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Everything posted by Grace1479

  1. Yes it is scary, and we really do things in ignorance. If we feel there is things in our lives which is a barrier between us and the working of the Holy Spirit in our lifes, it's important to ask God to reveal the things in our lives we did in ignorance, and repend of it. An if we are not sure if we ever did things like this, we can always ask God in true repentence to forgive us anything we did in our ignorance and to break any bondage we placed on ourselves as well as other's through whatever we did, which we are not even aware of
  2. You couldn't have said it better. It's very easy to open doors for Satan to get a hold of you, by small things like reading stars, horoscopes etc. Years ago, when I was pregnant with my daughter, I played the game where you hold a ring over your hand to see what the gender is. That was all very innocent, until my daughter was about 8 months old and I couldn't get near her. I spoke to our pastor and he send a person to me who was a satanist and got saved, She told me that I opened a door for satan and gave him permission to be in charge of my unborn child's life. That is scary, and I know there is probably people who will disagree with me, but I had to really repent and get these bondages broken over me and my child's lifes. I don't want to go that road again.
  3. because: This could'nt be said better.
  4. I had a few story books which I started reading, but some of them they use Jesus's name as a swear word. I just can't get myself to read something like that. The first time I read it, I took those books and threw them in the dustbin. I feel satan uses even story books and movies to filth our minds. The more one just makes it out as just another story book or movie, and it's not you saying it, the more one gets comfortable with the idea that it's alright. It's just my opinion, but we must ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us in these things. If I feel uncomfortable about a book or movie, I know He doesn't want me to read or wathc it.
  5. I feel like this a lot of times. I'm a buyer of aircraft engine parts, which is really interesting, but sometimes i wonder, do I even know what I'm doing. I've been doing purchasing for 18 years now, and still feel incompentent. But I try to do my work for God's honour and try my best to be what He wants me to be in my job, for after all if it was'nt for Him, I would be without an income.
  6. You are definetely not a failure. And as long as you are searching, God will answer in some or other way.
  7. I agree on all of this. I want to go out of a church and know God spoke to me today about things that's still not right in my life, or how to build an even better relationship with Jesus. I hope you get what I'm trying to say. I used to go to church to see what I can get out of it and out of God (in a selfish sense, in regards to the message). Now I'm going to church to see how much of myself I can give to God in Worship.
  8. No you can't forgive the sin, but you can forgive the action against you. That person must still go to God and asks for forgiveness. Forgiveness towards others, and what they did, is just an act of doing what God commands us in His Word and by all of this, it sets us free.
  9. They can always give the Hummer to me, my hubby sooooo wants one. Dream on!
  10. Yip only my sis. I can only imagine what it's going to sound like. I think the sound proof rooms aren't such a bad idea.
  11. I've looked up this passage in Phil 4:8 in different translations, and can't find anything remotely what you said here. Are you sure abot the passage? Philippians 4:8 8Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable
  12. O Man o man, I've never seen a country with more churched than here. On every corner there is a church, but it's really a Godless country. I love going to church, for the worship, the communion, the Word, aw everything. We had such a fabulous church back in SA, but now... well I'll just keep praying. Grace Remember prayer without action is not faith! We all are in this together it's global can you hear the wind of the spirit! It's coming! Don't wait spread the good news of the kingdom with someone, someone unsaved. I really have the faith as well, and I thank God constantly that He knows what He's doing. There is a reason we end up in different churches. It just breaks my heart to see such a beautiful country so lost and so Godless. I'm not use to that. But then, that's maybe one of the reasons our Father send us here.
  13. O Man o man, I've never seen a country with more churched than here. On every corner there is a church, but it's really a Godless country. I love going to church, for the worship, the communion, the Word, aw everything. We had such a fabulous church back in SA, but now... well I'll just keep praying.
  14. We have the same problem. Since we arrived in NZ nearly two years ago, we struggle to get a church were we just know God wants us there. We did "church crawling", end up in a "great" church for a few months, until the Holy Spirit showed us that there is things that's not right. Went to another few, end up in the one we're in now, but again the same story. Great church, but no real food for our souls. I keep praying and believing that God will bring us to a church were He wants us.
