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Everything posted by OakWood

  1. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? Psychologists, neurologists, and psychiatrists have their explanations for such phenomena, but I believe that demons are responsible. Sleep paralysis is a phenomenon that I myself used to experience occasionally, but since being born again these things have disappeared. If you've ever been through a night-terror experience it's pretty scary, especially the first time that it happens because you don't know what it is. Jesus will protect you from such mischief. Any thoughts?
  2. To add to this, I will also say that God cannot alter his prophecies, not because he doesn't have the power to do so, but because he does not lie. He gives us a prophecy and follows it through because he keeps to his word and does not break his promises. The things that God HASN'T told us are the things that he wishes to be flexible about. He hasn't told us the 'exact time or day' because he has the power to change the date if he wishes, as long as he stays within the parameters that he has already given us.
  3. I think that America may be mentioned as one of the "young lions" in the book of Ezekiel. Otherwise I don't think America is mentioned at all. Unless you count the verse: ...Go, swift messengers, to a people tall and smooth-skinned, to a people feared far and wide, an aggressive nation of strange speech, whose land is divided by rivers. Isaiah 18:2 But that is really just speculation. Incidentally, in the book of Ezekiel 38:13, the young lions are referenced in connection with the merchants of Tarshish. Tarshish is probably Britain.
  4. Genesis 3 refers to the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent (Satan). Because seed always refers to offspring, it would infer from the passage that Satan too can provide seed. Therefore it does seem plausible that fallen angels are capable of producing offspring. We know that they can take on human form (whether they can materialise into the physical or whether they need a physical body that already exists in order to possess it is another subject for discussion). The Bible warns us that we may entertain angels without knowing it and if they can have a physical form with eyes, ears, arms, legs and so on... therefore is no reason to suggest that they can't have reproductive organs too. I see no reason why it is not possible for an angel to mate with a human being under certain conditions and any offspring that would result from this unholy union would technically be some sort of cross-species between human and angelic. I think this is the most likely explanation of whom the nephilim were. The question is, are the offspring always male? Are there any female nephilim? Do nephilim need human females in order to continue their bloodline and create more offspring? Another point that is worth considering. If Satan's army of angels are outnumbered two-to-one (a third of the angels fell), are they breeding more offspring now, as we approach the final end-time battle in order to give increase their numbers?
  5. How many comings of Jesus are there? What the Bible says: 1/ Jesus was born of Mary, died on the cross for our sins and was resurrected, then taken up into heaven.. 2/ Jesus will come back to defeat the Beast and the false prophet. What the pre-Trib rapture theory says: 1/ Jesus was born of Mary, died on the cross for our sins and was resurrected, then taken up into heaven.. 2/ Jesus will come back, collect faithful believers and take them back to heaven with him. 3/ Jesus will come back again to defeat the Beast and the false prophet. What the Post-Trib rpture theory says: 1/ Jesus was born of Mary, died on the cross for our sins and was resurrected, then taken up into heaven.. 2/ Jesus will come back to defeat the Beast and the false prophet. So which theory matches scripture and which one doesn't?
  6. Some truths in there (as to be expected) but the rest is codswallop. What is it with people's obsession with numbers? 266 is not the same as 666, just because it has sixes in it. Needs to be filed in the bin along with other trash such as "The Great prophecies of Harold Camping."
  7. I've got news for you, according to pre-Tribbers it's actually the Third Coming. Even though a Third Coming is completely unscriptural because Jesus comes back only once! There is no pre-Trib rapture. The Bible does not say that there is for reasons that I have already given. The pre-Trib doctrine is a lie.
  8. I posted a video on this. Genetic mutation is definitely a possibility: Bearing in mind that aliens (extra-terrestrials) always flee at the name of Jesus because they are not really beings from other planets, they are actually fallen angels / demons in disguise. The fallen angels are possibly engaged in mutation experiments today. Alien abductees often claim that they are experimented on, and in some extreme encounters they are sexually abused. I think that fallen angels may be abducting vulnerable people in order to tamper with genetics. This is just a forerunner of what is yet to come.
