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Where is my neighbor?

Yes, and

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On 12/19/2023 at 8:24 AM, jeremiah1five said:

Concerning the question "Who is My Neighbor" I read the first couple of paragraphs and stopped. I didn't find it necessary to continue since his identification of "neighbor" was not the true, biblical neighbor as found in Scripture.

Presuming the author was a Gentile Christian, and that you are a Gentile Christian, I would like to share what I found in Scripture and who God has identified and deemed a "neighbor" is. Now, if you are interested in "Who is My Neighbor", then let me take you to Scripture to find God's answer to your question. I am going to proceed, and it is my hope that as a Christian (you) who should be interested in the Word of God and What God says to us from His Word.

First, a little background: After God delivered His people (through covenant) from the bondage of Egypt and destroyed the Egyptian army, close to 4 million Hebrews were being led by God in the desert on His way to fulfill promise and lead His people since He took them out to serve Him. In time God commanded Moses to build a Tabernacle that was to be the same construction as the heavenly Tabernacle. This Moses did. Then God personally and through Moses placed the twelve tribes or people around the Tabernacle. It's been estimated that the children of Israel in 400/430 years had grown population-wise to a great people of about 4 million people. From a mountaintop one could see this great people in the valley down below. Scripture relates exactly where they were located but to shorten what I have to share I'll leave it out but will say Balak and Balaam are involved in finding where God situated His people for the time being.

God instructed Moses in how to "plant" and situate the twelve tribes of people around the Tabernacle. There were three tribes to the north, three tribes to the south, three tribes to the east, and three tribes to the west. Now, the description as to "Who is My Neighbor" is directly tied in God's command to the twelve tribes in "Who to Love." After placing the tribes in their locations as God instructed the LORD gave command to His people which is found in Leviticus 19.

17 Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart: thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour, and not suffer sin upon him. 18 Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the LORD.       Leviticus 19:17–18.

Here is the understanding of God's command to His people Israel:

17 Thou shalt not hate thy brother [member of the same tribe] in thine heart: thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour [member of the tribe living next to you on either side and opposite of the Tabernacle], and not suffer sin upon him. 18 Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people [member of any tribe], but thou shalt love thy neighbour [member of the tribe living next to you on either side and opposite the Tabernacle] as thyself: I am the LORD.                                                                                                                           Leviticus 19:17–18.

As you can see a neighbor is a fellow believer or fellow covenant brethren. It cannot be any hard-core, uncircumcised, non-covenant "Gentile" or unbeliever not saved. Concerning hard-core, uncircumcised non-covenant Gentiles, God gave command to Israel of twelve tribes to "not mingle with the Gentiles nor learn their ways." With circumcision as commanded by God to Abraham (which birthed the Hebrew race), and with the giving of the Law to the children of Israel which birthed the Hebrew nation, God placed a middle wall partition between the races of "Jew" and Gentile. God divided His sheep (Israel) from the goats (non-covenant Gentiles.)

In Matthew 5 Jesus says this: (and it must be taken in context to the original command He gave to the children of Israel in the desert around the Tabernacle)

43 Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. 44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; 45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. 46 For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? 47 And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so? 48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.  Matthew 5:43–48.

Now, with Jesus' inclusion of the word "enemy" (vs. 43) this is understood in context to somewhat recent Hebrew/Jewish history. After the death of Solomon, the kingdom fractured into two warring camps: Ten tribes to the north identified as the kingdom of Israel, and two tribes to the south identified as the kingdom of Judah. Scripture recounts them as being bitter enemies who went to war several times under different 'kings' of each kingdom. 

Jesus' arrival to Israel as the Lamb of God also brought with Him the not-ready King of the Jews and His words in Matthew 5 is attempt at healing the two tribal kingdoms hatred which was still present and who were still holding animosity towards each other. Jesus did not come to change the Law, but to fulfill. These separated tribes "cursed each other", "hated each other', "despitefully used each other", and "persecuted each other." Jesus' attempts to make them understand that by doing so would make them "children of thy father" which "makes the sun to rise on their evilness and their goodness, " and "sends rain on the just of them as well as the unjust of them. The rest (vss. 46-48) should be understood in this way as well.

Knowing these things above made me to stop reading the author of that article as he was in error on all counts and deviated from Scripture on the question of "Who is My Neighbor."

