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Who me

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Everything posted by Who me

  1. The question has to be asked and answered. Why can you not be legally married according to the laws of your country? Those laws are there for a practical reason, e ample brother and sister cannot marry, as has been said someone who is already legally married cannot marry while that marriage exists. We here cannot advise you, you need to talk to a lawyer and to the pastor of the church you attend.
  2. May I suggest that you do not need to " sense " or " feel " God's presence. It like your current earthly citizenship, do you ' feel ' that, or your re.ationship with your parents, do you ' feel ' or sense their love for you all the time. We are Christians not because we ' feel ' or sense something, but because of facts. Historical fact, Jesus lived, died and rose again. Spiritual fact, God gave you the gift of faith to believe in Jesus. May I make another suggestion. When you ' feel ' that God isn't there start thanking him and praising him for what he has done for you at calvary, for his promises ever to leave us or to abandon us. He is the Shepherd who left 99 sheep to there own devices, while he searched the wilderness es for One lost sheep. A Shepherd like this will not abandon a struggling sheep. What do you trust God's word or your fickle feelings.
  3. By jkv I assume you mean the King James version of the bible. That what you have posted about the douray-rhiems bible is total nonsense as shown by this quote:- . It was completed in 1609, making it older than the KJV, which was not published until 1611. The fact that the Rheims New Testament was published in 1582 meant that it appeared almost thirty years before the KJV New Testament.from https://www.catholicculture.org/culture/library/view.cfm?id=4300
  4. If asked that sort of question respond with, ' As you are asking g about Noahs Ark, I take it you believe there is a God? Then move on to talk about Jesus. If they confirm they are an atheist, ask them why? And what evidence do they have for not believing in God? Take a look at the arguments for God at the bottom of this article:-https://winteryknight.com/2023/11/09/atheist-gets-her-phd-in-astronomy-and-astrophysics-and-finds-evidence-for-god-8/ Your tactics are. They ca believe anything, so long as they have a rational reason for that believe. As answersingenesis shows there is a rational argument for a global flood and for an Ark etc so move the conversation on to why they don't believe.
  5. God is a spirit, not just invisible, so men is created in God's characteristics in that just as God is rational moral, spiritual, loving, merciful and creative so is mankind. That God loves mankind is seen in many ways, as his creativeness can be seen in creation, his provision of laws to guide us, in his sending of prophets and selecting a nation to show the World how to live and ultimately in the sending of his Son to save us.
  6. Never understood this. Christians are accused of being narrow minded because one has to be a Christian to be saved! Unfortunately Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Mormons, JW, etc etc etc all believe that only there followers will be saved. The nonsense that all roads lead to God is shown to be false as Islam and the Christian sects have one God, Hinduism and mormons has a multitude of gods while Buddhism has no god. The wonder of Christianity is that God is concerned for us, he is active in saving us, so much so that unlike all other religions in Christianity the work of salvation is done for one and it has just to be accepted.
  7. Yes and no, most denominations formed because of politics or basic theological disagreements, but now we have the corruption of Liberal theology that actually denies the basic foundational doctrines.
  8. Or as Philipians says '2 Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, 2 then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. 3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, 4 not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others' So many petty incidents would be dealt with in church life if we All followed this.
  9. It is a prayer that addresses the real needs of a person or situation, something other than " God bless those in need! "
  10. I was trying to kick you into praying, so satisfy my curiosity are you praying intelligently about your problems? Are you seeking help from trusted Christians or from your doctor. There are many Christians who will help either by doing, by listening, or by praying, so make use of the help God provided before you asked.
  11. But there is schism, so how should we deal with it?
  12. Depends why. If one is being disrespectful in how one vents over minor inconvenience then one shouldn't. However if one is facing real difficulties then as part of expressing ones pain I think it is ok to vent ones feelings.
