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The First Seal and the Horseman on the White Horse

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On 4/12/2020 at 12:46 PM, Revelation Man said:

You, like many people,  follow MEN'S TRADITIONS, it speaks for itself. I am sure the Pharisees shook their heads also. Tunnel vision is a bad, bad thing, especially to those trying to teach Eschatology, the truth is most who try to teach it were not called to Eschatology, but try to force it. A hand need to be a hand, not a foot. I wen t 25 years sticking with the things I learned in Eschatology from men, until God spoke to me when I asked Him a question, why is the Church so mixed up on what Babylon is, the Rapture, the Harlot is, the Woman of Rev. 12 is etc. And I got this, "Ron, you guys already know everything" And that is when it hit me, God can't tell us His truths because we BLOCK them via OUR TRUTHS passed down from men !! So keep on saying you don't follow men's traditions if you want to, some might even be YOUR OWN, but what you give here is not from God brother as per your Eschatology. I simply started ALL OVER, and asked God to show me His truths as per Eschatology. It works, just like it did with the Gospels. Now does God/Jesus choosing BABES as disciples register my point ? He wanted a BLANK CANVAS !! As per Eschatology, we come with a learning from MEN, who really NEVER KNEW.

Problem is, I've heard all the things that you are saying FOR YEARS. It is nothing new, OR CORRECT.

The 7th Trump is the 3rd Woe, which is ALL 7 Vials, and thus it ends in Rev. 16:19, do you get that? It doesn't END in Rev. 11 or Rev. 14 per se, both of those are just Parenthetical Citation chapters that tell of OTHER THINGS {Two-Witnesses 1260 day TIMELINE & the Harvests of God} going on at the SAME TIME. 

Which ends in Rev. 16:19, because the 7th Trump is the 3rd Woe which is the 7 Vials. You don't seem to quite get that !!

Rev. 8:13 And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound!

So, the 7th Trump = the 3rd Woe WHICH IS.......The 7 Vials of Rev. 16..........so it indeed ends with the 7th Trump, just after the 7th Vial is poured out.

If I have wrote this once I have written it 100 times, people don't read it seems. ONE MORE TRY.

Let's let the scripture speak for itself
Rev 11

14 The second woe is past; and, behold, the third woe cometh quickly.

15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.

16 And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God,

17 Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned.

18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.

19 And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.

I see absolutely nothing is these verses that say the third woe is the vials. The third woe is the 7th trump.

When the 7th trump blows the mystery of God is FINISHED.

Maybe you are just reading over the verses without any comprehension. Here this looks woeful.

Rev 11

18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.


Revelation 11 is NOT a part of the Chronological Order of the BoR. Rev. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18 and most of 19 are Parenthetical Citations of THINGS HAPPENING during the Judgment Chapters.  6, 7, 8, 9, 15&16, I now think 6 is a FORETELLING of what's coming and Rev. 7 is describing Israel as Fleeing Judea followed by describing the Raptured Church in Heaven. THEN comes the Judgment chapters.



Rev. 11 starts BEFORE the Day of the Lord because the Two-witnesses show up BEFORE the DOTL,

if someone gave this to me and I never understood it, I would get it right off the bat. Its CLEAR why both the Two-witnesses and the Beast have 1260 day OFFICES on earth, so we can JUXTAPOSE their timelines against each other via God's majestic plannings. If the Two-witnesses die at the 2nd Woe {AND THEY DO} and the Beasts dies at the 7th Vial {AND HE DOES} then their timelines CAN NOT RUN LINEAR do you not get this? That means if the Two-witnesses DIE FIRST then they also have to SHOW UP FIRST, this is simple stuff once we finally see it, but it shouldn't be so difficult to digest {SAVE for Men' Traditions}. Malachi 4:5-6 says Elijah will be sent back BEFORE the Day of the Lord to turn Israel back unto God !! So Rev. 11 is all about the Two-witnesses TIMELINE, not the BoR timeline per se. Its NOT a part of the order of the BoR. They show up 75 days {1335} BEFORE the Beast {1260} and thus the Jews have already REPENTED b y the time the Beast Conquers Israel/Jerusalem, and 45 days before the AoD happens at the hands of the False Prophet {Jewish High Priest}. Rev. 11 IS NOT the end, because it not a part of the overall Chronological Order of the BoR to start with. Its like Gen. 1 and Gen. 2 but you can't seem to grasp that it is a PARENTHETICAL CITATION !! That is on you brother. That is why you can't grasp it, that is why Babylon is said to fall 3 or 4 times in the BoR, they are all the SAME EVENT !! 

I have explained Rev. 11 to you personally COUNTLESS TIMES so I guess you just skip it and reply, or else you wouldn't as the same question over and over. We see the 2nd Woe in Rev. 11 also right ? BUT the DETAILS for the 2nd Woe is given to us in Rev. 9 IS OT NOT !! YESSSSSSSS IT IS !! Likewise, you are told about the 3rd Woe {7th Trump} in Rev. 11 also, BUT not given the DETAILS !! We see the DETAILS in Rev. 16, the 7 Vials. That is the 3rd Woe, which is the 7th Trump. You are the one that can't grasp it brother, because you have other MAN MADE UNDERSTANDING'S {Even if they are FROM YOU}  you can't drop. 

The third woe is not the vials. It is the 7th trump. At the 7th trump the mystery of God is FINISHED. The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ.

and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.

It is over, it is done, it is finished, the dead are judged, rewards are given, and shouldest destroy them that destroy the earth.
Why in the world do you think that now the vials happen. It's already over. The vials are just another version of the time frame of Gods wrath.

The 144,000 {ALL Israel who REPENT or the 1/3 who REPENT} are never called First-fruits in Rev. 7, go find it, its not there,

Hello, THE WRATH OF GOD IS OVER AT THE 7TH TRUMP. What you see in Rev 14 are things that happen during the seals. What you see at the end of Rev 14 is the coming of Jesus for the gathering that you see at the sixth seal. which is what you see at the coming of Jesus in Matt 24 when He sends His angels to gather the elect from heaven and earth.


they are only called First-fruits in Rev. 14, AFTER Jesus lands on Mt. Zion, do you not get that ? And they have the Fathers name in their Forehead !! In verse 4 they are called First-fruits

Hello, THE WRATH OF GOD IS OVER AT THE 7TH TRUMP. What you see in Rev 14 are things that happen during the seals. What you see at the end of Rev 14 is the coming of Jesus for the gathering that you see at the sixth seal. which is what you see at the coming of Jesus in Matt 24 when He sends His angels to gather the elect from heaven and earth.



Rev. 14:1 And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads.

