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I'm just scared to death of Him. I don't know how anyone that has read the bible couldn't be scared to death of Him.

Only those in rebellion to him need to fear his wrath.

Think about that dying on the cross thing, God skewered His own Son; tortured Him to death.....and when you factor in that that Son was God Himself? That's terrifying!

No. That's love. God took upon himself the very punishment that was due you and I. And you have to know that if you were the only person on earth, he still would have sacrificed himself so that you could be saved.

Add to that all the God santioned killing in the OT

Read it in context. Those people that God ordered to be slain were incredibly wicked and refused to repent. In many cases, God gave them hundreds of years to turn from their sin. By refusing, and setting themselves up against God, they would have tainted Gods chosen people with those very sins when the Jews entered the land that God gave them. God, being Holy, has to judge sin.

and the promise of a bloody end in the NT when Jesus returns

Only for those that refuse his mercy. God offers ALL a pardon. He himself said he desires for NONE to perish, but for all to come to repentance. A pardon is only as good as it's acceptance.

Here's a God that can create everything with a spoken word yet He operates on this kind of level to "conquer death"? That's love??

It is indeed love.

Peter Ballard says it best:

1. God views sin seriously, and a price must be paid to atone for sin.

2. Only a human may pay it, because it is humanity which has sinned.

3. Only God is able to pay it, because humans are imperfect.

4. Therefore the only way that humans' sin may be paid for, is by God becoming a person, and paying the price as a person.

We might also add that by becoming a man, God

(a) showed us how to live and

(b) partook in human suffering.

Therefore God is not a "do as I say, not as I do" God.

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Listen guys, instead of focusing on me, my fear, focus on what the bible actually says. It seems evident in your posts that you're avoiding the scriptures and putting forth your own "happy thoughts"; making God the kind of God you want him to be according to man's ways, our opinions on what God should be instead of what God says about Himself in the Bible; what He says He has done and what He says He is going to do.

As for Judgement Day don't forget, a lot of people are going to be begging and reminding God of all the good things they've done in His name to which He will reply, "Depart from me I never knew you". People do good things in the name of God because they believe in Him and yet even they won't make it into heaven according to the Bible --- which BTW we are suppose to read. If you're not gonna read it and study it then you might as well become a Catholic and just lets a bunch of Priests tell you what to think.


to hypathia

i think you got all this wrong no those that do good and do not ask jesus into their lives will suffer just like thos that decide to have the mark of the beast read jude and read all of revelations

you said instead of focusing on you and your fear we should read our bibles well i read my bible every day and i do not read it blind i alow the holy spirit to open me up to the truth of gods word

it feeds my spirit as gods spirit is alive in me if i did not take the time to read and study gods word i would be very stagnatic in my walk and i wil be no use to god

i work as a goverment foster carer the kids i get are very damaged i am of the streets i lived in and out of goverment youth refuges my home was a run down old building in kings cross gods spirit convicted me of my sins on my last stretch i was in a prison farm and with in the last month al i heard is jesus loves you find a church jesus loves you find a church

my addiction got me in trouble with the law i was as i said very angry due to what i experianced at home by my own father yet i decided to turn this around and do some good every day i share to these two boys i am looking after as these boys are no longer wanted by their parents but they have some one that has been their and understands what they are going through

i also use to be an orthadox croation cathlic yet what i saw being done by the parish preists this showed me that they had no fear if the belived in god they would not have done what has come to the surface know many boys wear raped by the parish priests of the cathlic church

wear i use to work in kings cross sevral parish priests came into the strip club and then had the nerve to preach the gospel after paying to sleep with one of the sex workers these priests also took blood money given by the criminals that wear running the strip clubs and these criminals would go to church on sunday or through the week and mock god by sitting in the confession box saying father please forgive me for i have sinned and then do as they pleased thinking that the blood money that they wear giving would get them a free pass to heaven

yes god says those that reject him wil suffer i would ask that you do not get so negative when some one shares openly to you and ask us to read our bibles propley i feel you need to do some soul searching your self

god bless from your brother in the lord damien stipic

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damo - Where does the bible say we are to have a personal relationship with God? That's something a pastor will tell you but ask them to show it to you in scripture; a Pastor isn't God and the Pastor will give you whatever "spin" he's been trained to give you to calm you down. If the bible is perfect then we don't even need a pastor or a priest. You should have seen the stunned look on my minister's face when I started asking some hard questions. They never give you a straight answer, they try to turn the conversation around on 'you', "your feelings" anything to avoid the bible......except the few "nice" verses of course. Most of those are in John.

If Satan is playing with me as you put it then Satan would have had to ask God permission to "play" with me, he couldn't just do it on his own.

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I'm not refusing God's mercy at all Kari; I want mercy; I pray that God will have mercy on me. I'm begging for mercy because the bible tells me what God is capable of so I know I need mercy.

We'll find out for sure on judegment day whether we'll get it or not.

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Perhaps this article from the gotQuestions site may shed some light on what we are talking about:

At first it might seem that if God created all things then evil must have been created by God. However, there is an assumption here that needs to be cleared up. Evil is not a "thing" - like a rock or electricity. You can't have a jar of evil! Rather, evil is something that occurs, like running. Evil has no existence of its own - it is really a lack in a good thing. For example, holes are real but they only exist in something else. We call the absence of dirt a hole - but it cannot be separated from the dirt. So when God created, it is true that all that existed was good. One of the good things that God made was creatures who had the freedom to choose good. In order to have a real choice, God had to allow there to be something besides good to choose. So God allowed these free angels and humans to choose good or non-good (evil). When a bad relationship exists between two good things we call that evil, but it does not become a "thing" that required God to create it.

