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Worthy Ministers
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Everything posted by Willa

  1. z Some of us who are stll learning a bunch of new things, like hunting and pecking on a pad, havent learned avatars yet. And you really made mine pop out like a traffic sign! ls that how you see me? l really prefer something in pastel, say in lavender. ?
  2. Hit the Christian market for similar music with a Christian message. If you are wondering whether it is right for you to do this it is probably Holy Spirit nudging you .
  3. I am confused. l thouht that the Jews were the bride of the Father. wasnt it Hosea who God told to take a harlot for a wife and to take Her back many times and restore her? And that in the day of Christ that all believers in Christ would be His bride. Yet Gods promises to te JewS was also concerning the land. All of Israel is yet to be saved and the full boundaries of the Holy Land ar yet to be realized. We live in such exciting times as the prophecies are being fulfilled in the newspapers
  4. I had a very good friend who loved the Lord but who tried every means to control the nausea from her chemo without success till she tried pot. It was the only thing that worked. Her cancer was stage 4 and in her bones, brain and lungs. She was terminal and is now with the Lord However, pot is still illegal by federal law. I am concerned especially because there are already plans on making pot a designer drug and are putting it in a variety of foods. This will make it harder to detect as well as making it more appealing to children. I shudder to think of where it all will end. No one will be safe on the highways in these states!
  5. He was not replacing the Abrahamic Covenant but the Mosaic covenant. The Abrahamic covenalnt was dependant solely on the work of God and the faith He was to give us. The Mosaic Covenant was dependant on the Jews keeping the Law. Therefore the new covenant was to be to all to whom God was to give faith and not dependant on anything man would or could so. It was built on better promises. The Abrahamic Covenant was an everlasting covenant. The Mosaic covenant was dependant on man keeping the law, which we can never do--only God in Christ could do. So it was not an everlasting covenant. You are confusing 2 different covenants.
  6. the Spirit of God never contradicts the Word of God. However, there have been times that Gods Spirit has moved me to give money to people without the direct guidance of the Word, such as the exact amount that enabled a widow to pay her rent, which is confirmed in principle in the Word but not spcificly as to who, how much or when. It did tell me how,since we are told in scripture to give annonimously.
  7. I feel like Peter. Lord, I only philleo you, help me to agape you.
  8. I am terribly aware of the prevelance of alcoholism in our society and of what it does to marriages and families. I am also aware of the fact that alcohol lowers our ability to used good judgement, including our ability to drive and our ability to know when to stop drinking. So no, it is not a sin to have a drink according to Scripture. But the Jews were careful to water down their wine. People normally drank wine because their water was bad. I find it amusing that I have heard mostly alcoholics accuse Christianity as being a crutch.
  9. Does not help much when my eyes are tired but it does help my better eye a little. Can't keep anything in focus anymore and am using one eye exclusively. But My brain keeps trying to fuse the two images which strains the eyes and just makes everything blurry. My eyes/brain even tries to switch dominance which only makes it worse. So my reading is limited and research is even more limited. Thank you for your concern. I will try to put my two bits in occasionally. Oh well, all things work for good----.
  10. I am sorry that I can't keep up with this as much as I would like to. I am going blind and am awaiting surgery in both eyes. It causes the better eye to tire very quickly so I don't have much time that I can see to read.
  11. I have heard God in many of the ways others report here. "Let the peace of God rule (like an umpire) in your hearts" Col 3:15 excerpt from NKJV plus Amplified. God brings me peace, even when He convicts me of sin. The enemy torments. God's voice reveals His attributes: holy, just, compassionate and gentle yet all powerful, all knowing, righteous, omnipresent, for a few. We recognize Him as being the God revealed in the Bible. If the voice is my own it is usually a temptation. Usually it is something that pops out, calling my attention to it, either in the Bible or in a song. Often it is something I had heard earlier in the week like in a sermon. Often God speaks to me through my husband. Usually that is necessary if I didn't pay attention the first time. I didn't like it the first time let alone from the mouth of my husband. If I am witnessing the idea pops into my head and the words sort of flow out. Afterwards I sometimes think, hay that was good! It wasn't my idea but it was just what I needed to say. For me, it is a male voice that come from within. And I have also communicated with ideas. Once while my car was sailing off a 50 ft. embankment, my idea to Him was, "So soon, Lord? What about my kids and my husband? I commit them to You" . There was not time for me to think words. So I am writing to you from heaven. (Of course I survived.) Our son fell through a window with only a cut on his back. I had a concussion and my hair fell out from shock. We lost a really nice car but I mourned more over the loss of that huge pile of hair (and glass) that I combed out. Otherwise, so thankful we were alive and well.
  12. I have a theory. Those that think that they came from slime or and apes---well, maybe they did. Those of us who believe we were made in the likeness of God--there is good evidence that we were. Those who don't believe they will be snatched away or resurrected to always be with the Lord prior to the Great Tribulation---probably will be left here.. And those who are looking for His appearing to take us to Himself will most likely be with Him in heaven during the Great Trib. I have never read the Left Behind series or seen it on TV, and am completely unfamiliar with it. I heard that it is fiction. The Bible is not fiction and that is what I base my beliefs on.
  13. Can you prove this with scripture? Alls ive found is the Day of the Lord is the day of Gods wrath. Not the trib period. But if you can show me scripture that says otherwise please do so. Also could you answer the original question as to why the last trumpet isnt really the last trumpet There are dozens. Revelations 6:16-17, 14:19, 15:1, 16:1 are but a few. The Day of God's wrath sounds like Great Tribulation to me. Daniel 12:1-3, Mathew 24:21-22 , and Matt 24:29 sounds like the last of the 7 bowls of wrath in Rev 16:17-21 There are many times that trumpets were blown and for different feasts and different reasons. The trumpet blown for the snatching away of the Church has nothing to do with the 7 trumpets of judgement of Revelations. The rescue of the Church is not a judgement.
