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One world religion?


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Thanks for the link "smuse",

Some of you may feel a bit uncomfortable about the view I'm going to offer, mainly because of those who spend much effort and monies in pushing propaganda against anyone who would mention the word 'conspiracy'. But a conspiracy throughout many centuries, is the fruit of what we are seeing today among our society, and among the deceived.

I never realized the possibility of the Soviets holding religious summits with world religious leaders of all major faiths, until I read a work by a Soviet defector of the 1960's named Anitoly Golitsyn ("New Lies For Old"). Then it dawned on me that the World Council of Churches is primarily a United Nations organization linked with the socialist National Council of Churches.

The ideas of individuals giving up their God given inalienable rights and freedoms is part of the doctrine of collectivism, which means compromise, and doing whatever is necessary for the good of the 'whole'. Ideas of collectivism began showing up in 17th and 18th century Europe with Mazzini, Claude de St. Martin (Martinists Order), Machevelli, Voltaire, Cagliostro, all Rosicrucians, Wieshaupt, Frederick the Great, both overseers of the Bavarian Illuminati, etc. The writings of French Revolution era authors John Robison ("Proofs of A Conspiracy") and the Abbe Barruel ("Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism"), revealed the concerted effort by secret societies to tear down all civil authority, and destroy all religion, especially Christianity.

Here is what Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Bavarian Illuminati secret society said about our Lord Jesus Christ:

"Jesus of Nazareth, the Grand Master of our Order, appeared at a time when the world was in the utmost disorder, and among a people who for ages had groaned under the yoke of bondage. He taught them the lessons of reason. To be more effective, he took in the aid of Religion - of opinions which were current - and, in a very clever manner, he combined his secret doctrines with the popular religion, and with the customs which lay to his hand. In these he wrapped up his lessons - he taught by parables.... Let us only take Liberty and Equality as the great aim of his doctrines... and every thing in the New Testament will be comprehensible; and Jesus will appear as the Redeemer of slaves. Man is fallen from the condition of Liberty and Equality, the STATE OF PURE NATURE. He is under subordination and civil bondage, arising from the vices of men. This is the FALL, and ORIGINAL SIN. The KINGDOM OF GRACE is the restoration which may be brought about by Illumination.... This is the NEW BIRTH. When man lives under government, he is fallen, his worth is gone, and his nature tarnished." (Emphasis in original). (From 'Proofs Of A Conspiracy' by John Robison, circa 1798, pp.92-93).

Looking at Weishaupt's words carefully, reveals the idea of 'collectivism', and the overthrow of all civil authority, and the replacing of Christian doctrine with the "secret doctrines" of only those "Illumined", i.e. by the mystery school and secret socieity initiates. Mind you, he wrote that long before Karl Marx and Engels put forth the later ideas of collectivism which became known as communism. Their idea of what fallen man must return to, is what Karl Marx proposed about communism once it runs its full course, with all need for civil authority and government being gone, and to finally disappear, man becoming 'one' with nature again.

The way that the Illuminati attacked Christian clergy during the 17th and 18th centuries, was with the idea that only the secret doctrines of orders like the Illuminati held the Truth about real Christianity. Enshrouding Christianity in 'mystery', it served to entice Christian leaders into finding out if they had actually 'missed' true Christian Doctrine all along. Many of the European clergy joined the secret socieites in those eras. And it's still happening today.

A Primer and Insight on the "workers of iniquity" Strategy---

Here's some more quotes from the confiscated papers of the Bavarian Illuminati of the 1790's about their plans for world government:

"The Order will thus work silenty, and securely; and though the generous benefactors of the human race are thus deprived of the applause of the world, they have the noble pleasure of seeing their work prosper in their hands."

[We really do not see who's directly responsible for many movements and acts from reports by the news media and press. They control most of them is why.]

"The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in any place in its own name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation."

[When Weishaupt's Bavarian branch of the Illuminati was discovered in the late 1700's Europe, he promised it would go into hiding with ten times greater concealment. It now exists as the top ruling branch among the various secret socieities, especially among Free Masonry.]

"There must (a la Jesuite) not a single purpose ever come in sight that is ambiguous, and that may betray our aims against religion and the state. One must speak sometimes one way and sometimes another... so that, with respect to our true way of thinking, we may be impenetrable."

