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  1. Joshua 1:9 - "Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest." Distractions, reasoning, fear, and doubt are tools the devil uses to rob us from achieving God's promises. Joshua was successful in battle because he realized that every victory begins in the heart. Victories are never won rehearsing past failures or running from battle, they are won by continually affirming and meditating on God's Word and doing the Word. Philippians 3:14 - "I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." A season of trials is a SEASON of promotion. You will triumph if you don't quit, because God only allows you to face what you are prepared to face with Him He's allowing you to have the opportunity to step into a new level of the boldness and dominion of Christ. "Sometimes you've just gotta STAND." Maybe it's, "Sometimes you've just gotta PRESS THROUGH." Maybe it's, "Sometimes you've just gotta LET GO." The bottom line is that sometimes you've just got to trust that God knows exactly what you need for your journey. You must realize that God will capitalize on every trial and triumph to shape you and transform you into to the image of Christ so that you can walk in the CALLING and PURPOSE He has destined for you. Observation: IF I KEEP PUSHING-OUT THE LIMITS AND GOING FURTHER IN MY EFFORT TO ADVANCE THE PURPOSES OF GOD, THEN I WILL TAKE MY LIFE TO A HIGHER LEVEL - TO A PLACE OF GREAT FAITH. AFFIRMATIONS: Out of His glorious riches, He strengthens me with power through his Spirit in my inner man (Ephesians 3:16). I am an overcomer and I overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of my testimony. (Revelation 12:11) I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:14). Song of Solomon 4:8 - "Come from Lebanon, my spouse, come from Lebanon, come; you will be crowned from the top of Amana, from the peak of Shenir and Hermon, from the dens of the lions, from the mountains of the leopards." COME FROM THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN TOPS (REPRESENTED BY THE PRACTICE OF THE HIGHEST VIRTUES). COME ALSO FROM THE LION'S DEN AND FROM THE MOUNTAIN OF THE LEOPARDS, FOR YOU CANNOT ARRIVE AT SUCH A HIGH PLACE WITHOUT ENDURING THE MOST CRUEL PERSECUTIONS OF MEN AND DEMONS. IT IS TIME TO RISE ABOVE EVERYTHING, SINCE YOU ARE PREPARED TO BE CROWNED AS HIS (JESUS) BRIDE. THERE YOU WILL FIND TRUE REST, FOR YOU WILL HAVE LET GO OF EVERYTHING IN ORDER TO REACH THAT POINT. ALBERT FINCH MINISTRYhttp://afministry.ning.com
  2. We have an enemy who wants free access to our lives...and we have angelic hosts to guide, guard, and protect us here on the earth (Psalm 91:11, Psalm 34:7). As we become more aware of both, while living in this day and time, living a lifestyle of victory becomes our daily norm. "The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and He delivers them." - Psalm 34:7 The enemy has many tactics to prevent us from stepping into our destiny. One of those tactics is distraction. Distraction can be a hindering spirit sent to draw us away from our God-given assignment and is a decoy sent to interrupt the flow of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Distraction can be described as mental distress, a diversion sent to lead us off course, or something dividing our loyalties away from the will of God. Distraction is a ploy by the enemy to delay the fulfillment of our prophetic promises. A spirit of distraction has one main intent: to hinder! An oppressive spirit is always sent to kill, steal and destroy. "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." - John 10:10 NEHEMIAH'S DISTRACTION In Nehemiah Chapter 6, Nehemiah had all but finished the wall of Jerusalem, except for installing the doors to the gates of the city. When the enemies of Judah realized that Nehemiah had completed the restoration process, they plotted against Nehemiah to stop his progress. Judah's enemies – Sanballat, Tobiah, and Geshem – devised evil schemes to hinder Nehemiah through distraction, conspiracy, and physical threats. "For a great and effective door has been opened to me and there are many adversaries." - 1 Corinthians 16:9 When Nehemiah faced opposition from his adversaries, he discerned the strategy of the enemy and avoided being drawn into the snare of verbal discourse and distraction. Nehemiah chose his battles by recognizing distraction as the main attraction sent by the enemy to halt and hinder his progress! Nehemiah didn't engage in a verbal dispute with his enemies because he believed that if God was for him, who then could stand against him (Romans 8:31)? Nehemiah used wisdom and undistracted focus to defeat the foe before him. Even when Tobiah and Geshem (which represents carnal thinking and the ways of the world) rose up as adversarial cohorts, Nehemiah didn't fall prey to the stress and pressure to perform to their demands. In Nehemiah chapter six, scripture says there was an entrance left open for the enemies of Judah to pass through and enter the city. The walls were erected as a fortress to protect them from outside opposition, yet there was still an opening through the doors to the city that left them vulnerable to an attack. When we leave an open door for our adversary to enter in wherever he pleases, he is more than willing to oblige us by occupying our unguarded territory with his presence. One of the keys to closing off unwanted spiritual warfare is to check the gates of our city! When access to the enemy is denied, there's no room for him to wreak havoc. We are careful to protect our ear gate, eye gate, heart gate, and mouth gate -- not giving the devil an opportunity (Ephesians 4:27). POSSESSING THE GATES OF OUR ENEMIES When Abraham believed by faith that God would provide a sacrifice to lay on the altar in place of his son Isaac, God blessed Abraham through his act of obedience by promising Abraham's descendants would possess the gates of their enemies (Genesis 22). We are descendants of Abraham! Galatians 3:29 in the NKJV says, "And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." To possess the gates of a city represents power. In the Word of God, business was established at the gates. Prophets stood at the gates of the city to make declarations from God (Jeremiah 7:2; 17:19). Kings sat at the city gates to dispense justice (2 Samuel 19:8). To possess the gates of our enemies means to conquer and defeat our adversaries by the power of the Holy Spirit. The word "possess" is the Hebrew word "yaras" which means to drive out previous tenants, cast out, succeed, to expel, and to utterly dispossess. God has given us all power and authority over the enemy, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against us (the Church) (Matthew 16:18-19). VOCALLY AFFIRM YOUR BREAKTHROUGH We occupy a place of authority by making declarations of breakthrough, casting out the works of darkness wrecking havoc upon the earth, and disarming the enemy at the gate! God is bringing turning points into the Body of Christ with His signature all over them. NOW is the time to claim your inheritance and possess the gates of your enemies. Blessing and multiplication is your portion. What the enemy meant for evil, God is turning around for His good. "Blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the Heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore, and your descendants shall possess the gates of their enemies." - Genesis 22:17 ALBERT FINCH MINISTRY http://afministry.ning.com
