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Joshua-777 last won the day on April 14 2014

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About Joshua-777

  • Birthday 11/07/1984

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  • Location
    Portland OR,
  • Interests
    Having a relationship with God that impacts the world around me, Sharing the Gospel, missions, video editing, music.

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  1. God is so amazing, A few Sundays ago a girl came to our meeting and heard the Gospel, saw people being delivered, healed, and prophetic ministry she gave her life to Jesus. Last Sunday she came forward for prayer and starting receiving deliverance and wanted to get baptized to surrender her life to Jesus praise the Lord. A few others also wanted to get baptized that day, one lady got baptized and then immediety a demon started manifesting growling “You can’t have her” but the power of God touched her and she was set free and in tears said “I’m not scared anymore” as she was filled with the peace of God. Check out the video and rejoice with all of heaven!
  2. We did an outreach and saw over 200 people come to Jesus, demons cast out and His name glorified. One of my friends made a song to one of my beats and I put this video together. Let me know what you think.
  3. Last Sunday, I had a vision of someone coming up and surrendering their drugs. At the end of the service I called out that someone was trying to justify smoking pot and walking with Jesus. A young man came up and repented, surrendering his life to Jesus. A few days later at a prayer meeting a man came up at the beginning of service and said he got convicted Sunday but didn't come up because he had all his drugs at home. So, he brought it to the church and surrendered it and Jesus set him free! Come on! Watch what happened!
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