  15. This is ideal...I wish that is the way it worked for everyone I'm trying to give my children the same example which mom and dad gave us. I thank God for the privilege that I have to have an open relationship with my kids, like we have with my mom. They talk to me and hubby a lot about spiritual stuff and also if they want answers. If we can't give them the answers, we refer them to Granny!!
  16. My Mom I gave my life to Jesus when i was still a wee little girl with the help of my dear parents. They were and still are the ones I still look up to where it comes to being a true child of God. Although dad went home last year, he was the person I always thought, this is how God is only better. My mom is still my spiritual mentor. if I have questions, feel worried, feel far from God, she's the first person I contact. Thank God for parents like them.
  17. O my dear friend. I know how you feel. I'm a woman, but had nearly the same problem. I had a Jesebel spirit in me. I would go out of my way to make men fall for me and then I fall in my own trap. Thank God I was delivered from that, it nearly cost me my marriage. I say thanks to my heavenly Father for a husband like mine, who just keep on forgiving and taking me back. God delivered me from this evil spirit, because it's nothing less than a bondage. I've been "clean" now for years, but still satan throws guild trips on me, which I stand firm against. Our enemy takes something that God gave us as a beautiful thing and turn it into something very ugly. Trust God for deliverance and go out of your way to withstand the attacks of satan. Everytime I wanted to do the same thing again, I told satan what he can do with that lusts. I told him that I was forgiven and I forgave myself for what I did to others and my hubby, even to myself. Remind the enemy who you are in Christ. I will pray for you.
  18. James 5:16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. I think this is not just for phisical healing, but spiritual healing as well. The more people stand in agreement in prayer, the the more the spiritual impact is were our enemy is concerned. Sorry, I'm trying to explain myself here, but I don't really know how in proper english. That's what happens when it's not your first language. So I really hope you understand what I'm trying to say here Love Grace
  19. I don't think it's wrong to flip open the bible and get answers, but we must also be very careful not to read in the passage what WE want to read. I know of people who did that and it wasn't really what God had instore for them. And sometimes we don't really want to see what God tells us, then we flip to another page until we get what we want, and not wHat God wants to say to us. I had an experience like that a few years ago. Sweety, I feel the same about the book of Numbers. But I got what I needed and not what I want out of flipping the pages - in Numbers!! My experience: I was extremely angry with God for I felt He left us high and dry in financial difficulties, after I really thought He's going to help us this time. Well, I went to Him and said: "God, I want answers and I want it NOW, not in 10 or 20 years time, But NOW!! And I opened my Bible at Numbers 14:11 Numbers 14:11 (New International Version) 11 The LORD said to Moses, "How long will these people treat me with contempt? How long will they refuse to believe in me, in spite of all the miraculous signs I have performed among them? I just laughed and thought, yeah, you wanted to get angry, now you God reminds you of His greatness in a rather harsh way. I will never ever forget that verse. And to think it came out of NUMBERS!!
  20. Hi Mandy We were all put on earth with a purpose to worship our Creator. He didn't create anyone by mistake. God knew each one of us even before we were born. It is such a previlege to be created by the only Living God, so I can get to know Him and worship Him. And you can't breath air that was stolen from another. God breathed the breath of life into each of us. We have His life in us!!! What a privilege. I love the passage of Job: 1. Job 27:3 as long as I have life within me, the breath of God in my nostrils, 2. Job 33:4 The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life.
  21. I can't really say when I got saved. I grew up in a christian family, mom and dad loved God dearly. Mom still does and dad is in heaven nearly a year now. I know I gave my life to Christ when I was a little girl. I went of the way little bits, but never turned my back on God. A few years ago, I redidicated my life to Jesus and pray daily for help through the Holy Spirit to become more and more like Jesus. He is my everything and I can't imagine a life without Him, also don't want a life without Him.
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