God identifies Who is My Neighbor to Israel of twelve tribes and commands them to love each other in covenant. The lesson to Gentile Christians should be the same for Jesus Christ did not come to change the Law but to fulfill. Because of the middle wall partition erected by God between covenant Israel and non-covenant Gentiles the command still exists for covenant brethren whether you are saved Israel or saved Gentile. There is a world of distinction between both groups of people and God has made it so. We born-again believers are commanded to not cast our pearls (Scripture) to swine (or non-covenant) people, and to not give that which is holy (such as God's holy love) to dogs (non-covenant people." 

And I want to also add that to do otherwise is to oppose God.

1 John 2:15

James 4:4.

I hope this helps.

Curious, jeremiah.
When you are led to share the gospel, assuming you do share the good news,
do you first somehow determine if the hearer is qualified to hear, or do you share with anybody/everybody?

Thanks jeremiah...

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2 hours ago, Sower said:

Curious, jeremiah.
When you are led to share the gospel, assuming you do share the good news,
do you first somehow determine if the hearer is qualified to hear, or do you share with anybody/everybody?

Thanks jeremiah...

Thanks for your curiosity. In order to give you a biblical answer I first must take you to the beginning and build from there. First, everything in Scripture is "good news" (gospel.)

Second, Jesus Christ is Head of His body of born-again believers. Third, Everything that occurred in Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost (Feast of Harvests) was a new phenomenon and everything that happened was in accordance with the Covenants and prophecy - and it took place among the Jews. 3000 Jews were saved that day and it says that in reading the tongues the apostles spoke identifies the locations many Jews who came to the Feast came from. If we take 3000 as a median number and the Scripture in Acts 2:47 it is not unreasonable that many more Jews became born-again and by weeks end 21,000 Jews were saved. Then there are the Jews who were born-again returned to their homes and synagogues in these Gentile lands. They took Jesus, an outline of Peter's sermon, and the Holy Spirit with them and I'm sure their excitement and their experiences led them to share what happened to them in Jerusalem and many more Jews were born-again and saved during their travel back home. I also believe that the New Covenant writings of Saul, Peter, James, Matthew, Luke, and John, etc., were written to Jewish Christians at their various locations: Corinth, Ephesus, Philippi, etc. and the "New thing" God was doing in the earth was exactly that and it took time for the Jews (Christ-followers) to sort things out inj the beginning, and this led them to their Scriptures to search out the answers. But mainly, from Pentecost onward it was a Jewish phenomenon, and those writers wrote to other Jewish Christians and they discussed the Abrahamic, Mosaic, and New Covenants in relation to their Messiah Jesus Christ and this experience with a Holy Spirit. For forty years and up to the destruction of their Temple everything that was happening was happening to Jews and where it mentions "Gentiles" in their writings it must first be understood that there were circumcised Gentile proselytes in their synagogues who received the message of Israel's Messiah first over hard-core, uncircumcised non-covenant Gentiles. But these converted idol-worshipers are discussed in their writings. Even the Jerusalem Council was run predominantly by Jewish Christians.

Jesus Christ is Head of His body of believers. Salvation is of the LORD and it is God we later learn from Saul in his epistles that baptizes a person into the body of Christ, places them in their various body part, gives them their spiritual gifts (which a newbie wouldn't know what to do with it), and their particular call and service to their King. What God began on the Day of Pentecost with regard to His Church and Body continues to this day, and I am speaking about the Five-Fold ministry gifts (Eph. 4:11), spiritual gifts (1 Cor. 12; Rom. 12) and other gifts revealed in Scripture. These things exist in a biblical church. 

Although there is no other foundation laid which is Jesus Christ, the church is founded on the apostles and prophets with Christ (1 Cor. 3:11; Eph. 2:20) the cornerstone, every church fellowship that is founded would include an apostle or one who is "sent" to do a thing - even found a fellowship.

Although I am not among an organized church fellowship I am come from the 'wilderness' and do know my calling, my place in the body as well as my spiritual gifts (it took 17 years before the Lord began using me in accordance to my knowledge of those things above), and presently obey the Lord - as all Christians should - in living peaceably as possible with all men and to know to give an answer to those that ask of the hope in me. And if they are not asking, then to say nothing. 

