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Speaking of miracles, do you know of any public miracles that sound legitimate?

Not of the World

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Thanks in advance. 

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What do you mean by public? Do you mean that it was documented by hundreds, on video etc?

I know of a few miracles but they are not well publicized. For instance, my husband knows someone who was cured of brain cancer. (For the skeptics here, it was documented in his medical chart, by mri etc.) Not only did the new tumors disappear but the scars from the previous tumors disappeared. Doctors were baffled.

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Why do the miracles have to be public? God does still perform miracles. 

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11 hours ago, Not of the World said:

Thanks in advance. 

I don't know of any public ones - like with hundreds of people and videos and cameras in use.   Or with someone's lost arm or leg growing back.

But I agree with @missmuffetGod still performs miracles. But not so wildly public anymore.  People who don't care about God and the things of God could watch a veteran's lost limb grow back miraculously, but that's no guarantee that they would accept God as holy and sovereign.  He doesn't have to do those things anymore to prove he is God.

The only miracle that could be considered public today, in my opinion, was the events of the Six-Day War. But that's another thread.

There was and is a purpose for miracles. In the OT, miracles were supernatural events and happening that gave authority to God's testimony about himself. In the NT, Jesus performed miracles to testify of himself and the apostles performed miracles to give testimony of Christ and his church, the bride of Christ.

We HAVE that testimony today in written form - the Bible.


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8 minutes ago, Jayne said:

I don't know of any public ones - like with hundreds of people and videos and cameras in use.   Or with someone's lost arm or leg growing back.

But I agree with @missmuffetGod still performs miracles. But not so wildly public anymore.  People who don't care about God and the things of God could watch a veteran's lost limb grow back miraculously, but that's no guarantee that they would accept God as holy and sovereign.  He doesn't have to do those things anymore to prove he is God.

The only miracle that could be considered public today, in my opinion, was the events of the Six-Day War. But that's another thread.

There was and is a purpose for miracles. In the OT, miracles were supernatural events and happening that gave authority to God's testimony about himself. In the NT, Jesus performed miracles to testify of himself and the apostles performed miracles to give testimony of Christ and his church, the bride of Christ.

We HAVE that testimony today in written form - the Bible.


The preaching of the gospel is supposed to be accompanied by "signs following".

Mark 16:15-18 (Webster)

 15 And he said to them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
  16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
  17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out demons; they shall speak in new tongues;
  18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

The followers of Jesus, in general, are supposed to have these signs in their lives as well (some will have more and some less).

John 14:12 (Webster) Verily, verily, I say to you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go to my Father.

There should also be such things in congregational meetings, as the Lord leads.

1 Cor 12:1-11 (Webster)  Chapters 12-14 are largely about this, including the way things should be done and with what heart.

 1 Now concerning spiritual gifts , brethren, I would not have you ignorant.
  2 Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away to these dumb idols, even as ye were led.
  3 Therefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Spirit. {accursed: or, anathema}
  4 Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit.
  5 And there are varieties of administrations, but the same Lord. {administrations: or, ministries}
  6 And there are varieties of operations, but it is the same God who worketh all in all.
  7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man for profit of all.
  8 For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit;
  9  To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit;
  10  To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another various kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:
  11 But all these worketh that one and the very same Spirit, dividing to every man individually as he will.

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All a person needs to go on is:

Isaiah 46:9-10

Remember the former things of old,
For I am God, and there is no other;
I am God, and there is none like Me,
Declaring the end from the beginning,
And from ancient times things that are not yet done,
Saying, ‘My counsel shall stand,
And I will do all My pleasure,’

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Yes, but it's kind of a long story for all the details, but in short form I know a girl that was born with an extra kidney that was not hooked up to her bladder.  She had had a UTI for most of her 10 year old life.   Ex-rays were taken of it and it was decided that it had to be removed.  She was put on antibiotics for ten days to clear up any infection.  The girl was taken to her Sunday service and the whole congregation laid hands on her and prayed. The surgery was to be done at the Children's Hospital in Oklahoma City.

The attending surgeon was concerned about what he was going to have to cut through to get to it so they took a CT scan of her to find any other abnormal nerves or arteries and such.

When the CT scan came out the kidney was gone....   some of the younger doctors were stunned and the guy that was doing the CT scan started wondering what happened.   The attending surgeon was overheard asking the radiologist if that was his first miracle..   Then told him if he stayed there, it certainly would not be his last.


My neighbor was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer and given 4 to six weeks to live....   Three churches praying for him.   That was 7 years ago.   He is suffering kidney failure from the early treatments, but as far as I know the cancer is gone.



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A little over 10 years ago, a series of x-rays were taken of my thoracic spine by a Medicaid provider. The radiology report was bleak: degenerative disc disease... malformed vertebrae... and a diagnosis of Scheuermann's disease, a developmental disorder of the thoracic spine. The pain was exquisite, but I lived with it and moved on to where the Lord sent me next. I was born with this after all. 