[No slip of the tongue allowed, he's saying. That means only a select few at the highest levels ever really know what the Order's aims are really about, which Weishaupt revealed was the destruction of all civil authority, excepting theirs, all religion, excepting theirs, and all rights to property, excepting theirs.]

"We must, 1st, gradually explain away all our preparatory pious frauds. And when persons of discernment find fault, we must desire them to consider the end of all our labour. This sanctifies our means... 2nd, We must unfold, from history and other writings, the origin and fabrication of all religious lies whatever; and then, 3rd, We give a critical history of the Order. But I cannot but laugh, when I think of the ready reception which all this has met with from the grave and learned divines of Germany and of England...."

[This is how Weishaupt proposed handling a new Illuminatus degree initiate who showed promise enough to advance into their upper private circle. The new Illuminatus would naturally be in 'shock', after learning the real aims of the Order, and especially after having believed all its lies of true Christian principles and 'secret doctrines'. The end justifies the means, is their end excuse for all evil works to achieve their end goals. It's the same in communist philosophy. The unfolding from history, and "other writings" of all religions, means to endoctrinate Christians into other religious belief systems, bringing foreign doctrines into Christian doctrine, until True Christian doctrine is no longer recognizable. At that point, the majority will only be trained on, and be familiar with their new Christianity, albeit a destroyed version of Christianity, i.e. like what is being preached and taught in false seminars and Churches today. That diffusion of Christ with eastern pagan ideas began a long time ago brethren in Christ!]

"None is fitter than the three lower degrees of Free Masonry; the public is accustomed to it, expects little from it, and therefore takes little notice of it. Next to this, the form of a learned or literary society is best suited to our purpose, and had Free Masonry not existed, this cover would have been employed; and it may be much more than a cover, it may be a powerful engine in our hands. By establishing reading societies, and subscription libraries, and taking these under our direction, and supplying them through our labours, we may turn the public mind which way we will."

[Many have at least one Freemason relative or close friend. Some simply do not know they are members. It's no different with Church clergy either. It's difficult to find many of them out, especially those within The Church leadership. And many will stand up in support of a relative or family member who is a Freemason. The lowest degrees of Free Masonry do not even have a clue of what or who they've associated with. It takes some years of influence by the higher members to play with their minds to turn them against true Christian Doctrine, and that for the staunchest Christian members among them. This is why the secret societies seek so strongly to turn strong Christians to them, and originally actively recruited them. Reading societies in old Europe was one of the forms of getting subservise literature to the people, in hopes of turning them against their King and Country. Communism still uses that method today.]

"We must win the common people in every corner. This will be obtained chiefly by means of the schools, and by open, hearty behaviour, show, condescension, popularity, and toleration of their prejudices, which we shall at leisure root out and dispel."

[Each State in the Union (United States), soley is responsible for its own educational institutions. The U.S. Constitution gives no authority to the Federal branch for control over its education system. The Federal Department of Education is barely a decade old, just to prove that point. The "hearty behaviour" can be defined as outward ludeness, and creating a popularity around lude behaviors and ideas, all in rebellion against civil and moral authority. Toleration of their prejudices, means the exploitation of people's prejudices, using it against them politically. That means for a good leader in Christ that just slips up with a faulty remark one time, he can be pressured to be removed from office. Condescension needs no explanation. It means to belittle those who speak out against their plans, as much as possible, and by as many as possible. The more who speak out against the good, then through popularity the deceived will think the substitute idea is more right, i.e. "political correctness".]

"We must bring our opinions into fashion by every art - spread them among the people by the help of young writers. We must preach the warmest concern for humanity, and make people indifferent to all other relations."

[The tax exempt foundations support various subversive forms of education and literature. That revelation came out in the 1950's by the 'Reece Committee', which showed subversive works against the U.S. and its people, funded by the highly respected Carnegie, Rockefeller, and Ford foundations, and their subordinate foundations. (see 'Foundations: Their Power And Influence', by Rene A. Wormser who worked as counsel for the Reece Committee). That's how schools are assurred of subversive literature to help in the overthrow of children's young minds.]

"We must acquire the direction of education - of church-management - of the professional chair, and of the pulpit."

[Many are not aware that the preacher's Sermon Guide Quarterlies, and Sunday School Quarterlies, are written by some far away organization by an unknown pen. Many sermons today are primarily taken out of those Church Quarterly publications provided by either their Church's choice, or their denominational organization's choice. The organizational seminar is the 'seed' bed for how a future Minister learns to manage a Church, and what that Church is taught.]