  3. Matthew 5:3 - "Blessed are the poor in spirit: for their's is the kingdom of heaven." We empty oursouls, and seek to be filled with the attitude of Christ, which is a sure wellspring -- unending, and brimming with life eternal. We count all that the proud flesh desires as worth less than nothing. There is a present urgency and need to present ourselves as being available to become a "place of habitation" for the presence and glory of the Lord, beyond anything that has previously been experienced or seen. According to Paul, God bestows to us strength and power according to the riches of His glory. His glory is abundant, it's bountiful and it's endless. We cannot walk in the fullness of our destiny or calling until we KNOW the strength of God and live daily by the strength of who He is in our inner man (Ephesians 3:16). Philippians 3:8,9 - "I reckon everything as complete loss for the sake of what is so much more valuable, the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord. For His sake I have thrown everything away; I consider it all as mere rubbish, so that I might gain Christ and be completely united with Him." Genesis 15:5,6 - "And God brought Abram forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them: and He said unto him, So shall thy seed be. And he believed in the Lord; and He counted it to him for righteousness." Observation: I think about and reflect on the word of God -- pondering a particular scripture and mentally applying it to my own circumstances again and again until that scripture permanently marks my consciousness. As God putvision in Abram through His word, He will also bring up into my consciousness His vision for me. AFFIRMATIONS: I see God in a new way as HE comes to lead me forward -- I feel a stirring in my emotions -- God is knocking on my door -- God is calling me to a new place. The Spirit of God is creating a desire for the NEW - I thank the Holy Spirit for helping me to press through into this new place. My provision is waiting at the next level. I refuse to sit any longer in a low place. Mark 16:15 - And He said unto them, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." OBSERVATION: Jesus expects me to invade every sphere where I have influence and to use that influence to share the gospel with the people who live, work and function in those places. I choose this day to invest my time and energy into fulfilling that divine assignment. ALBERT FINCH MINISTRYhttp://afministry.ning.com
  4. 2 Timothy 1:9, "God...who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began." The term "holy calling" could also be interpreted "sacred DESTINY." The Lord considers it a sacred thing for us to enter into the divinely ordained function that He has destined for us. The prophet David once said, "Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; and in Your book were all written the days that were ordained for me when as yet there was not one of them." The same blood that purchased our salvation also secured a DESTINY for us as individuals. GRACE FOR OUR DESTINY The Bible also emphasizes that grace was set apart for us to accomplish our DESTINY. That grace was designated to us before time began. What an incredible mystery in God! Before the earth was ever fashioned, the Lord saw us as INDIVIDUALS and allotted a portion of His grace for EACH OF US to accomplish our sacred and holy DESTINY. The blood of Jesus not only purchased our souls but also our destiny and holy calling in Him. We have a responsibility and duty to be the agency by which the Lord carries out His blueprint on the earth through the empowering of His Spirit. THE WORD OF GOD BECOMING FLESH AGAIN The end-time generation has an even greater mandate placed upon it. The Bible points out that we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses involving those who have gone before us and saw the prophetic destiny of this generation but were unable to live in it (Hebrews 11). It is a great honor that has been placed upon those living today, to be the generation that sees the consummation of God's Heavenly plans. Matthew 13 declares that those living at the end of the age will be the harvest generation and will work cohesively with Heaven's host. The Lord has planted wheat into the field of this world, and He is looking to harvest "sons of the Kingdom." Jesus Himself said: "The one who sows the good seed is the Son of Man, and the field is the world; and as for the good seed, these are the sons of the Kingdom....the harvest is the end of the age; and the reapers are angels" - Matthew 13:37-39. The "sons of the Kingdom" are merely the word of God becoming flesh once again. John 1 declares that in the beginning was the Word, and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. That same paradigm will be pertinent for the "sons of the Kingdom" present on the earth during the end-of-days confrontation. God's word will be manifested in a body of people who do the works of the Kingdom like He did (John14:12). ALBERT FINCH MINISTRY http://afministry.ning.com
