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Just a Mirror

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Everything posted by Just a Mirror

  1. You ever thought about that in conjunction with "I saw Satan falling from heaven like LIGHTNING." Could it be that Lucifer is somehow in "charge" of electricity? Think about how electricity has influenced society. Now, why do Amish refuse electricity? Reliance on electricity is paramount for the survival of billions of people. What do you think?
  2. I think the confusion lies in a misunderstanding of Creation. We exist in Gods mind. Everything you see is a thought. There is no other explanation. It is like if you could create for yourself a dream and in that dream have full control over whatever you imagine. We all are only a thought. Everything we see is a thought. But to a thought, another thought is "real". Our whole creation is but a manifested reality existing in the consciousness of the Creator. What He has done is to think a creation into existence and impart unto that creature a piece of His consciousness, which then gives the created being life and then there is a period of confusion in which the creation wonders who, what, when, where and how everything is. In so doing this wondering, and wandering, the creature seeks truth which can lead in many different directions. But only one direction leads to The Creator. The realization that our temporary reality will disappear in the near future and an eternal reality will continue where we will just "be", is revealed to us that we may deny the illusions around us and sacrifice this temporary reality in which we temporarily exist, to focus on what is really important for all other created Adamites, Spreading the Word of Truth and Light, that we must believe in and on and through The Creators personal manifestation which is Yehoshua, and believing that He saves us from this reality which was ruined by a being that was created for a purpose and it decided that the purpose was not good enough. That being corrupted the entire creation by refusing to do its job. Its job being a step below the Creator. But instead of wiping out the entire creation in one swoop, The Creator already had plans in place for every scenario and those plans kicked into motion at lucifers fall. What we are living in is plan "B". Every calculation was made before hand, every plan and backup plan thought of before hand, predestination yes, some people were born for a purpose, other people are remainders in an equation. Everyone will have an opportunity to choose in whatever way God sees fit. God is to us an infinitely powerful quantum super computer, which created a seemingly infinite number of realities in which every possible outcome has taken place, which reality we observe is based on our decisions, does that make sense? Soo based on the decisions of every human our overall reality changes accordingly and the heading and speed are set also. Soo God has already worked out every possible equation in real time and knows your end and the world's end instantly. You are in control of your future, unless you give up your control willingly. Right now, I know that I could turn my life into chaos, I have the power to turn my town into a warzone, but I dont, I dont desire that reality, soo therefore even though I could choose that reality, I do not, soo that I may live a life pleasing to my God who loves me. But I could, I could reject God and do sin until I died, but that is not what anyone but satan desires. The end of this reality is set in stone, the positions of the players have been created, it is up to us and our decisions on who fills the slots. That's why we say that a person is on this path or that path, the wide path or the narrow path, each path comes with its own choices and own outcomes. God knows the end of a path and therefore knows your destiny based on where you are walking, but He loves us and gives us opportunities to change, some ignore him, some hear and change their fate. But time will run out, there will be a cutoff point, soo we in haste try to spread the word soo that even at the last possible second there is still a chance if someone has heard and remembers the Good News. I hope that makes sense to someone, peace and love.
  3. He will be a type of Nimrod, he may even claim to be Nimrod, what's interesting is the reference to the temple. What temple? People use these verses to claim a third temple will be built, but the "temple" in our time, the Church Age, is our body, and is in fact the original intended temple. Soo, it could be that standing in the holy place could mean a type of possession, there are different ways of looking at it depending on your religious viewpoint. Im I'm just sitting outside mulling this over in my head, ill have to dive in later. Peace.