If Christians are in a biblical church where all the gifts of the Spirit are exercised and are taught from the pulpit then it will be known who is who in the body of Christ and everyone learning to do their own business and allow the Lord to lead His Body and Church. I concern myself to what the Lord has called me to do as is my function in accordance with Christ and not to worry about those others Christ as Head has given them to do. There are many facets to the "good news" and every person in the body of Christ being obedient to the Lord. This means we are to wait patiently for the Lord to equip us and to reveal our call and gifts and to wait for His command and instruction and to use us. Until then we continue to serve the Lord in prayer and fasting. 

Now, I said all that to say this:

As a true-born biblical Christan I read and study the Scriptures, live my life as peaceably with all men as possible, learn to do my own work and not be a busy-body, and to live a life distinct from the world. I am not necessarily 'sent' as others may be sent to places to fulfill their own calling and instruction, but I am in place and where the Lord has me at present. If the Lord brings me in contact with someone and there is conversation, I look for an opening to share something about the things I know from reading and studying Scripture. But I have also learned that the "season" best to share the Word is when the person asks a question (of the hope in me) and then my function is to plant or water or to do both.

I liken all this to a chess board and pieces with the Lord making the moves. Every piece on the board has a function. It knows its function. A pawn does not try to move like a knight, nor the rook try to move like a bishop. Each piece in the hand of the Lord that knows its function is to wait in their respective square until the Lord utilizes a piece in the playing of this game. It can also be likened to a king and his kingdom. He rules and officiates. There is a court, subjects, a kingdom, etc. In this kingdom every person at court has a function and knows its function. But its ability to function as a whole is diminished when the royal baker goes to the motor pool, removes a key from the keyboard and goes to the garage and takes the royal coach out for a spin. He will definitely get in trouble for that. So, it is in the body of Christ. There is too much falling over each other to "preach the gospel" and the person doesn';t even know their place and calling and spiritual gifts, nor has the Lord spoken directly to them and given them command. Seriously.

The Scripture is there for our training and admonition. We learn from it. It is our guide, "thy word is a lamp unto my feet, And a light unto my path" but it is not being rightly divided, but that is OK because it is the Lord's doing.

But as for me and my house I will serve the Lord

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10 hours ago, jeremiah1five said:

Thanks for your curiosity. In order to give you a biblical answer I first must take you to the beginning and build from there. First, everything in Scripture is "good news" (gospel.)

I counted almost one hundred lines of your answer/lecture to my question, jeremiah, and I thank you. But could you just answer my question I asked?;

"do you first somehow determine if the hearer is qualified to hear?"

I had the impression in your previous post that not all are 'chosen' or qualified to hear the gospel. That was the answer I was looking for. Confusing considering scriptures;

  "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world,

                    and preach the gospel to every creature"

Thanks jeremiah...

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25 minutes ago, Sower said:

I counted almost one hundred lines of your answer/lecture to my question, jeremiah, and I thank you. But could you just answer my question I asked?;

"do you first somehow determine if the hearer is qualified to hear?"

I had the impression in your previous post that not all are 'chosen' or qualified to hear the gospel. That was the answer I was looking for. Confusing considering scriptures;

  "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world,

                    and preach the gospel to every creature"

Thanks jeremiah...

If I'd just answered you with a line or two then you'd understand me according to your background and understanding in which certain terms I use you may have a different understanding and so my answer is not truly understood in context to my understanding but yours.

I wanted you to understand where I was coming from.

QUOTE: "do you first somehow determine if the hearer is qualified to hear?"

RESPONSE: That depends on what comes out of their mouth. I don't just blab, "Jesus loves you and He died for you!" when I know from Scripture God loves and God hates, and both are in accordance with His Sovereignty. But I don't make determination as to whether God loves or hates the person I'm speaking with. That's not my realm or prerogative. I don't do that. But it is useful. 

18 But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. Mt 15:18.

The hearer is qualified to hear when they ask a question of me about this so-great salvation. When a question is asked, they show their qualification to hear an answer. I listen very carefully to the question and all questions they may pose and through discernment of conversation that went before try to craft an answer that would speak to them 'where they live.' Just as it was important that you who asked a question, I know nothing about you, so it was necessary that the answer I give you be in accordance with what I see and know so that you would hopefully truly understand the answer. If I merely answer without background, you will understand my answer in accordance with your understanding of terms I may use. 