  5. 1 Corinthians 2:16 - "For who has known or understood the mind (the counsels and purposes) of the Lord so as to guide and instruct Him and give Him knowledge? But we have the mind of Christ, the Messiah, and do hold the thoughts (feelings and purposes) of His heart. " If you feel weary and discouraged, in need of wisdom and direction, simply ask for God's grace and guidance. As we seek His PURPOSE FOR OUR LIFE and not just the benefits of "His hand," we will find that the more we know Abba Father, the more His love and compassion will emanate through us. The light and wisdom we seek from above are not to be found in human programs of education and psychology, or even in our common sense and good intentions, but only, exclusively, in the Person of Christ Jesus. "He has been made unto us wisdom." - 1 Corinthians 1:30. Affirmations: GOD WANTS ME TO BE SO IN TUNE WITH HIS SPIRIT THAT I AM ABLE TO FEEL HIS HEART OF COMPASSION TOWARD THOSE AROUND ME WHO ARE HURTING OR AFFLICTED WITH SICKNESS AND PAIN. SINCE HE IS ONE WITH ME, HE CAN REACH OUT THROUGH MY HANDS AND FULFILL HIS PURPOSES IN THE EARTH. 1 Corinthians 3:3 - "You are still worldly. For since there is jealousy and quarreling among you, are you not worldly? Are you not acting like mere men?" GOD HAS MORE FOR US THAT MERELY BECOMING BETTER PEOPLE; HE WANTS TO FLOOD OUR LIVES WITH THE SAME POWER THAT RAISED CHRIST FROM THE DEAD! GOD DOES NOT MERELY WANT US "NORMAL," HE WANTS US CHRISTLIKE! Romans 5:20 - "But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound." Observation:GOD USES DARK MOMENTS AS OPPORTUNITIES TO POUR OUT HIS GRACE AND TO SHOW OTHERS WHO HE IS! I CHOOSE TO PUSH AWAY ALL MY FEARS AND TO BELIEVE THAT GOD IS GOING TO DO SOMETHING MIRACULOUS TO SAVE THE DAY! ALBERT FINCH MINISTRYhttp://afministry.ning.com
  6. We don't rejoice for the battles, but we exalt in the victories that are already won in Christ. It's in times of adversity that millions, great multitudes, will come to know Christ Jesus, as many as the sand which is on the seashore (Genesis 22:17-18). STAYING IN MOTION Consistency in Kingdom advancement is more important than speed or ferocity. After all, eternity is timeless. Sometimes our journey with Jesus may seem like plodding. But, God orchestrates our steps. As long as we're in motion and not stagnating, we're taking ground. May we be able to declare, "For the Lord GOD helps Me, Therefore, I am not disgraced; Therefore, I have set My face like flint, And I know that I will not be ashamed." - Isaiah 50:7. II Samuel 5:10 - "And he (David) became more and more powerful because the Lord God Almighty was with him." Marching upon the path of faith is similar to pumping spiritual iron. Each time we wield the sword, every time we put on the breastplate of righteousness, every time we act in faith, our spiritual muscles grow stronger in Christ Jesus. There are times we do not engage in battle. There are times we simply "stay in the cave" and wait (Judges 15:8; I Samuel 22:1; I Kings 19:9). It's crucial to pray and inquire so we know if, and when, God is sending us to fight. It's difficult to stumble when we're on our knees. The battle belongs to the Lord. Therefore, the defeat of the enemy is in His hands. SometimesSILENCE is the greatest weapon of all, allowing the contender to exhaust himself shadowboxing, while we stay in an attitude of worship--the highest form of warfare. THE DESIRE TO FIX THINGS Often, the battle is not with the devil, but with our own CARNAL NATURE. Our flesh really longs to rise up and fix things, stating our opinion. We must remember--the greater the faith, the fewer the words. If there are some battles or power-struggles going on in your sphere of influence, keep in mind, it's best to always bow lower. After all, God became a baby to conquer the world. For it's, "Not by might, nor by power, but by My spirit, says the Lord" - Zechariah 4:6. II Samuel 5:22-25, "As soon as you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the mulberry trees, move quickly, because that will mean the Lord has gone out in front of you to strike the Philistine army." So David did as the Lord commanded him, and he struck down the Philistines all the way from Gibeon to Gezer." We're living in "move-quickly" days. When you hear the wind in the top of the mulberry trees, move quickly. Delayed obedience can be disobedience. BUILDING OUR SPIRITUAL MUSCLES God uses divine delays, times of testing, false starts, and trial runs to build up our spiritual muscles, and create a tenacious spirit within us. When David did as the Lord commanded him, he knew that God had gone before him, and he struck down the enemy all the way. There's a time of peace and a time of war, a time to weep and a time to laugh. A time to speak, and a time to be silent. A time to wait, and a time to move quickly. (See Ecclesiastes 3:1) ALBERT FINCH MINISTRY
  7. Psalm 8:1,2 - "O Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens. Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger." God equates praise with strength. Praise stops satan in his tracks. It is a weapon to use in calling a halt to satan's maneuvers. Psalm 9:1-3 - "I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will show forth all thy marvelous works. I will be glad and rejoice in Thee: I will sing praise to thy name, O thou most High. When mine enemies are turned back, they shall fall and perish at thy presence." Isaiah 60:1 - "Arise (from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you - rise to a new life)! Shine (be radiant with the glory of the Lord), for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you!" (AMP) There is a way that we run that causes us to have victory. It is not enough to be on the course, we must be ON course the entire way. To the level that we maintain our FOCUS, we will also maintain consistency establishing the Throne of God in the earth through that CALLING of God on our life.Observation: I OPEN MY BIBLE AND STIR MYSELF UP WITH GOD'S GREAT PROMISES FOR MY FUTURE. I READ THEM OUT LOUD SO MY EARS CAN HEAR WHAT MY MOUTH IS SAYING. Romans 10:17 - "So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing, by the Word of God." AFFIRMATIONS: I always receive from God because I have faith and do not doubt. I continually ask, seek, and knock concerning the things God has prepared for me understanding His CALLING on my life because Jesus says I will receive, find, and it will be opened for me. I forget those things which are behind and reach forth to the CALLING God has put into my heart. I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Psalm 42:1,2 - "As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God?" Observation: HE CREATES IN ME THE DESIRE TO FIND HIM AND RUN AFTER HIM. HE TAKES ME WITH HIS HAND AND LEADS ME WHERE I CANNOT GO BY MYSELF - ALONG A WAY THAT NO HUMAN EYE CAN SEE, AND THAT IS THE WAY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. ALBERT FINCH MINISTRYhttp://afministry.ning.com
