to the idol of the first beast. Then the idol could speak and order all those who did not worship it to be killed. The second beast also forced all people, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to have a mark put on their right hand or on their forehead. No one could buy or sell without this mark. (This mark is the name of the beast or the number of its name.) Anyone who has understanding can find the meaning of the beast’s number. This requires wisdom. This number is the number of a man. It is 666.”
‭‭Revelation‬ ‭13:13-18‬ ‭

This I take literally because I don’t see an introduction of a comparison or parable. 

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I havn't been sharing my own personal experiences with this mark on the hand because it seems farfetched.   But I have noticed a darkening of people's spirit ever since last March when, I feel, darkness spread over the nation when everything was closed up by the State in order to 'protect' us.

I have been closely watching friends and family, and it is like some light in them has gone dark, and now they are free to do evil at will.

One person in mind has really gone full on evil in my life and I do need prayers now to protect myself from them.  They once appeared as a bright light in my life, but over the past year they became bitter and remote.  Now they are openingly attacking me.

Is this satan's agenda?  To turn people against one another?

I feel like I am in a horror movie and there is little hope now to escape.


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3 minutes ago, suzan344 said:

I havn't been sharing my own personal experiences with this mark on the hand because it seems farfetched.   But I have noticed a darkening of people's spirit ever since last March when, I feel, darkness spread over the nation when everything was closed up by the State in order to 'protect' us.

I have been closely watching friends and family, and it is like some light in them has gone dark, and now they are free to do evil at will.

One person in mind has really gone full on evil in my life and I do need prayers now to protect myself from them.  They once appeared as a bright light in my life, but over the past year they became bitter and remote.  Now they are openingly attacking me.

Is this satan's agenda?  To turn people against one another?

I feel like I am in a horror movie and there is little hope now to escape.


Suzan, I don't think we can and should count anything out in these last days. For me, there is absolutely NO question that people have moved so far away from HIM during the past 10 years it is almost frightening. I honestly do feel the Good Lord had given us a brief reprieve in allowing Trump to defeat what I believe to be one of the worst godless human beings on the planet in Hillary Clinton...... but unfortunately, we are now right back onto this very steep and scary downslope. 

The most important comment I think I could possibly make is that all of this and more will happen but God is ALWAYS IN CONTROL, HE SEES AND KNOWS EVERYTHING AND THERE ARE NO SURPRISES FOR HIM.... HE HAS GOT THIS. 

He has told us these things must happen and they will but as He said, "I will never leave you not ever".... this is when our faith is tested.... and why He has given us HIS Holy Spirit - without the power of His Holy Spirit, we would have no power to fight..... you are in my prayers, Charlie

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2 hours ago, Charlie744 said:

Suzan, I don't think we can and should count anything out in these last days. For me, there is absolutely NO question that people have moved so far away from HIM during the past 10 years it is almost frightening. I honestly do feel the Good Lord had given us a brief reprieve in allowing Trump to defeat what I believe to be one of the worst godless human beings on the planet in Hillary Clinton...... but unfortunately, we are now right back onto this very steep and scary downslope. 

The most important comment I think I could possibly make is that all of this and more will happen but God is ALWAYS IN CONTROL, HE SEES AND KNOWS EVERYTHING AND THERE ARE NO SURPRISES FOR HIM.... HE HAS GOT THIS. 

He has told us these things must happen and they will but as He said, "I will never leave you not ever".... this is when our faith is tested.... and why He has given us HIS Holy Spirit - without the power of His Holy Spirit, we would have no power to fight..... you are in my prayers, Charlie

The trauma of losing trust in someone you depend on it horrendous, and has caused me great grief in my case.

God has requested I be patient.  The situation is in hand, he says (when I pray to him that is what I feel he is saying).

I have always prayed that God unveils the mysteries of my life to me.  I have always wanted to understand who I am and why people treat me the way that they do.

It has not been an easy journey and those closest have either accepted who I am or have rejected it wholeheartedly.

It is hard to say much more about my current dilemma here.  Thanks for understanding @Charlie744

I feel in one way it is tied to this mark in the hand.  That people are accepting satan into their lives and it darkens their entire being and outlook on life.  They go from living life, to embracing death as in the Tree of good and evil.

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3 minutes ago, suzan344 said:

The trauma of losing trust in someone you depend on it horrendous, and has caused me great grief in my case.

God has requested I be patient.  The situation is in hand, he says (when I pray to him that is what I feel he is saying).

I have always prayed that God unveils the mysteries of my life to me.  I have always wanted to understand who I am and why people treat me the way that they do.

It has not been an easy journey and those closest have either accepted who I am or have rejected it wholeheartedly.

It is hard to say much more about my current dilemma here.  Thanks for understanding @Charlie744

I feel in one way it is tied to this mark in the hand.  That people are accepting satan into their lives and it darkens their entire being and outlook on life.  They go from living life, to embracing death as in the Tree of good and evil.

