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Everything posted by xyluz

  1. yes, thank you so much i started wondering who to call... and decided to reach out through twitter...
  2. The nature of sin is in everyone until salvation. The manifestations of this nature in people is what is different. The reason for this we don't really know, but background, environment and people around us are probably great factors to these manifestations. In any case, i agree with Omega, "I would suggest that you continue to love her, and let her realize that you do, but never accept it as okay with God." I'll also be praying along with you.
  3. lol... i wouldn't want it either..
  4. You are like the future i'm working towards... lol... to work in a company like that... and probably own mine one day...
  5. I think that is a great point Xyluz, or should I call you xyluz? technically, xyluz should be xyLuz... lol... besides its just a nick name, i would however not write my name Seyi as seyi... ...
  6. If i would capitalize my name or any other person's name, to capitalize God or Jesus or Holy Spirit shouldn't be a big deal...
  7. Good one, Pat. The WiFi Sense feature can be turned off easily from what I've seen. There are several articles around that tell how to shut off all the stuff you don't want running.
  8. might become the norm in future....
  9. When i saw this, the first thing that came to my mind was: This will be mighty expensive... lol. But its really nice..
  10. I have no idea what the show is / was about.. i was probably not born then... but i got 4... LOL
  11. Its not about accepting gift from the church or living off the giving of the flocks... Yes, that's ok.. for a pastor to be cared for by the church or for any church member cared for by the church. But, this is my challenge with the whole thing... Shouldn't a man who is not a full time pastor have a job on the side. As a matter of fact, one of those pastors is an assistant pastor in his church... Yet, as at yesterday when he came for a visit at my place, he was still talking about these things... and i sincerely felt its just wrong...
  12. that is so true... lol... pet blackmail... I also ignore those posts about typing amen or Christ or anything like that...
  13. I know these pastors, who have "testimonies" that go something like this: "Everything i have is by gifts and offering, there is no time when i needed something that God has not provided" "On my wedding day, i didn't spend a dime" "My car was a gift, my children's school fees is taken care of by the church ..." "My house was a gift from a church member" These are wonderful testimonies, i mean, yes God is our provision... no matter what we do for a living, i personally believe, all we have is given to us by Him (besides, the bible did say so), But each time i hear such things from Pastors, it sounds to me like a very irresponsible way for a man to live. I would think every man should be able to cater for his family... Now, i don't know of those who God gave instructions not to do any work for themselves (like full time missionaries), but for those who don't have instructions from God... It is so extreme that they go into fasting and praying for things like children school fees, car repairs etc and eventually someone from the church brings something, or meets that need... I think it is irresponsible to live that way. I will appreciate your opinion on this.
  14. I think some of us (myself inclusive) have a shallow and myopic view of Heaven... i mean, with the way Heaven is described, and with our expectation ... and with all that... will someone care about a pet? I probably will not be in search of Tasha (my doberman) in Heaven... maybe after a few eternity (like saying a few years) ... i'll remember to look for her...
  15. I will research it more.I am not positive it is both.But I am certain there will be those white horses. If there would be, or if there are animals in heaven, i don't think they are people's pets that died...
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