It has ZILCH to do with Rev. 6, which is just Jesus opening up the 6th Seal. The Harvest is Jesus on Mt. Zion !! Now go read Rev. 16:19 where Jesus lands on Mt. Zion and defeats the NATIONS called Babylon !! And NO, its not the Multitude seen in Rev. 7 in Heaven, that is the Raptured Church who are indeed Raptured Pre 70th week. Not AFTERWARDS, its the SAME CHURCH seen in Rev. chapters 4 and 5 BEFORE the Seals are opened. Matt. 24:29-31 is seen in Rev. 16:19 and in Rev. ch. 19. Its also Rev. 14:18-20 and Rev. the 7TH TRUMP, Except we are not given the coming DETAILS of the 3rd Woe EVENTS. 

You don't grasp what the word is saying as per the TIMING of Eschatology, some people are not called to this. Armageddon is indeed happening at the Second Coming. We see the Second Coming in Matt. 24:29-31, YOU DON'T but you are in error sir. 


Hello, THE WRATH OF GOD IS OVER AT THE 7TH TRUMP. What you see in Rev 14 are things that happen during the seals. What you see at the end of Rev 14 is the coming of Jesus for the gathering that you see at the sixth seal. which is what you see at the coming of Jesus in Matt 24 when He sends His angels to gather the elect from heaven and earth.


Rev. 14:1 And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads.

NOW............WHO IS RIGHT ? Jesus is seen on Mt Zion in the very FIRST VERSE !! EVERYTHING here is AFTER the Second Coming !!


I pretty sure I'm right, because I understand that the things you are looking in the 1st part of Rev 14 are things that happen during the seals. How do I know that? THE WRATH OF GOD IS OVER AT THE 7TH TRUMP.


Rev. 14:18 And another angel came out from the altar, which had power over fire; and cried with a loud cry to him that had the sharp sickle, saying, Thrust in thy sharp sickle, and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth; for her grapes are fully ripe. 19 And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God.

Oh look, they are cast into the wrath of God in Rev 14. Gee, what does that mean. It means that the wrath of God is over at the 7th trump. Now we see another view. The wrath of God begins when they are cast into the wrath of God.


Rev. 16:19 And the great city was divided into three parts{Jerusalem/EARTHQUAKE/Mt. Zion}, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.

Oh look, let's get back to the end of Rev 14. We see what happens at the END OF WRATH when the Lord returns with his armies.

Rev 14

20 And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.

Oh look, we can prove that in Rev 19

Rev 19

15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.

Oh Gee, we see Jesus returning with His armies in Rev 19, and what does he do? Treads the winepress, the exact same winepress that we see at the end of Rev 14.

Gee whiz, what about those vials. UUUUUUHHHHHHH. Wrath begins with the 1st vial and ends with the 7th vial.



So, Rev. 14 STARTS with Jesus on Mt. Zion, the same thing we see in Rev. 16:19 !!

The start of Rev 14 has nothing to do with Rev 16:19. You may have used wrong verse?


Then we see Rev. 14 ends with the WINE-PRESS of God's Wrath being filled with the WICKED GRAPES He gathered !! Same as Rev. 16:19 !!

HELLO, this is nothing but proof of what I have been saying. We see wrath begin in Rev 14

the clusters of the vine of the earth; for her grapes are fully ripe. 19 And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God.

We see the events at the end wrath in Rev 14 just like you are saying.

Then the vials are another view of the beginning of wrath and the 7th vial is the end of wrath.


I know what I speak of brother, I am not just guessing. This is my job to know. I am called to this, I wouldn't dare be GUESSING and calling it of God !! The fact is YOU CAN'T SEE IT....Because you have tunnel vision. You can't open your eyes because like me for 25 years you KNOW IT ALREADY !! That HINDERS God !! God don't need us brother, nor our thoughts. We just have to YIELD !! 

Here, let me help. Wrath begins at the 1st trump. It ends at the seventh trump. The beginning of Rev 14 puts us back in the seals. Then Jesus comes at the end of Rev 14. The grapes are cast into the wrath of God (wrath begins). Then the winepress is trodden at the end of Rev 14. Wrath is ending. Then we get to the 1st seal, wrath begins. Seventh seal wrath ends.

We see the winepress at the end of Rev 14. We see Armageddon being set at the end of the vials. We see Jesus return and tread the winepress in Rev 19 when He comes with his armies. IT'S ALL JUST DIFFERENT VIEWS OF THE SAME THING.



The Wrath of God STARTS at the 1st Trump and ends at the 7th Vial which is the 3rd Woe. It runs from Rev. 8 where the 7th Seal is opened bringing forth the 7 Trumps to Rev. 16:19 where Jesus LANDS on Mt. Zion and defeats all the Wicked.

I think I have covered this well enough. And yet, the 7th trumpet is not the vials. WRATH IS OVER AT THE 7TH TRUMPET.


The Jews {Wheat} MUST STAY ON EARTH with the Wicked Tares until the VERY END !! Come on man !! Go read the Parable again !!

This is the church being Raptured {this is the HARVEST CHAPTER remember} in verses 14--16, THEN we see the WICKED TARES Raptured in verses 17-19. NOTICE: Jesus from upon a Cloud THRUSTS in the Sickle to Rapture the Church Saints but another Angel THRUSTS in the Sickle to Harvest the Wicked and thrust them into the Winepress of God's Wrath. So its true....YOU DON'T SEE IT !! 


I see the Church in heaven in Rev 5. What you see in Rev 14 when the son of man is in the clouds is the same thing you see at the 6th seal after the cosmic signs which is the same thing that you see in Matt 24 after the cosmic signs. That is the coming of Jesus for the gathering.


Go look up what a SOLILOQUY MEANS.....That is what happens in verse 14-16, we see 7 Years BEFORE when Jesus Raptured the Church !! From a CLOUD !!

The Church is his heaven before any seals are opened. See Rev 5.

When Jesus returns for the church pretrib, the Lord himself will come. When Jesus returns for the gathering from heaven and earth, He will send His angels. He will remain in the clouds.


If you were being INTELLECTUALLY HONEST brother you would admit you know exactly what I am saying here, which I have stated before many times, that I used to do LIKEWISE on Eschatology for 25 years {until 5 or 6 years ago}. So, I get all my Eschatology answers now from God, not men, which is the mistake you are still making, OR maybe you just weren't called this this line of work to start with. You can't EXCEPT what the word says if you are not willing to unravel the RIDDLE God has laid out there ON PURPOSE, to confuse the World. You can BELIEVE all you want, its the lack of understanding that makes us perish according to God's Word. 

Maybe you should note that I'm not the one using metaphors because I don't understand how the end times timeline fits together. Things are what God says they are. When He says the 144,000 are first fruits, that does not mean that they represent all of Israel (AS I'VE ALREADY SHOWED YOU WHY THAT DOESN'T WORK.), it means they are first fruits. How will you ever understand when you change what the Word says.