  8. Psalm 40:17 - "But I am poor and needy; yet the Lord thinketh upon me: thou art, my deliverer; make no tarrying, O my God." It is clear that King David was very rich, so far as worldly goods are concerned. The eyes of His inner man were not set on earthly wealth, so it was as though He really was poor --- poor in spirit, as the Lord would have us. Matthew 5:3 - "Blessed are the poor in spirit: for their's is the kingdom of heaven." Galatians 6:7,8 - "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting." Observation:HE HAS REVEALED THE ENDLESS CROP OF BOREDOM I WILL HARVEST WHEN I BASE MY LIFE ON PLEASURE-SEEKING -- INSTEAD OF SOWING ACTS OF GOODNESS AND LOVE FOR A HARVEST OF ETERNAL LIFE. Luke 21:31 - "But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you". Abiding in Christ and allowing Him to flow freely out of us enables us to function with the greatest degree of success, thus discovering God's CALLING upon our life. Seeking an understanding of our true identity is essential in order to obtain our divine DESTINY. We are called to succeed in advancing the Kingdom of God on earth -- to walk in overcoming victory: "...because as He is, so are we in this world" (1 John 4:17) Affirmations: I ASK THE LORD TO PROPEL ME INTO THE NEXT LEVEL OF MY GROWTH AND DESTINY.I AM DETERMINED THAT I WILL COOPERATE WITH HIM. Matthew 5:6 - "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled." ALBERT FINCH MINISTRY
  9. "In the light of the king's face is life, and his favor is like a cloud of the latter rain"—Proverbs 16:15 If we walk under an open Heaven, the King's light will overshadow us! The light from His brilliant face releases His life, but it also releases His favor, which is "like a cloud of the latter rain." So His favor is described as this spiritual rain. "Behold the former things have come to pass. But new things I declare, and before they spring forth, I tell you of them."—Isaiah 42:9 STRETCH FORTH YOUR HANDS God is offering to us rains that will bring the 100-fold harvest of His Word spoken over our lives: words about the past, the present and the future for our families, your region, YOUR MINISTRY, and your nation! Just stretch forth your hands toward Heaven and tell Him, "Lord, I receive Your rain! Let it rain down on me! Let it pour. I want a downpour!" Take some time and seek Him for the full outpouring of His latter rain blessing. Don't let this opportunity pass you by! He wants to bring forth the fruit of His Word, and your heart is good soil for it. Get ready to go to a NEW LEVEL of walking more deeply with Him, Spirit to spirit, deep to deep, and let Him refresh you now with His rain, knowing that He who made and formed you will establish you in your DESTINY and CALLING! The Lord is going to take our lives and display His goodness, His grace, and His manifold wisdom through us. Ask the Lord to release a cloud of favor over you now—the favor that releases the latter rain! ALBERT FINCH MINISTRY
  10. James 4:5 - "Surely, you don't think scripture is wrong when it says: the Spirit which He sent to live in us wants us for Himself alone?" Observation: The Holy Spirit within me conflicts with fleshly desire, urging me into service for Him. It still requires my submission and my action. Being led the the Holy Spirit is an ongoing God encounter. A religious spirit is a demonic presence that works to get us to substitute being led by our intellect instead of the Spirit of God. Ephesians 2:10 - "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them." Possessing what belongs to us requires change. Unless we choose to progressively walk beyond our own mindsets, we remain where we're at presently in life. Regardless of our position in society, mindsets are often the greatest key to breakthroughs. If we're not moving forward, it's likely that we need to do a little homework. "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he." - Proverbs 23:7 We may discover how we've been thinking has been hindering our own progress. We must be progressive in our understanding. We attract what we think. We must focus from God's perspective. We create the environment as co-creators with God. We take His promise and begin to make it the standard. We breathe it into our understanding and surroundings. Mindsets and focus are two things God wants to change for you. Don't focus on what you don't have or what you cannot do. Start co-creating with your Creator. He is raising up a passionate people who are focused on living according to the Kingdom of God. Those who will press into Holy Spirit for the miraculous and favor to accomplish His objective. God is sending you. Answer His sending. Pursue the things God has been speaking to you. It's no longer time to ponder. It's now time to possess. Your provision is in following throughin your next course of action. Genesis 1:2 - "And the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters." THE HOLY SPIRIT IS EVER MOVING, WORKING, AND BRINGING FORTH THE PURPOSES OF GOD. THE NATURE OF THE CHRISTIAN LIFE IS TO BE MOVING AND GOING SOMEWHERE. ALBERT FINCH MINISTRY
  11. Our work is not to make the gospel relevant to the world. To change the world we must be different from the world. We must challenge what people think. "Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh.....if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." -- 2 Corinthians 5:16-17 We don't need three dreams and a vision to go witness the Gospel. The Word already tells us to go. We just go and obey the Word! In every moment we have the endless possibilities of how our lives can change and how we can affect and change the lives of others. The first step to getting out of the box is to fellowship with the God of the breakthrough.The Holy Spirit will charge you with fresh vision and boldness. As we abide in Christ, speaking forth the revelation of our DESTINY, the hedges and high places that have resisted the grace of God and love of God will be pulled down. We will boldly cross over the historic chasms that have mocked our progress as Goliath did David. Now we will shout and cross over! We will shout with a voice of triumph! - Amen ALBERT FINCH MINISTRY
