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Christian parents of transender 'girl'


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The parents of a 14-year-old girl are taking legal action to challenge their local authority's backing for their daughter to transition into a boy. 

The girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, is believed to want to change her gender and has received the support of her local authority. 

However, the girl's parents object to the process, and believe their daughter is too young to take such a dramatic decision. 


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To quote the article,

'We were told by the psychiatrist that Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services said that if the name change does not happen then she would be a high suicide risk.'  It's better to let trans people be trans then have them kill themselves.  

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15 hours ago, gerbilgirl said:

To quote the article,

'We were told by the psychiatrist that Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services said that if the name change does not happen then she would be a high suicide risk.'  It's better to let trans people be trans then have them kill themselves.  

There's no such thing as 'trans', just mentally ill people who are confused.

In fact suicide rates are higher among those who have undergone transgender medical transformation than those who haven't, especially among those who have gone all the way and undergone gender reassignment surgery. The statistics show this.

At one time we tried to cure mental illnesses, now we pander to them and declare them as 'normal' or a human right.

Transgender people are suffering from gender dysmorphia, in the same way that anorexics are suffering from body dysmorphia. An anorexic girl believes herself to be 'fat' when in actual fact she is incredibly thin, but you wouldn't pander to her fantasies and allow herself to starve to death would you? So why do we pander to the fantasies of transgenders and allow themselves to be surgically mutilated?

A man who has had a sex-change is not a woman, and never will be. He is merely a seriously disturbed castrated man in drag. Most transgenders have experienced some sort of trauma during childhood, whether they have been brought up by parents who have led them to believe they are something that they are not, or brought up by parents who wanted a child of the other sex, they are confused. Admittedly not all transgenders have experienced such things but many have.

Try checking out the works and teachings of Walt Heyer (mentioned in the previous post), a former transgender who has undergone full surgery but is now a 'born again' Christian and realises his mistake. He lived as a woman for decades but now understands that he was born male and has reverted back to believing that he is male just as God originally made him. Unfortunately he can never get back the 'parts' that were surgically removed, but at least he is no longer deluded. Since exposing the transgender movement for the tragic fraud that it is, he has also received many death threats. He has a website and videos on YouTube.

The Bible warns us of men dressing as women and women dressing as men. Satan has confused such people into believing they are somebody that they are not, and the parents of so-called transgender children who pander to such fantasies are guilty of child abuse. You are either born male or female and what you have between your legs should tell you what you are if you're in any doubt. You can't be born in the wrong body and you can't change sex later in life. Anybody who says otherwise is speaking against God and against the Bible.

I personally know of two transgender men who I used to work with. One of them wants a sex change op because he was brought up to believe that being a boy was wrong by parents who wished they had a daughter instead of a son. I don't want to get too graphic here as to how this has affected him, but I'll give you a hint. He despises a certain body part that he owns and wishes to have it removed ASAP. He can't even bear to look at it when he goes to the toilet because it reminds him of who he really is, the boy that nobody wanted. He dresses as a woman, uses a feminine first name, and hates to be reminded of his masculine birth name. He also flies off the handle if anybody calls him 'he' instead of 'she'. In fact one such person who referred to him as 'he', faced a disciplinary by HR because it was seen as a 'bullying at work' issue. Such is Political Correctness where not only are certain people allowed to live in a fantasy world but everybody else has to go along with the lie too or face the consequences.

Transgenderism is an evil lie that exists in this World because society has abandoned God. Many people are lost and confused because they believe in the lie of 'anything goes'. Transgender people need help and understanding. They need counseling and the love of the Holy Spirit. They need to be cured of the demonic grip that has been placed upon them.

They do not need surgery or hormones. This is a Frankenstein answer to a psychological problem. And what's more they do not need the rest of the World to lie on their behalf. They are being deceived, and we should not add to this deception.


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17 hours ago, gerbilgirl said:

To quote the article,

'We were told by the psychiatrist that Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services said that if the name change does not happen then she would be a high suicide risk.'  It's better to let trans people be trans then have them kill themselves.  

Dear, I am going to have to echo what Davida has said.  Your response shows a naivety.

Without even looking up medical statistics, I already knew that the suicide rate among transgender citizens was much higher than the general population.