Because all time on earth without Jesus is Tribulation, Jesus said so, then we get the GREATEST EVER TROUBLES for 3.5 years while Israel are in the Petra and Bozrah area.......NOW, a question for you. Lets say you had a family of Aunts/Uncles/Cousins/Sister sand brothers consisting of 100 people, and there was GREAT TROUBLE coming down from som Evil Entity, and only 1/3 of your Family make it to a SAFE AREA !! You do understand that means 2/3 of those Famuily members will be a GREAT DANGER right ? Just because you are protected, your heart would be BREAKING for those family members. Just because 1/3 of the Jews REPENT and are thus PROTECTED doesn't mean there will not be GREAT SADNESS for Israel, after all, the 2/3 who will DIE are also Jews !! 

Well, if 2/3 of my family members were killed and 1/3 made it, we would be safe and 2/3 would be dead. My concern would be for the remnant of my seed that is all over the world.


Also, living in a Rock Enclosure for 3.5 years for Modern day people will not be something they are used to, no doubt. So I can see why you CAN'T SEE, it because you try to fit all the answers to your predisposed opinions. 

The 70th week of Daniel will be over before the wrath of God begins.


God Bless brother. 

And easy on the ice cream brother


Edited by The Light
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44 minutes ago, The Light said:
Problem is, I've heard all the things that you are saying FOR YEARS. It is nothing new, OR CORRECT.

Sure you have, and you are still not correct on Eschatology, and never will be as long as you think you know it all, when your timing just makes me SMH.

44 minutes ago, The Light said:
Let's let the scripture speak for itself
Rev 11

14 The second woe is past; and, behold, the third woe cometh quickly.

15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.

16 And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God,

17 Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned.

18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.

19 And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.

I see absolutely nothing is these verses that say the third woe is the vials. The third woe is the 7th trump.

When the 7th trump blows the mystery of God is FINISHED.

Maybe you are just reading over the verses without any comprehension. Here this looks woeful.

Rev 11

18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.

I posted the scripture brother, you just can't comprehend it, it seems. What do you think Rev. 11:14 means ? The third Woe comes QUICKLY, then the 7th Vial Sounds and ITS OVER !! Because the 7th Trump is the 3rd Woe, the SCRIPTURE I SHOWED YOU SAYS SO !! If you can't get this you should just skip the BoR.

Rev. 8:13 And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound!!

So there are 7 Angels who SOUND the Trumpets as the 7th Seal shows, the READY the 7 Trumps to be sounded. The FIRST FOUR are shown unto us in Rev. chapter 8, they hurt the Earth, Sea and Trees. Then in verse 13 ABOVE, we see the LAST THREE WOES come when the LAST THREE TRUMPS are SOUNDED !! Do you get that brother ? Its pretty simplistic language that I lay out here. So in Chapter 9, we get the 5th Trump that brings the 1ST Woe, then later on in chapter 9 we get the 6th Trump that brings the 2nd Woe....AREN'T YOU STARTING TO SMELL A PATTERN HERE ? The 7th Trump = the 3rd Woe. THE PROBLEM is you are trying to FORCE chapter 11 to be real time and you MISS THE FACTS. Chapter 11 shows Woe number 2 right ? RIGHT ? But Woe number two has already come and gone in Rev. 9 !! Do you not get that ? So Rev. 11 is not a REAL TIME EVENT. Its the TWO-WITNESSES CHAPTER !! It tells us about the 2nd Woe, but gives us NO DETAILS...........Then it says the 3rd Woe COMES QUICKLY, and then immediately the 7th Trump SOUNDS, That is the 3rd Woe.......BUT, just like the 2nd Woe in this chapter, we are given NO DETAILS, because the DETAILS ARE ELSEWHERE (Rev. 16), just like the 2nd Woe DETAILS are elsewhere {Rev. 9}. 

So the 3 Trumps that RemaIn {Rev. 8:13} ARE the 3 Woes just like it says. And thus we see when the 5th Trump is blown, its called the 1st Woe, when the 6th Trump is blown it's called the 2nd Woe, BUT......you can't figure out the 7th Trump is the 3rd Woe. That's on you brother, that is simple once its explained, I admit, most people can't get there by themselves, but when its explained to you, it shouldn't be that hard to comprehend. 

So you seem to thi8nki the 7th Trump is the 3rd Woe, but don't understand the 7th Trump gives NO DETAILS in Rev. 11 just like the portion in Rev. 11 gives NO DETAILS about the 2nd Trump because they bare in Rev. 9, so you just think the 7th Trump MEANS NOTHING, and NO DETAILS are given about the 3rd Woe? 

The 7th SEAL........Brings the 7 Trumps right? And thus the 7th Trump brings the 7 Vials. The 7 Vials are the 3rd Woe. You seem to think the 3rd Woe never comes because its not spoken of anywhere else after Rev. 11. The obvious reason is we all known the 3rd Woe is the 7th Trump. Rev. 11 is about the TWO-WITNESSES however, not the Trumps or Woes. 


Edited by Revelation Man
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52 minutes ago, The Light said:


Still WAY BEHIND I see, this proves you wasn't reading many of the posts of mine you replied to earlier, because I gave this timeline. I am right. PERIOD.

53 minutes ago, The Light said:

The third woe is not the vials. It is the 7th trump. At the 7th trump the mystery of God is FINISHED. The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ.

and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.

It is over, it is done, it is finished, the dead are judged, rewards are given, and shouldest destroy them that destroy the earth.
Why in the world do you think that now the vials happen. It's already over. The vials are just another version of the time frame of Gods wrath.

The 7th Trump ENDS IT !! The 7th Vial ENDS IT.........IT IS DONE....Can't you put it together man ? I told you your TIMING was way off. This is my calling, it doesn't seem to be your at all brother.

The portion you BOLDED just makes it that more astonishing yiu can't figure out that its the SAME EVENT as the 7th Vial, which ENDS the 3rd Woe and thus the 7th Trump which is the 3rd Woe !! You see how I can tie it all together and YOU CAN'T ? WATCH:

Rev. 16:17 And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done. 18 And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. 19 And the great city was divided into three parts {Jesus SHOWS UP}, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. {The Rev. 11 end is SEEN ABOVE.....Then we see it again in Rev. 14:17-20.....and again in Rev. 19:17-19.} 

It amuses me when I tell people the Chronological Order of the Book of Revelation and they act aghast. It just proves how much God has blessed me.

