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John Robinson

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Everything posted by John Robinson

  1. Fifty-five pages of this insanity, with seemingly no end in sight. These SDA cultists are nothing if not aggressive.
  2. The Methodists and Episcopalians have been apostate for YEARS. Any born-again Christian still attending there (or worse, giving them money to help spread their heresy) needs to have long talk with God.
  3. Haven't we seen this guy before, under a different name? Or maybe it's the same guy, I don't know. What I do know is all these smug screeds start looking the same, and I say this as a former atheist.
  4. I plan to be cremated, as I don't want to burden y wife with the onerous cost of a funeral (yes I have life insurance, but I want her to have the money for herself and not a funeral home). Plus the idea of my body "molderin' in the ground" like the Crypt Keeper kind of turns my gut, so nope, not for me. The second I die I'm with Jesus anyhow, so if somebody wants to use my dead carcass as a charcoal briquette, then fire away!
  5. What is with all the SDA cultists coming here to Worthy lately? If they're looking for new recruits, I'd suggest they not troll an evangelical website, as it's not going to end well. Caramba, what a strange bunch!
  6. I'd rather be shot in the head and go home to glory before I re-schackled myself to the Law. What a dark, miserable, hopeless way to "live." To always wonder if I just broke an OT law (there are over 600, so the odds against me aren't good), to never have sure footing of my salvation, to forever tremble at the thought that this time I've blown it for real? Uh, no. Thank GOD for the cross, and the Blood that seals me forever!
  7. Lady, as it's been pointed out before, you're marching in lockstep with some very evil people. Which party was it who booed God at the 2008 Democratic convention? Which party glorifies and celebrates the darkest, most basest sexual practices? Which party almost constantly comes down on the wrong side of ANY morality issue? I'm not saying the GOP is better (hence the reason I'm an independent), but my Lord, the Dems don't even make a pretense of following Judeo-Christian precepts
  8. My wife and I (now 44 years married) were saved in the old Jesus Movement of the late 60s/early 70s, and we were given a copy of the Living Bible as a wedding present. We read it until it literally came apart. As we grew in our faith we discovered other translations, but man, we still have fond memories of that green old Bible!
  9. The Methodists haven't been worth a bucket of warm spit for decades. Any Christian still going there (or worse, giving them money), needs to have their head examined.
  10. Akueg, for the sake of your own soul, find some JW literature and do a line by line comparison with that cult believes and what you've been saying here. I'm not talking about "tzitzit, tefillin, and head coverings for wives." None of that is salvic. I'm talking about the core beliefs of those cultists and you. Who God is. Who Jesus is. Who the Holy Spirit is. And if the similarities don't jump out and sock you in the kisser, then I have no more to offer you. I simply hope you repent from this madness before it's too late.
  11. Akueg, you say you aren't a JW, but every single one of your talking points lines up exactly with what they teach. Every. Single. One. And that damnable heresy condemns both them, and you.
  12. All my spidey senses go on Full Red Alert when we get a poster claiming "another gospel" outside established Biblical canon. Anybody recall Charles Taze Russell, William Miller, Joseph Smith, David Koresh, and others? Yeah. Those guys thought they had a new revelation as well. Pass. That way lay madness.
  13. Akueg, from your long and wordy screed it's obvious you're a Jehovah's Witness. Just as obviously, your heretical "teaching" won't find any customers here. But thanks for playing.
  14. For me, staying out of the Politics threads has helped. There are handful of folks who natter on incessantly and world without end, amen about you-know-who, and it appears it's never going to get any better, so for the most part I just leave 'em to their ravings. Makes things a lot nicer in the other threads.
  15. Man, that is a BIG ol' boat-load of heresy. Chock fulla junk!
  16. Legalism kills, and does it slowly. Trying to keep all 600+ commandments, knowing it's impossible but still being driven to try? My God, what a ghastly way to live. The deception someone would have to willingly place that monstrous burden upon themselves ... no thanks.
  17. I've seen "Christian" leftists make common cause with those who revile the Word of the living God (aka Democrats and their ilk), and although I don't understand why they do, I'm just thankful I won't be the one having to explain to the Lord why unfettered abortion, perverted sex, "liberation theology" and so on is Just Swell. I have a feeling He's not gonna buy it.
  18. The leftists on this board are willfully blinded. Worse, they seem to dominate the news boards. That's why I think my time on Worthy is drawing to a close. The day is far spent, the night draws near, and I simply don't have the time (nor the inclination) to engage them in their unending liberal argle-bargle. Party on, kids.
  19. Apropos of nothing, I cannot fathom how a truly born again Christian could be a leftist. I mean, they're willingly finding common cause with groups that make no secret of their hate for God and His Word (remember the boos He got at the Democratic convention?) WHY in the world would a Christian want to get in lockstep with those who hate Jesus? Qui bono (who benefits) from such a partnership? Not God's people, that's for sure. Color me baffled.
  20. For some reason I have the Stones' "Under My Thumb" rumbling through my cranium. In other words, there's nothing funnier than a liberal. When there's not enough hoo-hah around to get their panties in a twist, they THINK of something. Must be rough going through life permanently offended.
  21. Maybe this is getting off track (not unheard-of from me!) but I think we have to allow each believer in Jesus to be nudged--or not--by the Holy Ghost on an individual basis. In other words, we're all different. What convicts one person may or may not convict another. For example, my oldest son is a youth pastor in Northern California, doing a mighty work there with some very hard people, and he has tats. Not a lot, but they're visible. Me, I don't have any, but that's not to say I haven't considered it. On the other hand I have a good friend who thinks they're terrible (not a salvation issue, he says, but esthetic), and he wouldn't have one if you paid him a thousand dollars. My son? Not convicted. My friend? Convicted. Yet both men love the Lord as Christian brothers. All that to say, the Holy Ghost is working in each one of our lives. Let Him. And while we do, let's allow one another to be led by Him as He wills. We now return you to your Halloween thread, already in progress.
  22. Pride goes before a fall, friend. You might want to take your attitude down a peg or three.
  23. I finally realized atheism required more faith in huge numbers and blind chance than I, as a thinking human being, was able to give it. Once that threshold was crossed I began to question every belief I held, and my journey to Jesus began.
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