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Everything posted by Wingwalker

  1. I think i have a pair of slippers like that somewhere............
  2. Congratulations on your addition!!!! What a joy to experience. God has surely blessed you and your family
  3. Wow, what an interesting thread........I drive a gas guzzling truck and I am usually by myself to and from work. However, my fuel effiecient car is being driven by someone else and therefore I need to get from point A to point B. If there is anyone person who would condemn my choice of transportation, they better be in a position to pick me up and take me to work and then pick me up and take me back home. Yes there is a need for a truck, just not every day. BTW, my next vehicle will be a huge SUV And I do have the reasons for owning one and driving one.
  4. I know God calls all of us to a place to do His will. For some, there will be financial support provided for them to do His will. For others, we will be provided time and talents to do His will. Regardless of the financial statuses of everyone, we need to remember why we are here and to be ever thankful for all that we do have and to use that which he has given us. If we cannot take care of what He has given us, why would He give us more to take care of?
  5. You can believe in a negavtive zero and a positive zero, but you must remember that they value they hold is not a negavite 1 or a postitive 1. Its still a value of zero.
  6. I do experience this same fatigue when reading the Bible. Whether book or online, I get so sleepy when reading it. But should I have another book other than the Bible, I dont get the heavy eyelids as with the Bible. This does give me the feeling that it is a spiritual attack. Where else are we going to get the truth? I do know that prayer and worship can defeat the sleepy feeling when we read. Also a little exercise can help relieve feeling sleepy.
  7. Hey, was there a tv or radio on while you were sleeping? That has happened to me before when what ever conversation was being spoken was being played in my dreams. Some of it was good and some not so good. Either way, what you heard, is not out of line with God. It is a good thing. Its a good thought to carry around. Its good advice to share with others. I dont know about half sleeping and being knocked out as being the same thing.
  8. Who let her get a driver's license? Perhaps Winnebago can go after him/her
  9. awwwwww its only -9 now and going to get colder you should be enjoying the heat wave.....
  10. its all of 1 degree here, and you are all complaining about the cold
  11. Shalom Bib, Yeah, I knew Suzanne wasn't here, but there are others that espouse this idea that once you are saved you have to do good works to keep on being saved. yep. theyre here. i dont want to say any names but there are quite a bit of them. UUUUUUGH!!!!
  12. he says he is a christian but i am not sure how much of a christian obama is but if he gets elected it wil change the history of your nation as this wil be the first black man to take on a role as americas president Its not the color of his skin that frightens me, its his liberal views that are keeping me from voting for him.
  13. Sounds like it was a good lesson to learn. Doesnt matter on your sexual orientation, whether or not you are safe from getting AIDS. There is so much going on out there, that I truly believe that abstinance should be taught as the most safest way to not get any of the sexually transmitted viruses/diseases. Abstinance from drug use included. What is wrong with encouraging abstinance?
  14. Just dont lick your fingers after turning pages....LOL But prayerfully they are printing the truth in there
  15. You can just say "no" and tell him what you stated in your post. However, God moves in many ways, and could possibly use any of these meeting times as a place to witness. However, you are closer to the situation and know more what he is about than I do. Pray to God for wisdom of what to say to your friend, and for God to soften your friend's heart.
  16. It's all in the eye of the beholder! There is so much art work that in many peoples' eyes, would say its very expensive, but I would not want it in my house, even if I could afford it. But then, I suppose I am not in a place where my status is proven by what is hanging on my walls.
  17. I listen to KLOVE and they play some Christmas music, but they do not play it 24/7........yet. Actually, even as they get closer to Christmas, they still keep a contemporay mix in. My husband complains that they play the same song up to three times an hour.
  18. FYI, for anyone that doesn't know wingwalker - we've competed in firearms competitions together and she beats me every time. So much for classified information....
  19. This is an absolutely positive idea!!!!!! I wish I could have done this with my children before they grew up. However, I will pass this on to my children for their children and also to others with small children. Thank you for sharing this teaching tool!
  20. Only in sefl defense and defense of others could i pull a trigger. The only reason for pulling the trigger is to stop the person, who is in the position of harming or killing another, and keep him from futher harming myself or another. If he is just wounded, he is still able to continue with the action of harming his victim. In my self defense class, if using a firearm, aim for center mass. Its a bigger target to hit and less likely a stray bullet will hit an unintended target. However it is not my desire to kill anyone. I pray that i am never in a position to find out if I would kill a person. Even if one is not using a gun, assailent or victim, there are many other ways to get away from an attacker. Not every attack would be cause for killing the attacker. As a victim of an attack, any method of getting away is good. Especially if you can get away without fatally wounding your attacker. And as nobdy stated, the best thing to do is avoid getting into that situation. You are less likely to be attacked when you are with a group of three people or more. Home defense: If you choose not to have a firearm in your home, be aware of things that could be used against your attacker in your own home. Also, the protection of God covering your home works too.
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