1 hour ago, The Light said:

Hello, THE WRATH OF GOD IS OVER AT THE 7TH TRUMP. What you see in Rev 14 are things that happen during the seals. What you see at the end of Rev 14 is the coming of Jesus for the gathering that you see at the sixth seal. which is what you see at the coming of Jesus in Matt 24 when He sends His angels to gather the elect from heaven and earth.


AFTER the 7th Trump ENDS which is the 7 Vials which are the 3rd Woe.....GO FIND THE DETAILS of the 3rd Woe for me brother. I can show you the DETAILS of Woe 1 and 2 in Rev. 9, but you seem to think there are NO DETAILS of the 3rd Woe anywhere, that is because you don't understand the 3rd Woe is the 7 Vials and thus we can PLAINLY SEE the Details in Rev. 16. 

1 hour ago, The Light said:
Hello, THE WRATH OF GOD IS OVER AT THE 7TH TRUMP. What you see in Rev 14 are things that happen during the seals. What you see at the end of Rev 14 is the coming of Jesus for the gathering that you see at the sixth seal. which is what you see at the coming of Jesus in Matt 24 when He sends His angels to gather the elect from heaven and earth.

Again, the 7th Trump = the 7 Vials........IT IS DONE !!

1 hour ago, The Light said:

I pretty sure I'm right, because I understand that the things you are looking in the 1st part of Rev 14 are things that happen during the seals. How do I know that? THE WRATH OF GOD IS OVER AT THE 7TH TRUMP.


Wrong, Jesus LANDS on Mt. Zion  after the 7th Vial, and you know this brother.

1 hour ago, The Light said:

The third woe is not the vials. It is the 7th trump. At the 7th trump the mystery of God is FINISHED. The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ.

and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.

It is over, it is done, it is finished, the dead are judged, rewards are given, and shouldest destroy them that destroy the earth.
Why in the world do you think that now the vials happen. It's already over. The vials are just another version of the time frame of Gods wrath.

Which is the 7th Vial...I am going to come back later, because I care and love you brother, and give you a TIME-LINE of the BoR. That is all I can do is try. 

1 hour ago, The Light said:

Oh look, let's get back to the end of Rev 14. We see what happens at the END OF WRATH when the Lord returns with his armies.

Rev 14

20 And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.

Oh look, we can prove that in Rev 19

Rev 19

15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.

Oh Gee, we see Jesus returning with His armies in Rev 19, and what does he do? Treads the winepress, the exact same winepress that we see at the end of Rev 14.

Gee whiz, what about those vials. UUUUUUHHHHHHH. Wrath begins with the 1st vial and ends with the 7th vial.


I think I am confusing you,  I am laughing because I understand, its hard to overcome the false narratives we have learned. It took me 25 years as per Eschatology, the Gospels I never had any problem with, but that which I was called unto I relied to heavily on others out of the gate because of the complexities. God says, nothing is complex to Him, we just need to heed His small still voice. 

7 hours ago, The Light said:

Oh look, let's get back to the end of Rev 14. We see what happens at the END OF WRATH when the Lord returns with his armies.

Rev 14

20 And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.

Oh look, we can prove that in Rev 19

Rev 19

15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.

Oh Gee, we see Jesus returning with His armies in Rev 19, and what does he do? Treads the winepress, the exact same winepress that we see at the end of Rev 14.

Gee whiz, what about those vials. UUUUUUHHHHHHH. Wrath begins with the 1st vial and ends with the 7th vial.


Of course it does, Jesus lands on Mt. Zion......what do you think Jesus is doing on Mt. Zion ? Read Zechariah 14:3-4 man !! You just don't really understand End Time Eschatology do you brother ? I mean you are off on everything, and you think you are dead center on everything. Oh well.

7 hours ago, The Light said:

HELLO, this is nothing but proof of what I have been saying. We see wrath begin in Rev 14

the clusters of the vine of the earth; for her grapes are fully ripe. 19 And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God.

We see the events at the end wrath in Rev 14 just like you are saying.

Then the vials are another view of the beginning of wrath and the 7th vial is the end of wrath.

The Vials are no such thing, when you learn the order of the BoR you might understand. I might get back later on tonight with that or some other day.

7 hours ago, The Light said:

Here, let me help. Wrath begins at the 1st trump. It ends at the seventh trump. The beginning of Rev 14 puts us back in the seals. Then Jesus comes at the end of Rev 14. The grapes are cast into the wrath of God (wrath begins). Then the winepress is trodden at the end of Rev 14. Wrath is ending. Then we get to the 1st seal, wrath begins. Seventh seal wrath ends.

We see the winepress at the end of Rev 14. We see Armageddon being set at the end of the vials. We see Jesus return and tread the winepress in Rev 19 when He comes with his armies. IT'S ALL JUST DIFFERENT VIEWS OF THE SAME THING.

At end when the 7 Trump ends...........which is the 3rd Woe, just like the 5th Trump is the 1st Woe and the 6th Trump is the 2nd Woe......those Trumps ENDED when the Woe ENDED !! Rev. 8:13 tells you the last three Trumps are the THREE WOES, but you have a stiff neck there brother, you need to go to the neck doc. SMILE. Look. you do not get the order of the BoR. You just don't, what can I say. It throws all your understandings off also.

SAME EVENT..........

7 hours ago, The Light said:
I think I have covered this well enough. And yet, the 7th trumpet is not the vials. WRATH IS OVER AT THE 7TH TRUMPET.

Of course it is READ Rev. 8:13 its fairly simplistic.

7 hours ago, The Light said:

Here, let me help. Wrath begins at the 1st trump. It ends at the seventh trump. The beginning of Rev 14 puts us back in the seals. Then Jesus comes at the end of Rev 14. The grapes are cast into the wrath of God (wrath begins). Then the winepress is trodden at the end of Rev 14. Wrath is ending. Then we get to the 1st seal, wrath begins. Seventh seal wrath ends.

We see the winepress at the end of Rev 14. We see Armageddon being set at the end of the vials. We see Jesus return and tread the winepress in Rev 19 when He comes with his armies. IT'S ALL JUST DIFFERENT VIEWS OF THE SAME THING.

Wrong, the Church is Raptured way before Seal number 6. Rev. 14:14 is a sorta SOLILOQUY, its a FLASHBACK from the Second Coming where Jesus is on Mt. Zion to the Pre Trib Rapture which is the pre 70th week Raptrure. So it happened 7 years BEFORE verse 1.

7 hours ago, The Light said:

The Church is his heaven before any seals are opened. See Rev 5.

When Jesus returns for the church pretrib, the Lord himself will come. When Jesus returns for the gathering from heaven and earth, He will send His angels. He will remain in the clouds.

Jesus brings THE CHURCH with him, plus maybe the Angels, Jesus will SPEAK VICTORY. 