  4. Please hear me out. The reason that there is dating at all is because parents have no idea what they are doing either. Parents used to save their kids alot of heartache by knowing the type of mate their child should have. Well, Satan has done a marvellous job over the centuries of messing that up. The reason divorce has become more prevalent is because of dating. God intended that one person would be the recipient of your heart, mind and soul. That person is God. We should all fall deeply in love with God, and have him be our entire focus in life, but it seems some are bound to learn sacrifice through "A" relationship with another human also. We should never allow dating, never. They are mini marriages, mini divorces. They turn mini into many. The heart does not need to be hardened to have a successful marriage. Dating repeatedly breaks and hardens hearts. Can you imagine if your first true love was hand picked for you and you for them. Based on your personality type, you were given a headstart in life and marriage by parents who understood how personalities interact over time? There is no more special person than the one who first receives your heart. The reason it may not seem special is because you gave it to the wrong person. "First seek the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you." We should all only serve God while here on this earth, but some are hard learners and it takes awhile for them to come to that knowledge. While they are learning the hard way, they date, get married, probably a few times, trying to figure it all out. They might just figure it out while in the midst of being married and come to the realization that they have been doing it all wrong and now they are stuck in the wrong marriage knowing that they should be serving God. All because they did not seek God in the beginning, they just went along with what everyone else was doing, the "normal" thing. This life is about learning sacrifice. If you learn to sacrifice by serving God, you do well, that is what is intended. Some will also learn sacrifice through marriage. But you will not recognize the importance of sacrifice if you do not know God. You will just see others greed, it will feel as if everyone takes advantage of you. But when you come to know God, he will give you eyes to see the Truth. The Truth is everyone is greedy, selfish, seeking what it is that gives them pleasure. The trick to overcoming is understanding. Soo in a do-it-yourself marriage you watch and learn your partner, what type are they, what makes them happy, what makes them sad, how can I lessen their load? Then you sacrifice yourself in order that they may live a better life. They will recognize that you are doing things that make life easier for them and hopefully they reciprocate. You will learn what it means to willingly sacrifice yourself for someone else, if you have the proper perspective. If you choose to be impatient and go find yourself a mate, you will succeed in giving someone a broken heart, how many times it will be broken is up to you. There is only one reason we are here, to lead others to The Creator through Yehoshua His Son. Everything else will be burned up in the end. Go, seek God, seek understanding, then you will know your path, then you can bear your own cross, then you will be doing Gods will for your life. Peace and Love of God upon you.
  5. Do you want to know? Do you know why were here? We are here to lead people to the truth. The truth is that we are living in the past, in a temporary reality, blinded to truth of the world around us. The things that you hold as real are temporary leftover constructions of a bygone era, seen to us as everything we know, but to a long past couple, its not what was intended to be seen. You wander in room of darkness, blinded by darkness, reaching, grasping, listening for help. All roads have lead to walls and it seems hopeless. Then a seed was sown, a knock was heard, a repetitive tapping. You seek out that which you do not know, seeking an answer to the question. What is the Matrix? Kidding.... Why am I here, what is life? Your here to come to the knowledge of the Creator, then once you do that, you let Him live through you in order to accomplish our mission..... Which is, telling everyone about the Creator soo that they can have eternal life too. Eternal Life, with the Creator. Trust me, its going to better than anything you can imagine here, this is dollar store items, compared to solid gold items. (Sorry China) When you Know The Creator, you are in, saved, then you have a new mission, Do Gods Will, Spread the good news to people on their level. We are all preachers, preaching Eternal Life through our redeemer, Yehoshua. Then we focus our life on Him and He does the talking while we do the walking. Not a bad deal. Then we have no fear of death, for when we die, we start LIVING eternally, with God. Hows that for hope? He wants good things for you, its just we get in too big a hurry and mess our lives up. Its actually a pretty simple thing once you Know who God is. Peace to you.
