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Carol R

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Everything posted by Carol R

  1. Hi, Ye I may buy It if I felt it would help me understand more of their faith sos I would be able to speak to them about mine. Otherwise probably not. Carol R
  2. And what god might that be? You have stated your disbelief in the God of the Bible, so I don't know what god you are refering to? not the the god invented by man Sorry but God created man, not man invented God. He created you and He loves you. I believe in God with all my heart He has done so much for me. I know Him to be truthful, loving. You are correct in that no non believer will ever make me change my mind about God, because I know God, I and many others have a personal relationship with Him. I am not about to give that up. I hope you find what you are looking for. Carol R
  3. Hi Floatingaxe, What an amazing post. There is a lot to take in, and a lot to understand in it. But as you rightly pointed out We need to be immersed in scripture and listening to the Holy Spirit We need to be using the armour God gave us. Praying without distractions. All good stuff. Carol R
  4. Hi, I have a teenager and I sometimes ask him if he has any topics or questions he wants me to cover or answer. We are in an area where we dont have a youth group. But they are wanting to be treated like adults etc. I agree with some of the other posts too. But pray and ask God for wisdom, discernment and a sense of humour you tend to need it with teens. Oh and an abundance of patience. May God Bless you in this. Carol R
  5. Hi, I know what you mean, we do have hymns as well and ive seen some weeks being more "Golden oldies " than anything else its good to sing these songs and not to let them be forgotten. A mix is good it teaches young and old alike. All can share in the worship time too. Worship is one of my favourite times at church, actually i like it all. Carol R
  6. Hi Dan, So sorry to hear of your loss. I dont have much to say except that a lot of its been already said. Pray and ask the Lord to give you wisdom in what to say, im sure there are plenty of positives too and of course the truth of the gospel. My prayers are with you Dan at this difficult time. May God Bless you and keep you. Carol R
  7. Well I always thought lying was a sin, that there is no such thing as a white lie, a lie is a lie. however I have no desire to hurt someone and would find the most positive thing I could say and hope they dont realise I've answered there question differentlyand ask me directly as I cannot lie. Carol R
  8. Hi, I have to agree with you, you dont say whether your husband is a christian or not, but i wont have that kind of film on in my house. Just because everyone else is doing it does not make it right. Can u wear earplugs or something so you cant hear the swearing. Just a thought. You are right to stick to what you know is right. Carol R
  9. A good movie for me is one that doesnt compromise my faith, good story funny, drama, I dont mind. But there is nothing worse than being half way through a really good film then all of a sudden someone swears, then i turn it off it is so annoying. I manage to go through life without swearing and so do lots of others so why cant film makers do the same. It just ruins a film for me. Wont watch any movie with sex,nudity swearing etc etc. What goes into the mind comes out of the mouth. Carol R
  10. Hi, i think things have gotten far worse since I was young. Im in my late 40s and like others I can remember times when you didnt need to lock your doors or car and it was safe for kids to play out. I am lucky the place I live is still safe for kids to play out. But there are not many of these places in the world left. Carol R
  11. Hi, When I was reading your post I remember being told that a verse can stand alone, but it is good to read the verses round about it so that you dont take it out of context. I do this and always pray for understanding, as only God can give. I know that I've heard ppl quoting the bible and what has happened is they have taken part of a scripture and used it and it is out of context. We have to be aware of this and make sure that when you take a verse alone it does stand up to scriptural teaching. Carol R
  12. I dont have a daughter but a son, but I know that looking around me I see little girls that look like minature adults and it does not look cute. It feeds all the wrong things that are out there. As adults we are called to protect our kids and to nurture them. I do wonder what causes women to put their little girls under such scrutiny from all kinds of ppl. I pray that God will step in and I thank God for the parents who do have the sense to not enter their kids in these things. Maybe if more of us objected to these pagaents etc they would be stopped but sometimes that just makes them go underground as it were. Carol R