7 hours ago, The Light said:

Maybe you should note that I'm not the one using metaphors because I don't understand how the end times timeline fits together. Things are what God says they are. When He says the 144,000 are first fruits, that does not mean that they represent all of Israel (AS I'VE ALREADY SHOWED YOU WHY THAT DOESN'T WORK.), it means they are first fruits. How will you ever understand when you change what the Word says.


Maybe you should NOTE the BoR is chock FULL of Metaphors and CODES. Then it wouldn't sound so strange to you/ Its like the Movie Casablanca, "I'M SHOCKED THAT THERE IS GAMBLING HERE RICK" I mean get out, the whole book is Metaphors and codes. The problem you seem tom have is you can't grasp that even though its blatantly obvious. So you just use that as a crutch to avoid my facts it seems, because you understand that fact down deep. The 144,000 are the 1/3 of the Jews who repented and are Fleeing Judea, if you would stop long enough to go study it you might understand it brother, but you have all the facts already. I have been doing this 35 years, I am not dumb, I understand the voice of the Lord, I am not lying to you or against God, you just misunderstand, I am telling you what the FACTS ARE, thus if I say something is of God and don't know I am purposely lying against God. I know better, I went for 20 years never saying the Rapture will be this or that, because it never mattered to me that much tbh, and because if I am not SURE I don;t like pushing stuff as of God, I can sometimes say this is my understandings, but I am not sure. But when I say THIS IS A FACT, I already know in my Knower via the Holy Spirit its a fact. You time lime is so off you have ZERO HOPE of understanding the BoR brother. Its like starting out to Minnesota with a map that says its south of Tennessee. You ain't gonna get there. 

7 hours ago, The Light said:

Well, if 2/3 of my family members were killed and 1/3 made it, we would be safe and 2/3 would be dead. My concern would be for the remnant of my seed that is all over the world.


And, as usual, you AVOIDED the point..........Its still TROUBLES !! You can't stand to not be correct brother. Its OK to be wrong. Everything I understand on eschatology know days, I was pretty much proven WRONG on my understanding by God in the last 5 years. I YIELDED !!

7 hours ago, The Light said:

The Church is his heaven before any seals are opened. See Rev 5.

When Jesus returns for the church pretrib, the Lord himself will come. When Jesus returns for the gathering from heaven and earth, He will send His angels. He will remain in the clouds.

That's just WRONG....NO ONE IN THE WORLD THINKS THAT BUT YOU !! If there is anyone else I have never seen them. The first thing that tells you you are hearing wring voices in when you have facts that don't add up brother. 2 plus 2 can't be 5. You MATH on the End Times just does not work out, PERIOD. 

7 hours ago, The Light said:

And easy on the ice cream brother


I feel like I eat ROCKY ROAD every night with you, most people I would have stopped a long time ago, but I like you brother. TRY DOING SOMETHING, try STARTING OVER with a blank mind...Not my teaching {which you will see is correct if God guides you, LOL} and just read and ask God to show you His truths, don;t go into it with preconceived ideas. Push all your ideas away, and simply ask God tom show you His truths. 

I will give you an Order of the Book of Revelation BELOW...........in my next post, LATER ON, just so you will know where I stand on everything, I have been on this about three or 4 hours, had to stop with Heartburn etc.

God Bless.....Don't worry about the tones.....I have a headache, and heartburn. So I am not going back to soften it up as I usually do, LOLOLOL. 

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On 4/13/2020 at 6:08 PM, The Light said:
Problem is, I've heard all the things that you are saying FOR YEARS. It is nothing new, OR CORRECT.

A TIME-LINE of the Book of Revelation. 

Messed it up so I finished it below !!

Edited by Revelation Man
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9 hours ago, Revelation Man said:

Still WAY BEHIND I see, this proves you wasn't reading many of the posts of mine you replied to earlier, because I gave this timeline. I am right. PERIOD.

I read all your posts and understand the wrong turns. Such as you saying that the 144,000 represents all of Israel, such as you saying that the coming of Jesus in Matt 24 is the same coming when Jesus returns with his armies, such as the abomination of desolation occurs at the 3.5 year mark of the 70th week, such at the 7th trump = the 7 vials, such as the seed of the woman is the Church. The list goes on and on. If you would only believe the Word of God instead of forcing things where they don't go.



The 7th Trump ENDS IT !! The 7th Vial ENDS IT.........IT IS DONE....Can't you put it together man ? I told you your TIMING was way off. This is my calling, it doesn't seem to be your at all brother.

The portion you BOLDED just makes it that more astonishing yiu can't figure out that its the SAME EVENT as the 7th Vial, which ENDS the 3rd Woe and thus the 7th Trump which is the 3rd Woe !! You see how I can tie it all together and YOU CAN'T ? WATCH:


LOL, what are you talking about. I have been telling you ALL THIS TIME that the trumpets are just another view  of the vials. BUT what you say, is that the 7th trumpet is ALL 7 VIALS. This is completely wrong.


It amuses me when I tell people the Chronological Order of the Book of Revelation and they act aghast. It just proves how much God has blessed me.

Revelation is not in chronological order.

AFTER the 7th Trump ENDS which is the 7 Vials which are the 3rd Woe.....

No brother, the 7th trump is another view of the 7th vial. IT IS NOT ALL 7 VIALS.


GO FIND THE DETAILS of the 3rd Woe for me brother. I can show you the DETAILS of Woe 1 and 2 in Rev. 9, but you seem to think there are NO DETAILS of the 3rd Woe anywhere, that is because you don't understand the 3rd Woe is the 7 Vials and thus we can PLAINLY SEE the Details in Rev. 16. 

I already showed you the details of the 3rd woe. Here, I will show you again.
Rev 11
18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.
That is the third woe.

Again, the 7th Trump = the 7 Vials........IT IS DONE !!

Absolutely not. The 7th trump is another view of the 7th vial, NOT ALL 7 VIALS.

Wrong, Jesus LANDS on Mt. Zion  after the 7th Vial, and you know this brother.

No, I don't know this. You are so confused it has my head spinning in disbelief. Jesus lands on the Mount of Olives at the end of the 7th vial, just as He does at the end of the 7th trump. Not mount Zion. Go ahead and add this to the list of the things that you are confused about.

I am going to come back later, because I care and love you brother, and give you a TIME-LINE of the BoR. That is all I can do is try. 

I do appreciate your diligence to the task at hand brother.


I think I am confusing you,  I am laughing because I understand, its hard to overcome the false narratives we have learned. It took me 25 years as per Eschatology, the Gospels I never had any problem with, but that which I was called unto I relied to heavily on others out of the gate because of the complexities. God says, nothing is complex to Him, we just need to heed His small still voice. 