It is very difficult to read between those lines... and if you ever wanted to message me that would be fine. 


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23 hours ago, suzan344 said:

One person in mind has really gone full on evil in my life and I do need prayers now to protect myself from them.  They once appeared as a bright light in my life, but over the past year they became bitter and remote.  Now they are openingly attacking me.

““Remember the lesson I told you: Servants are not greater than their master. If people treated me badly, they will treat you badly too. And if they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours too. They will do to you whatever they did to me, because you belong to me. They don’t know the one who sent me.”
‭‭John‬ ‭15:20-21‬ ‭

This person may change their ways, but in general expect to be treated badly for doing nothing wrong and remember 

“Refuse to follow the devil. Stand strong in your faith. You know that your brothers and sisters all over the world are having the same sufferings that you have. Yes, you will suffer for a short time. But after that, God will make everything right. He will make you strong. He will support you and keep you from falling. He is the God who gives all grace. He chose you to share in his glory in Christ. That glory will continue forever. All power is his forever. Amen.”
‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭5:9-11‬ ‭

Edited by Hopefully
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Suzan, no one, and I do mean NO ONE has the right to mistreat or disrespect or harm you in ANY way!

But that goes on each and every day and will continue to until His second coming.

In the meantime you (yes YOU) must believe AND put into practice some things you may never have done in your life:

1) You have obviously found the Lord and have a relationship with Him so I would suggest you start asking Him for MORE of His help BUT you MUST believe AND expect He will !!!!!!! Take advantage of Your God and Savior- He really is looking forward to this... think about it, here is THE Creator, the God of everything, THE ONE who can do ANYTHING... He is just sitting there watching and waiting and He can not believe all these folks over the years are NOT taking advantage of His powers.... Hey, will somebody please give me a challenge here? I’m waiting....... Really, this is all your asking me to do? Hey, I can do LITERALLY ANYTHING... try me... please!

That is what may it look like from His point of view... and that is sad! Suzan, go for it... ask Him for EVERYTHING/ANYTHING and if it in His Plans, expect He will do it..... 

2) Regarding how we treat each other.... you are the only one that has the ability, authority and power over YOUR life. Only you can turn that power over to someone else- friend, husband, parents, boss, whoever. You must establish both physical and emotional boundaries with ALL the people you encounter and have any type of relationship with... 

Ot doesn’t have to be loud, or angry or physical or confrontational... just establish the boundaries YOU WILL want and need to continue having a relationship with this person or that person. Some people you will have to severely limit your exposure to because they will not be trusted to handle that kind of a safe and beneficial relationship with... some folks you have a certain relationship with you might be able to get closer with and loosen or reduce those boundaries- and only because they have proven you can trust them with your personal thoughts and feelings. 

Some people you will allow on your property and tell them to come on in and open the gate.

Some you might want to chat with either on the other side of your fence or allow them to enter your gate but chat in your front yard.

Some you may even invite up onto your porch and talk with and get to know them better - offer them a drink or something to eat.

Some you may even invite inside your home and stay and meet other members of your family. 

Some you may become much more... whether they become family members or become such close friends they feel like family. For you the gates, your yard, your front door and your home may be entirely open to them because there is a mutual respect, concern and, enjoyable and beneficial relationship with... 

So YOU have two choices that make and these choices are ALWAYS subject to review and can be changed (by you):

1) YOU establish the kind of boundary for EACH relationship AND,

2) If those boundaries NEED or SHOULD be changed at ANY time in the relationship, THEN YOU CHANGE THEM!!!!

I don’t know if you may have been as successful as you may have wanted to with some of your / these relationships, BUT these rules are NEVER too late to implement... especially when you find you are in a situation where you have that “someone” who you have allowed inside your home and he/she is no longer that he/she you want in your home... it is ALWAYS YOUR home and not their property!

Sometimes, you have to have them removed from your home, change the locks and close the gate to them ... and pat yourself on your back and move on .... with God with you.

Just a thought or two, Charlie 




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Amen! yes now especially we have to behave gentle as doves but remain silently wise as serpents as the serpents are all around us just ready to pounce on us and call those opposing them radicalized. We need to stay strong and also positive in the Lord amidst all of this.

Take time everyday with the Lord, remains focused in His promises of Hope and live in them and everyday take on the whole armor of God Ephesian 6 so that we can persevere and fight the good fight of faith and not be caught up in all the fear and double entendre that is happening all over us.

Keep the faith, look at the positive in your day, ask Him to help show the hope and take away all fears and give them to God to handle

In Christ Jesus I pray this for all who read this. We serve a good and loving and caring God. Amen! stay focused on Him, despite the storms. We persevere in Him Amen!

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