  9. I agree. It affects Jew and Gentile alike, Black man, White man, old man, young man and is not specific to any ethnicity or nation.
  10. Want to do something in secret? Here's some advice: Don't shout about it! For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 1 Thessalonians 4:16
  11. I agree, but the end of the Church age (which I guess we're in already and have been for years) does not indicate a pre-Trib rapture. The Church is dying due to general apostasy, not because believers have been raised up.
  12. I've already explained why the Church is not mentioned but you obviously didn't read what I had written. Do you honestly think that there will be a functioning legal Church under the reign of the Beast? Christians will be forced underground to worship. Have you ever wondered why there is no Church in Saudi Arabia? Or do you believe that all the Saudi Arabian Christians have been raptured? As for a multitude of saints in heaven - guess what? Saints have been dying and going to heaven for two thousand years. We're not the only saints. Are you ignoring all the millions of Christians who have gone before us? The wife of the Lamb is not just us, you know. Once again, pre-Tribbers are trying to claim that they are something special as if all Christians who lived and came before them don't exist. The evidence you give can easily be applied to Post-Trib as well as the Mid-Trib. I'm not concerned with shared evidence, I'm concerned with evidence that either eliminates one option completely or presents without doubt a positive irrefutable case for another option. Now let us look at the evidence that eliminates any possibility of a pre-Trib rapture, according to scripture. The pre-Trib rapture relies on a third coming of Christ which is non-scriptural. You can play around with semantics as much as you like to say why one of these comings of Christ is not really a coming:- but it's still a coming. A pre-Trib rapture would be the biggest miracle known in recent history. It would dominate the news headlines for weeks. How will anybody possibly explain the disappearance of all those people? The World will know that there is a God (the smile will be knocked off many an Atheist's face), the World will be terrified, and previous skeptics will be rushing out to buy copies of the Bible. Everybody will learn who the Man of Perdition is, everybody will be expecting an AntiChrist figure and nobody will fall for his lies and be deceived by him. Everybody will learn about the two witnesses. There will be no deception because a pre-Trib rapture will advertise the fact that the God of the Bible really exists. A pre-Trib rapture will show that there is absolutely no reason for anybody to ever call the Bible a lie ever again. Seeing is believing, and such a miracle would prevent the majority of the World from being deceived by the lies of false religions and false prophets. The Book of Revelation mentions no such event as a pre-Trib rapture. Nobody mentions it, in fact everybody goes about their daily business as normal. People carry on with their daily lives, eating, drinking, partying, fornicating - why, they even celebrate and buy each other presents when the two witnesses are murdered. Only Christians will suffer. We won't be joining in with the party because we will be despised and persecuted by everybody else. Only we will know what is going to happen. While non-believers enjoy the 'false peace' that the AntiChrist brings only we will know that their fun isn't going to last - and when Jesus returns like a thief to judge the World we will be prepared knowing that he is coming to rescue us. The expression 'returns like a thief in the night' does not apply to Christians, it only applies to non-believers and those who call themselves Christians but refused to read scripture and were not aware of what is happening. This is why Jesus tells us to be prepared so that we will not be left behind, and tells us not to worship the Beast, nor join in the decadent ways of Mankind. Our refusal to succumb to these Worldly temptations will make us very unpopular with the rest of the World and in extreme cases some of us may even be killed for our stubbornness, but we will be rescued for our faith when Jesus finally returns to battle with the Beast. Our tribulation will then be over, but it will be just the start of the troubles for those who took the mark. Then of course there's the fact that throughout history the righteous have only ever been rescued from the judgement of God and not the sadistic anger of evil. Noah was rescued from God's judgement and so was Lot and we will be rescued from God's judgement which comes AFTER the persecution by evil, not before it. The fact that the pre-Trib rapture originates from a vision that a teenager had should be enough to cast doubt on its doctrine. This girl was not a prophet. She could have received a demonic message for all we know. The vision that she had was exploited by the likes of John Darby who used it to formulate a pre-Trib theory. It immediately became popular because it's a comfort gospel, and people love comfort gospels - they don'tt like to hear bad news and hard truths. Then there is another thing to think about. There is absolutely no reason why Satan would fabricate a Post-Trib doctrine. He gains nothing from it. All he does is make us prepared for persecution when trouble arrives and reminds us to keep our faith in God. But a false pre-Trib doctrine completely suits Satan's plans. When it doesn't happen many will doubt their faith - or they will refuse to believe that the Tribulation has actually started and think that it's just another 'birthing pain'. A few pre-Tribbers may even be completely unprepared and be unaware of the prophecy because they didn't read