  6. "Pertains to a man", you are misunderstanding the verse. Listen, think back to the timeperiod, what were they wearing? What sort of cloak defined a man and a woman? Do you even know? The problem with religion is that it relies on never moving forward with thinking. Listen again, the clothing that defines a majority of the population is then considered male or female oriented. But listen again, what if a woman must wear jeans for safety and comfort in order to satisfy job requirements? How really are you against such things? Soo she should not work in a place like that? Are you saying that jobs are gender specific? Hmmmm? You see, people think they know something, but they dont know, they dont know. This is a matter of perception. Are you saying you think everyone believes everything just like you do? Noooo, far from it! Christian jungle dwellers wear local attire, whatever that may entail, leaves, a leather groin cover, no top, doesnt matter, its how they perceive their reality. The scripture reference is for the major differences in male attire, you can tell it's a man, and female attire, you can tell it's a woman. This isnt about dress up, this is about deception!! This is aimed at Cross Dressers. You think you are talking with a man or a woman, and speak as you would to either, maybe the greeting is different, 2 kisses, a hug, touching a man or if it was a woman, no contact, very respectful, courteous from a man. For women, they can touch, hug, giggle, with eachother, whatever greeting the two have. But they dont touch men they just meet. You see by deception you may sin, to you or to God. You see you must be flexible in your judgements of what the local customs are. Not everyone has ever dressed like you in the last 2000 or more years in this area, yet you or I has the gall to tell a local population to that they dont dress right? Maybe in their reality you dress backwards from them and you are wrong? Covering the body once their eyes were opened (thats a whole nether post) was about covering up what was taught about and told about and revered. Now they see with their eyes and it was scary to see everything. Now they must cover up, what before was veiled. Most do not understand what it was like before sin. Its very very sad to see what happened, it gives God great sorrow to see what lucifer did. Do you want to know why God did this, why he has stretched out time? This a reality we live in is time slowed down, we are in an anomaly due to sin. You see time started when she ate of the fruit. Eternity stopped, time started. But victory was assured before sin ever happened due to how God Is or Works. You see this reality is already finished, done, over with, completed, the next reality is already happened. God has won, lucifer lost, we win, its already happened. The speed it happens is based on your death. For believers death is eternal life. For the unbelievers eternal separation. That's why we are here, to save the world!!! Your whole purpose once you come to know God is to save others, your silly life is of little consequence, it just to futher your experience, and help make life bearable as you do Gods Will, which is spreading THE WORD OF ETERNAL LIFE. anyway, gotta go, love ya.
  7. What is church? I think you may want to think again on what the difference between a place of meeting and a group of well to dos really is. I would rather spend my sunday with the homeless than with humans that think honor and respect amongst their peers is equivalent to holiness.
  8. Well it must be nice to be able to afford the "proper" attire! Is there a spiritual gift of "clothing police"? I have an outstanding idea!! We all go back to 30A.D. And all wear cloaks, but then theres probably certain gender identifying cloaks. "If it were true, and across the board in the way you claim, a person could come to church wearing the most revealing of outfits and be fine, because after all, "clothes don't matter."" Maybe what they have, is what they have, and they showed up to your church because they want some hope in their life. But we will always have the "Holy Clothing Police" to escort them out of the building for not dressing like a "good" Christian. We can always quote some verses to them soo they will find Gods love after they buy some biblically preapproved clothing before finding salvation. Theres just nothing more I can say. Phffft.
  9. Oh, I guess I should answer your question too, lol. On an "hour" is coming. Ok, soo there are two choices. From my observations, it looks like He is speaking of the Second Resurrection. Where "The rest of the dead" are resurrected. Looks like Hes speaking of both groups. But, we all own stop watches. Soo, 30 min for first resurrection, 30 min for second resurrection. There's your hour. I'll probably stick with the first choice, lol. Anyway, just because He only mentions the Judgement Resurrection doesnt somehow nullify the first one. Peace.
  10. Revelation 20:4-5 The first resurrection are those who receive not the mark and are marytred. Also, those who are stilll alive at His coming, are caught up with them. They rule and reign a 1000 yrs. Then it says "The rest of the dead LIVED not again until the thousand years were finished." Lived is the key word. The main hangup for humans is their limited viewpoint on the totality of time. We hear someone speak on a subject and assume that they see like we do and when they speak of two different groups of people in one paragraph, we ASSUME, they speak of one moment in time. Of course all through the bible God speaks plainly (to Him plainly) but the subject matter has nothing to do with the time period they are in at the time. He doesnt care to elaborate as much as we want. He knows someone will understand eventually. I mean it plainly states in Rev 20 that the martyrs are the FIRST resurrection, if they say FIRST, that means they are trying to tell you there will be ANOTHER resurrection. First Resurrection/Rapture at His second coming. Second Resurrection at the end of the 1000 yrs. The Second resurrection is for everyone who died from Christs resurrection until the Mark was instituted and then those humans who died during the 1000 yrs. (Funny that the Germans currency is the Mark.) Anywho, theres an answer sir. God bless.
