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Blood Bought 1953

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Everything posted by Blood Bought 1953

  1. The sound of crickets here is deafening......Am I the only one here who believes this way ? Nothing But The Blood for Salvation.....a little support would be encouraging.....Am I the only one who actually believes the song?
  2. Leviticus is great as is every Word Of the Bible...... “ All Scripture is inspired of the Holy Spirit and profitable for teaching , correction........etc. paraphrased
  3. Chalk up another one for God...... “ I am the Lord That healith thee”.....God keeps His Promises.Some get the healing here. Some get it “ up there”, but if you are a Believer- you WILL receive it.....
  4. God has given us a way to get back at our enemies.It is ok to make them feel “ pain”. It will be as if you put hot coals on your enemie’s head. The added bonus is that God will even reward you for it! You can “kill” your enemy if you choose wisely. Kill him with KINDNESS ! Totally destroy them as enemies by making them your friend!Thats God's way for us, and as usual it ain’t all that easy.Ive treated people badly in the past and I have had this done to me .You get that red-faced shame that is utterly awful to endure.God let’s us get MORE than even- we just have to it HIS way.It is not easy and without God’s Spirit in you it is next to impossible and if you are not able to muster up the faith to do it ,go to “Plan B”.......... give it to God. “Vengeance is mine...I will repay!” Tell your enemies , “ God's gonna GET YOU for this!” Its Biblical.It will have them looking over their shoulders , even if they are unbelievers!
  5. The last time I read Leviticus , I took sandpaper to all of my tattoos! Then I read about the Gospel Of Grace in Galatians and realized it was all for nothing . I found out I was never under the Law.In fact it was never meant for anybody other than the Jews thousands of years ago.Now “ all things are lawful to me” , but some things are not wise .I applaud that preacher that had Leviticus 19:28 tattooed on his arm for a witnessing tool.Very effective, he claims..... I don’t really have tattoos or any sandpiper , for that matter.....neither are wise for me.....
  6. The usual......peering through my blinds, checking out the neighborhood .Making sure Nobody is having fun.I am the Male version of the Church Lady.......gotta go..... I think I just saw saw somebody tapping their foot to some demonic Monkee tunes.....
  7. Satan is already a vanquished foe...... and his future is an Eternity Of Torment.....throw the poor Son Of Balaal a bone every now and then.....
  8. As the Church Lady used to inquire......could it be— SATAN ? He may not be the cause , but the name of his Enemy sure is mentioned in here a lot.....Jesus! He has to hate this site.....it’s a miracle it works at all.....to satan’s Chagrin—-“ Greater is He that is in us than he that is in The World” . With all due respect......blow it out your a.....er, ah..... “ ear”, Satan........lol...
  9. George works long ,hard hours. He may have fallen asleep at the switch......WAKE UP GEORGE!!! ...... just kidding, of course......I am not stupid.....it’s that Brazilian Rain Forest thing........lol....
  10. You seem to be feeling better! That is good. One more answered prayer. I don’t really want Benny or even the Pope to go to Hell .....it’s just an expression.... Its just tough sometimes to wish for the best for those that make you want to vomit with their “ Accursed” ( damned by God) false “ gospels”
  11. Please note that neither Jesus nor John says to “ Repent of Sins” to be saved.Dont waste time looking - it ain’t in there.Not in the KJV. Try this: translate the word “ repent” as “ Turn to God” when John and Jesus say it. “ Why would John and Jesus waste their time preaching “ quit your sinning” to the crowds. It’s a great thing to do and God desires it but it ain’t gonna save ANYBODY! Show some insight. Nobody can stop sinning as long as they are in a Body Of flesh. Now, imagine this scenario.What If when Jesus said “Repent” He was saying “Turn to God”. Now that is not only something that is pleasing to God, it is being told something that will actually be the first step in getting you saved.True Repentance. “ Turn to me and I will turn to you”. Now THAT will get you saved! Why would Jesus and John preach something that was not going to get the job done.Most Of these people probably lived lives where they would never hear anything beyond that.It was enough.Turn to God. Repent. “Turn to God with faith in Jesus Christ” We KNOW at least one guy who was “ justified” or saved in the Bible .Jesus said so.The Publican who cried out as he TURNED TO GOD, “ Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner”.THAT is the repentance God is looking for .Despite all the rules, Commandments,demands, orders , obedience ,fear- ALL of that stuff crammed into the Old Testament .....all God was ever looking for was a Contrite Heart.One That He could work with.A contrite heart is a repentant heart .God is still on the look-out for them.There will be NOBODY in Heaven with a heart that has not been made contrite. Get one now! Turn to God as the Lost Sinner that you are if you have not already done so.It worked for the Publican and it worked for me.It will work for you.Guaranteed.God Bless...
  12. I used to have it saved in My Favorites, but I lost it......seems like it was tricky to find the last time I looked, but it should still be out there......I laughed so hard I cried......it is the most pathetic thing you have ever seen....guaranteed!
  13. He is a lieing fake.HopefullyYou Tube still has the video where he extends his mighty hands over his gullible , blind admirers and lighting bolts shoot from his hands and cover the audience.Such wickedness makes me rejoice that there is a Hell . IF God would ever grant this Fool repentance, I will be waiting to hear him preach the Truth of The Gospel Of Grace, Given to Paul to proclaim by Jesus Himself. NOTHING BUT THE BLOOD ! Don’t be holding your breath.And watch out for lightning!