You are not confusing me. I am following what you are saying perfectly. I just don't believe that you are correct.

Of course it does, Jesus lands on Mt. Zion......what do you think Jesus is doing on Mt. Zion ? Read Zechariah 14:3-4 man !! You just don't really understand End Time Eschatology do you brother ? I mean you are off on everything, and you think you are dead center on everything. Oh well.

Well, you knew where the scripture was but you got the wrong mountain. Maybe that is one of the things that is confusing your timeline. When Jesus is on Mt Zion with the 144,000 first fruits you are back in the 1st 5 seals, as the 7th trumpet has blown and the wrath of God is over. So you are seeing another view of the tribulation in Rev 14 before the wrath comes. Then Jesus returns for the harvest from heaven and earth (sixth seal, Matt 24 coming) and those that remain are cast INTO the wrath of God. Then we see the end event of wrath at the end of Rev 14.


The Vials are no such thing, when you learn the order of the BoR you might understand. I might get back later on tonight with that or some other day.

I understand the order of the book of Rev.


At end when the 7 Trump ends...........which is the 3rd Woe, just like the 5th Trump is the 1st Woe and the 6th Trump is the 2nd Woe......those Trumps ENDED when the Woe ENDED !! Rev. 8:13 tells you the last three Trumps are the THREE WOES, but you have a stiff neck there brother, you need to go to the neck doc. SMILE. Look. you do not get the order of the BoR. You just don't, what can I say. It throws all your understandings off also.

Nothing to be stiff necked about here, I agree with everything the comments on the trumps and woes. But the 7th trumpet does not equal ALL 7 VIALS.




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10 hours ago, Revelation Man said:

Wrong, the Church is Raptured way before Seal number 6

Not sure where you concluded that I don't believe this. The Church is raptured before ANY seals are opened. The 1st 5 seals are the tribulation. Then Jesus comes at the sixth seal for the gathering and then the wrath of God begins. The gathering is the same gathering that you see in Rev 14 and Matt 24.


That's just WRONG....NO ONE IN THE WORLD THINKS THAT BUT YOU !! If there is anyone else I have never seen them.

Oh, you finally get it. I don't follow the traditions of men. I told you that you wouldn't find the things that I post all over the place. I don't follow the traditions of men.


The first thing that tells you you are hearing wring voices in when you have facts that don't add up brother. 2 plus 2 can't be 5. You MATH on the End Times just does not work out, PERIOD. 

My math doesn't add up? Finished top 2 percent in the nation in math on one test and top 5 percent on another. My sister has a masters in math and teaches math in college. I'm pretty sure I'm good on the math. I know you think that you have Revelation down pat. But you will never really understand it until you realize that the 70th week is about the Jews. You running around thinking that the seed of the woman is the remnant Church is proof that you are way off. There is a reason that there are 144,000 Jewish 1st fruits. That's because they are first fruits of the harvest that God promises for the Jews.


I feel like I eat ROCKY ROAD every night with you, most people I would have stopped a long time ago, but I like you brother. TRY DOING SOMETHING, try STARTING OVER with a blank mind...Not my teaching {which you will see is correct if God guides you, LOL} and just read and ask God to show you His truths, don;t go into it with preconceived ideas. Push all your ideas away, and simply ask God tom show you His truths. 

I like you too brother and like I said before if we found the top 100 pretrib prophecy experts they would probably all side with you. But the scripture says, that they would be wrong. If you would only put things where God says they go it all fits together perfectly. When God says wrath is over, it's over. When God says the abomination of desolation is 1290 days after the sacrifice is taken away, it is 1290 days after the sacrifice is taken away. When God says that the tribulation is over and then Jesus returns to gather his elect from heaven and earth. That's what He means. He is not coming with His armies in Matt 24. When God says that 70 weeks are determined upon thy people, He's not talking about the Gentiles. I could go on and on about why your timeline is wrong. You are following what you think and not what the scripture says.



I will give you an Order of the Book of Revelation BELOW...........in my next post, LATER ON, just so you will know where I stand on everything, I have been on this about three or 4 hours, had to stop with Heartburn etc.

God Bless.....Don't worry about the tones.....I have a headache, and heartburn. So I am not going back to soften it up as I usually do, LOLOLOL. 


Thank God I rarely get a headache or heartburn. Hope you feel better.


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On 4/13/2020 at 6:08 PM, The Light said:
Problem is, I've heard all the things that you are saying FOR YEARS. It is nothing new, OR CORRECT.

A TIME-LINE of the Book of Revelation. 

Revelation chapter 1, this is John seeing Jesus in all His mesmerizing Glory (The things which you have SEEN)

Revelation chapters 2 & 3 is John being shown the Church Age (the things which ARE)

Revelation chapters 4-19 is John being shown the 70th week period (the things which will be HEREAFTER)

Revelation chapters 20-22 is the Judgment/1000 year reign/Hereafter/New Jerusalem. 

We can skip chapters 1-3 below as I am only going to show the order of the Book of Revelation as it applies to the coming 70th week. I will go chapter by chapter.

Rev. 4 and 5 is the Church in Heaven  AFTER the Rapture but before the Seals are opened, we will seemingly watch Jesus open the Seals, at least the Elders will. We have CROWNS, ROBES and sit on THRONES the very things promised unto those who OVERCOME the world. 

Rev. chapter 6, here we see the Seals opened by Jesus, the book has 7 Seals, as each Seal is opened by Jesus its still from the chapter 5 perspective, John says, and when I saw the Lamb {its a vision, he sees a Lamb opening the Seals} open the Seal one of the Four Beasts said "Come and see" AND I SAW, AND BEHOLD, a White Horse..........going forth to Conquer. Then he gives the Red Horse, Black, Horse, Pale Green Horse, Jesus shows him the coming Martyrs under the Altar, and the coming Wrath of God......BUT NONE START until the Book of Judgment is opened brother. We are still in the first half of the 70th week, IN HEAVEN, and John is being shown VISIONS of what is about to take place at the opening of the 7th Seal, which starts the Middle of the week and is the 1260 spoken of Daniel in Dan. 12. 

