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Blood Bought 1953

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Everything posted by Blood Bought 1953

  1. People try to pick and choose when it comes to Law.They wind up becoming “ Harpies” that go on and on and try to peddle guilt to God’s Grace covered Children.A person not given to drink will usually use that as their Hobby Horse” to condemn that poor soul that has to struggle with it.The Law is all or nothing. Break one and you are guilty of breaking them all. Thanks for your support of that “ floaty” analogy. I had just woken up when I wrote that,and I have learned the hard way that what looks good when you first wake up sometimes looks dumb later on in the day .I did not care for that Buster Keaton comparison......of course I know who he was and what he looked like.Are you familiar with The Three Stooges? In my future analogies , when you picture BB- think “ Larry”. We are both Hunks! Lol......
  2. And what are His Commands? Definitely NOT the 613 Given to the Jews by Moses—- Those Laws were give to shut us up and take us to our Savior. Have those impossible to keep Laws done their job and shut you up about them yet? There are only two Laws now Given to us by Jesus.I always had trouble memorizing 613 of anything ! Even a senile old coot like me can remember two ,though.BELIEVE and LOVE.See how simple Christianity is at its core ?
  3. Jesus said through Paul after the Crucifixian and His Ascension That in this present Age of Grace , God has already forgiven ALL of your sins.....THAT is you motivation for forgiving anybody.....if God can forgive wretches like us, why should we withhold forgiveness from another wretch......it has NOTHING to do with your Salvation.....NOTHING. The Jesus that said you must forgive in order to be forgiven is the same Jesus that said you have already been forgiven.You have enough on your plate as it is .Discard the idea that this is a Salvation issue.
  4. You know those “ floaties” that babies use to help them stay above the water as they learn to swim?I looked great in mine, btw........Anyway , now that I can swim instinctively , I don’t need them anymore.....They did their job,which was to get me to the other side of the pool safely.....I don’t need them now and do not depend on them anymore.....I rarely even think about them.I found a better way to swim.I trust what is inside me now .I can swim instinctively, like it’s in my heart to be a natural swimmer.. I tip my hat to the floaties- mission accomplished! I graduated from “ floaty school”long ago though and moved on .Perhaps this is how the Law should be viewed .If it lead you to Faith in Christ,tip your hat to it and move on to the better way- “ Christ in You”.I would look silly using my floaty now.Thinking That one can “ get to the other side” by obeying the Law is the height of silliness.If you lack the Holy Spirit you are “ none of His”. If you have it ,start acting like it — “ let go and let God”. If you trust Him, He will do a better job of keeping you afloat,than those floaties ever did. God bless
  5. Appearance wise , when people talk about my looks it’s usually “ George Clooneyish” Behavior? Richard the Lion- hearted.......
  6. “ Be angry and sin not” “Revenge is mine, says the Lord— I will repay” “Kill them with kindness” That’s all I got— you say you trust in Jesus alone? That is the wisest move you can make..... “ Give God all of your problems......he loves you very much.”God bless....
  7. I try to do the things that Jesus told us to do.......I follow God’s messenger to the Gentiles- Paul.For my Salvation I believe the Gospel in 1cor15:1-4 and NEVER “ fall from Grace” by adding my dead works to it.I try to obey the only commandments Jesus left us with.....Believe and Love.I rest in the Gospel and it alone for my Salvation because God says If I do not rest in the finished work of the Cross, I am loving in disobedience and UNBELIEF .I thank God for His Grace and then carry on with my life, trying to grasp hold of any His great Promises when they pertain to my life.I will finish my Walk with God the way I started it- faith! “ from faith to faith.....the righteous shall LIVE by FAITH......I fully expect to hear “ well done, good and faithful servant” because, like Paul..... “ I kept the faith” . Isn’t that a little presumptuous , BB? Nope. Just another example of trusting God. I am absolutely confident that He will keep His Word—- He will “ finisher the work He started” and “ save to the uttermost all of those that come to Him through Jesus Christ”.Trusting His Word- that’s how I am getting to Heaven.Are YOU “trusting” in the Blood alone or are you “ trying” another way that is not God’s way at all? How you are answer that determines your Eternal Fate. “ Life will be found by those that TRUST God”. Good luck and God bless.....
