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Everything posted by yukon

  1. Thanks!! I think you guys are doing an outstanding job!! Yukon!!
  2. yukon

    don't fly a flag!

    This is not good!! I am glad that in my town there is no problem!! Yukon
  3. hmmmm? Well twenty yrs ago I had Ramen noodles, cup a soup, MRE's, spam, hungryman dinners, and baked beans. Yukon
  4. I am voting for George Bush again, because he stands firm on what he does. He doesn't second guess himself. He is a christian man, he prays on TV, he uses scriptures in his speeches. He stands for the traditional marriage between a man and women, He has and is protectiing this country and the world. Even though many ppl in this country and around the world bad mouth him, he still stands his ground. We need a president that is not afraid. I do not understand why ppl complain about the wars of today? These ppl should read the old testament and then they will see war. What about all the wars that took place so America could be a free nation. God knows who the next president will be. Yukon
  5. Hi!! know that I am praying for you!! I see the drugs your husband is addicted too. First you need to get him help and to see his doctor and let the doc know that he is miss using these drugs. Doctor's can get into trouble if their patients are abusing the medication they gave them. These drugs that he is just taking will start to harm is organs and then he will have to take meds to repair the damage. No matter his mood, you need to contact the doc and seek help for him. Your son needs to grow up in a comfortable home, not afraid of his dad or wondering wht dad is acting weird. I am praying for you!! Yukon
  6. hmmmmmmm? Something else to pray about!! Yukon
  7. I don't think it matters what a building looks like. The church is the body of believers. What matters should be our walk and growth in the Lord Jesus and serving Him daily. Yukon
  8. No to evolution!! YES to GOD and HIS awesome WORD and CREATION!!! Yukon
  9. I believe the Sanctuary is the church, the body of believers. Like we are the temple of the holy Spirit. We as christians strive in our christian walk to be a sanctuary. Yukon
  10. TBN reminds me of the Bakers. Remember Tammy and Jim Baker, it's amazing that Tammy and Jan both have the same look especially when they cry. I do not like what I see on TBN. Yukon
  11. Yep we are in the last days and certain things have to happen before we get to sit on Jesus lap. This is some more amoral stuff to deal with. Yukon
  12. Yes, sometimes Christians can loose faith when a situation in their life might cause them to fall away from God. It has happened to me. Everyone around me gave all kinds of love and advice. But, I was the only one that could get back on fire with God. I believe Jesus holds you in His precious arms and carries you while you are at a low in your life. It might seems that you have lost all faith, but you haven't. There is still some faith their. Hope this answers question. Yukon
  13. I am from the great state of ALASKA!!!! The LAST FRONTIER!!! AWESOME place too live. Best FISHING, Best HUNTING, Best ICE SKATING around GLACIERS, Best HIKING, Best HERBS IN THE WOODS TO FIND, Best BERRY PICKING!! And much more!!! YUKON
  14. I think no certian person should be reconized more then others even though I did that many post ago. Everyone of us are special in Jesus eyes. I know I do not spend as much time on the computer as many of you do. So, I do understand the close relationships you have with one another. I do pop in once in a while to see what's going on and when it's lonely out at sea, just seeing what ppl are writing or saying whether it is a prayer request or a praise or this topic, I am lifted up. So, thank you all on worthy for keeping my spirits up when I am at sea!!! Yukon
  15. Love your son as you always have. You need to pray for your son daily. Lift him up to Jesus daily. Do not point out his sin to him because you might push him away from God. Sin is sin. Homosexuality is no different then lying, cheating, or adultry. God will give you the wisdom and knowledge on what to do. Seek Jesus face for the answer and He will give you peace. Yukon
  16. So, ya wanna know why did Bush go into Iraq? Well, terrorist had to pay for what they did to WTC. If Clinton had done something when the USS Cole was bombed, all those soldiers that lost their lives in Mogadisha(sp), and when the WTC was first bombed in 1993. Clinton did not do his job to protect the people of the U.S. George Bush is protecting the ppl of this country. Think of all the men and women that died in all the past wars so we could live in freedom today. I would rather live in freedom, then be scared everyday wondering where the next place the terrorist will bomb us. The ppl in Iraq are free now to live a life without being put to death. I lost two friends and a cousin in Iraq fighting for our freedom and the ppl of Iraq. What you hear in the media is not always true. It's better if you hear what is really happening in Iraq, by the men and women serving over there. So, I guess men and women for centuries have fought for the very freedom that you have today. Yukon
  17. Hey, thanks for sharing!! Yukon
  18. yukon


    Thanks Dave. Very powerful!! Yukon
  19. I would rather have my day started out with Jesus. Jesus teaches so much and I can never learn it all. It's my food for starting the day out right. Yukon
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