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Everything posted by Jean74

  1. We all do things that we wished that we didn't do in the first place. That is about not doing them in the first place. But God's forgiveness is available to His believers and redemption. When He cleanses us out.
  2. God is the Great Healer and Physician. And does answer prayers indeed. He listens to all of the prayers. Great and small.
  3. We are to pray all the time, every single time. No matter what. Through thick and thin, good or bad, mountains and valleys!
  4. I am more spiritual than religious. But it is about having a relationship with the Lord. That is more important than calling it a religion. Just my two cents worth. As well as reading the Bible and praying!
  5. Praying for you Mike. Just seek the Lord. And His will and way for your life. As you do that, all else will fall into place.
  6. Welcome to the forums. Hope you love it here. And enjoy it as well as we do.
  7. Those that have gone on before me like my maternal and paternal grandparents, my parents are still alive thank goodness. Hopefully my birth parents will be up there. As I am adopted. But my adopted parents I consider my real parents.
  8. Look no further than the Word of God. As He will help you to rely upon Him!
  9. Christ is risen and is Alive. So that we may have eternal life. When we ask for the Lord and that we accept Him as Savior and Lord. And repent of our sins. And know that we are saved by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Due to His brutal death and resurrection. Three times, three times I thought I was a Christian. First two times I felt I had to do it because everybody else was doing it. But needed to do it for myself and really feel like Christ was there inside of me. As nobody could get help me or get me to heaven. While riding on their coattails.I had to accept Christ and ask for forgiveness myself. As He was knocked at the door of my heart.Only when I made Him go inside my heart did I feel like it was for real.
  10. It will be hard to fast and give up something. But it is for the name and cause of Christ people do so. Heart and mind over matter!
  11. Paul was in chains. So that he could preach others about Christ. Though in chains, he wanted to be free only when Christ set him free. Even if it meant in death or being a maytr. As earth was not his real home, only heaven and Christ were. As he wanted people to see.
  12. We all say things that we wished that we could take back. Especially those four letter words. As you just need to repent and say sorry to God. And to the person you offend. If you do offend them. Rather than saying it to yourself. You just apologize to the Lord. There are things that I wished that I could take back, More ways often than one. As we all do. Maybe saying darn it or good grief would be the better solution.
  13. We are witnesses indeed. Not just we need to just talk the talk. But walk the walk. More the latter than the former!
  14. Jean74


    They said it could take up to 6-8 weeks for the toxicology reports to come back. Seeing if there were any drugs or alcohol. Just say speed and impact or the crash that is what caused them to die unfortunately!
  15. God loves you. And will never leave nor forsake you. Just remember you are in His hands. No matter what. Praying for you all!
  16. Jean74


    We need to dress in a manner that is appropriate. Really in the eyes of God. As that is what counts the most! As we need to ask ourselves, What Jesus would do? On a lighter note, I don't have the body of a model. So there!
  17. We are gathered in the name of Christ. As Christ will come back again. We do not know when. As He will come back to get us all. Christ is inside of me as Savior and Lord. If we know Him and hopefully everybody will do so before the world ends. Christ IS COMING BACK SOON than we expect!
  18. Thank you for dying on the Cross. Thank you for arising from the dead. Thank you for being our Lord and Savior. Thank you for taking care of sins of the world. Thank you for being the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
  19. This is awesome! Thanks as love this site!
  20. Everything and all things about God and His Word IS VERY TRUE! For He is the Author of the Bible! That is why!
  21. It does not list how many childen Adam and Eve had. But Cain and Abel are the main ones in the Bible that they list. As descendants grew from them. One way or the other.
  22. Always thought that SOS in the sense of a cruise or boat going down or being stranded does mean Save our Ship. As it is very urgent for rescuers to come and rescue those stranded! But never heard that for planes until the OP mentioned it. Did not know that CQD preceded SOS! Interesting fact ncn!
  23. Wow it has been hundreds and hundreds of years since they now have discovered Richard III's bones! Indeed a find!
  24. We all have opinions and thoughts. We just need to agree to disagree. As we are always never right or wrong! Only God is the judge of that!
  25. Jesus says that "Walk by Faith, Not by Sight." As Faith Without Works is Dead!
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