But I found some stats anyway to bring here.  http://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/AFSP-Williams-Suicide-Report-Final.pdf

According to a 2014 study by the American Society for Suicide Prevention by the Williams Institute,  4.6% of the general population reports to have attempted suicide and 41% of the transgender community (about 6,500 of them in the actual study) have reported to have attempted suicide.  Unfortunately those transgender people who HAVE committed suicide cannot be included in the study.

Yes, there were a lot of mitigating factors, but you see, there is a much deeper problem rooted in transgendered people (I know, they don’t like the “ed” at the end of the word, but I don’t know how else to grammatically use it as an adjective) than meets the eye.

The problem goes far deeper than just outward appearance – make-up, clothes, hair, shoes.  And it goes much deeper than body parts – muscle tone, genitalia, hairy/hairless skin, breast tissue, a shaved Adam’s apple, collagen injections in the lips, and plastic surgery on the face.

41% of these troubled people – even after achieving what they want – are STILL burdened enough to try to kill themselves.

No – we don’t need to “let them just be transgender so they won’t kill themselves”.

We need to love them, show them the way to Christ, be patient with them, and yes, protect them from those who would torment them.  They need to hear the truth – in love.  And they need to be shown the One who heals all wounds and sorrows – Jesus Christ.

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6 hours ago, Jayne said:


According to a 2014 study by the American Society for Suicide Prevention by the Williams Institute, 

4.6% of the general population reports to have attempted suicide and

41% of the transgender community (about 6,500 of them in the actual study) have reported to have attempted suicide.  


41% of these troubled people – even after achieving what they want – are STILL burdened enough to try to kill themselves.


I snipped out parts of your post to quote from. Notice the huge difference. Less than 5% for the nontransgender population and then 41% for the transgender population. That is a tremendous difference. 

The most important part of what jayne said is this:


And they need to be shown the One who heals all wounds and sorrows – Jesus Christ.


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Question: "Can a person be born with the wrong gender?"

We live in a confused and fallen world, and that confusion extends everywhere, so that even the most basic questions, like “what gender am I?” become difficult for some people to answer. Some people claim they were born as the wrong gender, or at least in the wrong body. A man may believe he is actually a female, but his soul is “stuck” in a male body. Such claims receive support from others who advocate a “gender-neutral” society. But those who view gender distinctions as nothing more than arbitrary labels or a “box” to be broken out of are actively rejecting God’s design in creation.

Fundamental to our understanding of human sexuality is that God created two (and only two) genders. Currently, the world likes to consider gender (based on a social construct) as having nothing to do with sex (based on physicality), but the Bible makes no such distinctions. The Bible cuts through the world’s confusion simply: “Male and female He created them” (Genesis 1:27). All the modern-day speculation about multiple genders—or even a gender “continuum” with unlimited genders—is unbiblical. An individual may claim to be transgender or “gender-fluid,” but that doesn’t nullify God’s design and purpose in creating him or her.

Children growing up in this confused world are bombarded with messages of confusion. Little boys are told they don’t have to be boys; girls are told they might not really be girls. Whatever they feel they are is what they are—boy, girl, or a mixture of the two. The world tells them it doesn’t matter. The confusion and ambiguity are reinforced in many ways: gender-neutral days at school, the banning of terms such as boys and girls in the classroom, the proliferation of unisex restrooms, curricula that promotes homosexual marriage, etc. It’s little wonder that some people grow up struggling with their sexual identity. But our Lord warned against leading children astray: “Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Things that cause people to stumble are bound to come, but woe to anyone through whom they come. It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble’” (Luke 17:1–2).

Some people today state that they have “felt like the opposite gender since they were children.” But how would one know that? To what are they comparing their feelings? How people feel is all they know, and, for each person, how he feels is “normal” for him. Any comparisons to other people’s feelings would only be an assumption. Some people may become convinced that they “felt like the opposite gender” at some point in their lives, but they don’t truly have a baseline comparison.

Given enough conditioning, any one of us can be convinced that we identify more as the opposite gender. Too often, certain individuals are labeled as cross-gendered because of natural differences in mannerisms and responses, and those individuals “back-paint” the concept into their understanding of their childhood.

But this reimagining of one’s childhood is different from wishing to be another gender. A person can wish he was the other gender for many reasons, but that doesn’t make it internally so. A parent can instill that desire in a child, or a child can observe benefits enjoyed by the other gender and desire them. The child can also desire to be seven feet tall, but it doesn’t change reality.