  12. Jesus came to earth with the sole purpose of doing the will of His Father. The will of God for OUR OWN LIVES (OUR DESTINY) is central and foundational to our PURPOSE for being here. If we never come to the place of realizing that why we are here IS to do His will then we are really missing it. The will of God is not convenient, as many times it will go cross grain against our own desires and thinking. When we choose to do the will of God we come to a place of yielding our will, realizing that what we want is not the most important thing. EMBRACING THE LIFESTYLE OF TRANSFORMATION The more we embrace a lifestyle of doing the will of God, our minds will truly be transformed to reflect the image of Christ. There are certain foundational attributes of servanthood and sacrifice that create a seedbed for the fragrance of Christ in our lives. It is just as Jesus said, "Abide in Me and let My words abide in you and you shall ask..." Our intimacy with God gives way to heavenly authority in our lives to pray as Jesus asked us to pray, "His Kingdom come and will be done on earth as it is in Heaven..." God desires His Kingdom to expand through us. As we learn to live as habitations of God, filled with His Presence and glory, His authority will be released through our lives in such a way that a glory atmosphere will be released displacing the works of darkness. Through being a vessel yielded in intimacy with God, there will be an increased manifestation of the glory of Heaven upon our lives resulting in the blind eyes of others being opened to the reality of God with demonstrations and manifestations of His power. "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me." - Revelation 3:20 MOVING ON TO GOD'S HIGH CALLING We endeavor to lay aside every encumbrance and entanglement that has hindered us in the past and motivate us to move on to God's high CALLING. "For everyone who keeps on asking receives; and he who keeps on seeking finds; and to him who keeps on knocking, the door will be opened." Matthew 7:8 AMP Ask God for a revelation of your DESTINY in Christ. You carry the heart of a lion. You are made fearless in His image. You are created for an extraordinary life. Pray and soak in His plans for you. Open the door to your future. ALBERT FINCH MINISTRY http://afministry.ning.com
  13. Why are we so lackadaisical in our search for God? One possible answer is that we have yet to experience the beauty and power of God's manifest presence. Therefore, we don't understand that the reward of our seeking is worth every bit of our effort, and more. "One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in His temple." - Psalm 27:4 Those who abide in Jesus know the anointing and will flow in it (John 15). We plug in through intimacy, fellowship, and communion with Him. In so doing, our roots grow deep and so we become deeply rooted in Him. God loves using ordinary, everyday people. We become contagious carriers of the anointing from God Himself that propels you into action. This true supernatural flow of the Holy Spirit gives you an insight into another's need and it enables you to understand their hurts, pain, needs, and heartache. Are you willing to spend and be spent; not seeking to be ministered unto, but to minister? ALBERT FINCH MINISTRY
  14. As God's people we learn to live on the basis of hearing God's voice and obeying His word. "The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own authority; but the Father who dwells in me does his works." - John 14:10 If we are "in Christ", we are moving with the most pressing speed, for we are "in" the most dynamic man who ever walked the earth. When He says to us, "Follow me", He is inviting us to a high-speed chase down the roads of our life. On that chase there is no rest except eternal rest and no security except eternal security. "My children with who I am again in labor until Christ is formed in you.." - Galatians 4:19 The true success of our ministry to others will be by how it brought forth the formation of Christ within the person God has given us to disciple. The reshaping of our values and our desires is the key work of the Holy Spirit. This reshaping brings us into conformity and harmony with God's purpose for our lives (our DESTINY). AFFIRMATIONS: God is helping me walk out of the problems that have tried to grip my mind and my life. I declare this by faith in Jesus' name. I confess and meditate on God's word day by day. That word is equipping, outfitting, and furnishing me with all the spiritual gear I need to take the adventurous trip God has planned for my life. As you become increasingly aware of His Presence, you find it easier to discern the way you should go. This is one of the practical benefits of living close to Him. Instead of wondering about what is on the road ahead or worrying about what you should do if…or when…, you can concentrate on staying in communion with Him. When you actually arrive at a choice-point, He will show you which direction to go. Many people are so preoccupied with future plans and decisions that they fail to see choices they need to make today. Without any conscious awareness, they make their habitual responses. People who live this way find a dullness creeping into their lives. They sleepwalk through their days, following well-worn paths of routine. As the Creator of the universe, He is the most creative Being imaginable. He will not leave you circling in deeply rutted paths. Instead, He will lead youalong fresh trails of adventure, revealing to you things you did not know. Stay in communication with Him. Follow His guiding Presence. "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you." - Psalm 32:8 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." - Genesis 1:1 ALBERT FINCH MINISTRY
  15. Romans 4:17 -- ....."God who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did." Sometimes we feel pain from sickness. How can we go around saying the Christ has redeemed us from this sickness? How can we say that by His stripes we are healed? God's way is to call those things that are not as though they are. And because we are made in God's image, we can also call those things that are not as though they are! When God wanted to make Abraham a father of many nations, what did He do? HE CHANGED THE WAY ABRAHAM TALKED. At that time, Abraham did not even have a single child from his wife, Sarah, because she was barren. So how could he become a father of many nations? God changed the way he talked, How? By changing his name from Abram to Abraham, which means "father of many nations." Every time he said his name he called forth what God saw him already blessed with. When Jesus saw the man with a withered hand, He didn't say, "My goodness! It is so withered!" He said, "Stretch out your hand! (Matthew 12:13). He CALLED FORTH what he wanted. He looked at the paralytic and said, "Rise, take up your bed and go home!" (Matthew 9:6). He didn't see it the way it was in the natural. He saw the way God meant it to be and He called it forth. AFFIRMATION: I change the way I talk -- I see the way God meant it to be, and start calling forth my miracle. Often, the battle is not with the devil, but with our own CARNAL NATURE. Our flesh really longs to rise up and fix things, stating our opinion. We must remember--the greater the faith, the fewer the words. If there are some battles or power-struggles going on in your sphere of influence, keep in mind, it's best to always bow lower. After all, God became a baby to conquer the world. For it's, "Not by might, nor by power, but by My spirit, says the Lord." - Zechariah 4:6 