"In like manner we must try to obtain an influence in the military academies (this may be of might consequence) the printing-houses, booksellers, shops, chapters, and in short in all offices which have any effect, either in forming, or in managing, or even in directing the mind of man: painting and engraving are highly worth our care."

[John Robison mentioned a greater clue about why the Illuminati was then (1790's) so interested in the graphic arts and engraving. In his footnote he said, "They were strongly suspected of having published some scandalous caricatures, and some very immoral prints. They scrupled at no mean, however base, for corrupting the nation. Mirabeau had done the same thing at Berlin. By political caricatures and filthy prints, they corrupt even such as cannot read." Has anyone walked into a Books-A-Million store and scanned their magizine rack today? Put yourself in a little child's shoes, and go take a look.]

So, brothers and sisters in Christ, is there a 'conspiracy' today against God and man?

In Christ,


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If my last post on some of the issues of deception you mentioned was too technical, then I pray you and other believers here on The Savior will consider the following.

You mentioned that some idea or something must be used to pull all the various faiths of the world into one world religion. As you said, we're seeing some major examples of that since 9/11 events, with the religious shows put on by various religion's leaders joining together to do their own religious system type of prayer (inter-faith movement). In one Christian Church in Chicago, the congregation allowed three Buddhist monks to come and chant mantras in front of the Communion Table of Christ. That kind of inter-faith joining reveals that many of our pulpits have been taken over by political-priests working a decided plan for the globalists. I realize there are so-called claimed Christian Churches today that are also refusing to preach the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. That is fast becoming a politically incorrect doctrine among various Churches aligning with the U.N. World Council of Churches.

So what type of religious doctrine might help seal a one-world religious system belief for all faiths?

I've heard more and more of a false doctrine that separates Jesus from His Title of The Christ. Some in the Churches have been falsely taught that they can become "a Christ". It's served to them in the sense that one must follow Christ in such a way to somehow become "Christ like". A fleshy doctrine is added to that, in stressing Christ's 'humanity', while downplaying His being "Immanuel", which means "God with us" (Matt.1:23).

The source of that false doctrine is from the 'new ager' pagans, which is just a newer branch of the old mystery school tradition. Those believe in 'The Christ' as a cosmic force to be attained, according to the principles of mysticism. Thus they separate the man Jesus apart from being The Christ, until He was baptized. In their view, anyone can become "a Christ", and work miracles like Jesus did. That false doctrine is where many of the 'God/man' type arguments are coming from. The 1st century Christian Gnostics were one of the first religious sects to believe that Jesus was just an ordinary man like us, and that it only was some cosmic Spirit from God at one point that made Him "The Christ". That is a false doctrine, because it denies much Scripture which declares our Lord Jesus of Nazareth as God The Savior, and that The Father created all things through The Son (Hebrews 1; John 1). It denies our Promised Savior Jesus Christ, any way one looks at it.

By that twisting of the complete Title of our Lord Jesus Christ, those are attempting to delegate The Savior to similar status as Buddha, Zoroaster, Muhammed, Confuscius, Ramakrishna, etc. In that way, the global religion can join together, and all of them declare they believe on the same God, and that all religious founders each one was "a Christ". So your use of the word 'compromise' is an understatement for that kind of doctrine that's been showing up even among some Christians lately.

One would be surprised at how many world leaders believe such a false doctrine, and that's why some of them would say publically that "Islam is a great religion" and that the Christian God and the god of Isalm is the same. Those deceived leaders actually believe it, because that's what the secret societies have taught them towards their goal for the one world brotherhood of mankind.

Rev 17:5



It's interesting to note that the Greek definition for that word "MYSTERY" (musterion), also means 'a secret or mystery; through the idea of silence imposed by initiation into religious rites' (Strong's 3466).

Too many seem to be afraid to speak out against the mystical fraternities and their false representatives. It's either that, or not that many are aware they even exist, or simply do not believe they exist, nor understand what they're about. At one time in America's history, the secret societies were banned because of the political strife they caused. Believers shoudn't be ignorant of their designs for one-world government, and the destruction of Christianity, nor blind that their high servants knowingly worship Lucifer.

