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Mike 2

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Everything posted by Mike 2

  1. Is it possible that the male and female created in vs 27 are different than the ones put in the garden that God created separately? why couldn't it be? It really explains: 1. God starting his revelation of himself to man through his chosen people 2. where all the people came from that Adam and Eves offspring found after leaving the garden and going out into the world. You'll have to be willing to think differently from what we have always assumed and has always been taught and accepted....but it sure seems plausible...... a separate chosen people that he would work through created separately right from the get go Is it possible Satan was in fact in the outer world and then came in to the garden?
  2. Gen 2:5 Now no shrub had yet appeared on the earth[a] and no plant had yet sprung up, for the Lord God had not sent rain on the earth and there was no one to work the ground, 6 but streams[b] came up from the earth and watered the whole surface of the ground. 7 Then the Lord God formed a man[c] from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. 8 Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed Adam was created before any shrubs etc appeared (Gen 1:11- the third day), he was put in a specific garden already planted by God.... ...Interesting huh sure explains a lot
  3. I skipped past Neighbours post, too much scripture.....could have stopped at the chapter and verse reference to the sermon on the mount . It could be argued that Jesus was quoting a lot of scripture but we do have to keep in mind that he was delivering a sermon and not having a discussion with a group of friends. Using scripture to prove or back up what we are saying is important, we should be doing it for clarity.....with 1 proviso, there be only the proper amount of scripture to ensure we are not proof texting. Doing that is a skill in itself....... Laser bombing ? I think what One Light is saying is important because we really do need to learn to take the words of God and share them in our own words in ways that work in the culture we are in, something I think for me, is one of the primary purposes of this forum. Using bible quotes would then not be used as a back up to our belief but as the source of what we are communicating.
  4. Can't plant a seed and get fruit the next day.......... Regarding gifts of the Spirit they are found in 3 different places and have different purposes. I used to have a tough time remembering them. I'd read about them one time then read about gifts another time and got confused because they seemed different....it's because they are and they are in different parts of the NT. Keep in mind, we won't have them all, because how God chooses to shape the pot of our lives is different for each one of us. Romans 12 outlines the ones that God has put in our individual DNA... you may realize that you have a tendency towards one or two, more than the others. They color the way you look at most things and when you are called into different church ministries (that are gifts to the community Eph.) your gifts will show up in how you prefer to work within them. In Eph 4 you will find the gifts that God has given to the church in the form of positions to minister. As I said when you serve in those positions your ministry will tend to be strongest in the areas where your natural gifting is. 1 Cor 12:8 lists the Spiritual gifts that God will put into a person for a time as it serves His purpose. It's important to understand that no matter what God calls you in to He will provide you with what you need. None of the gifts you find here will have any fruit if you have not accepted Christ as Lord and have Gods Spirit living in you ..see 1 Cor 2:10-16 You can find any number of questionnaires that will help you to zero in on your gifting. When you start to apply your gifting, that's when you will really start to see how God can use you and how the fruits of your spirit willing to minister for the Lord will start to show. I want to say one last thing...don't do stuff to see fruit, do stuff to love (1Cor 13), the fruit will follow. Welcome back and God bless you
  5. Kinda sad how many jumped on the bandwagon. We get manipulated so easily by social media, particularly when we see something that fits into our preconceived ides
  6. People lie to be in relationship. Somewhere they were either hurt by telling the truth or were accepted by lying and it has become the norm. That's an insecurity thing. Where it can become a danger to someones spirit is when their pride won't allow them to admit they messed up and they lie about it by blaming others. That is the road to destruction if they constantly make excuses and deflect the truth with a lie in order to save face. If it goes far enough they may even lie to God about their responsibility for their actions. If that happens how can they admit they need salvation? I'm sure if you were to able to dig way back, you would find a point in your mothers life where she felt it was lie...or "die" and over the years it has become a method of dealing with insecurity in relationships. You might find it helpful to read "The Grief Recovery Handbook". Grief can happen when any form of relationship is broken not just a death. If the brokenness is not dealt with we develop short term ways to patch it up. These inevitably have an influence on future relationships.
  7. I think an understanding of the meaning of "sanctified"will add clarity to the passage. Especially if viewed as a process
  8. I'm having mixed feelings about your statement On one hand I'm glad you're feeling cursed because in your question you are unwittingly expressing a hope for something better. That's a good thing because, what is causing the curse will eventually be gone. Satan and all his tempting will be gone and we won't ever have to worry about making bad choices anymore. That's better than being a robot.... no bad choices, not that we won't have the ability to make them....they just won't be available! On the other hand I see the frustration you , like many others both in the bible and from people in general express, about whether we are exceptable to...(insert name here) Paul expressed his frustration in Romans 7 and gives his hope in 7:24- 25 The life of an animal does sometimes seem good. I wonder though.... do they understand love, or just feel like they belong, are a part of......because of instinct?