I don't believe the false theology of the "salvation formula" Gentile Christians believe in their "witnessing" taken from Romans 10 and lead anyone in a prayer to 'salvation.' If someone is sincere in asking of the hope in me, I will know it and respond accordingly. And I always make attempt in answering in a way that speaks directly to their situation in life and where they 'live.'


"And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world,

                    and preach the gospel to every creature"

RESPONSE: Yes, but to whom did Jesus say this to? Jesus said this to His eleven disciples. He "sent" them to do this thing for Him. It was their command and instruction. If you're going to tell me Jesus spoke this to everyone, to every Christian in Christendom, then that would be error. Interpreting the above to apply to everyone would be grammatically incorrect. This would effectively make everyone in the body of Christ an apostle and that is error. Saul said in the negative, "are all apostles?" And the answer is no, everyone in the body of Christ is not an apostle. Where would be the hearing, or the seeing? Where would be the foot and the hand if everyone was a thumb? But that Scripture is there for our training and admonition. And in the course of someone's salvation or even the revealing of their call the Lord would speak those words to that person as an internal call or externally in front of the body of believers (Acts 13:1-4.)

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"Where is my neighbor?"


Well, about 15 minutes ago, he was out in his backyard playing with his young daughter.

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15 minutes ago, other one said:

"Where is my neighbor?"


Well, about 15 minutes ago, he was out in his backyard playing with his young daughter.

Well, being at a Christian website I thought you wanted the biblical answer.

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1 minute ago, jeremiah1five said:

Well, being at a Christian website I thought you wanted the biblical answer.

Lighten up, brother........:)

(It really was one cool reply!)

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2 hours ago, jeremiah1five said:

I wanted you to understand where I was coming from.

QUOTE: "do you first somehow determine if the hearer is qualified to hear?"

RESPONSE: That depends on what comes out of their mouth. I don't just blab, "Jesus loves you and He died for you!" when I know from Scripture God loves and God hates, and both are in accordance with His Sovereignty. But I don't make determination as to whether God loves or hates the person I'm speaking with. That's not my realm or prerogative. I don't do that. But it is useful. 

I know a little scripture though am no theologian as you appear for sure. And context is important but is often abused to squeeze our 'another' personal view. I did not ask you to give me a lecture when I ask a simple question, do YOU, you, first consider the qualifications of someone to hear the gospel, period. Answer me first, Yes/no, THEN give the scripture to back up your position/understanding.

Really simple unless you cannot back up your previous posts. EVERYBODY I meet I try to get a sense of their position spiritually in every day conversation and listen to how the spirit moves me to talk, to steer me to the light they need. I NEVER EVER considered if God would not want me to share the good news to that "creature." I assume you know in your vast understanding this verse below,

"Second Peter is most likely written to the same audience as that of 1 Peter (2 Peter 3:1). This included Gentile and Jewish believers, even though Peter's ministry was focused primarily on Jews."

However as God states below, it appears to be a simple fact, God wants us to give the gospel to everybody.

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.     2 Peter 3:9

I realize there is no one person I may meet who is a worse sinner, with a more deceitful heart, than me, or any breathing human. We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Everybody needs the covering of the blood of the Lamb. I was, and you jeremiah, were just like all lost sinners are at one time. Salvation is by  God's unmerited (unqualified) undeserved favor, grace. Through faith.



2 hours ago, jeremiah1five said:

If someone is sincere in asking of the hope in me, I will know it and respond accordingly.

I would guess maybe 1% of those who I share the gospel with are "sincere in asking" about my own salvation, seekers. The vast majority are me meeting strangers and not them coming to me. And I guarantee most are not sincerely desiring to listen.  At first.

Questions come later. They do not want theology, as the lost do not understand the word. I talk to them as a little child. I do not need to be an apostle. I am simply one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread. The good news is very plain, and simple. Perhaps you remember when some "bold" faithful believer took the time  and first planted a seed of faith in you way back when. If you are saved, you know enough to sow that seed to whosoever will. Have you no desire?

I do not look for a reason or excuse to not share the gospel. To me it is a privilege. And it is fun, enjoyable, fulfilling. What could be more important that to be a tiny part in bringing light to a dark and dying soul. And bringing sheaves some day.