As You Allow Him to Change You, He will Change Your Circumstances: The season of depression, confusion, lack, and sinful cycles is over. Don't look back -- Don't bring up the past -- It is under the Blood of Christ. Just as your sins have been forgiven forgive others. Let go of the bitterness and the regrets. Crucify your ego. Release the anger. He will work everything for good. Get ready to move into new realms of His glory. Every time you encounter His glory He is changing you. He is changing your thoughts. He is changing your perspective. He is increasing the power of His Spirit in you. He is anointing you to bring breakthrough to others. Receive the fresh prophetic flow of His presence. Be refreshed. Receive an excitement for that which is coming. The future is full of adventure. Expect Him to do mighty things for nothing is impossible for those who believe! "The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope to which He has called you, and what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints." - Ephesians 1:18 ALBERT FINCH MINISTRY http://afministry.ning.com
  16. "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them." - Ephesians 2:10 We were created to serve God. We were placed on this planet for a special assignment. The enemy's strategy tempts us to wear our own identities in a lesser role than what God desires for us (our DESTINY). God has put something inside of us and He wants it to flow out. The more it flows out, the more life it's going to bring. If there's only a trickle at first, He wants it to become a mighty river. It affects lives. Our best days are yet to come! God sent us to do a job and we're going to reap because He is the one who sent us to do it! When we launch out at His Word, we're going to catch what we need to catch, even in some instances where we've not labored. (John 4:38) "As the Father has sent me, even so I send you." - John 20:21 ALBERT FINCH MINISTRY
  17. Revelation 4:6 - "And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal." The source of God's Peace is God Himself. The glass sea is a symbol: there are no ripples, no waves, no anxieties troubling God. The Lord is never worried never in a hurry nor without an answer. The sea around Him is perfectly still and totally calm. All our victories flow out from being seated here with Him. John 3:3 - Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth: no one can see the Kingdom of God unless he is born again." We must know by revelation that we are not struggling to get up into heaven; rather that we were born there in spiritual rebirth. Psalm 110:1,2 - The Lord (God) says to my Lord (the Messiah), "Sit at My right hand, until I make Your adversaries Your footstool. The Lord will send forth from Zion the scepter of Your strength; rule, then, in the midst of Your foes." Ephesians 2:6 - "and raised us up with Him, and made us sit with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus" We have been raised up and seated with Christ in heavenly places. This is why the Holy Spirit continues to speak to us that the worship of God is our first response in battle. Affirmations: I POSITION MYSELF IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD AND SIT AT REST IN THE KNOWLEDGE THAT CHRIST HAS ALREADY MADE MY ENEMIES THE FOOTSTOOL FOR MY FEET. AS I REST IN HIS VICTORY I RULE IN THE MIDST OF MY ENEMIES. Focus, (Romans 10:17 - "Faith comes from hearing and hearing, by the word of Christ."), and intensity are steps we take to move truth from our heads to our hearts. The command to look intently (see James 1:25) and to meditate continuously (see Philippians 4:8) would be examples of using focus and repetition. Repeating healing prayers pours divine light continually into our beings, until we are entirely sanctified -- spirit, soul, and body (see 1 Thessalonians 5:23). We become the radiance of His glory because we have bathed ourselves in His glory continuously. Darkness, sickness, and demons have now fled because of the light of His glory. "That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him: they eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His CALLING........" - Ephesians 1:17,18 Today is the day that he pours fresh oil into your understanding. He does not want you left to your own understanding. He wants His understanding to bring you under Him, to stand up in Him. So that no matter what happens – on your left, on your right, below or above – you are standing under Him. He devours all that devour you, and He comes against all that comes against you. For He has not left you to stand alone. Detach from your understanding. Learn to soar high in His understanding. Let His understanding bring you into a higher way of thinking, into a higher way of living, on the highway of holiness, for He causes you to walk in peace, and in power, and in a sound mind. Lift your hands, even though they may be weary, lift them. Let His Spirit come, and let Him lift your hands high into Spirit, so that He can cause you to soar above circumstances, through the midst of circumstances – untouched by fire, but coming forth in a sound mind.the ALBERT FINCH MINISTRY
  18. We must be a burning and shining people who know where we are headed, fixing our eyes on our destiny, if we are going to awaken broken and disillusioned hearts! Jesus is not looking at our intentions, wishes, or knowledge of what is right. He is looking at our works! Are we allowing the grace of God to produce holy living and ministering to others in our lives, or have we received the grace of God in vain? "I know your works......" - Revelation 3:15 CONTROLLING OUR PASSION AND INTENSITY Philippians 3:14 - "I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." It is high time to humble ourselves and press into God. Today is indeed the moment, hour, and day of Salvation! Christ in us is indeed the hope of God's glory. Now is our transformation time to transition into God's plan (our DESTINY) for Kingdom multiplication on earth. We can control the PASSION and INTENSITY with which we live our lives. To get the fruitful life that God has purposed for us, we must go out on a limb away from the ordinary and complacent. NOT SETTLING FOR LESS Behold, it's time to stop hiding behind walls of fear (What if such and such happens?); it's time to stop hiding behind walls of doubt (It'll never happen); it's time to stop hiding behind walls of disappointment (It didn't happen). Winter has passed. Rise up and come away! "For behold, the winter is past, The rain is over and gone. The flowers have already appeared in the land...." - Song of Solomon 2:11,12 ALBERT FINCH MINISTRY
