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    Bible study. Sharing the Good News.

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  1. I would not object to a passing reminder to "please vote on Nov 8," nor would I object to a passing comment, "please check out the party platforms." I would calmly and pleasantly object then and there if it went beyond that, coming from the teacher or anyone in the class.
  2. Thank God that in spite of my credentials, I am firmly rooted in scripture. I praise His precious Name!
  3. Check out Grace Community Church. Make an appointment with the Pastor or church counselor. Tell them about your comment that you might look into the occult. "god the mother" is not where it's at. Open a Bible to Romans 10:8-13. It calls for a sincere confession.
  4. You need to use your time for His purposes. My wife and I never watch what you list. Never. We don't go to movies with such content. Our TV is set to block that stuff. If something sneaks in, we add it to the blocked list. I think it is obvious to everyone that TV is primarily R-rated today, and in many cases, X-rated. Are you in a local Christian fellowship? Check about water baptism.
  5. "....as opposed to reactive people who are known by what they hate, what they don’t like, what they stand against, and what they will not do." Maybe "some" reactive people?
  6. Great insights. I have one question: When you write, "will cause that great apostasy ("falling away") of many of God's people in the last days," are you saying that authentic Christians, those "born again" or "Spiritually Birthed," can lose their eternal salvation? Thanks! I'm also interested in your song writing. I'll get back to you on that.
  7. I was Spiritually birthed the split-second I confessed Jesus as Savior, Romans 10:8-13, having previously been sinfully birthed. That's the "born from above" experience. It is reborn, born anew, out of the confines of sin and into the Amazing Grace of our Savior. The English language has undergone many changes over the centuries. Adjectives have been added to terminology that was once sufficient in and of itself: True became "absolutely" true. False became "definitely" false. Christian, in and of itself, contains "born again," "born from above," "Spiritually birthed," without further clarification. The adjective was unnecessarily added. That doesn't mean it is wrong or worthy of being trashed! I'll accept "born again Christian" or "born again Believer" anytime! I just realize that Christian says it all. Christian. Wow! How firm a foundation!"
  8. Boundaries.......... What are your primary motivators? What do you want your motivators to be? D. Overcoming that old, obnoxious guilt from long ago; hearing the Holy Spirit 24/7. Totally accepting who I am in Christ Jesus. Primary motivator is for others to see Jesus in me. I often do that with humor, a smile, and at other times in what one would refer to as the counseling mode. Praying that I will share with others whatever God leads me to share .... no holding back!! Praying for loved ones and friends. WDo / mT + mE ---> mR
  9. And that is what you are. Period. You can't get, or be, "unsaved." Period. Go on your way rejoicing.
  10. Matthew: "Not everyone who says to me 'Lord, Lord' will enter the Kingdom of Heaven (compare Kingdom of God in Mark; "they" are identical) but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in Heaven." Where is this Kingdom of Heaven/God? When does this occur? Who is the one? What is the will of the Father in this context? 22 "Many will say to me on that day 'Lord, Lord' did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?" What day is that? And who are the "we" revealed here? 23 "Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!' Identify "them". Why are they evil? How is it that God never knew them?
  11. I've been "out of pocket" for a while.......... I like your formula. I was offering a general comment not directed to any person in particular.
  12. Man, you just won't let go of your confused interpretation of scripture!! You've been told over and over again that you aren't lost, you aren't going to hell, and that the key to your success story is in 1 John 1:9. Period. Read that. Accept that. Quit dragging the encouragement, the love, the Grace of God through your mechanical, brain-originated doubts and fears! Guess who the source of that is! Hello? Who messes with your mind? How wide open is your door, letting him in, with all his lies and deception? How long are you going to bask in doubts and fears when HIS door, GOD'S door, is there for you 24/7/365?? Folks are growing weary of your sinking in quicksand, destroying your life, destroying your witness, when our Savior is right there, right now. Welcome Him!! 1 John 1:9!! Tell God that you thank Him for that simple line of scripture..... tell Him that you are gratefully restored. Then go on your way rejoicing, having forgiven yourself, the girl and others! REJOICE!! Smile!! Laugh!! Wake up ten times at night praising GOD!!
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