The Bible says that God created “male and female” and He pronounced His creation “very good” (Genesis 1:27, 31). God’s plan was perfect, but, as with everything in mankind’s sphere, perfection was corrupted by sin. Sin brought anomalies, and we would be hard pressed to understand where the touch of this contamination ends in the creation. Could an anomaly sometimes occur in gender, physically or mentally? We acknowledge that a person can be born with a combination of male and female organs—although one’s true, biological sex can be determined through medical tests.

This we know, that we are involved in a spiritual battle for our souls. The world seeks to conform us to its mold, which is why we must be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:1–2). Satan attempts to deceive us and urges us to question God’s plan. One of the devil’s ploys is to make us dissatisfied with how God made us. To some he whispers, “You’re fat and ugly.” To others, “You’re stupid and clumsy.” And to still others, “You look like a boy, but you’re really a girl.” In each case, the underlying message is the same: “God messed up on you.”

This we also know, that the whole creation groans for release from the curse and damage of sin (Romans 8:20–22). The ruin wrought by sin is addressed through the redemption of Christ. Through salvation, Jesus Christ grants us forgiveness of sin, reverses the effect of our poor choices, and compensates for our brokenness.

Each of us faces a different set of battles. Yet Christ sets us on the path to victory. Hebrews 12:1–2 states, “Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” The cross is key. Jesus pioneered our faith, and He will perfect it. His victory will be ours as well.

Some may battle heterosexual temptation, greed, pride, anger, or any number of sins. Someone else may battle gender confusion. Regardless of the battle with sin and the devil’s lies, the question we must answer is, “Is Christ and His redemptive work sufficient for our battles?” Jesus definitely claims to be sufficient for any and all of our battles, and He desires to sanctify us through His Word of truth (John 17:17).

As children of God, we should be content in this life (Philippians 4:11; 2 Corinthians 12:10). We realize that we all have limitations, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. But through Christ those limitations will not interfere with the plan God has for us to honor Him and serve Him. “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom” (Luke 12:32).

If a person feels he or she has been born as the wrong gender, the answer is not gender-reassignment surgery, hormone therapy, cross-dressing, etc. Those are simply worldly ways of acquiescing to the devil’s lies. “Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth” (1 Corinthians 13:6). And God does not make mistakes. The one who feels he or she was born in the wrong body needs, first and foremost, to experience the transformative power of Christ. When we “participate in the divine nature,” we escape “the corruption in the world caused by evil desires” (2 Peter 1:4).


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On 10/24/2016 at 1:04 PM, gerbilgirl said:

To quote the article,

'We were told by the psychiatrist that Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services said that if the name change does not happen then she would be a high suicide risk.'  It's better to let trans people be trans then have them kill themselves.  


Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep. Romans 12:15

The transgender suicide epidemic: is accepting their confusion really the answer?

August 18, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) – People who suffer from gender confusion are encouraged by the current cultural climate to "be themselves," meaning reject the gender they were born with.

"Transgender" teens are taught that what they feel is who they are and that to be happy and fulfilled, they must become the opposite sex. When Bruce Jenner decided to publicly look like a woman, he was supported by the mass media. Even the president of the United States, when Jenner decided to have castration surgery, applauded him as a "courageous" hero.

But studies repeatedly show that "transgender" people who seek to become the opposite sex are in fact not happy or fulfilled. In fact, a life-or-death internal war is continually going on within, to the degree that many, if not most, seek to end their lives.

That's what the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and the Williams Institute found when the foundation analyzed results from the National Transgender Discrimination Survey. The numbers of suicide attempts are heartbreaking.

Over 41 percent of active "transgender" people try to kill themselves. That's ten times the average 4.6 percent suicide attempt rate.

And this study isn't the only one proving that those who seek to live as if they were the opposite sex are, in fact, killing themselves. Over a dozen other surveys worldwide have found the same alarmingly high suicide rates.

A national survey of more than 6,500 transgender people asked the question "Have you tried to commit suicide?" Forty-one percent answered, "Yes."

"Chronically high stress levels," "anxiety," and "depression" are most commonly reported among active transgender people. Self-harm by cutting is often reported as well.

The suicide hotline for them, Trans Lifeline, handled more than 20,000 calls in its first nine months of operation alone. Greta Gustava Martela, a lesbian who founded the hotline, summarizes, "With 41% attempting suicide, you have to assume something's just not working for transgender folks."

The mainstream media attributes the exploding transgender suicide rate to outside influences, such as peer and parental rejection, but does not consider the transgender person's tragic internal battle as intrinsic to living a psychological dichotomy.