  8. I demand 50% credit for this post......I would have said all these things too, if I wasn’t so lazy.....lol.....thanks for your typical Bible-Based,insightful and inspired Post.Oliver Greene is grinning from ear to ear, and, of course giving all the credit to Jesus, where it belongs.......thanks again....
  9. You found the correct place to land! BASK in that rest! Its the “ Abundant Life” Jesus talked about. Kudos to you.....you have been blessed! Btw.....if you have rested and stopped worrying about your performance and give all the credit to Christ’s Performance ......you will “ find” yourself obeying the Laws of God in a way that comes natural .Let the Legalists work hard as you do what comes naturally.Knowing you are sealed and saved no matter how great or poor your performance is does not create licensiousness......it is the ONLY thing that stirs up the Love That God desires......A love freely given by those that have the capacity to do otherwise......
  10. Yes.... I know EXACTLY where you are coming from....when one puts his heart into a long post and it vanishes, it’s like getting the wind knocked out of him......thank God, it does not happen near as often as it used to! I will probably return later to to offer verses that I think others might want or need to see.Its hard to get your heart back Into it .On top of that , may God forgive me,since I retired, I grow lazier by the day....lol. You seem like a very pleasant fellow.....nice talking to you! God bless... btw.....where on “ earth” did you get that name? Lol.....
  11. Duh.......been gone all day......did I “miss” something? let me say this while i am in here...... The Pharisees knew the “ letter of the Law” but did not know the “ Spirit Of the Law”. These Legalists still exist and in fact, they make appearances here every day......NOTHING but the BLOOD.....add to that and you are a legalists ....It is wise to be obedient....it is wise to obey the Commandments...it is wise to tithe.....it is wise to go to church.....it is wise to try to live a good life...it is wise to repent of our many daily sins now that you are saved and realize that Jesus has paid the price for ALL sins as far as your Salvation is concerned. All great things to do.......but.If you think doing any of these things saved you or are “ keeping” you saved, That is when you cross the line into Legalism.Let me repeat, just like the song says——- NOTHING but the Blood! If need be, write that down on a piece of paper and put in your pocket.Save it until you stand before Jesus.If you can recite that as your only reason to enter His Heaven.......and BELIEVE it.....you are home free! Feel like you need to add just a little “ something” for insurance ? You never knew what “ trusting” meant. You are going to hear... “Depart from me...I NEVER knew you...” It’s all about trusting- not trying.Jesus will not save anybody who is trying to get to Heaven. btw.....Another great, old song is “ Just As I Am”.......If you turn to God ( the only repentance that is relevant to Salvation) with Faith in Jesus and His Gospel found in 1 cor15:1-4 you will be saved. God takes you just as you are, just where you are and goes to work on your “ inside of the cup”....Others only see and often mistakenly judge a person by the “ outside of the cup”.God is probably at work changing deep-rooted problems within you that even “ you” are unaware of.The Religionist who may sneer at your performance is the guy who only mimics Christianity - He is totally ignorant about “ transformation by the Holy Spirit”.....He is content to impress others with his Dead Works and trying to beat the Old Man to death with his puny, misguided , fear -motivated , attempts at perfection.God won’t have it........ Sorry if I derailed the thread......I get carried away sometimes.....lol.....
  12. Was just about ready to hit the Submit button when everything vanished.....#*(*$-*!!..... when my considerable anger subsides..... I will return.....is there anything worse than having to retype a long post? Ill leave you with this to ponder....... “ If Anybody could keep the Law, Jesus died in vain” Later......