The time is soon coming when each will be given a choice whether they will bow to their false 'system', just to preserve their 'flesh', or make a true 'stand' for our Lord Christ Jesus, and give a Witness and Testimony for Him, against them. At what price will our fine cars, comfortable homes, and personal safety be worth, if one should lose their soul to false worship in falling away from Jesus Christ?

In Christ,


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Hi Davey,

I believe too that "The new Age " is bigtime the deception for the falling away

its what you said :

The source of that false doctrine is from the 'new ager' pagans, which is just a newer branch of the old mystery school tradition

With all the holistic health ..and many other things we as Christian have to be so careful not to get in to it either,somethings looks so interesting and innocent but its not!

I believe this new world religion will be used by everybody right after the rapture....everything is getting ready,its just a matter of time!

(By the way ,I do enjoy reading your posts) :wub:


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2 Thessalonians 2

1 Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, 2not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come. 3Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin[2] is revealed, the son of perdition, 4who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.

5Do you not remember that when I was still with you I told you these things? 6And now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his own time. 7For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. 8And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming. 9The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, 12that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

It is clear to me that God gives over people to great deception. He does this to people who reject the truth of the Messiah Jesus. It is not that people are falling away from truth it is that they are rejecting truth and taking pleasure in unrighteousness.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

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I read a book earlier this year entitled The Challenge of the Cults and New Religions and though I don't remember who wrote it (he was Dallas Theological Seminary), he touched upon the basic beliefs of these new religions/cults. In SOOO many of them, a common thread was to not deny Jesus, but say that He was in a long line of those who had the "Christ spirit" and that He was more "in tune" with God and attained unto a higher standard than most men, but that we could do that as well if we chose.

I also think this is along the same lines as what is being taught by Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, etc. Hinn says he is a "little Messiah walking the earth" and Paul Crouch says he himself is a "little god-critics be gone." Isn't this what the cults teach? They teach that we can attain unto Godhood if we but try. Don't you think some of these guys will be at the forefront of the AntiChrist bandwagon after the rapture? TBN already allows New Age to creep in disguised as Christianity. All it's going to take is the rapture of the church and people will be willing to believe whatever is shoved at them.

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Many Christians today are falling for the false unity and showing tolerance in diverse doctrinal positions to find something in common with other religions. These groups must set aside their differences and unite on what they have in common, whether it is Biblical or not.

I started to fall for this. On the anniversay of 9-11 it is common practice for inner-city churches to have an interfaith service, unifying Christianity, Judeaism and Islam. The result is that the members of those churches begin to accept Allah as another word for God and the Koran as another version of the Bible.

We can interpret our way right out of God's truth.

I was one of those people.

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Too many seem to be afraid to speak out against the mystical fraternities and their false representatives. It's either that, or not that many are aware they even exist, or simply do not believe they exist, nor understand what they're about.

Davey, it has been my experience that people don't want to know about it. Most won't listen when it is explained to them. I have had people simply get up and leave the room when I have discussed these things with others.

It is my personal opinion that too many of us are simply not strong enough to handle it, and that is very scary, if it is so, for it seems to be almost upon us.

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Many Christians today are falling for the false unity and showing tolerance in diverse doctrinal positions to find something in common with other religions. These groups must set aside their differences and unite on what they have in common, whether it is Biblical or not.

I started to fall for this. On the anniversay of 9-11 it is common practice for inner-city churches to have an interfaith service, unifying Christianity, Judeaism and Islam. The result is that the members of those churches begin to accept Allah as another word for God and the Koran as another version of the Bible.

We can interpret our way right out of God's truth.

I was one of those people.

Hi vrspock,

So, what gave? I'd love to hear the rest of the story? What happened to change your mind? Or should I say WHO!


In His Love,


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Right on Dove!

Many Christians today are falling for the false unity and showing tolerance in diverse doctrinal positions to find something in common with other religions. These groups must set aside their differences and unite on what they have in common, whether it is Biblical or not.

I Timothy 4:1-4

II Timothy 3:12-13

II Timothy 4:3-4

Peace be with you all,


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Hello Brothers and Sisters,

Here is an intersting article by a Christian man who attended one of the interfaith meetings and his observations from a journalistic perspective. The next scheduled meeting is 2005.

I found it interesting.

interfaith meeting attendance

This gives a brief idea of who attends these meetings and the agenda of what goes on. I enjoyed it, hope you do.

In Jesus


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