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Everything posted by seabrook

  1. No, you are not being critical. This surely sounds distracting and annoying. If it were me I would possibly approach the guy and tell him how it affects you or else talk to the pastor and tell him how it is affecting you. There are likely others who find this a problem. Even if nothing is done at least someone will know that it does bother somebody. If you do nothing..likely nothing will happen to change it unless someone else decides to do something. Pray first to find the right timing and the right words speaking the truth in love.
  2. Since there are no Mermaids except in the imagination and the animated ones on screen (leave it to Disney)..I would say it is what it is..a pretend Mermaid.
  3. 1 Corinthians 14:32 (NIV) "The spirits of prophets are subject to the control of prophets." This verse immediately came to mind when I read this post. I do believe the power of God can be present and move as this article indicates across the crowds so who am I to question especially because I have felt it myself more than once. Considering the above scripture verse....however, I not ready to conclude this was not necessarily beyond Benny Hinns control at the moment. He simply wanted it and flowed with it. Hopefully he didn't engineer it himself.
  4. Oh, goodness, what a difficult situation and I can understand how hard it may be to take any action or make a decision based upon what you have shared. Truly do feel for you. It sounds to me that your husband may profess to be a Christian; but his actions are saying he is not abiding in God's will nor taking the responsibility for his family and you and is not under conviction for his lack of conscience or compassion. In other words the fruit of the Holy Spirit is not coming forth. See Galations 5:22. He sounds like he won't accept counsel from Christians but getting in a Christian community (church) if you are not in one...and on a regular basis should help both of you. I think you need to talk to a good Christian or pastoral counselor yourself, someone who can help you, not necessarily change your husband but help you make a decision as to whether you stay or go. The world may be telling many (especially here in the U.S.) that abortion is an option. It is not. It goes without saying..protection against further pregnancies is a must in your situation. This is not a man who understands parental or spousal obligations. Praying for you both and the babies. <><
  5. Right! Good point! In other words..not to judge; but gotta admit if it's not what I would consider a nice looking hat..I can still not like it! The hat that is, not the person.
  6. Years back I spent a year as a mod for a bible discussion forum. The first task we had was to identify and report trolls which could appear on any section of the forum. It wasn't hard because they were generally pretty obvious. The thing about them is that they don't like to spend much time in one place and move around a lot. A good forum administrator usually has a handle on trolling activities so they get removed and blocked right away. If we posters (non-mods) think we have encountered one the thing to do is report it. It is up to the mods to then take action. However, sometimes this can happen in the middle of the night when not many, if any, mods are online. Then the troll can wander around on the forum taking pot shots. You can usually tell by the troll's interruptive and truly unkind remarks which usually have nothing to do with the subject being discussed; but once in a while one subtly puts on a good poster face for a while and then....generally it's hit and run for them. Mod's can't catch them all so good to report if you encounter one. Always remember not to convince, or argue with or even respond... (that will make them worse) ..but pray for them. Never let them disturb you or rob you of peace. That's what they want to do. After reporting them, ignore them.
  7. In my mind the Trinity has always been and always will be a sacred Mystery of God that our minds cannot totally grasp. And, in that, it is beautifully faith based. What seems impossible to us is not impossible to God. Three persons in one each distinct from the other. All are equally God (not gods)..yes, a mystery grasped only by faith. Also good to remember that all Christian denominations and also many non-denoms have in common their basic belief in the doctrine of the Trinity as well as the Nicene Creed written in 325 a.d.
  8. Some women just like wearing hats so it seems to me that presently among Christians it is simply a matter of choice. When I was a girl and raised in Catholic traditions we still wore hats or something on our heads in church. I believe it was based on the culture of Paul's day when women were to cover their heads. Not relevant to Christian women now.
  9. Yes, but in the meantime we live and walk and have our being in our temporary home right here and now.
  10. It is not compatible with biblical beliefs and culturally there can be problems. Question is all about what love means and what lifelong commitment entails. The two will have different values that way. It is easy to think that "love conquers all." and that in time one or the other will convert. But that should happen before the marriage and not likely to happen after the marriage. Of course, if the marriage has already taken place then it is up to the believing (Christian) spouse to win over the other by their example and behavior. Life is full of choices and sometimes love can be blind and fleeting. It is based on more than physical attraction and lofty ideals or even unity of interests. It involves the focus on the same goals and purposes especially in raising children. These two religions are not compatible. So, my answer, briefly is "no" ; that won't work.
  11. Thanks for the honesty. I can relate as when I am going through the most challenging, tiring, and hopeless of circumstances it becomes easy to lose sight of positive goals and purposes and truly long for it all to be over. Like you, I wouldn't be ending it myself, but have longed for that time here after more than once. That is when faith can really kick in although you don't feel like it and you feel like you may be having a melt down. I won't say go talk to someone because that can make it worse unless you get very desperate and need professional or medical help. I would say keep saying.."God, I trust you. This is in your hands, Show me the way of escape from the darkness." He is in the darkness as He is in the light. He hears. He has taken my hand in the darkness more than once especially in the last 70 years.
  12. My thinking is that if one is in the process of looking for a church this can work until one settles on one place. I wouldn't recommend it on a permanent basis, however, sometimes the husband or wife may be wanting to go to one denomination while the other another. Attending both together makes sense. It is always better if possible to chose one as different churches can differ from one another considerably. And that is why we say, "church home." It is difficult to have two. But two is better than none, right?