  13. God gave the Law to show it can’t be kept......It was given to “ shut men’s mouths”.....it’s designed to get you to that classic “ Woe is Me” moment......It’s there to show that we need a Savior.....The Law is “ weak” in that it can not save.....The Gospel of Grace has “Power” to save- go with the thing that can save, say “ goodbye” to the Law as the vehicle to Salvation. No need to completely disregard it though—- “ All Scripture is there for learning, correction, etc.”. ( paraphrase)
  14. The change Of mind was only possible because one’s eyes were opened by the Holy Spirit.That same spirit will work inside of you to bring about changes that God puts His priority on......His priorities may different from what others would like to see in a person......God knows what each individual needs and when he needs it, and He likes to get to the root of things. These things may not be what the individual wants.....and they may not be what the world wants as some kind of proof that a person is saved.Thank God for His Wisdom— he does not bestow our “ wants”—- He gives us what we “ need”
  15. ALL RIGHT!!! I always liked his closing prayer... “ Father,save the soul nearest Hell.....” It is a prayer I have stolen and used in regard to these forums......of course, many here think “ I” am that soul nearest Hell.Another guy I used to listen to often said “ We’ll see, won’t we?” I’ll stick with that little nugget.
  16. We can discuss Repentance as much as one likes— we should! Nobody gets saved without it.We just have to understand what it is and what it is not.Repentance is “ a changing of one’s mind” about Jesus. Going from no faith in Jesus to faith in Jesus is what is required to save a person. “Repenting from sins”is a great thing but nowhere in the KJV is it connected to getting saved—- that is by Grace ,through Faith .We do not turn “from”sins to be saved . We turn “ to” God with faith in Jesus to be saved. Repentance also does not “ keep” us Saved .People have taken that word to completely annihilate Grace.If you commit a sin as a Believer and forget to repent of it before you die, it is covered by Grace -as a Member Of The Body Of Christ ALL of your sins are forgiven......that delusional thinking that one’s Repentance Slate must be clean as a whistle in order to be saved is ridiculous on its face—- you got millions of sins you have completely forgotten about— maybe you think forgiveness only goes to them with total recall.Worry is a sin— it shows a lack of faith. How many of those sins have you repented of? Don’t embark on a “fool’s errand” Trust in the Grace Of God, Thank Him for it.Rest in it .Dont be guilty of “Unbelief” , a precarious place to find one’s self in.....God bless "Repentance, as it relates to Christ, means to change our minds about Him, who He is and what He's done to provide forgiveness, and deliverance from our sins. When we place faith in Jesus as having taken our place personally on the cross and borne the penalty due our sins, then we're automatically repenting, because we couldn't accept Him in this way without having had to change our minds in some way concerning Him." "What place has repentance in salvation? Should we tell people to repent of their sins to be saved? The Gospel of John is the Holy Spirit's Gospel Tract, written that men might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing they might have life through His name (20:31). And it does not mention the word 'repentance'. But that is only because repentance is a necessary part of saving faith. Strictly speaking, the repentance means a 'change of mind'. It is by no means the same thing as sorrow (II Corinthians 7:10). Since it is not possible to an unbeliever to become a believer without changing his mind, it is therefore unnecessary to say anything about it. The only thing for a man to do in order to be saved is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ: and to believe on Him is the same thing as receiving Him (John 1:11-
  17. Was your “ old mentor” Oliver Greene by any chance? He used to be on the radio here everyday......I listened to him many hundreds of times.....excellant teacher....
  18. I wonder how this verse got in the Bible....it flies in the face of other Scripture seemingly,yet it makes so much sense . ” If your brother sins against you... REBUKE him.....and IF HE REPENTS FORGIVE him” wow! That really works for me.....I can do that ....I HAVE done it .....it comes so natural that way....Since my Salvation, almost everything I was once was “ ordered” to do under the Law Of Moses, has now become things I “ desire” to do.....you know , that “ transformation” thing that Paul Once said was “ the ONLY thing that mattered” in the Christian Walk....This could be another one of those “ natural” things . God does not forgive until the lost man turns to Him in repentance ......does God demand we forgive those who aren’t even sorry, when He Himself wants to see contrition on the part of the offending party? Thoughts ? Maybe a new thread could arise from this....