Having a reluctance to share is common. Remember we have an enemy whispering/lying to us to not have our feet shod with the gospel, our spiritual warfare. So Pray for boldness. Pray that God bring someone to you that you can talk to. He will answer that prayer. If, like you qualify, you are sincere.

Anyway, if you can not answer me with a yes or no, that's cool. Maybe I should have asked do you believe God would be pleased if you didn't witness to some because they did not qualify for God's grace. Are you calvinist? (sorry, low blow..default_cool2.gif.0de519b772817a2d3a546c56c7ff3233.gif )


     He that winneth souls is Wise!.......:)

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3 hours ago, jeremiah1five said:

Well, being at a Christian website I thought you wanted the biblical answer.

My neighbor's and my family are both die hard, born again Christians.

BTW, Worthy people like a little humor now and then too.

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4 hours ago, Sower said:

I know a little scripture though am no theologian as you appear for sure. And context is important but is often abused to squeeze our 'another' personal view. I did not ask you to give me a lecture when I ask a simple question, do YOU, you, first consider the qualifications of someone to hear the gospel, period. Answer me first, Yes/no, THEN give the scripture to back up your position/understanding.

A person is qualified to hear an answer to a question if they ask a question and desire to hear an answer. That is a given. But sometimes the answer comes with strings attached:

And it came to pass, that on one of those days, as he taught the people in the temple, and preached the gospel, the chief priests and the scribes came upon him with the elders, 2 And spake unto him, saying, Tell us, by what authority doest thou these things? or who is he that gave thee this authority? 3 And he answered and said unto them, I will also ask you one thing; and answer me:The baptism of John, was it from heaven, or of men? 5 And they reasoned with themselves, saying, If we shall say, From heaven; he will say, Why then believed ye him not? 6 But and if we say, Of men; all the people will stone us: for they be persuaded that John was a prophet. 7 And they answered, that they could not tell whence it was. 8 And Jesus said unto them, Neither tell I you by what authority I do these things. Lk 20:1–8.

4 hours ago, Sower said:

Really simple unless you cannot back up your previous posts. EVERYBODY I meet I try to get a sense of their position spiritually in every day conversation and listen to how the spirit moves me to talk, to steer me to the light they need. I NEVER EVER considered if God would not want me to share the good news to that "creature." I assume you know in your vast understanding this verse below,

"Second Peter is most likely written to the same audience as that of 1 Peter (2 Peter 3:1). This included Gentile and Jewish believers, even though Peter's ministry was focused primarily on Jews."

However as God states below, it appears to be a simple fact, God wants us to give the gospel to everybody.

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.     2 Peter 3:9

I realize there is no one person I may meet who is a worse sinner, with a more deceitful heart, than me, or any breathing human. We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Everybody needs the covering of the blood of the Lamb. I was, and you jeremiah, were just like all lost sinners are at one time. Salvation is by  God's unmerited (unqualified) undeserved favor, grace. Through faith.

Since I proceed from the knowledge of my calling and place in the body and knowing my spiritual gifts to accomplish that call any person that come to me or I interact with is prime target to share something about Jesus and this "so-great salvation." But I don't share anything to anyone unless the "season" reveals itself and it does that by someone asking a simple question about anything bible. Now, if a statement about God is introduced into the conversation by someone then I respond in some fashion and in context to what was said. Then I go fishing.

And brother Pete is writing to Jewish Christians and the context of his statement in 2 Pete 3:9 addresses God's elect coming to repentance 'in His time.' Take note:

9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any [of us-ward] should perish, but that all [of us-ward] should come to repentance.  2 Pete 3:9.

And in God's time all of us-ward shall all come to repentance. God frequently sends an elect believer away from him and into the valley or allows sin to enter their lives that they backslid and apostatize or deny Him through their sinful behaviors, which is what it seems to me brother Pete may be saying. Outside of that he can, with his knowledge of God's election, only be speaking about the elect that will in time come to repentance. But Pete's words are not addressing everybody but the elect of God and the elect of God are not everyone or every human alive. 

4 hours ago, Sower said:

I would guess maybe 1% of those who I share the gospel with are "sincere in asking" about my own salvation, seekers. The vast majority are me meeting strangers and not them coming to me. And I guarantee most are not sincerely desiring to listen.  At first.