  14. Thank you for your Concern.My Spiritualality is fine.It will stay that way as long as I get my eyes off of “ my” righteousness and keep my eyes on “ His” Righteousness.My Faith in THAT Saved me and keeps me Saved .....Few indeed are the times I can compare myself with God, but here is where God and I share something— we both hate a proud look and a “ lying tongue”.How about you? Trump is not a Believer in my opinion, so it is not up to me to be his judge.I am a worse sinner than him, but then I am not the Leader Of the Free World.I do not consider Trump an “ enemy”. I think he is a disgusting liar ( what is the number of tracked , verified lies now by the Times? Over 10,000?..... If they are 90% wrong it would still be shameful).We, as Christians are not supposed to hate others. Christianity101.Our God is a God of love ,but we must never forget he has the capacity to hate.I notice that where God lists the seven things He hates, He does NOT say He hates the person most of the time....He hates “ the feet” of those that run to sin and mischief, say , the feet of a man- boy like Trump that runs to cohort with prostitutes and porn stars. Trump disgusts me and if that sends me to Hell, there is nothing I can do about it.The Truth is, like the Bible Commands and God does in His list of “The Seven THINGS ( not people) that God hates, I hate the sins and not the Sinner.Trump makes it VERY hard not to cross the line.BTW.....did I forget to mention the fact that I am not really fond of the man? Lol.....
  15. Sounds like a good start......unfortunately, Mr. Hinn has bigger problems than the “ prosperity gospel”
  16. Me neither......apologies....may God forgive me.....I hate him and I get carried away....
  17. One can “ repent of sins” all day long......it won’t save anybody...it never did.... Perhaps that is why the Bible ( KJV) says nowhere to “ repent of sins to be saved” . Repentance is that “ lightbulb moment” where The Holy Spirit reveals to you.... “ Hey, I ain’t as hot as I think I am — in fact , I am a wretched sinner that has to have a Savior”. One does not turn “ FROM” sin to be saved, one turns “TO” God, as a lost sinner with faith in Jesus to save him. “Repentance towards God, with faith in Jesus Christ”....... “turning from sin”is a natural result or “ fruit” of turning to God,Once a person has the Indwelling Holy Spirit in Him , He will repent , or feel sorrow and guilt as part of the Sanctification process. There are three Greek words that the Bible Translaters translated as “repentance”.The Biggie is Metanoia that means “ to change your mind”. Changing your mind about what you are and Who Jesus is , that is the Repentance God demands for Salvation .A One Time “ Light - Bulb Moment” that completely divides and changes your life. ONE TIME. The second type of repentance is sorrow and guilt for sinning. This is involved in the Biggie Repentance That Saved your Soul, But in and of itself , it does no saving.Even Judas displayed that type of repentance.Had he “turned to God” instead of hanging himself, he would have been saved. He did not “ turn to God with faith In Jesus” . He was never a Believer.We must not confuse the different types of repentance.Both are good. They interlap Only one type Saves. God bless
  18. Since receiving my New Heart, I have a love for the Jewish people and all things Jewish that just ain’t natural. Those that hate the Jews? Their hatred ain’t natural either.My love is a Holy Spirit thing.Their hatred is a Satanic thing.Seems like God has a counter- balance thing going on.I am happy to be a part of that!
  19. It is not my intent to rain on anyone’s parade.........but, let’s not forget that Abraham worshipped idols in the land of Ur, disobeyed God when he took Lot with him, lied about his wife when he was in Egypt, which he was told not to go there, he did not trust God when he had relations with Hagar, which was adultery, btw. Abraham had a lousy performance in many ways, yet he DID have great faith.The faith that saved him, because God took it and “ counted it as righteousness.”That worked out good for Abraham for his own righteousness wasn’t all that much to brag about.Just like us.
  20. Only many years of bad teaching can get you to the point that you are at If you want to reverse things and find rest in the finished work of the Cross by solid , intelligent Bible teaching please do yourself the biggest favor you will ever do for yourself in this lifetime......go to “ getgodsgift.org” and listen to Andrew Farley on You Tube.God Bless....
  21. I have Two words for you—— “Pish Posh” Your post was about as clear as mud.....I don’t see how it relates to mine at all.please concentrate on writing more clearly so I can respond properly.Or just ignore me. Whatever.
  22. How long ago was it that Adam and Eve used fig leaves to “ cover” their sin? That was the first act of religion.God hated religion then.....he hates it now . “ Religion says “ look at what I am doing for God!......Give me what I deserve!” God will tell them “ ok.....I will give you what you deserve- go to hell”. Christianity says , “ I deserve nothing but an Eternity in Hell, Thank you for shedding your Blood for me.....thank you for your AMAZING Grace!”
  23. The closer you get to God— the worse you see yourself as. Paul was close to God.
  24. Oops.......sorry.....I get carried away sometimes The forgiveness thing is easy.....We forgive others because WE have been saved......Under Law it was a Salvation Issue.....We are under Grace, forgiven by Believing the Gospel in 1cor15:1-4.....Forgiving is a fruit of the Spirit.....It does not save, nor does it keep you saved.....only The Blood does that...
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