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Everything posted by Atwood

  1. The governments are not obeying God. However, Christians are strangers and pilgrims in this age with citizenship in Heaven. Infanticide must have been rampant in the days when the NT was written, even after the child was born. But there is no call for Christians in the NT to enforce the law of Genesis 9 in the NT.
  2. As to unbiblical Biblical movies, how does this one compare to Solomon and Sheba?
  3. Yes, the Lord provides, and His provision while best, is often not anticipated, nor necessarily immediately appreciated.
  4. Persons who go to Hell, go there because of their sins, and all are sinners. The verdict of condemnation is on all, regardless of religion. In the same way, the offer of the free gift goes out to all, everyone of any religion or lack of it. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved." The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
  5. An interesting presentation; thank you. Do you think that red shift can only be explained by the doppler effect of an expanding unverse? Have you considered that the genuine advances in knowledge of human science are part of the common grace of God (rain falls on the just & unjust)? Of course you expect the enemy to add in some anti-Bible propaganda
  6. "to give you who are troubled rest with us" So at the revelation of Jesus Christ what follows will be anesin. (Did you ever take an anasin tablet?) The word is translatable as liberty (Acts 24:23 or as rest, relaxation, relief. Now is it your theory that the Thessalonians who received this message have not yet got their anesin (since however you take it, Christ has not made his "revelation" yet. So then on your theory 2 Thes 1 means that the Thessalonians who lived in Paul's day have had tribulation for 2000 years now; when they go to Heaven they got no rest, since they don't get rest until the 2nd Coming of Christ? Or could it be that what follows Christ's return is an enhancement of their freedom still more (anesin, anesis, Acts 24:23))? Or is it that they got rest long ago & that after Christ returns that rest continues?
  7. The Gospel is the same for all. We are all sinners. Christ paid for our sins on the cross. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.
  8. What do we expect from the world? How many shouldas are there that they should?
  9. To concentrate of the Love of our Savior Jesus is more important that to concentrate on "doing right."
  10. I read that "God" never occurs in the show.
  11. I don't know how long Autism has been recognized. I knew a boy years ago who had it, but though he was recognized as odd, no one called it Autism. And in his case, there was no mental retardation. The boy was the first son of parents who were young. A key feature in distinguishing it from Asperger's Syndrome was that the child did not learn to speak before 3 years old in Autism. I think now that a reclassification has recently taken place, but I haven't checked into it. Christians are likely to wonder if there is a spiritual dimension to the malady.
  12. I do not know how much of it is by real believers and how much by fakes.
  13. Are you aware of the canopy theory?
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