  14. 1 Thess 1:10; 4:13-1; 5:9 Also speaks of the day we will be snatched away to be with the Lord. It is further said: For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. And to wait for His Son from heaven whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come. Luke 21:36 Watch therefore and pray always that you man be counted worthy to escape all these things what will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man. The wrath of God is otherwise called the GREAT tribulation. In Mt 24:3 the apostles first asked Jesus what would be the sign of His coming. So Jesus answered this question first in verses 4-14 of the things leading up to the Great Tribulation, the revelation of the AntiChrist as the beginning of the Great Tribulation, and then the Coming of the Son of Man which will be seen by all the tribes of the earth. The signs of it will be very clear to all men. He shall come with His saints to reign. The second part of the question in V. 4 regards the end of the age (a period of time). These people will be caught totally off guard. It can happen at any time and we should all be expecting it at any time. At some time between these two events is the judgement of the works of the saints for the purpose of being given rewards. Also is the Marriage Feast of the Lamb in heaven. It occurrs between the Church, the Bride of Christ, and Christ, the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the World. The Church returns with Christ when He comes again with power. Read Rev. 19. The Church is in heaven, the marriage feast of the Lamb occurrs, and the Church returns with Christ to defeat the antichrist. I see little to show that true believers go through the Wrath of God. A remnant is marked in Isreal who will be saved, and there will be those gentiles who will be saved during the tribulation, many martyred and some survive. But all indications are that the Church should pray that we be found worthy to escape the wrath. I call this escape the snatching up or rapturo of the saints.
  15. For once I can say AMEN! to all of the above.
  16. Part of the role of a woman is to be a helpmeat to her husband. Now, we all know that a lot of men don't like to admit that they need the help of advice of a woman, probably because we tend to be free with it. Nor do they like to admit that they are incomplete in themselves. But we are there to give banance, thus stability to the home. We caution each other when necessary and support each other when necessary. But I really try to listen to my husband's advice and caution, and I do believe that God speaks to me through him. Yes, he is supposed to have the last word. I confess that I do try to get in the last word and can usually talk faster.
  17. On one hand we are to lay down our rights for the good of another. But on the other hand I don't believe that we as Christians should surrender our constitutional right to worship and pray. Today the government is going overboard to not create a state relgion at our expense. They completely ignore the part that says nor prohibit the free exercise there of. Nor do I believe that the rights of evildoers should be upheld over ours. Granting the right to vote to felons in the pen. is rediculous. Granting the right to vote to people who are not citizens or even here legally is equally rediculous. But all of this occurs in my state. No wonder this nation is going down the tube.
  18. A whole lot of us who are overweight have experienced this sort of bigotry. I have had men turn around and laugh at me as I entered a store, (and no there was no toilet paper hanging out of my pants), and even doctors have laughed at me and humiliated me. But I rarely think about it anymore. God has made me so blessed in Him that my life is full of joy and thanksgiving. At some time I stopped seaking man's approval. 'Don't even know when it happened. Most of the time now I just look other people in the eye and smile at them.
  19. It seems to me that someone like Ben Franklin wrote something like these musings one time. I read it and laughed at least 40 years ago.
  20. Ou knowledge is imperfect. Seeming contradictions in the Bible have been elaborated on by great Bible scholars, but sometimes we have to forget everything else and just take the Scriptures for what they plainly say. If they contradict according to our understanding, we just accept them by faith. Some things are written to give God's perspective, yet others give mans perspective. We cannot reconcile them entirely because we are not God. For instance, I have found that truth opens up greater understanding of all of the Bible. That is true of the Trinity. I believe it also occurs when we accept that both predestination and free will are true. The problem arises in that most of us dig in our heals. Other things are preferences, prejudices, fears and tradition. So there are those who hate the band and loud music in some churches. They can't accept that there may be people who prefer an updated version of the Bible who are not cult members. So we are told to bear with the weaker brethern and not to let our freedom to cause them to stumble. They are good people who mean well. We forbear one another in love.
  21. Israelite, I envy you your heritage. You will have so much better understanding of our Scripture with your background. Much of Revelations is especially more meaningful to those who are familiar with the Temple, the feasts and all things Jewish. While we are all equal in God's eyes and He had torn down the walls that seperate us, I sometimes feel like an outsider looking in. And all heaven rejoices over one sinner who repents.
  22. Absolutly! Accepting the Trinity, which is contained in Scripture even though the word is not used, was what opened my eyes to understand much of the Bible.
  23. I go to church to hear a good Bible teacher expounding on God's Word. The only one I would watch on TV is Dr. Charles Stanley, and on radio I enjoy . But none can teach like my own pastor. We find more fellowship in work parties, short term mission projects, womens ministries, mens prayer groups etc. And I do enjoy and need fellowship. But I go to church to worship God. It is God centered, not people centered. Sure, I read, study and pray at home, but it is not the same as corporate worship. People always let us down. They are as human and imperfect as we are. If you are unable to go to church, perhaps you should start a neighborhood Bible study, or ask people at your church to attend.
  24. Our church just put on a creation seminar. It was mentioned that every evolution model for the fomation of the planets has been shown not to be workable by space exploration in the last 50 years. And every excuse for them not working the way evolutionists predicted was that something large collided with it. That was why an evolutionist athiest engineer for NASA became a creationist Bible believing Christian. All the unforseen, illogical wonders being discovered have created a real problem. If evolution doesn't work in the real world, then there must be an intelligent Creator. If there is a Creator, then we will be held accountable to Him. That means we had better repent and believe the Bible, which does contain verses that are born out by those discoveries by space exploration.
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