The facts speak otherwise. The University of Birmingham's Aggressive Research Intelligence Facility (ARIF) conducted a medical review that found that there is no conclusive evidence that sex change operations improve the lives of transsexuals. In fact, many transsexuals remain severely internally distressed and suicidal after the operation.

Chris Hyde, the director of ARIF, explained, "A large number of people who have [sex change] surgery remain traumatized – often to the point of committing suicide."

And yet the effort to ignore the suicidal facts and teach even grade school children that transgender people are fulfilling their "true" selves continues. As Stella Morabito of The Federalist writes, "The [transgender] guy isn't allowed to talk about his regret. Not openly. The transgender lobby actively polices and suppresses discussion of sex-change regret."

Some transgender patients have said they realized, too late, that sex change operations did not live up to their promise. Alan Finch explains, "You fundamentally can't change sex. ... The surgery doesn't alter you genetically.  It's genital mutilation[.] ... It's all been a terrible misadventure[.] ... The analogy I use about giving surgery to someone desperate to change sex is it's a bit like offering liposuction to an anorexic."

Tennis champion Renée Richards, who went from male to "female" in the '70s, wrote, "I would have been better off staying the way I was – a totally intact person[.] ... I don't want anyone to hold me out as an example to follow[.] ... I get a lot of letters from people who are considering having this operation ... and I discourage them all." https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/gender-confused-suicide-rate-ten-times-national-average

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On 10/24/2016 at 1:32 AM, OakWood said:



The parents of a 14-year-old girl are taking legal action to challenge their local authority's backing for their daughter to transition into a boy. 

The girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, is believed to want to change her gender and has received the support of her local authority. 

However, the girl's parents object to the process, and believe their daughter is too young to take such a dramatic decision. 


And they are absolutely correct!  Does British law allow the state to make such decisions in the case of a minor?  If so, that's whacked. 

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How pathetic.
I think in some of these type cases the parents are the unfit one's. They ended up with a gender child they didn't want. So they brainwash the kid to believe they're the child they did want , but on the inside.

It's a tragedy that this mental illness that's compounded by chemical imbalance is let to be tolerated to the point the victim mutilates themselves with horrific surgeries that deform their God given bodies.

It's just plain medical malpractice and abject laziness spurred on by the terrorist threats of the intolerant LGBTQ extremists. Years ago a letter appeared from someone in the American Psychiatric Society. Media didn't give it a whole lot of attention and I suspect it was because they didn't want to suffer death threats from the terrorist LGBTQ groups either. But in any event, it synopsized the decision to amend the future or next publication of the DSM manual.

Diagnostic and Statistics Manual concerning mental health diagnosis. The LGBTQ terrorist death threats had been so concentrated that the APA decided to switch rather than fight. So to concede their professional ethics they elected to alter future publications that referred to homosexuality and the tranny diagnosis. Omitting the fact that they are mental illnesses. And rewording their categories so as to say they are disorders instead.

That seemed to placate the LGBTQ terrorists and they left the APA alone. But as a further sign that their condition is indeed alteration of the cerebral functionality, the LGBTQ community didn't seem to comprehend the new editions of the AMA's DSM V + reiterated that theirs was a mental illness. Just in a different phraseology so as to avoid threats of death for daring  to put that in print.


These parents are cowards .  Just like the psychiatrist that made the assumption of suicide should the boy not get his wish.

God doesn't make mistakes. Fix the mental illness by giving the sufferer proper cocktail of hormone treatments , etc... that corrects their dis-ordered thinking when they look at their own bodies. So that they cope with what is.

Because I predict in 20 years the future generation of the medical professionals will look back at what surgeons and psychiatrists are doing now to feed the illness because they're too afraid or lazy to treat it, and realize where we are now is tantamount to dark ages medicine dealing with such conditions. Like in the primitive era of medicine when physicians were  putting leaches on someone to take the devil away from their blood disorder. Or cupping their skin in order to heal their mental illness.

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Why are there so many Christian's who jump on the mentally or emotionally ill when this is obviously the work of the Devil and goes far deeper than just a quick pill that will maliciously equalize some chemical in the brain.  You are mixing up something like Bipolar, which my own daughter has with that of an identity crisis.

This is a feeling that they belong to the opposite gender than that which is there physical body. That's a crisis of identity that needs to be addressed by the only person in the world qualified to repair this identity crisis.


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