Some time after the Lord raised me up from certain death, I struggled with doubt: not regarding the Lord Himself but rather, why He had chosen me, and why He displayed His power in me. I'm nothing and no one! 

There was a tiny church in a town many miles away which the Lord bid me to visit. After I had visited this congregation of 13 people, the Lord called me to stand in the same spot where I had fallen to the ground to die. When I arrived, my vision changed: I saw a great host of witnesses clothed in white and shining like the sun surrounding that tiny church. The Lord spoke and said to me, In three days, you will return to them. You shall be called once but will not answer; you shall be called twice, but hesitate; when you are called three times, see to it that you answer. I alone make the way straight.

Three days later --- a Sunday morning --- I returned to the congregation, and I witnessed the events of that vision unfold just as I had witnessed them. Everyone was praying when a brother suddenly cried out, "Oh God! God is here!" He ran to the front of assembly and yelled, "Come up here!"

I didn't answer. He called out again, "Come up here! Come up here!", but I didn't respond. When he issued the third call saying, "Come up here! Come up here! Come up here now!", I made my way to him. He placed a hand on my shoulder; and when he placed that hand on top of my head, I saw a door opened above. I lifted my hands toward that door and when I did, I felt strong hands grasp my wrists. These strong hands gently stretched me upward and while this happened, the most indescribable warmth spread up and down my spine. I heard the Lord and He said,

Just as I straighten your back, so do I make the way straight before you. What of your doubt? Is it such a hard thing that I have chosen you?

It was so strange... I felt taller. After I returned to the land, I measured myself. I was almost two inches taller than I was prior to that day. 

Last year, my VA doctor ordered the same series of x-rays of my thoracic spine to determine the progress of Scheuermann's, but it was no longer there. My spinal column is normal... no malformed vertebrae nor degenerated discs. 

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God does whatever He pleases. There are times when He performs a work in a seemingly miraculous manner (miraculous to us), and other times when He is pleased to use other people to carry out this work.

Some of you will know that I inherited a rare form of muscular dystrophy from my mother --- it's called Oculopharyngeal Muscular Dystrophy (OPMD). OPMD affects muscles surrounding the eyes, a specific muscle which controls the opening and closing of the esophagus, and also affects muscles close to the torso of the body (proximal muscles). OPMD is latent until the onset of middle age, and ptosis --- drooping of the eyelids --- is typically the first symptom to emerge. I was in my early 40's when ptosis began. Indeed, I recently looked at a staff photo taken of me in 2020 and witnessed how I inclined my head upward to compensate for these eyelids which were partially covering the irises of my eyes. It was growing progressively worse over the years.

Having to tilt my head back in such a way was causing atrocious pain in my neck, which blossomed into monster headaches. If I coughed, the pain exploded like fire... if I turned my head to the left or the right, it throbbed like a blow from a hammer. My legs were also affected by OPMD, becoming weaker over time to the point where carrying out my duties here at the shelter were an ordeal. 

Therefore, I asked the Lord if my time here was coming to an end. I was reaching the point where my vision was impaired sufficiently to make driving too risky, and I had trouble reading anything without atrocious pain in my neck and head. The Lord said to me, I shall send you to the physicians at the VA; whatever they say to you, agree swiftly with them. 

The next day, I had a routine appointment with my primary care physician at the VA. She noticed the ptosis right away and referred me to Ophthalmology; Ophthalmology had me meet with a surgeon who stated that he wished to perform a surgical procedure to correct the ptosis and thus restore my vision. I agreed swiftly. Within 90 days, the surgery was performed and not only was the ptosis corrected and my vision restored, but my vision had improved. I found that I couldn't see out of the bifocal lens of my glasses... in fact, I had to remove my glasses to read books, computer monitors, and the screen of my phone. This also had the effect of restoring my face to the way it appeared prior to the onset of ptosis... there were people who didn't recognize me after I recovered from that surgery. 

My legs were such that I struggled climbing up and down stairs and this was something that, according to the VA Neurologist who was assigned to oversee my OPMD treatment and care, would progress to the point where I would be bound to a wheelchair. She performed a series of diagnostic tests and confirmed that the reflexes in both legs were impaired. Muscle tone was diminished and would continue to deteriorate. 

The day after that visit, I woke in the morning to the strangest sensation in my legs. They felt rigid, like they were swollen; when I touched the muscles of the thigh, I was shocked speechless. I leaped out of bed, and it felt like springs were concealed somewhere in my legs! After I was dressed, I ran up and down the stairwell of my apartment building like a kid. I could even run...

God does whatever He pleases, in whatever manner suits His purpose and will. :) 

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