  11. I think serving our God to be the highest form of existence, yet we bring ourselves down by piling cares upon our lives that we shouldnt and end up possibly missing out on a more fulfilling path.
  12. Incorrect from your perspective on what I stated, which means I was not clear. I was not stating that the Holy Spirit did not MOVE people or come UPON people because He did, I was stating that there was no indwelling of the Holy Spirit as it is now, where our bodies have become the temple in place of a building as Gods residence. I hope that makes more sense, frustrating I cant get the right words out the first time. Peace.
  13. Luke 14:26 If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. Matthew 8:21 And another of his disciples said unto him, Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father. 22But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead. Matthew 19:21 Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me. 22But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions. 1 Corinthians 7:8 I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I. 9But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn. (with lust) Timothy 5:8 But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel. What shall we do?
  14. 1 John 2:26These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you. 27But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him. Teaches us ALL things. That is alot...but... James 4:3Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts. Now, this verse speaks of worldly goods, but is not knowledge of everything a worldly good? Therefore one who seeks knowledge of the world without seeking to glorify God with that knowledge, seeks in error. Knowledge puffs up, 1 Corinthians 8:1Now as touching things offered unto idols, we know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth. 2And if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know. 3But if any man love God, the same is known of him. It seems that Loving God trumps all knowledge. 1 Corinthians 4:6Now these things, brethren, I have figuratively applied to myself and Apollos for your sake, so that in us you may learn not to exceed what is written, so that no one of you will become arrogant in behalf of one against the other. Which leads back to perspective and definitions. We pretty much it seems should not argue with one another, but turn to God for answers or a different perspective that we may come to the truth without hurting one another. Everything with Love, hard to do, but we must remember. We must stay humble. Love you, peace to you all.
  15. I see this is not a question, but a thought provoking statement to make us think. Perhaps to test the temperature of believers in this forum? John 10:7 7Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep. 8All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them. 9I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go IN and OUT, and find pasture. 10The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. In and Out. Walking in the Spirit, caring for the things of God and walking in the world, taking care of worldly responsibilities . Your concentration is split, therefore In and Out. Obviously IN is preferential, but the more you walk IN, the easier it is to walk in the OUT. I believe the trick is to completely do away with outwardly responsibilities if at all possible, that you may stay IN. Peace.
  16. That is right, yet it does not state the problem which is PERSPECTIVE. Most all arguments are based in the offset of two realities which do not share the same perspective, which in turn leads to the problem of DEFINITIONS. Definitions based on Perspectives are the reason for all arguments and wars. Subsequently Pride will always rear its head when your reality is confronted.
  17. Let's think on why we disagree? What do you think is the reason for disagreements?
  18. Psalms is old testament, therefore they had not the Holy Spirit, which meant that unless they subscribed to following every letter of the law and studied its every meaning their minds were not renewed, nor could they be completely through the law, their sins were only covered. Now as for us we have received power through Word and Spirit that we may renew our minds and change our thoughts by humbling ourselves to God and His Christ. Therefore if we ascribe ourselves to a new way of thinking, thinking based on Faith, we may well in fact overcome the vanity of the fleshly mind, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Thereby by the renewing of our minds by faith, we can increase our faith, by our faith, and finally cast that tree into the sea. Maybe that is what Hes trying to say?
  19. Let it be done according to your faith. We are all dealt a measure of faith. Some more, some less, yet we can all ask for more, yet more than a few do not, they struggle to understand their condition. "Oh wretched man that I am!!" Never more a true statement. When you start to see that your flesh does not want to serve God, you start to loathe the flesh. The "war in our members" is glaringly obvious. Yet, God says greater is He that is you....therefore being mindful of EVERY aspect of your life at ALL times and bringing every thought, every word, every action and every reaction before God is the only way to maintain your heading. The more you concentrate/meditate on God and pray without ceasing, the more you will walk the narrow path, the more you will grow Spiritually and the more peace you will find. Life is tough once you see from Gods perspective what you are up against. I pray you all receive faith abundantly that we may all overcome this world. Peace and love to you.