Perhaps a further illustration will help. If I were to ask the average person "does cold exist?" - his/her answer would likely be yes. However, this is incorrect. Cold does not exist. Cold is the absence of heat. Similarly, darkness does not exist. Darkness is the absence of light. Similarly, evil is the absence of good, or better, evil is the absence of God. God did not have to create evil, but rather only allow for the absence of good.

Look at the example of Job in Job chapters 1-2. Satan wanted to destroy Job, and God allowed Satan to do everything but kill Job. God allowed this to happen to prove to Satan that Job was righteous because he loved God, not because God had blessed him so richly. God is sovereign and ultimately in control of everything that happens. Satan cannot do anything that God does not allow. God did not create evil, but He allows evil. If God had not allowed for the possibility of evil, both mankind and angels would be serving God out of obligation, not choice. He did not want

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Guest Biblicist
It seems to me that you are all adding to what the scriptures actually say in order to make youselves feel comfortable. We're not suppose to add to or take away or so I've been taught.

The scriptures clearly say that God preordained everything and you can't blame satan because satan is God's creatioin too; plus, even in the bible genocide was done at the orders of God. Satan only kills in the book of Job and even then he can't do it without asking God first.

People say you can't know the mind of God; people say the Bible is God's word yet the same people can't accept that word when it conflicts with personal human emotions and mankind's sense of right and wrong. We try to make God's mind fit our own minds.

As Creator, ALL life belongs to God, and it is His right to give life or to take it away, that does not make God a murderer.

But, the Bible does give that label to Satan:

"You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies." (John 8:44)

Well said, Kari, good use of Scripture! Praise the LORD! :thumbsup:

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Guest Biblicist
damo - Where does the bible say we are to have a personal relationship with God?

Micah 6:8 He has showed you, O man, what is good.

And what does the LORD require of you?

To act justly and to love mercy

and to walk humbly with your God.

Just one verse, among many!

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I'm not refusing God's mercy at all Kari; I want mercy; I pray that God will have mercy on me. I'm begging for mercy because the bible tells me what God is capable of so I know I need mercy.

We'll find out for sure on judegment day whether we'll get it or not.

You don't have to wait until then to know.

God said: "And this is what God has testified: He has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. So whoever has God's Son has life; whoever does not have his Son does not have life. I write this to you who believe in the Son of God, so that you may know you have eternal life." (1 John 5:11-13)

Please take a few moments to look this page over:


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Where does the bible say we are to have a personal relationship with God?

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:38-39)

Now THAT'S pretty personal! :thumbsup:

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damo - Where does the bible say we are to have a personal relationship with God? That's something a pastor will tell you but ask them to show it to you in scripture; a Pastor isn't God and the Pastor will give you whatever "spin" he's been trained to give you to calm you down. If the bible is perfect then we don't even need a pastor or a priest. You should have seen the stunned look on my minister's face when I started asking some hard questions. They never give you a straight answer, they try to turn the conversation around on 'you', "your feelings" anything to avoid the bible......except the few "nice" verses of course. Most of those are in John.

If Satan is playing with me as you put it then Satan would have had to ask God permission to "play" with me, he couldn't just do it on his own.


to hypathia

i am about to be ordained my self my partner is a pastor in the philippines and i wil be going in jan 2008 to be married to my partner and wil be ordained in front of the whole church

you say that a pastor does this to calm people down pastors are hear to guide gods people just like king david was looking after his fathers sheep before god called him read psalm 23

pastors even knoow that god wil deal with them if any one is led astray so you feel that you can just question what is shared to you i too was very angry a pastor broke my marraige up yet when god shook me up in 2001 i had a lot of work to do i nearly killed a drug dealer and if god did not shake me up like he did i would not have met kristina i would not be in this job i am in know you said you want to know

hebrews 13 new spirit filled life bible verse 17

obey those who rule over you and be submissive for they watch out for your souls

as those who must give acount let them do so with joy and not with grief for that would be

unprofitable for you

you stated every time you ask hard questions you do not get a straight forward answer wel did you bother to give these pastors the time to lead you through gods word its so simple to throw hard questions when we are negative let me tel you when i turned to the church for help and fianaly told those that new me and my pastor what i did to my own wife and to my own son i was shown the front door i was told never to step back into a church because god does not like evil men like you my wife was told to leave me by the very man i trusted

yet what i alowed to come into my own home was of my own undoing i knew all the warnings in gods word but i found it very hard to let go when i was in church with my wife on sunday we did not let no one know what we were doing in our own home i put her in a mens magazine so other men can see her naked body i said al the right things around those that new me i would even say preach it man preach it then i would come home drink put on a violent vidoe or porn videos and then have a few cones after my friend dropped of the dope i asked to be dropped of

i did this since i was 18 as i found it hard to let go of my past and what i experianced in my own country i was very angry even at my pastor and i wanted to hurt him but when god shook me up i new i had no wear to run

today i had forgiven the man that split me and my wife up today my x wife and my son have forgiven me

my x wife knows i wil be moving to the philippines and pastoring a church that my partner has planted

my x wife is hapy with the man god put in her life and ethan is happy as wel but we have a close relationship the very same man that said men like me are not welcome in gods house is supporting me i wil be going back to wear i started my walk and facing those that rejected me though god never gave up on me i have forgiven my old pastor and we have a close relationship and no longer do i hold onto that anger

so do you feel i am making this up by what i am sharing to you you need to do some soul searching as i said may be they saw that you would not respond so they just alowed you to ask those heavy questions i would have told you to walk and come back when you are ready to listen

god bless from your brother in the lord damien stipic

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