the Book of Revelation because they thought it didn't apply to them. Any doctrine that can force some believers to ignore parts of scripture is a doctrine to be very wary of. Not all pre-Tribbers do but I know for a fact that there are a few here on Worthy who refuse to take eschatalogical discussions seriously because they really believe that they won't be around to see the events discussed. It sends a shudder down my spine to make me think that a supposed Christian doctrine can persuade people to willfully ignore parts of the Bible. Now travel to the Middle East and tell all those Christians who have been tortured by ISIS that you believe in a pre-Trib doctrine. You can always assure them that they've nothing to worry about because God will rapture them before the World gets really bad. I think a man who has been tortured, had his wife raped and seen his kids murdered will be overjoyed at your 'comfort gospel'. He'll definitely be breathing a sigh of relief over that one! The pre-Trib is a doctrine of comfortable, Middle class Western Christians who want to have their cake and eat it. They want everything that paradise can offer but they seriously don't believe that one day they may have to die for their faith. They actually believe that they are the only Christians in history who are automatically exempt from anything that their forefathers may have had to endure. They even believe that those who are persecuted during the reign of the Beast are 'new' Christians who came to the faith after the rapture. Well, aren't you lucky to live precisely during that safe 'window' of time? The fact that the pre-Trib doctrine is only seriously entertained by comfortable evangelical Westerners, and not even considered by the majority of Christians around the World is another reason to stop and think. Nothing in the Bible supports a pre-Trib rapture that can't also be used to support a Post-Trib rapture. But there is enough in the Bible to cast a serious shadow of doubt on the pre-Trib position. The fact that no great Christian scholar before one or two hundred years ago had ever mentioned it or even thought of the idea should be enough to make any serious Christian suspicious of it. It's not taught by Catholics, by Orthodox, by Anglicans, by Methodists, by the Amish, by the Salvation Army, by any major Christian group (at least not in the mainstream anyway). I became a Christian, started studying the Bible and had never even heard of it until about two years later. You'd think if it was that important I'd have discovered it sooner.
  13. Well if there are way too many to count you're spoilt for choice, so you should have no problem telling me at least some of them.
  14. If the World is full of them, then you should have no problem in telling me what they are.
  15. I'm not getting hostile. I'm merely pointing out the truth - and once again you have not refuted the objections that I have raised. If the pre-Trib had any validity to it, you would be able to refute any objections to it. But the objections remain because they cannot be refuted.
  16. Correct. Nobody knows the day or the hour. That doesn't mean there's going to be a pre-Trib rapture. I can't put a date on when the Ezekiel 38 war will start, I can't give a specific date or time as to when the Man of Perdition will enter the Temple, and likewise I can't tell you when the Great Tribulation will start. Therefore I haven't got a clue when Jesus will return but that doesn't mean that there's going to be a secret rapture. And nothing you have said addresses the objections that I raised. You've merely quoted scripture to support your theory of a pre-Trib rapture. I could use the same scripture to support just about any theory that I wished. Instead of reading scripture and looking at what it really says, you're starting off with a pre-assumption and using scripture to fit that assumption. That's not the way to read the Bible. I became a Christian without any pre-conceived ideas. I'd never even heard of the rapture, and when I read the Book of Revelation for the first time, I saw no pre-Trib rapture in it. During the Great Tribulation there will be no Church as such. Practising Christian worship openly will probably be illegal (the AntiChrist will not really want any competition). Any churches that do exist will probably be underground. That's basic Common Sense and requires no sophisticated explanation. But pre-Tribbers have assumed that a rapture has taken place so they use the fact that the Church is not mentioned in scripture as proof of a such a rapture. That's what happens when you put the cart before the horse. You miss the blatantly obvious and twist scripture to fit your own theories. We are a not a special generation who has special privileges that no Christians before us have had. We're not even worthy of it. We're not fit to lick the sandals of Christian martyrs who came before us. No Christians were raptured when Nero threw them to the lions. No Christians were raptured during the Armenian genocide, and no Christians are being raptured today when ISIS decides to torture, rape and murder entire Christian communities. The only time the righteous (as a group) have being given a supernatural form of escape is when God is dishing out justice on the wicked. Then and only then has the Lord provided a way out because he does not want his wrath to come upon the heads of his people. When God decides to punish the wicked we will be given our rapture so that we can escape the battlefield. But when the AntiChrist starts persecuting those who refuse to take the mark we will be there in the thick of it. The Book of Revelation even tells us that we will be there. Who do you think it is that won't be allowed to buy and sell, and may face beheadings - the Buddhists?