  20. That's the wrong question. The real question is Yehoshua or Lucifer. Meaning Freedom or Slavery. Meaning Gods laws or the Central Banks laws? 1913 was the end of our country.
  21. I'm slightly confused, now there are a couple possibilities for this confusion, my confusion comes from not knowing your motives. Nevertheless biblically speaking your thesis is incorrect. Now I understand your inherent disbelief if you are a "new" believer, but the fact you are choosing this subject to wrestle with is not a new believer type behavior, unless you have some background in biblical studies in a secular environment. The next thought is that you are an unbeliever looking to use the bible against itself in a sly manner in order to cause doubt on its authenticity. Lastly you could be an adamant believer in the pretrib rapture and without presenting that position that you hold, choose another approach, which is to discredit the author of Matthew, which might I add may not go over well. Soo, let me show you my biblical reasoning for my post....(emphasis mine) Herod Slaughters Babies MATTHEW 2:16-18 16 Then when Herod saw that he had been tricked by the magi, he became very enraged, and sent and slew all the male children WHO WERE IN BETHLEHEM AND ALL ITS VICINITY, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had determined from the magi. 17 THEN WHAT HAD BEEN SPOKEN THROUGH JEREMIAH THE PROPHET WAS FULFILLED: 18“A VOICE WAS HEARD IN RAMAH, WEEPING AND GREAT MOURNING, RACHEL WEEPING FOR HER CHILDREN; AND SHE REFUSED TO BE COMFORTED, BECAUSE THEY WERE NO MORE.” Soo as we can see from the Author, He believed that the prophecy of Jeremiah 31:15-17 was fulfilled by Herod. I really have no extra-biblical sources to back up this stance, though I need none. Now here is where I give you partial credit, because this is not about picking on anyone. This is my own belief based on my studies, though I will not elaborate too much. The bible is written in layers and the layers of The Word are revealed to the reader based on perspective. Also, some prophecy I have noticed is echoed through time. That is why we have over the centuries had trouble deciphering certain prophecies accurately, because you can see prophecy in a cold to hot temperature type scale. It also appears that the same prophecy, IN SOME CASES, is fulfilled multiple times. Now, that said, I'm obviously correct in my assertion that Matthew blatantly stated that Jeremiahs prophecy was fulfilled, yet could it be that the same prophecy could somehow be fulfilled again in the future? Time will tell. I hope I have clarified the reasoning for my stance. Peace to you.
  22. Ok, you said God created everything Grown, or Matured. Ok, well if thats true Adam was created at 13 or whatever. Meaning Adam appeared to have lived 13 years but did not. Soo, along the same lines, God creates a universe that appears mature, possibly appears 400 million years old, but is not. The only way around this situation is if it took God 13 years to create Adam. If you believe that then you can have your 400 million years. Creation is pretty much accelerated, unless of course a week for God = 28 billion years. Or everyday is different by millions if not billions of years. I personally think stuff just is spoken into existence in 6 24hr days. It just appears to be older due to it looking like it should be.
  23. I see what your saying. Its a logical assumption based on Bethlehem being in the territory mentioned, which is Judah. But if you go back to Genesis Rachel gave Jacob, Billah also, to have children, when Billah gave birth Rachel praised God as if the children were her own. Not only that, but Bethlehem is almost on the border of the tribe of Benjamin. Now I dont really know how interwoven border communities are, are they Benjamin on one side of the road and Judah on the other, or are the borders intermingled? That leads to the timeframe of the order to kill the children, which is two years and under. Now I was in the military and I know how they think, if we do not have an exact location, we spread out. Thereforeits very possible that they not only hit Bethlehem but also surrounding areas, in order to "be safe". But like, when the bible says "Rachel weeping" you gotta just assume that God knew there was some Benjamites in the mix. Also, Billahs first child was Dan, which their territory is on the west of Benjamin and north-north west of Judah. Depending on Herods kill radius, Dan could have been hit too. Since Rachel considered Dan hers, and also Benjamin, along with integrated borders, we would have good reason to believe Rachel lost some children. Hope that clarifies it a little. God bless you.
  24. Believing in godless NAZIs, aka NASA, is something I will never do. I have a rule, I never believe anything the government tells me, EVER. You would be wise to consider the same.
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