The error of Christianity in this day and age is the belief and teaching in the Church that every born-again believer is tasked with sharing the gospel with everyone they meet. This harms the body of Christ and evokes animosity if not, outright hatred of Christians. And we are only Gentile Christians which is one thing, but Jews and Jewish Christians are another. And there is a great difference between Jews/Jewish Christians to whom have been committed the oracles of God and Gentile Christians to whom has been committed nothing of the sort. No Gentile Scriptures exist. All the Word God we have as bible is Jewish.

Do you remember living in darkness and some Christian living in the light would preach to you about your sin and about Jesus? Remember how it made you feel uncomfortable? All it did as you listened half-heartedly or didn't listen at all is make you want that person to shut up and act "normal"?

4 hours ago, Sower said:

Questions come later. They do not want theology, as the lost do not understand the word. I talk to them as a little child. I do not need to be an apostle. I am simply one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread. The good news is very plain, and simple. Perhaps you remember when some "bold" faithful believer took the time  and first planted a seed of faith in you way back when. If you are saved, you know enough to sow that seed to whosoever will. Have you no desire?

When I do make reply to someone who asked me a question about God or bible-things is give them from what I know related to their question. I don't do the "milk-meat" thing for all God's word is meat (nourishment.) I give them the Word plain and simple and the Lord will determine what they retain or what speaks to them. I just plant and water. 

I don't recall anyone "planting seed" in me before I began planting seeds in myself when I began reading Scripture at the age of 11-12. What drew me in was all this terrifying 'beast with ten heads and seven crowns or horns, or a beast out of the bottomless pit,' and other imagery from Revelation that scared the crap out of me.

I didn't know until later that I had been planting seed within myself all along and later around the age of 16 the Lord brought into my life a 12th grade Christian who lived around the corner I'd see frequently who would preach/share Jesus and pray with me and for me. Soon, the Holy Spirit invaded my life.

4 hours ago, Sower said:

I do not look for a reason or excuse to not share the gospel. To me it is a privilege. And it is fun, enjoyable, fulfilling. What could be more important that to be a tiny part in bringing light to a dark and dying soul. And bringing sheaves some day.

Only if they were receptive and welcomed such conversation. But as a rule, darkness doesn't want to come to the light [Christ] because they hate the light [Christ], neither come to the light [Christ]. If my life as a Christian in not a living epistle to be read of all men and that doesn't invoke conversation or even a question then I need to check to see if I'm really plugged in to the power supply, or maybe my bulb upstairs is broken. But then again, it depends on what God wants to do, how to use me. I can go years without someone asking me about Jesus and they know I'm a Christian and it could be the Lord will send or use someone else. Even if I never lead anyone to faith in Christ and witness their conversion does not mean I've failed the Lord. There are no quotas to meet. Only command and obedience. I let the Lord sort out who gets saved and who doesn't.

4 hours ago, Sower said:

Having a reluctance to share is common. Remember we have an enemy whispering/lying to us to not have our feet shod with the gospel, our spiritual warfare. So Pray for boldness. Pray that God bring someone to you that you can talk to. He will answer that prayer. If, like you qualify, you are sincere.

That enemy is your flesh. The angels that sinned are locked up awaiting judgment. There's nobody here but us humans.

4 hours ago, Sower said:

Anyway, if you can not answer me with a yes or no, that's cool. Maybe I should have asked do you believe God would be pleased if you didn't witness to some because they did not qualify for God's grace. Are you calvinist? (sorry, low blow..default_cool2.gif.0de519b772817a2d3a546c56c7ff3233.gif )


     He that winneth souls is Wise!.......:)

What exactly does "he that winneth souls is wise" mean to a covenant people already saved? Surely there were no prophets going to Gentiles saying "Believe the gospel and be saved!" or "accept Jesus into your heart," or "confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead and you will be saved" in Old Testament Scripture. I know Jonah went to Nineveh and everyone repented but later God destroyed the Ninevites. What exactly does "he that winneth souls is wise" mean at the time it was spoken/written? What's the background? What's the original application?

Having no desire for 'others' to be saved is not a measure of one's salvation. Doesn't God "hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth. Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus? Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?(Rom. 9:18–21.), what does it say of God if He chooses one person for honour and another for dishonour. What does your GIF above say about God who does this and is mindful He does it on purpose?

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