  13. So the flogging, the beatings, the loss of blood from numerous wounds, the trauma, growing exhaustion etc etc had nothing to do with Jesus's death. We say of those who die in wars that they laid down their lives, they paid the ultimate price and they did. Jesus also laid down his life, he paid the ultimate price for us. Yes there is a supernatural dimension in that he could have come down off the Cross, he could have summons 12 legions of angels, but he chose not to. He had the authority to end his life, but he used that authority when his fully human body was at deaths door. He chose the moment of his death, but he was dying because of what had been done to his physical body.
  14. Yes Jesus laid down his life, and sinful men took it from him.
  15. God loves you enough to send his Son to die a lingering degrading death. He loves you enough to adopt you into his family with the right of immediate access to him. If they are serious problems tell your heavenly Father about them, all about them, your feelings, your fears, hopes, how they physically affect you, mentally and spiritually. The Lmighty Creator of the Universe, the One who spoke and it came into being, the One whose current word holds all things together is interested in you! That is mind blowing, but it's true, so talk to your heavenly daddy.
  16. A number of years ago our church regularly did door to door work. I found it very depressing and hard as it was so rare that one ever got more than a few sentences of conversation. In fact our evangelist wrote a tract to use in door to door work:- ' No Thanks, I'm not Interested' This was successfully left at many home and occasionally got a laugh and a short conversation.
  17. It is only the start. As I've said our example is Jesus. Heprayed for his killers, so we too pray for those who have offended against us, we pray intelligently for there good and we also offer up our feelings about the offender and the incident. This is far harder than seeking feelings of forgiveness.
  18. You have posted lamenting the absence of a husband. If you want a husband you have to be out in public, being seen and being talked to/talking to strange men. Hiding because of imaginary fears does not cause those fears to depart, face them, learn that while it is scary to walk into a public space, those fears are imaginary, that you can survive out in the world, that people looking at you does not kill you. I'm not trying to make fun of your fears, to you they are real, but if you want a husband you have to leave the shelter of your house and move about where other people are.
  19. No one who follows Jesus's example carries a grudge. He prayed for the good of he crucifixes, we if we follow Jesus's teaching and example will do the same.
  20. Repentance is always the context. Luke17:If your brother or sister[a] sins against you, rebuke them; and if they repent, forgive them. 4 Even if they sin against you seven times in a day and seven times come back to you saying ‘I repent,’ you must forgive them.” Jesus taught that repentance is the precursor to forgiveness.
  21. From the plot of 'Les Miss' the hero having been released is struggling to survive, a priest gives him shelter and he steals silver candle sticks from him. He is caught and brought back to the priest who tells him and the police, 'I gave that silver to him, but you left so quickly that you left some silver behind'. Did Jean Paul John, the hero, steal from the priest or was he given the silver? Jesus gave his life, but it was also illegally taken from him. That Jesus was willing to do this is to our benefit.
  22. These are very good questions that are rarely address. Personally I think he was praying for the men actually nailing him to the cross. They were just doing another job, so in praying for these mens ignorance he was showing us how to handle the results of persecution. God in his mercy could challenge those men so they could investigate the background to this latest job and find out the truth. Was Jesus praying an indication of his own forgiveness? No I think it shows his compassion for them and his willingness to forgive. Without repentance there cannot be forgiveness.
  23. I prefer to ask how can a process vital for evolut8on be called an enemy, death, the last enemy? Also how could death be call " good " ?
  24. Yes you are correct, what I wrote is judgemental. It is judgemental because you write one thing and talk about doing something Jesus never did. Let's be clear. Jesus/God only forgave those who repented.
  25. This is all very nice, but is totally unscriptural. Our example is always that of God and of Jesus. The old testament teaches clearly that the Isrealites were to repent of their sin and offer an animal sacrifice. God's repeatedly states, " If my people will turn ( repent ) from their wicked ways and pray. Then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sins and heal their land." Jesus being crucified, didn't forgive, but prayed for them asking God to forgive them. As Jesus taught once there is repentance we Must forgive. See the parable of the unjust servant. He'd pleaded for mercy a d been granted it, yet when another servant pleaded for mercy he did not forgive. There was repentance followed by forgiveness. We are to forgive as Jesus forgave us. How many of you did not repent of your sins, or did you all say sorry! That is how we are to forgive.
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