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Everything posted by shepherdsgrace

  1. Kross, Being in a POSITION of authority does not stop a person from being a servant to all. God has given us talents and gifts which are to be used for his glory in all walks of life and positions. There is nothing against God in being in leadership. David was a KING. Luke was a Doctor. Peter was a Fisherman. Their walks of life did not stop them from loving God and serving HIM.
  2. The LORD! THe LORD! Look to HIM! He is that FRIEND who sticks closer than a brother. No one is to take his place in our hearts. He is number ONE and ALL! When we give Him all of our heart then we love others in fullness.
  3. I am so sorry about what happened to you and your daughter. Things such as what you have been through effect us deeply. God's healing touch will deliver you more and more as time goes by and you experience his faithfulness. But dear Sister, you do not have to figure out those verses. The Word is not a mental exercise. As you meditate and think and ponder on the Word, the Holy Spirit will make it real to you. It is up to Him to enliven the Word and make it produce fruit in you. All you have to do is read it, believe it, and pray over it. Tell the LORD you want to be this person who lives in love and not fear and that you are depending upon Him and not yourself. God has provided CHRIST to be your very life. Christ will live his love through you. And remember that David himself said, "When I am afraid".......... As you "feel" fear wanting to overwhelm you, simply pray to your LORD in your heart. Tell him you are trusting in him NO MATTER how you feel. That is all you have to do. Then just go on. Watch him come through for you. Life is not easy. But I can tell you that every time you move on, even though you fear, and decide to deliberately trust in the LORD,no matter the emotions involved, that you are being pleasing in God's sight. And what else do we want but to please the LORD? Thinking of you. Many blessings......
  4. furry tongue.......yeast overrun. Needs to be taken care of!
  5. Is it possible that there are good points to both sides? Indeed we are to be praying and seeking the LORD concerning all issues. We must commit or turn over to Him all things, trust in Him and then He will act. However, He often acts through his people. According to scripture a nation mourns when it has evil leadership. It makes a difference when godly men and women are in leadership positions for they are in the places of authority to bring blessing of all kinds to people. It makes a difference when godly people are in working places reaching out in kindness towards all they meet. We are the light in this world. We are Christ's body. May God cause us to see how important each grain of salt is in this world. Oh the importance of being a Christian neighbor! Praying for a neighborhood. Reaching out to the persons of a neighborhood. Nothing takes the place of prayer and seeking the LORD. But if anyone ever walked this earth serving people it was our Lord. May we integrate both in our lives. We do not have to be entertaining the spirit of this world to be making a difference in it.
  6. Because it is pleasing to God I have begun consistently remembering Israel in prayer. And thank you for reminding me yet again to persistently call upon the Lord for Israel! May the LORD indeed rise up to protect his chosen people. May families be strengthened and protected from the ways of wicked men. May the Holy Spirit blanket his people with his protection and love. We trust in HIm with all our hearts!
  7. It is rather difficult to put all parents in the same boat! There are plenty of parents who have tried everything they know to do and yet the child is out of control. And until you have seen, as I have, this age child out of control, you really cannot imagine how hard it is to bring them under control. Also I think it very important to remember the OTHER people involved. There are innocent children all about who are harmed by these type children. Those who are being indangered by out of control children are as important as the one causing the damage! The one causing the rucus needs to be stopped as quickly as possible. The taser works and causes little or no damage.
  8. I wanted to post that transdermal magnesium chloride is fantastic for helping muscle pain and spasms. You can search the name of mark sircus with transdermal magnesium chloride and find sites to read . I have been using for a couple of months now and do not want to do without it!
  9. Simply trust God to give you his thoughts and wisdom. Just simple trust. Tell him that you are trusting him with all of yourself and that you know he is coming through for you. Then carefully and deliberately begin making decisions. As you do so just keep trusting God to get through to you. HE is ever faithful. He will give you his thoughts and leadership. You do not need anything spectacular. You need simple faith. Read the Word. Pray. TRUST. He will never let you down.
  10. May the LORD strengthen you. May you feel his love and concern. Lean upon Him. Keep telling Him that you are leaning upon HIM. He knows that you cannot do it by yourself. Lean heavily upon Jesus. Romans 7 tells us that there is a law of sin within our members. Romans 8 tells that we are set FREE from that law of sin by the Spirit of Life in CHrist Jesus. If you will meditate on the truth of that statement and the power of Christ in you and for you, breakthroughs will happen for you. No doubt. Whatever you do, don't give up! We have heaven waiting on us. Bright future ahead!
  11. Included in the fear of God is the deep realization that God will do what He says he will do. He never changes. He is himself. Therefore we must and do change to suit him. This understanding brings wisdom because it motivates the child of God unto obedience even when it goes against the natural grain. As we obey God we move in wisdom and humility which open the door to many blessings.
  12. No doubt that in that culture family will be more than happy to take care of the children.
  13. When I find it difficult to draw aside for a private time with the LORD I have learned that if I will start praying aloud while I am working that I will eventually lay down what I am doing and draw aside. It is the getting started that can be so difficult. We are in a battle when it comes to seeking after the LORD and it is not always so easy to just automatically win. But we do!
