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Everything posted by LadyGunivere

  1. Well I answered yes....because of a few reasons.....I recently aquired a job and have been working at it for the past 3 weeks. Where where else....The Department of Labor trying to educate the 16-24's of this world in great state of Texas.....You know what I've found....there's a BUNCH of them that have disabilities and can't even wash clothes some of them...Why because of the way the parents treated them...So yes I do agree drug test them. We drug test the kids here if they come up positive once they have 30 days to get clean and to do treatment and GET HELP!!!! I'm sorry but its hard enough to find a job and some of these kids are really good kids. Today I had dorm inspection on the girls and got them all out by 7:15AM. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get a teenager out of bed.....Quite hard espeically if they have troubled times in their past and their blaming themselves for it....This is just my 2 cents. But yes I do think they should be drug tested.
  2. My mother smoked with me and my sister when she had us....my sister was fine but I had so many health problems after the fact it was difficult to catch up sometimes.
  3. The other thing is just different backgrounds......We have no idea what could be going on in someone's life in order not make themselves self-consicous about typing. Willow, I differ, I don't expect an 8 yr old to be typing the way a 20 something or 30 something does. Do you? I also under that you are on the boards alot and yes it doesn get somewhat annoying when people don't use punctucation correctly. Sorry I'm not the best speller, I'm never gonna be. Yes, I come from Texas and also from the country so my grammer isn't going to be perfect. I'm not taking offense but at the same time I'm not an english major. That's just my 2 cents thanks for reading. GBY.
  4. we don't text is the main reason why we've never really shopped around.
  5. Willow at the same time....my family was pretty much on the lower end of the middle class. I didn't have everything as a kid and still don't...i'm sorry you didn't communicate well with your husband at first and I'm glad it worked out.
  6. I'm quite happy with sprint and there's only us two......the only thing we wish we had is the rollover minutes from T-Mobile.....they all have their strengths and weakness.
  7. I'm once again happy to be frumpy out in public.....sides the less looks from guys I get the better.
  8. Shouldn't this topic be under prophecy?????
  9. It's great neb its just hard to see light at the end of the tunnel.
  10. is it wrong for women to wear pants to church? No why? because we live in a society where the shorter it is the better it gets apparantly...Me personally I don't feel comfortable unless I'm either completely covered the important parts and I look classy enough to go anywhere in. At the same time. I don't wear short shorts or micro mini skirts cause to me they look like a poor excuse to pay 50 bucks for clothes. Now if someone wants to come into a place and worship wearing anything short more power to them cause I couldn't do it. Also Jesus told us to love everybody not just those who dress well.
  11. Good question actually for a topic. If I would have done everything that I wanted to I wouldn't be here right here and now. God lead me to this point with who I am in my life. So does God speak audibly to me personally.....no. He leads me with my ability to right and wrong. To take His Chosen Path and not mine own. Had I taken my path I would be homeless...I wouldn't be with a great guy who loves God I wouldn't be following the right path for me. So yea I don't think God speaks audibly to me he guides me with my heart and lets me know when I'm doing right or wrong.
  12. Honey I've felt all alone most of my life. Most of the things I've figured out were by myself.. The best advice that I can give you is that Jesus will always be with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you in any way. Grab a bible and read His Word and feed off of that and find someone who you can talk to too.
  13. I went through a writing phase about my life. One of my best girlfriend's says she wants it when i pass away. It has alot of ideas and songs and things I try a jot down from time to time when I feel like writing. It started when I was in high school and I don't know when I'll turn back to it.
  14. Anybody ever read faherheit 451 by ray bradbury? Books were outlawed and if you were caught reading them they were gonna kill the persecuted and burn the books. A firefighter actually starting fires not putting them out. He learned alot by stealing a book at a time but felt guilty about it. now it seems its getting to that reality...
  15. I listen to secular music not any of the harsh stuff. Never have liked it. Plus it depends on the music and lyrics as to why I like it. Mostly anymore though I do listen to Christian music. No in the small podunk town that I live in there is no way to just get everything Christian nor would I want to. It shuns people away from the truth. I've planted seeds along the way just by asking simple questions and getting people to think. That's just my 2 cents worth.
  16. How's the closing of the topic going? oh wait its still open.
  17. I think tats are cool but I wouldn't get one. I don't like needles and I don't like the idea of me bleeding....Just one of my eh many crazy fears. No matter how many times explained just not my cup of tea. I've seen plenty of people having them though.
  18. As a nursing student...I'd said to forfeit due to a prior engagement. You don't have to serve. What type of nursing are you going into anyways? RN or LPN?
  19. I find nothing wrong with mainstream school. I survived. From the sounds of it tho some of us I remember a few kids that were homeschooled but completely disregarded their parents wishes and were more or less robots to them. I came through the public school system here and I turned out fine. Granted yes I made a few mistakes but who doesn't in a life. God has forgiven me of that. It's really completely up to the parents to decide what is best for the kids. I've seen a 19 yr old holding hands witha 16yr old and think that it was fine and it was the assosicate pastor's son who was the younger. Some things are up to those indiviuals as to what to do with their lives. Kids will get older and free will take hold. Parents can't stop it they can only try and give them the ability to make good rightous Godly decisions. And that is tough speaking from the background that my parents came from and I came from. So I simply agree to disagree with the OP. I respect those that have answered and understand now that I've gotten older how hard it is to not try and screw up a young person's life. I know I'm not ready to have kids and I'm 21. But when I am a little more prepared I understand that no matter what I say or do the older the kids get it is their decision. Sorry to have sidetracked the thread but this is just my opinion and sorry if it sounds like a ranting.
  20. Take the computer throw it out the window? I heard that fixes everything for anger and aggression!
  21. billie I'm taking a nutrition class right now. With your meats only eat about the size of your palm. From the sounds of it you've cut out alot of the bad food. But looking at it seems like there's alot of sodium in it or salt rather. Try to cut that out next cooking with fresh food. You'll be suprised at how slowly but surely the weight will come off. I went on the South Beach Diet and lost about 10 pds exercising and another 20 just from cutting out sodas and salt and sugar. I can't handle alot of either now or real heavy foods. Make sure to get small portions too. I overexerted myself at Thanksgiving caused my stomach to have the dumping syndrome. So it sounds like your doing well and congradulations.
  22. This is so true and we all need to help in this area to. Together we can make a difference. Yet wmany of us sit on our assets and do nothing most of the time. You may be one who helps but the fact most could care less! Ummm I'm 21 and broke and living with my parents....I'm going to be nurse so I'm trying to help people like this who do come in and take care of them. I'm glad your advocating this but you can also do more too.
  23. There's others that are also forgotten in America at least these people have a roof over their heads... There are many that are homeless on Skid Row in Los Angeles. Just my two cents...
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