  17. I've read it and I have missed it because it's not there. I've even explained why it's not so. But of course you've ignored that and addressed none of the points that I raised. Perhaps if you were to go through my points one by one and try to refute them, then you will see the error of your ways. The pre-Trib rapture didn't even exist for nearly two thousand years of Church history but then because of a supposed dream by a teenage girl, and the interpretations of that dream by such false prophets as John Darby the pre-Trib theory gained momentum and became fashionable among some churches. It has been propagandized ever since. But it's not scriptural and it adds to scripture things that are not there. It doesn't make sense either. Millions of Christians vanishing into thin air will frighten the living daylights out of non-believers left behind. They will realize that the Christians were onto something and they will turn to God out of sheer terror. The AntiChrist would never come to power because nobody would believe a word he said, and everybody would know who he really was. Prophecy therefore would not be fulfilled.
  18. The pre-Trib rapture is false doctrine. Throughout Biblical history the righteous have always escaped God's judgement. The Tribulation is not God's judgement, it is the wrath of the antiChrist. Anybody who believes that the Great Tribulation is God's judgement has to ask themselves why God is punishing the righteous by not allowing them to buy and sell and by having them beheaded. God is not in the business of persecuting those who believe and trust in him. The wrath of God comes after the Tribulation (or towards the end of it) when God sends plagues to torment the wicked and finally defeats the AntiChrist in battle. The righteous will escape this time by being raptured. No matter how many times this is explained to pre-Tribbers they can't seem to grasp this simple logic. It's as if they can't tell the difference between an act of God and an act of evil. Noah escaped God's judgement, Lot escaped God's judgement and Christians today will escape God's judgement, but they won't necessarily escape being persecuted by evil ones. Jesus even tells us that we will face great trials and persecutions but pre-Tribbers seem to think that scripture doesn't apply to them, as if they are a special case. Christians have been persecuted throughout history, they are being persecuted today (ISIS)and they will be persecuted in the future by the Beast. But pre-Tribbers think that they are an exception to everything told to us in scripture. The Bible does not read pre-Trib. If you had never heard of the rapture and you were to read the Bible for yourself for the very first time, you would conclude that Christians suffer during a Great Tribulation. You would never come to the conclusion that Jesus comes to rescue his people, disappears and then comes back again for a third coming. The only way anybody could ever come to the conclusion that there is a pre-Trib rapture is if you had the idea put into your head in the first place. Unfortunately this propaganda has been placed into the heads of a number of Christians by false prophets and many Christians have grown-up believing in it. So desperately do they want to believe in it that they will even cherry-pick scripture to support it or read into scripture things that are simply not there. By hopefully waiting around for a rapture to come instead of preparing themselves for the terrible times to come, they are pinning their hopes on a false expectation. I've heard pre-Tribbers talk about the rapture for years, anticipating its arrival - but they're still here and they haven't gone anywhere.