Revelation chapter 7, we all know the Jews Flee Judea at the time/sign of the AoD, yet no one is willing to admit they can't flee until they understand the word of God and have read the directions Jesus gives unto them in Matt. 24. So the Seals are being opened in Heaven and God's Wrath is about to befall this evil world and then in verses 1-3 we see the Angels are saying to hold up the WINDS {Troubles/God's actions} and HURT NOT the Earthy, Sea and Trees until the servants of God have been SEALED IN THE HEAD {Protected from the coming TROUBLES being spoken of in this PASSAGE}. Then God lists who these are without calling them Israel, and He does so in a way to show Metaphorically they are ALL Israel (12 x 12,000 = FULLNESS). Then God flashes the vision from earth to Heaven where WE THE CHURCH are at, the same WE {Elders} you saw in Rev. chapters 4 and 5. We are said to have come out of a Great Tribulation period, and WE DID, it doesn't matter that humans confuse the meaning, none of the Martyrs have even died yet, they are clearly JUDGED in Rev. 20:4, as the ones who REFUSED the Mark of the Beast and live and reign with Christ for 1000 years on earth. So God shows us Israel Fleeing Judea just BEFORE the 1260 Event, via the 1290 AoD by the False Prophet.

THE 1260 EVENT...........The Real Chronological Order of the Book od Revelation.

Revelation chapter 8, The 7th Seal of God is opened, there is SILENCE IN HEAVEN because this is God's Wrath falling on Mankind. We see the verse things the Angel HELD UP, the Fire that burns the Trees, the Sea and Earth is PELTED by the Judgments of God, just after the Jews make it to SAFE HARBOUR in the Petra/Bozrah area of Jordan. Then we see the Angel announces the coming Three Woes will come with the SOUNDING of the final three Trumpets. We are in God's 1260 day WRATH PERIOD. (The Anti-Christ is going forth as a Conqueror at this SAME TIME, but that is SHOWN in other UPCOMING CHAPTERS}

Revelation chapter 9, with the Seals not being a part of the Judgments as I once believed, now this chapter 9 release of Apollyon the Scarlet Colored Beast aligns much more closely with the 1260, after only 4 Trump Judgments he is RELEASED to Beast over Israel again. He and his Demon Spirits go forth tormenting souls at the 1st Woe. In the 2nd Woe, we see an Angelic Army of 200 million who SLAY a 1/3 of all the Wicked on earth who have taken the Mark of the Beast.

Revelation 15&16 comes next as per the CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER of the Book of Revelation. Rev. 15 is the Angels reading the Vials.

Revelation 16 is the 7 Vials, which is the 3rd Woe, which was brought to pass by the 7th Trump which ENDS IT ALL....IT IS DONE. Jesus lands on Mt. Zion and DEFEATS the Wickedness of Mankind via his SPEECH, Amen. He defeats them as Daniel says WITHOUT HANDS, so Daniel understood. Paul stated he defeats them by the Glory of his coming.

The PARENTHETICAL CITATION CHAPTERS......10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18 and most of 19. These are SET-A-SIDE Chapters !!

Rev 10 is a Flash Forward to the very end, Jesus promises when the 7th Trump is Sounded TIME will be NO MORE {as we knew it}

Revelation 11 starts 75 Days before the 7th Seal is opened, which brings us the Wrath of God, which starts with the first trump. So these Two-witnesses show up BEFORE the DOTL just like Malachi 4:5-6 says !! This is why Israel {1/3} are in the KNOW when they see the AoD sign, this is why they Flee Judea unto the SPECIFIED area of Jordan, they are Messianic Jews and the Two-witnesses, Elijah and I think Moses, gives them INSTRUCTION on what to do, when Moses and Elijah talks, PEOPLE LISTEN !! {E. F. HUTTON has nothing on them/70's Stock Broker Comercial....I dated myself there}. So, if we LOOK REAL HARD we can see what the whole chapter is about, it's ALL ABOUT the Two-witnesses 1260 day Ministry which STARTS 75 days BEFORE the Beast goes forth at the 1260 event, the Two-witnesses are the 1335 Event {The BLESSING}. In the first few verses we can see what their assignment is, they are called to preach unto the Jews as per what MEASUREMENTS we are shown, the TEMPLE and those that Worship therein. But the Court which is WITHOUT {Gentile Court} LEAVE OUT !! John is shown their parameters, Go to the Jews ONLY, not the Gentiles !! Malachi 4:5-6 CONFIRMS this. We see the 2nd Woe spoken of here because this 1260 day Period OVERLAPS the 2nd Woe, this is a Parenthetical Chater about the TWO-WITNESSES !! It starts 75 days before the Anti-Christ Conquers Jerusalem to BECOME the Beast. The ONLY REASON we are given the 2nd Woe and 3rd Woe {7th Trump} here is so we can JUXTAPOSE the Beast's 1260 days TIMELINE vs the Two-witnesses 1260 day TIMELINE !! That is it, it's not relevant here otherwise. So now we know the Two-witnesses DIE at the 2nd Woe, and the Beast DIES at the 7th Vial which ENDS the 3rd Woe which was BAGAN by the 7th Trump. Therefore we KNOW the 1260 days can not be PARALLEL with each other, DING, DING, DING !! Thus the Two-witnesses DIE FIRST so they have to SHOW UP FIRST, just like Malachi 4:5-6 says !! The 7th Trump does END IT ALL, because the 7th Trump is the 3rd Woe WHICH CONSISTS of the 7 Vials, and we know in Rev. 16, the Angel says IT IS DONE !! This whole chapter is about the Two-witnesses 1260 day Ministry, not about the Chronological Order of the Book of Revelation, which is pretty much Parallel this whole chapter as per the timing. The Two-witnesses PRAY DOWN every Plague, and that is why we are SHOWN the 7th Trumps FINAL OUTCOME, the Two-witnesses PRAYED IT DOWN !! But just like the 2nd Woe, we see the DETAILS ELSEWHERE !! {Rev. 16}.

THE BEASTS which go Forth at the 1260 Events and Israel Fleeing Judea are sown in the next two chapters.

Revelation chapter 12, this is the Jews Fleeing Judea of course [see Rev. 7], We know this starts at the 1260 because the Dragon CHASES the Woman for 1260 days. In Seal number 6, maybe the only ACTION is Satan being cast out of Heaven at the 6th Seal JUST BEFORE the 7th Seal is opened. Satan thus is CAST DOWN to earth for the final 1260 days/3.5 years in which he is the Dark Lord over Babylon. He chases the Woman {Israel} via the Anti-Christ at the 1260, not, LATER ON, thus this event is the SAME EVENT we see in Rev. 7, where the 144,000 {Fleeing Jews} which is a 1/3 of 6 Million which means 2 million Jews unless more Jews move to Israel by that time, then it would mean a 1/3 of all the Jews living in Israel, whatever that number is. So Israel Flees Judea to Petra, where God {Eagle} protects them. The Anti-Christ is the FLOOD Satan uses to come after Israel at this time when God protects the 1/3/Jews/Israel people who REPENTED via the supernatural protection of God. Thus Satan/Anti-Christ in reality, TURNS and goes after the REMNANT CHURCH on Earth, and they are the Martyrs which we were FORETOLD of in Rev. 6. 

