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Everything posted by Tazcontrol

  1. I struggle with the same thing. I have a hard time letting go of my friends that are no good for me. I hang on because it's all I have left and I'm afraid to just trust God with the whole thing. I'm terrified of being alone and really don't feel sure enough that somebody is going to be there when I do let go. Which I Guess means I'm not trusting God fully. I know God is there, I have felt him come closer to me rather then farther away. I know He is there. I just need to let go and grab on to Him.
  2. When I pray I like to write it down. So I can remind myself of what I prayed for and look at the list as God answers each one. I can pray out loud but I get shy when I'm in front of people. I like to usually keep it between me and God. And I do enjoy praying with Dan when I get the chance.
  3. Many people know my story. I've come a long way from where I was. And you are right, it is a hard sin to turn from. But finally God has stepped in and helped me with that. Now there is a man in my life that I just think the world of. He is my best friend. He is a widower who was very much in love with his wife. We work together very well, and I won't leave his side unless God disapproves. I would ask that you pray for Him and for God to soften his heart. The first time I hung out with him he read to me out of the bible. We are just friends, and if it's not in God's will I will understand. But I am very fond of him. And ask that you would just pray for the both of us.
  4. That breaks my heart. Their religion and all the psychology that goes behind it Fascinates me but only for the reason of I would want to know how to stop them. I know it would be difficult but I would give anything to stop these people for giving up their lives to kill others. I don't like it at all!!
  5. I totally understand that we are not to live in habitual sin. I gave a lot of my bad habits long ago. I don't mean to sound angry when I speak it's just a topic I really struggle with. My family believes that you can't change. That you are the way you are for a reason. They are non christians. I've had horrible non fulfilling relationships in my life and I struggle to even have a stable friendship with anybody. I am a big tomboy. I look like your typical lesbian. I just have a hard time believing after all these year and after even being saved and baptized and even having a mentor that God is really out there Preparing somebody for me. I don't think for me an actual physical relationship will fulfill me the way Jesus does himself. In fact I'm petrified of him leaving me and never coming back. Has a lot to do with my first marriage and thinking God would make it right again. But it never happened. My heart has been filled with doubt and some disbelief. There is times where I can feel and see Him at work and the other times is when I'm doubting. Thank you for your help and words of encouragement I need all the prayers I can get.
  6. We all sin so we all have guilt at some point. I don't want to hear how the gays pressure people into things. **Comment removed**. Just as much as Christians shove the religion and beliefs in people's faces. We have to learn to coexist. Hate gets us no where. It seems like it is usually one extreme or the other. God loves us all not just some of us.
  7. I don't see any problem with a single woman referring to God as her protector. That is what He is right? The ultimate protector and the ultimate counselor. He wants us to rely more on him when we are single male or female. The goal is if she puts God first in her life and she marries, that her and her husband can put God in the center of their marriage. Some people don't feel called to be married. So what if they don't? Christ is the almighty God and Father, Who is better to follow than our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?
  8. When I was growing up we used to fast during lent season. It was to cleanse your body and repent of your sins so that you could be made clean when taking the communion offering.
  9. I believe God is the Author, I often refer to him as the Big Director. He directs each and every one of our individual movies. I also believe that we are given the freedom to choose. If I was not able to choose I could have the people that I do have in my life there. And there is no one in my life at the moment that I don't want there or think shouldn't be there.
  10. Jealousy can really ruin somebody. It has got me in trouble a few times. I prefer to focus on what I already have. Somethings or even people are not meant for us. But jealousy can bring a person to deep dark place. It's not worth it. Jesus love over comes all. He gave us life. He gave His life. So we don't have to suffer. Our God is a jealous God. He wants all of us. HIs love is bigger than our sins!!!
  11. I enjoyed listening to Senator Cathy Mcmorris Rodgers more then Obama the other night. I just don't think this obama care is going to work. The Republicans seem like they have a better idea. And she talked about our Savior as well. Obama doesn't really do that very much.
  12. Thank you for sharing this. I really loved it. I'm listening to their other songs as well. I love the group.
  13. Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly,fn not for dishonest gain but eagerly; 1Peter 5:2
  14. I had already been baptized at one church and after I rededicated myself at the new church and they swore I had to be baptized again. That it was their rule. I don't really believe that was necessary. Caused more anxiety for me anyways. I'm helping coach my nephews basketball team at church. Literally speaking they want you to be an active member of their church to participate. I have been told before that I wasn't allowed to serve. They said they needed help coaching so I stepped up. I'm sure not every coach out there attends that church in particular, but if you need the help that badly then you can't be picky. On top of that they did national back ground checks before you could help.
  15. That is very cool, Addai I enjoy listening to stuff like that. It makes me feel Calm and at peace.
  16. But let me tell you something wonderful, a mystery I’ll probably never fully understand. We’re not all going to die— but we are all going to be changed. You hear a blast to end all blasts from a trumpet, and in the time that you look up and blink your eyes—it’s over. On signal from that trumpet from heaven, the dead will be up and out of their graves, beyond the reach of death, never to die again. At the same moment and in the same way, we’ll all be changed. In the resurrection scheme of things, this has to happen: everything perishable taken off the shelves and replaced by the imperishable, this mortal replaced by the immortal. Then the saying will come true: Death swallowed by triumphant Life! Who got the last word, oh, Death? Oh, Death, who’s afraid of you now? It was sin that made death so frightening and law-code guilt that gave sin its leverage, its destructive power. But now in a single victorious stroke of Life, all three—sin, guilt, death—are gone, the gift of our Master, Jesus Christ. Thank God! (1 Corinthians 15:51-57 MSG) I thought this was a good scripture that was posted by one of my favorite musicians facebook. Especially having the person who came in talking about the conspiracy of fukushima being the second trumpet. I love when God's word silences People's made up theories.
  17. The fact that Paul felt free inside of a prison cell is enough for me. Being in a small confined space like that I'm pretty sure I wouldn't feel free at all. And the fact that he still had the courage to write to everybody on the out side and still preach the good news is amazing. I am thankful for every day I take a breath and I encouraged by the word the God has given us. With out the Lord's word and guidance some days I would truly be lost!!
  18. I get homesick wanting to be with Christ all the time. I'm excited for my home in Heaven and just can imagine how glorious it will be. But there is no rush I know God has a plan for me here on Earth.
  19. I loved those video's Nickles, I like this guy he makes me laugh.
  20. It could be a possible. I have probiotics at home to take, as well as iron pills. Sometimes when certain body parts don't work it can make a person cranky!!!!
  21. I saw that and that it was so awesome. God works in amazing ways. It's incredible.
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