  19. The Catholic church has no right to canonize anybody. They are literally playing the role of God when they do so, by judging somebody who is beyond the grave. According to Catholic doctrine, canonization means the declaration that somebody has been made a saint, but all believers are saints. The RCC definition of a saint is a specially chosen dead person with whom you can communicate with beyond the grave. This is necromancy and completely forbidden by scripture. Thanks to this unwise decision, Teresa is yet another deceased person added to the already long list of deceased people whom Catholics can now pray to instead of putting their trust exclusively in Jesus Christ. Of course Catholics will declare that they are not really praying to these people, they are just asking for intercession. But intercession has always consisted of a living person praying for another living person. It never means talking to to those who have passed away. Nobody should be having conversations with Mary, Anthony, Paul or Teresa. This is idolatry and demeans what Christ did on the cross for us. It is also an invitation for demons and fallen angels (who love to impersonate the dead) to take the place of the so-called 'saint' and pretend to be that person. For centuries Catholics have been unwittingly praying to unclean spirits without realising it. St. Anthony, St Mary and St. Christopher can do nothing for you. They can't intercede on your behalf. Only Jesus has the power to remove sins. Canonization and intercession of saints is not much different to Spiritualism or performing a seance. It is just a small step down from witchcraft - cleverly packaged and disguised as a form of Christian worship. It was one of the reasons for the Protestant reformation when it began to be recognised that both the Catholic and Orthodox churches have introduced heresies into the body of Christ. There are a number of accounts of Orthodox monks who have spent hours praying to dead saints, then suddenly getting attacked by demons who manifest themselves in the physical. The monks believe that they are victims of the attack because they are incredibly holy and demons wish to attack the most holiest of people more than they do the least holy of people. While there may be some truth to this because Satan despises the righteous more than he despises the unrighteous, I would suggest that the real reason for these demonic manifestations is because of the misguided monks praying to deceased human beings instead of praying to Jesus. There are similar stories occurring throughout the Roman and Orthodox world. Here is one example: https://oca.org/saints/lives/2016/06/12/101697-venerable-peter-of-mt-athos "At first St Peter was repeatedly subjected to demonic assaults. Trying to force the saint to abandon his cave, the demons sometimes took on the form of armed soldiers, and at other times of fierce beasts and vipers that seemed ready to tear the hermit apart. " I'm not claiming that these monks are not in the main, righteous men, nor am I claiming that they are not saved, I am merely pointing out their error in trusting in 'saints' rather than in Jesus. Catholic and Orthodox history is riddled with accounts of demonic attacks, things that are much more rare in the Protestant world. Christians who trust only in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and do not pray to saints are wearing the full armour of God. They do not need to pray to anybody else. The Bible is very clear on such matters: Deuteronomy 18:9-12 ......... There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch. Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. ... And from the NT we have: 1 Timothy 2:5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. What is it about the word "one" that Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox Christians do not understand?
  20. God IS a Zionist. It's a scriptural fact. Zionism is the desire for Jews to have their homeland in Israel. That's what it means, that's what it always meant.
  21. We are looking after the Earth. Last time I looked we are no longer spewing lead into the atmosphere like we did before we banned leaded petrol, we have National Parks everywhere, and we are cleaning up our rubbish. We have laws against pouring sewage into the streets, and we have put numerous different animals onto the protected species list. What more do people want? The environmentalists don't know when to stop. Man-made Global Warming is a hoax, because only God controls the weather. Every prediction the Global Warmists have made has turned out to be false. The Bible warns us that if somebody predicts something and it turns out not to be true then that person is false prophet!
  22. They'll talk. They'll agree. A promise will be made such as a 'peace deal'. They'll both shake hands and go back home. Fork-tongued Abbas will then go back on his promise and break the 'peace deal'. History repeats itself over and over again!!
  23. It's just part of the great Alien deceit. Extra-terrestrials are merely demons. Ufologists have now recognised that when people are abducted by aliens. the only thing that these aliens are scared of are the name of Jesus Christ. Aliens (demons in disguise) will come to Earth and claim that they are our creators. The AntiChrist will perform miracles to show that he is an advanced extraterrestrial from another planet. Many people will fall for this lie. That's why they've been teaching the Big Bang, the Globe Earth and the Theory of Evolution in schools, to stop people believing in God and make us think that there could possibly be life on other planets. It's all part of the great deception that is to come. If Muslims believe that the Mahdi will come in a spaceship, then they too will be deceived into thinking that the AntiChrist is their messiah.
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