  19. Paul did not have to work, and when he did , it was out of God’s will for him.He thought he knew better than God when it came to taking up the collection.God told Paul to take up offerings when he gave out the Gospel.Paul was concerned That some would think he was only in it for the money.....Well, duh.....I guess God never knew that could happen ! God wanted it done in spite of that— he knows that the Good News Of The Gospel will be “ foolishness” to many.He knew some in the crowds would consider Paul a crook.He wanted it done, knowing full- well how some would react.True Believers would WANT to give to the man that gave then a message that would SAVE THEIR SOULS! He was depriving the new Believers of an opportunity to “ build treasure in Heaven” as Jesus said to do.How many soul- winning opportunities did Paul miss by sitting around making tents? Paul was the greatest man who ever lived in my opinion— but he blew it by trying to one- up GOD in this case.Paul was not, nor never claimed to be a perfect man.God’s Way is ALWAYS the right way , and if Paul were given the chance to do it again, he would do what God said to do, despite his well- intentioned, but misguided thinking.
  20. Many have “ tried on” Christianity, and have rejected it as one could reject any other “ religion”. True Christians STAY Christians.On the other hand, there is the “christian Religionist” who has seen enough true Christianity to be able to “Ape” it, imitate it and fool many- including themselves.They are the “ tares” in the Church . Hard to recognize for us. Easy to recognize for the Angels that will be gathering them up in the future to take them to Hell.These imitators, These phonies are trying to be Christians without knowing the secret of being one— The Mystery hidden for Ages, until revealed by Jesus through Paul. CHRIST IN US Our Hope Of Glory.Without the Holy Spirit, we are “ none of His”. WITH that Spirit......you ain’t going nowhere....you are in the hand of Jesus and NOBODY- and that would include ourselves — is going to remove you. God gave His Son the job of delivering Believers to Him, and Jesus never fails tasks Given to Him by His Father.....
  21. Not that he deserves it, but let’s give Hitler a little reprieve today.......Every sin that Stalin ever committed was paid for on the Cross......Salvation was there waiting for him ......well, then, why is he being tormented as we speak ? Uncle Joe didn’t “ cash in” with faith in Jesus Christ’s Gospel. God has forever taken care of the sin problem at the Cross and He has the right to save anybody He wants.His Word says He will save all that come to Him through Faith in His Son.Sorry, Joe....you missed the boat.....
  22. Overkill much? Lol....I get it now......Truth good.....lies bad......thanks much.....God bless....
  23. Thanks for your concern..... David stole and ate the shewbread from the Holy Tabernacle - BIG TIME sinning— under the strict , unbending Law that He was Living under.God was not concerned.He looks at the heart. Lieing to keep from hurting somebody’s feelings......send me to hell.....I will not hurt anybody's feelings...I wonder where a kind, caring Spirit like that comes from? Jesus gave us two rules.Believe and Love.Love trumps lieing......there exist the Letter of The Law and the Spirit Of the Law.....David understood it and so do I.God is not the nit - picking , super stern Cop in the Sky eagerly waiting for us to mess up— even if just a little bit —so He can come down and “ get us”, gleefully punishing Us and then casting us into Hell.That ain’t the God I have come to know.That other type of “ god”— I do not know him.I don’t want to.He only exists in the minds of those who do not really know Him.Thanks again for your concern....I figure it was sincere .God Bless.
  24. Your approach has its merits..... “IF” you are very fast on your feet if this “ ugly” question comes from out of the blue— they usually do.All dim wits like me could just lie and let God punish me .Lieing to spare one’s feelings?....God probably has bigger fish to fry......He might even decide to “ let me slide”...... that’s where I would put my money.....God looks at the heart...
  25. It has been so long ago I barely remember anything about it .The movie had serious catholic leanings and that was where the movie went off the rails in most cases...... no blasphemy, just plenty of error....it would be better to see this movie 50 times than attend a catholic catechism class where justification by faith is accursed and the damnable fairy tail of Purgatory is perpetuated .There is your blasphemy. The worst parts of the movie couldn’t hold a candle to these heresies.Given the choice.... I would take my teenage daughter to that movie before I would take her anywhere near a place that she would be exposed to Papal Puke and their 7 step works program to justify oneself before God.... no catholic bashing here—- I would not let her attend a “ Church Of Christ” either......I could name dozens ....
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