  13. Hi, It is so good you want help, it is always the first step. I pray that you will recieve the help and support you require at this time. Prayer within your church is another good place to start as well as all the other good advice you have been given. Be Blessed Carol R
  14. Hi, I agree its no good looking at numbers as people can get lost in a crowd, small groups are really important, we all need those. Big gatherings are fine if thats what it is a gathering, but we all need to be known to our pastors and leaders. People when they go to a church for the first time want to feel welcome thats very hard in a big impersonal church. It can also be scary. Carol R
  15. Hi I would have loved to have seen this go kitty go. Carol R
  16. Hi Tv is a nightmare, when i first became a christian I was still watching the soaps it wasnt long before God took me out of them and made me aware of what goes into our minds can be really harmful, I spoke to a non christian friend once about a subject she had watched in a soap and she was saying well everyboby does it, my reply was maybe so but it doesnt make it right. She did agree with me on that point. We do have to lead by example, we have to be seen to be different, as you said even the ads are bad they often advertise films that are coming on later which are shown after the watershed and they show an unsuitable clip before the watershed????? My son has been trained to watch out for things that are unsuitable and give them a miss. Sometimes we will be enjoying a really good film with no bad language or anything and then near the end they swear its so annoying and off the film goes and you miss the end of what was a perfectly good film. There are enough beautiful words in the english language to get over what you mean without having to resort to bad language. Although I still have the tv it is well monitored and when my son leaves home it will probably go as I dont watch it that much now. Im always on worthy. lol Carol R
  17. H i, I believe Jesus came because we needed him, he came that we might have an abundant life he came because he loves us. and to open up the way for a relationship with our Father, we were seperated from God and the cross is the bridge we so badly needed. Carol R
  18. Hi I kinda lean towards unusual nicknames or names and this is a beautiful name so nicknames how about Arre just pronouncing the a and r kinda different but i like azure and sunshine too or you could just wait and see what pops oput of your mouth when cudding her. Carol R
  19. Sweetheart, I hope you dont mind me calling you that i have a teenage son and I'd hate to see him in such anguish. I pray that God will step into this situation that you find yourself. I pray that Gods love would surround you like a blanket. I pray that you will hang on to God for He is your Rock and He loves you and cares for you. I pray against the devils lies to you and Thank God that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. My love in Christ to you Carol R
  20. Hi David, Does she come on worthy, is she likely to see this post and realise its her you are talking about? Is she a christian too? I guess my advice would be to take your time keep it all before God and keep your friendship. Keep getting to know each other, its good to have friends. Carol R
  21. Yes I agree totally with this. I think you have to trust God, listen to what he is saying to your heart. I remember reading a passage and getting something out of it, several months later read the same passage and got a different message from it. A lot of it depends on where you are in Christ at that time. we all develop at different times and have different needs at one time. Which can make it confusing, But back to God take everything to him in prayer and he will make things clear. Carol R
  22. Hi babyroses, Its good to meet you, I am fairly new to worthy too. I hope to see you again soon. Carol R
  23. AK, Why do you say the first is okay? It obviously contradicts the Genesis account. I assume it may have to do with some of the scientifically "testable" aspects of establishing the age of the universe and our planet. NOTE: As I type this, I am currently watching the Discovery Channel's, "Before We Ruled the Earth: Hunt or Be Hunted". These people throw around some of the wildest speculation of what man did before and after he discovered fire as though it were fact. They've painted a picture they like with a few of the actual puzzle peices and pass it off as science. It's insulting. They may as well make a sitcom of it because it's that laughable. Hi Undone, have you ever looked through Ken Hams stuff, ther is a web site www.AnswersInGenesis.org You may find information there to help you. Carol R
  24. Hi Like Elkie I just speak, about my relationship with God what he has done for me etc, but if they ask if i have anything they can read then i usually find a leaflet or something that is suitable for them. I always pray to have the right words to guide people too. I love it when I get a chance to witness for the Lord. Carol R
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