Revelation chapter 13, this is the Anti-Christ going Forth on a WHITE HORSE as a Conqueror, I used to think this was happening in Rev. ch. 6, now I understand Rev. 6 is happening in Heaven, but it's not a part of the 1260 days or 3.5 years of God's Wrath. That starts in Revelation ch. 8, so the White Horse GOES FORTH also in Rev. 8, when the 7th Seal is opened, and at the same time as the 7 Trumps start sounding. The Beast ARISES out of the Mediterranean Sea at the 1260 Event, in the middle of the week, 75 days after the Two-witnesses SHOW UP at the 1335 event. His running partner the False Prophet places the 1290 AoD in the TEMPLE of God after he has STOPPED the Worshiping of Jesus in the Temple {TAKEN AWAY THE REAL SACRIFICE}. So Revelation ch. 13 is also a Parenthetical Chapter. Its ALL ABOUT the coming Anti-Christ.


Revelation 14 is ALL ABOUT THE HARVESTS of mankind, its a SET-A-SIDE, Parenthetical Chapter pertaining to the Harvests of men, nothing more, nothing less. We see Jesus showing up on Mt. Zion, which happens at Rev. 16:19. So it's not a REAL-TIME EVENT per se. This chapter in fact covers the FULL 7 Years. We see Jesus Harvesting the Wheat {Israel} in verse 1 and Harvesting the Wicked Tares who grow together WITH THE WHEAT TILL THE END, in verse 17-20. But alas, what about the Church? Well, we also see THAT Harvest by Jesus himself in verses 14-16, that actually happened Pre 70th Week however !! Thus this chapter covers the full 7 years and ALL THREE Harvests. The Church/Bride of Christ AND the Wheat & Tares.


Revelation 17 is the Harlot False Religion chapter, the Anti-Christ will WIPE THEM ALL OUT, as soon as he comes to power at the 1260 Event, so Rev. 17 starts in Revelation chapter 8. God is going to Judge these False Religions He hates. From Babylon to Beast Worship and ALL POINTS in between.  She is a Harlot who has made the Kings and the Whole World DRUNKEN with her False gods, from Jupiter to Islam, to Judaism after Jesus; death, to Witchcraft, to all the false gods in Egypt, Babylon and Greece etc. etc. God JUDGES HER here via the Anti-Christ AND his 10 Kings. He wipes out ALL FALSE RELIGIONS save Beast Worship which God/Jesus will destroy at the Second Coming. She has Babylon tattooed on her head. She is associated with FALSE RELIGION as is Babylon.

Revelation 18 starts at the 1260 Event ALSO, but unlike the Rev. 17 Harlot, this is the Government Beast {Babylon} and it will only be WIPED OUT in full when Jesus returns. Meanwhile, we see GLIMPSES of the 3.5 years or 1260 day Wrath of God PELTING Babylon {Whole World} with God's Trumpet and Vial Judgments. We see as I stated, glimpses of the 3.5 years, we see Satan has been cast out of Heaven in verse 2, AND Apollyon has been released where it says Babylon {World} has BECOME a habitation of DEVILS, Get it ? And then in verse 4, we see God telling Israel to COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE, lest you partake in Her {Babylon or the WHOLE WORLD} Sins and thus receive of her {Babylons/Worlds} PLAGUES. God gives us a Metaphoric Event here, to show us how the Merchants of the Worlds Economies will be WIPED OUT via His Judgments. The Anti-Christ slays 1.5-2 billion people, the 200 Million Angelic Army slays 1.5 Million of those who have taken the Mark of the Beast, so minus the Billion or so Raptured Christians that's like more than half the Worlds population, the Merchants INCOME is wiped out by a lack of people buying, ON TOP OF ALL THAT, all the Grasses of the whole world burn, a 1/3 of the Trees burn, 1/3 of the Seas are distressed via the killing of Sea Creatures {Fish/Shrimp} 1/3 of the ships being destroyed and a 1/3 of the seas turning to blood. On top of that 1/3 of the fresh waters are poisoned and the moon and sun fails to give its LIGHT by 1/3 {THIS........Is the 6th Seal diminishing of LIGHTS AS FORETOLD}.  So all these things BEFALL Babylon {World Governments under Satan's Dark Rule} and she is said to be JUDGED in verse 8 in ONE DAY and in verse 10 in ONE HOUR, both Metaphors for Day of the Lord {3.5 year period of Gods Wrath as per the ONE DAY} and the ONE HOUR mention refers to exactly how long the Kings in Rev. 17:12 are said to RULE with the Beast, so that ONE HOUR is another reference to 3.5 years or 1260 days !! It all fits like a glove. This chapter covers EXACTLY 3.5 years.

Revelation chapter 19, this chapter covers pretty much the FULL 7 Years just like chapter 14, we see the Bride in Rev. 19 BEFORE she Marries the Lamb, so that is BEFORE Rev. chapters 4 and 5 because they {WE} already have our White Robes in those chapters. So this chapter starts before that, and covers the Rapture of the Church, to go be with the Lamb, in order to Marry the Lamb, THEN we come back with Jesus on White Horses {another Metaphor meaning as Conquerors} where we then see the Beast and all his minions defeated by Jesus who SPEAKS VICTORY !! Amen. 

Jesus then..........this comes AFTER THE 7 Years !! casts the Beast and False Prophet IN HELL straight away, but no doubt after Judgment. The Rev. 20:4  Judgment thus covers the Martyrs and those TWO TYRANTS, all others are BOUND UP {placed in the grave} until the 1000 years is over and JUDGED at that time.

Thus Rev. 20 comes AFTER all the other chapters, but really RIGHT AFTER Rev. 16:19........IT IS DONE !! And thus it is the Judgment Seat Chapter, the Saints who live on earth with Christ Jesus for 1000 years are Judged here, those that REFUSED the Mark of the Beast and laid down their lives instead.

Rev. 21 and 22 is the Hereafter and New Jerusalem Chapters. 

That my brother is the Chronological Order of the Book of Revelation. Until one gets this order they are just never going to get it.

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On 4/4/2020 at 1:50 PM, missmuffet said:

It is the Antichrist. He has a bow but no arrows. 

Thats right, Jesus horse is described in revelation 19, exactly.

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7 hours ago, R. Hartono said:

Thats right, Jesus horse is described in revelation 19, exactly.


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Behind doors 1-7 are all the seals. Within the 7th door are 7 file boxes stacked 1-7, the trumpets. Within the bottom or 7th file box are 7 enevlopes stacked 1-7, the bowls.

This best reveals the flow of the seal, trumpet and bowl judgements.

BTW, the rider on the first horse is angelic, not human as the A/C is. This rider must be Satan.

In Christ

Montana Marv

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