  19. "Rule in the midst of your enemies" - Psalm 110:2 The Lord has provided us with powerful tools to accomplish our assignment and legislate the heavens with the ability to call forth what is not as though it were. He has given us the power of the Blood, the power of His name, the power of His Word, the power of decree, the power of the Holy Spirit to bring it to pass, and angel armies assigned to God's Kingdom purposes! He has given us everything needed to rule and reign, to take and to hold ground! Circumstances may seem to be holding you back, or life situations and finances, but obedience to take your place in PURPOSE for your life unlocks your DESTINY and positions you for favor. It's a favor that opens the necessary doors for you to accomplish your assignment.God's "Of the increase of His Government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this." - Isaiah 9:7 Choosing to set yourself firmly in the place where God has called you unlocks spiritual principles that result in increase. The best days of the Church are upon us and it's a time to embrace our divine destiny. God is good and He is faithful! Let us wake up and be successful in fulfilling all He has planned! This is the hour of the fulfillment of His promises of glory and light! The people of God are beginning to "arise and shine" for our light has come! ALBERT FINCH MINISTRY
  20. Luke 9:62 - Jesus said to him. "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back (to the things behind) is fit for the kingdom of God. We are what the past has made us. Yet, we are commanded to not look back and to "forget.....what lies behind". With God, this is not impossible, for although the events of our lives are irreversible, our reactions to those events can still be changed. Philippians 3:13 - "But one thing I do (my one aspiration): forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead." As our reactions change, we change. Although we cannot alter the past, we can put our past upon the "altar" as an act of worship. A worshiping heart truly allows God to restore the soul. Romans 8:28 - "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God." The key for the fulfillment of this verse is that we become lovers of God in our spirits. When we are given to loving Him, all that we have passed through in life is washed in that love. It is redeemed and becomes good within us. Affirmations: GOD REACHES INTO MY EXPERIENCES AND REDEEMS ME FROM MY NEGATIVE REACTIONS. I FORGET MY PAST AND PRESS ON TOWARD THE MARK FOR THE PRIZE OF THE HIGH CALLING OF GOD IN CHRIST JESUS. EVER PRAISING GOD TRANSFORMS THE NEGATIVE ASSAULT OF THE ENEMY INTO A SPRING OF SWEET WATERS WHICH REFRESHES ME. 2 Corinthians 6:14,15 - "Do not try to work together as equals with unbelievers, for it cannot be done. How can right and wrong be partners? How can light and darkness live together? How can Christ and the Devil agree?" Observation: EVERY RELATIONSHIP TAKES ME TOWARDS MY DREAMS OR AWAY FROM THEM. "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth; we have beheld His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father." - John 1:14 When the Word became flesh, it didn’t just stop with Jesus. The Word is still becoming flesh as He tabernacles with you, living within your tent of flesh and blood and redeemed humanity. You are His habitation, His dwelling place, and He has established His throne within the chambers of your heart, as a living tabernacle of His glory. The Word becomes who you are DESTINED to be, within the realms of glory; of grace upon grace and spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing and favor upon favor and gift upon gift. For the Word must increase and consume your flesh, consume it and be glorified so that when they look upon you they will behold His Glory, and behold one who is indeed begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. "The Word was the true light that enlightens all men....but to all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God -- children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will but born of God." - John 1:12,13 ALBERT FINCH MINISTRY
  21. Mark 7:6,7 - "He answered and said unto them, 'Well hath Isaiah prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoreth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men."' Jesus lived in constant confrontation and conflict with the world around Him, because Kingdom logic goes against carnal logic. Questions to Ask Myself: AM I LIVING IN CONFLICT WITH THIS WORLD? AM I BRINGING THE REALITY OF HEAVEN, NOT JUST THE DOCTRINE OF HEAVEN, TO MY NEIGHBORS AND COWORKERS? IS MY LIFE CONTRADICTING THE WAY LIFE WORKS FOR MOST PEOPLE IN MY CITY? AM I USHERING IN KINGDOM REALITY WHEREVER I GO? Romans 12:2 - "And be not conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." A renewed mind destroys the works of the devil so that earthly reality matches heavenly reality. It proves the will of God not just in word but in deed. It heals the sick, frees those enslaved to sin, brings joy where there was sadness. A renewed mind sees the way God sees. It receives His impressions and becomes a creative force to release His expression of dominion on planet Earth. "Delight yourself in the LORD; and He will give you the desires of your heart." - Psalm 37:4 "Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son." - John 14:13 He is pulling you away from the old, and taking you under the water into the unknown for a time of being unseen and unheard, for a "deeper depth" experience with Him. Humble yourself and flow in the direction the Holy Spirit is drawing you into. God is asking you to not judge things by your natural eyesight. God is doing something bigger than you can see right now. Yes, He's about to blow your paradigm and expand your destiny consciousness. Let go and receive a greater commission! See with the eyes of your spirit man, not the eyes of your flesh. It's time to graduate and go to the next level! It's time to put on the new wine skins fully and receive the infilling of new strength, vigor, and faith. Isaiah 42:9,10 - " Behold the former things have come to pass, now I declare new things;......sing to the Lord a new song, sing His praise from the end of the earth! ALBERT FINCH MINISTRY
  22. A child is named on the eighth day of his birth. A name can simply be defined as a word or set of words by which a person is known or identified with. Often times destiny is sealed by one's name. Names have different origins. Some are Hindu, Arabic, Hebrew, English, African, Asian etc. There is no child born that is not identified with a name. Sometimes, a child is named due to the circumstance surrounding his birth.