  9. Is that book in the picture referring to what is said/ declared over someone at the time of baptism? Or are you saying that the bible was somehow changed?.... ....it does say in the photo the new "formula" became customary.. EDIT*****Never Mind...I just read the rest of the thread, I see and understand your reasoning.
  10. Nope But understanding how God works helps us to understand the importance of having His Spirit within us
  11. I think she was just quoting an old adage that has come out of observing over many generations how families grow and chaange in different seasons
  12. When we feel that control of something has been taken away from us that scares us a bit because what happens depends on what someone else does. That's what is happening to you right now. It appears that someone is taking over control of your relationship with your children. When we feel that things are out of our control and someone is pulling the strings in a way we don't like, that makes us anxious and often times fearful of how bad it might get. When that happens we're not to far from getting angry and blaming people for.....whatever. When we are "blaming people or making excuses" we are really expressing our feelings about how we weren't in control and someone else caused this problem. Anger is not far behind and we need spiritual reinforcement. In situations like you are in now, I often have to remind myself that .... I'm not in control of anything!!!!........ except......... How I choose to react! God or the world (satan) are in control not us....(and ultimately it is God). The ONLY choice I have is to react in a selfish worldly way ...or... ....the way God wants me to. Paul describes how we get caught in this battle in Romans Rom 7:21 So I find this to be a principle: when I want to do what is good, evil is right there with me. Rom 7:22 For I delight in the Law of God in my inner being, Rom 7:23 but I see in my body a different principle waging war with the Law in my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin that exists in my body. Rom 7:24 What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is infected by death? Rom 7:25 Thank God through Jesus the Messiah, our Lord, because with my mind I myself can serve the Law of God, even while with my human nature I serve the law of sin. We have to choose despite how rejected we feel, a way to show love in the situations where we feel someone has taken over on us. I know I find that difficult to do without turning to Jesus to see how He would want me to react. Stick with the love, love for the sake of love, not to get anything in return, and it will come back to you. All the best to you. Through our Lord and His Holy Spirit.
  13. Briefly..... I was in my apartment, just came home, higher than a kite. Felt this warmth come over me, knew it was God and that Jesus was the answer to.....??? This was 2 in the morning. I opened the phone book (dating myself here) put my finger down on my landlords fathers name and called him. He said he had been praying for me for 3 months. There's a lot more to the story than that but that's the short version. I once attended a workshop with a Professor of Evangelism in Ontario, Canada, John Bowen I believe his name was. He started the workshop by asking who of us had a "Damascus road experience". I was one of the few that put their hand up. it seems that is the norm. He went on to say that he often asks believers who their team was, people that had an effect here, left a seed there, said or did something that when all put together added up to all that was needed.
  14. I was just listening to Dr David Jeremiah talking about end time prophecy. He was talking about Daniels interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar's dream of the statue in Dan. 2. The interpretation tells of the different worldly kingdoms that will come and go in power before the second coming of Christ. I'm wondering if, or what, significance there is to Christ coming the first time during the Roman rule (the iron of the legs). Why did God choose that time in history? I realize that there can be some discussion about what the worldly kingdom represented by the feet could be, particularly if it ties in with the ruling Roman power of Jesus time, but I'm really wondering about the specific time 2000 years ago. Why did God plan that political / social environment? Any thoughts?
  15. This is pertaining to a person today accepting the grace and forgiveness that comes through Christ that is now available. The Ezekiel verses are pertaining to someone trying to only follow the law which is "follow it all or fail".
  16. This pertains to fully keeping the law of the Old Testament, not the period of grace we now live in.
  17. It just occurs to me that if we can say people have instantly disappeared we would have to witness them disappearing......that would mean we didn't ?
  18. I fully believe that there will be another temple soon, it's prophetic. I sometimes wonder though what will be the overwhelming reason for it. Will it be because Jews will really and trully want to worship God ? Or will it be a way of making the statement that it is their right to worship on the temple mount and they are finally able to once again do what is rightfully theirs? I would like to think it is the former, but because of the politics and differing religions involved as well as the power struggles that come with that I can't help but think there may be a "king of the castle" component in all of this.
  19. Mat 7:1 "Stop judging, so that you won't be judged, Mat 7:2 because the way that you judge others will be the way that you will be judged, and you will be evaluated by the standard with which you evaluate others. I think he is feeling the push back from his behaviour but is just looking at it as one more battle he needs to control/ win. I don't think he gets it. I think what Jesus said works both ways...you will be judged to the standard you keep, and, you cannot hold people to a higher standard than you yourself are willing to keep.
  20. So how do we differentiate between doctrine and theology?
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