  14. Let it go! Stop going over and over it in your thoughts. We all make many mistakes. Just come here and make new friends here. It will work out. And you have more control than you know. A part of the fruit of the Spirit is self control. The Holy Spirit can produce fruit rather you have a mood disorder or not. Instead of concentrating on what has happened that makes you feel so low, on purpose begin to think on something else! You will be so surprised at how much it will make a difference. Think about how good it feels to take a walk. Think about a favorite anything! Think about what is good in your life. Just simply TAKE CONTROL of your mind. It is yours. It does not belong to anyone else. Help yourself all you can. You will be amazed at how the Holy Spirit will help you as you attempt to control your thinking. And you will FEEL better! God really does turn all things to our good if we are called according to his purpose. Hang in there and watch it all get better............
  15. I have been praying for loved ones with mental disorders most of my life. I have seen the intervening hand of God over and over. But it is not easy and it takes all kinds of perseverance. The one thing I have learned is that in praying for these people I must look ONLY at the LORD and not at the persons and their behavior. When I pray I concentrate on the abilities and characteristics of God and I remember that HE is TOTAL GOD. And each time I end a prayer session I leave the persons at the foot of the cross. I have learned that I must give all heart ache and worry over to the Lord and trust in HIM completely. In other words I have learned to keep them released. If we bind up people through worry and anxiety etc then we effectively cut off the intervening hand of God in answering OUR prayers. Whatsoever is bound on earth is bound in heaven has many meanings. And one, at least, is that we must keep people released from ourselves. Also I have learned to pray every kind of prayer I can think of. I ask. I am thankful. I meditate upon the intervening power of the LORD. I bind the enemy in the Name of Jesus. At different times of course as the Holy Spirit leads. I use scripture. And I KNOW that God hears and answers. Perseverance is the key word. Keep on seeking God. He will NOT fail you. You will have many blessings as you so consistently seek the LORD.
  16. I noticed that you said you had turned into this sort of person. In other words you have not always been this way. So, you must take responsibility for yourself and change again. God has given you all you need to make the necessary changes. Instead of telling yourself all these horrible things about yourself change your self talk. Remind yourself that you do not have to control your boyfriend by calling him all the time. Straighten out your Self talk. That is vital. It has been proven that our brains do whatever we tell them to do. God has made us that way. And are you in the Word of God? Are you reading it and accepting what it says for yourself? Are you obeying its principles? Repentence over our foolish actions and changing our ways are a part of following Christ. There is great power in reading a verse of scripture and then actually praying it, applying it to yourself, thinking about it, doing it! We are instructed to meditate on the word of God. The word meditate in Hebrew means to mutter, to think, to ponder out loud. Like a cow chewing its cud to roll it about in your mind and on your tongue. It changes us to do so. God is with you. But we must make our decisions. You can do that because you are seeing the need to do so. IT takes developing strength of character. Perseverance. You will be blessed in your doing!
  17. Disappointment can be one of the most difficutl emotions to deal with. Pain, grief go along with it and can hurt to the core of the person. Let it motivate you toward the LORD. Talk to him about it. Pour out your heart to him. And then after you have done that tell him that you are going to trust in him regardless of anything and everything! You may have to repeat this a number of times. You may have to say to the Lord, "I trust you. I trust you!" many times. But eventually the HOly Spirit will begin that work of healing as you trust in your God. Also let the Word of God speak to you. For instance in the BIble God tells us that He will never leave us or forsake us. Let that speak to your heart. Receive it and decide to believe that wonderful truth about God. Thank him that it is true in your life. As you begin to move in this manner in your thought and prayer life, you will receive the peace that you need. It will be there more and more.
  18. The supernatural world is certainly real. But what God wants is to reveal himself in our lives. It is an exciting thing to see supernatural occurences but what does it do for you or for God? Such does not draw us closer to God but rather excites us. And let me assure you that when we begin to ask for supernatural happenings we get answers, and they are not always from the Lord Jesus Christ.
  19. Not only should you not go if you do not want to and have other priorities, but the "secret" business is always alarming to me. By no means am I going to a meeting where I do not know what is going to be done. Also all the pressure that is being exerted upon you is not a good thing. Lots of little red flags waving around on this one!
  20. Hello Book wirm, The Holy Spirit causes the Word of God, the Bible, to become alive to us. When we realize that the Word is instruction to us and begin to take it personally, as a personal revelation from God to us, then we are also available to receive from the Holy Spirit the realization of the Truth of the Word in our own lives and as basic truth. Simply ask God to "reveal" the Word to you. Expect Him to do this revealing because it is his will to do so. And soon little by little as you read reality and truth will reveal itself to your heart. May you be blessed by the revelation of truth as you read the Bible.
  21. God bless and keep you. Indeed it is significant that it is so hard for you to read the Word of God. There is a spiritual battle going on over you. And it is important that you make good choices right now. Just keep on keeping on. Do as others have suggested and read a little each day. It does not have to be much. But stick to the New Testament for awhile until you have more understanding. And when you are not reading THINK about what you have read. And follow any instructions you might come across. Greater is He who is in you (the Holy Spirit) than he that is in the world (Satan). You are victorious in Christ. You actually are IN CHRIST now. So take heart and be encouraged. Better days are ahead! Blessings
  22. Hey Lass, Don't you just love the way these youngsters are calling being in the sixties "older"? And here I feel so young and thought everybody else thought 60 was young! A lot of miles on those legs. For sure. And many more miles to go. Bless God!
  23. May the LORD bless you as you grow in grace and allow the LORD to have His way in this situation.
  24. Lass, Why don't you just give it over to God and then if it happens again insist on the doctor visit...
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