  13. You likely know the reasons why quitting is essential, health, etc. The thing is you need to know how. I quit 40 years ago after ten years of steady smoking and have never gone back. I do remember how painful the withdrawal was but after a few weeks I began to have more energy and got better than I ever felt when smoking. The hard part was not to give into temptation and go back to smoking especially in all the old places where I smoked most. Just a small example..I would light up every time I made a phone call. So for some time I didn't make calls or simply asked someone else to do it. Sounds too simple but the thing is to get yourself out of the old habits which can make the impulse so strong. It may also help to talk face to face with a former smoker who is also a believer in the healing and deliverance power of Jesus, someone who will not make you feel condemned or a big sinner because you have been a smoker. Mainly pray, pray, pray. Christ in you will overcome this and then you can work out without losing breathing power. Face exercise gradually. I started walking and eventually learned to ski and took up serious mountain biking. I am convinced had I not quit when I did I wouldn't be here today since my relatives who smoked all had early deaths. My brother who has never smoked is 92 years old and doing well.
  14. Good question. Always good to take the verses in the context for which they were written and be careful of how we apply them. Obviously to abstain from pork was a good idea back then because of the danger in eating it...if it was not cooked thoroughly. Now we know how to cook pork and ham so that there is no danger involved as long as we do that. To me, that answers the question. Mainly Jesus and Paul were telling us not to be legalistic. There was and is..a new rule and that is of love. Not to throw all out, as Paul says, (like the ten commandments) but stress the commandments of Jesus. All scripture must be read in the context in which it is written otherwise we might even justify taking an eye for an eye..and revenge.
  15. In my experience they are the same and a Baptism of Fire means going through the Fire..tests, etc.
  16. You may simply be more of an introvert rather than an extrovert. That is fine but getting comfortable with yourself is likely your challenge. Building self confidence can be done in various ways. If simply because you are quiet others think you are rude and cold that is really their problem; but I have learned that most people really don't..in fact..they don't notice as much as you think they do. Practical suggest is to focus on the other person. Ask questions..let them talk. Listen. You say, "The truth is I want to be out going."..then ask yourself.."why" ...is it so important. Everyone is unique and a lot of time can be taken up inward bent as we compare ourselves with others. Keep seeking God. Ask him to light the way one step at a time. Trust in Him to bring changes inwardly and from that more ease and peace will come outwardly. If you continue dissatisfied by your lack of social skills consider going to seek help from a good Christian counselor.
  17. Hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit does take time and practice to be able to carefully discern the difference between the voice of the Holy Spirit, our own voice (or the flesh), the voice of others who may or may not be hearing from the Lord regarding our situation, and the voice of the enemy who wants to trip us up and give us wrongful directions. A combination of things has been a way in which I discern who is speaking to me. First and foremost.."Does it line up with scriptures?" Second ...what effect does this voice have on me? Is it loud and depressing or does it seem quiet and reassuring. (Even the voice of conviction can also give peace) and yes, is there peace? If chaotic, disturbing, and degrading..not from God! Direction..yep, we need to pray for that so to know the will of God and discern HIs Will for our lives. I may have a dream which speaks to me but I don't follow it unless I receive confirmation from the scriptures and from others. Also the circumstances of my life must line up with the other things. And I have peace at the same time and assurance in my heart (some call this a "gut level" feeling that something is either right or wrong.) Most of all, whatever it is must not go against scriptures. And so I pray for wisdom in how to apply what I hear in my life. The big thing is to endeavor to live each day for Christ and follow Him. Then the Spirit will speak to us in many ways..sometimes little and sometimes not.
  18. I would have to assume you are blessed to have a good Pastor at your church. I am happy to hear there is someone who feels the desire to defend their own Pastor. There are still some good ones out there, but there are many bad ones too. I do now but I have had some who abused their authority so I do know the difference. We moved a lot over the 54 years of our marriage. My statement was in regards to the use or abuse of authority not to "defend my pastor." or not "defend my pastor."
  19. God given authority is surely a given in the Church and the pastor does have a certain amount of authority. But the wife is to submit to her husband even as the husband is to love the wife as Christ loved the church. That does not mean that both don't acknowledge the authority of their pastor. Some pastors do need to be called to account by God for their abuse of that authority by over-stepping their limitations in this. Yet, likely more often because they are so busy with church projects, programs, sermons, finances, etc. don't show enough concern about couples who need pastoral care and counseling. Blessed is the congregation who has a pastor or pastors who exercise their authority with wisdom and love and who care!!
  20. It does sound like with the Word of Knowledge this woman needs to seek the Word of Wisdom. Sometimes people used in the gifts do make mistakes (the instruments are only human) and get information they received in prayer which they usually receive simply in order to pray... mixed up with what they should share and where. This would have been better left in her private prayers. At least she didn't mention names which would have been very imprudent. Careful not to judge her by this lack of discernment in how to use the gifts and not to be in awe of anyone who is used like this. But when you are uncomfortable there is usually good reason. Pray for her to use more discernment in what she shares. Also pray for her marriage..the couple may be her and her husband. ????
  21. I remember that phase and the wide spread popularity of Lindsey's book. Even than I saw it as speculation and misinterpretation. Bottom line then and now. We simply don't know when Jesus is coming back; but we are to live as if it could be any time. Regardless if His second coming occurs during our lifetime or not..He will be coming back for us one way or another. And, that, is what matters most.
  22. Hopefully, this thread has not influenced others about something false and demeaning. Thanks for the head's up. Yes, best to check out sites more before posting links like that.
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