  23. Hebrews 11:1 - "Now, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things that you cannot see." The scripture says that "For we walk by faith, and not by sight" (2 Corinthians 5:7). We must never let what our eyes see determine what our hearts believe. In other words, we are to walk according to what is in our hearts. We are to let what is in our hearts dictate how we see life. Physical sight is the ability to see things as they are. Vision is the capacity to see things as they should be, and that takes faith. Vision is in the heart. Faith is seeing the future in the present. Affirmations: THE WORD DICTATES WHAT IS IN MY HEART. THE VISIONS IN MY HEART IS GREATER THAN MY ENVIRONMENT. GOD GAVE ME VISION SO I WOULD NOT HAVE TO LIVE BY WHAT I SEE. Matthew 24:4 - Jesus answered them, "Be careful that no one misleads you." If we are listening to something that does not center us firmly upon the path into God's kingdom, if we are not becoming like Jesus in holiness and power, we are being misled, and that misleading knowledge is an idol. l Affirmations: THE LORD WANTS ME TO BE ROOTED IN HIM, NOT ROOTED IN MY IDEA ABOUT HIM. I MUST BE CONFIDENT ENOUGH OF HIS LOVE TO BE ABLE TO UPROOT A WRONG IDEA; AN IDOL IS AN IDOL. Just as Jeremiah was given the ability to "see" his new season (see Jeremiah 1:4-12), we are present-day Jeremiahs – having our eyes opened to understand and know all that God has formed for us (our future and DESTINY) has been preserved. It is His desire that we move closer – reposition ourselves to "draw near." And, in an intimate relationship He will speak to us concerning mysteries. It is time to "Set your mind of the things above, not on the things that are on the earth, for you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God" (Colossians 3:2-3). It is your season to be as Jeremiah and allow God to touch your mouth so that you are empowered to see and confess all that Heaven says about God's PURPOSE for your life, your circumstances, and your future! If you recall, Jeremiah could not see his future until God "touched his mouth." The word "touched" is the Greek word naga and implies that God struck the unbelief that had held Jeremiah's faith captive. The word also implies a "violent act." Think about this a moment. God did a violent act against Jeremiah's unbelief. God, Himself, went to battle against Jeremiah's mindsets concerning his abilities to be used by God (see Jeremiah 1:1-12). The finished work at the Cross promises you a new season. Jeremiah was able to "see" an almond branch budding. The almond branch is the first branch to bloom in a new season. SEE your NEW season! ALBERT FINCH MINISTRY
  24. Deuteronomy 30:19 - "I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life." He was saying, "Stop procrastinating and hoping you will eventually get somewhere in life. Decide whether you're going to get a curse or a blessing. Decide whether you're going to die or live." Affirmations: I AM NOT DESIGNED TO DRIFT - I AM DESIGNED FOR DESTINY. I AM NOT GOING TO PROCRASTINATE ON MY DREAM AND DRIFT ALONG, ENDING UP WHEREVER THE LUKEWARM TIDE TAKES ME. I MAKE A PLAN AND FULFILL IT. Revelation 3:15,16 - "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm - neither hot nor cold - I am about to spit you out of my mouth." John 3:34 - "For He whom God has sent speaks the words of God; for He gives the Spirit without measure." The Holy Spirit desires you to live daily in the fullness of the Lord so that Jesus will receive glory and honor through His great power working in and through you. Jesus said to the Father, “As You sent Me, Father, send them!” (John 20:21). God will empower you, just as He did Jesus, to walk out the fullness of your DESTINY, with that same unlimited anointing of the Holy Spirit! (John 3:34). This fullness is available to every believer, for we have inherited the blessing and privilege to know the mysteries, secrets, and thoughts of God (Rom 8:16). "And said, Verily I say to you, Except you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven." - Matthew 18:3 We can walk in stability and confidence with Him, if we hold to the potential that rests within us before the Lord in simple child-like trust -- we will be enabled to rise above the limitations that we place upon ourselves, and enter into all that He has made available for us. We need only to realize that we are a new creation - that old things have passed away and our life is hidden in Jesus, and that our strength comes from Him. With David, we should be able to say, "The Lord is my light and my salvation..." (Psalm 27:1). If we will meditate on the past victories that we gained by placing our lives in His hands, this will become personally real to us. Paul said, "I press toward the mark..." (Philippians 3:14). This "mark" is our CALLING in Christ. We look past our vacillations to see there is within us a deep inner determination to press through to the place where our responses no longer emerge from our Adamic nature, but from the new creation that we have become. ALBERT FINCH MINISTRY
  25. Matthew 6:9-10 - "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Many people are confused about the will of God on earth, believing that it is fuzzy and vague. The will of God is simply this: "On earth as it is in heaven." When we pray, "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done," we're praying for the King's dominion and will to be realized right here, right now. God has not kept His desires secret: He wants the reality of heaven to invade this rebel-torn world, to transform it, to bring it under His headship. What is free to operate in heaven - joy, peace, wisdom, health, wholeness, and all the other good promises we read about in the Bible - should be free to operate here on this planet, in your home, your church, your business, and your school. What is not free to operate there - sickness, disease, spiritual bondage, and sin - should not be free to operate here, period. Affirmations: I REALIZE THAT I AM PUT HERE TO DO THE WILL OF GOD ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. I EMBRACE THIS LIFE-TRANSFORMING UNDERSTANDING OF "NORMAL CHRISTIANITY". MY ASSIGNMENT AS A BELIEVER ON EARTH IS TO DESTROY THE WORKS OF THE DEVIL. AS I MAKE THIS MY PRIMARY UNDERSTANDING OF GOD'S WILL, THE OTHER AREAS THAT TROUBLE ME SO MUCH WILL SEEM TO SORT THEMSELVES OUT. Ephesians, 3:16 in the Amplified reads, "May He grant you out of the rich treasury of His Glory to be strengthened and reinforced with mighty power in the inner man by the Holy Spirit {Himself indwelling your innermost being and personality]" We can live in the Fresh Anointing that brings strength to strength living in these times! The greater the challenges that arise to confront us, the greater the favor, grace, and power the Lord releases to and through us. In Psalm 92:10, "But my horn (emblem of excessive strength and stately grace) You have exalted like that of a wild ox; I am anointed with Fresh OIL!" AMP John 8:36 - "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." Loose yourself from all entanglements, soul ties, dead works, wrong relationships, wrongmind-sets. Be free from all false expectations, man's expectations, religious expectations; every expectation that does not come from the hope and expectancy that He gives to you. So you must be emptied of all the things that hold you in the earthly realm, repent and turn away from those things that break His heart. Set your priorities in order for He is taking you into another realm of your faith walk. You are going from Faith to Faith and Glory to Glory. ALBERT FINCH MINISTRY
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