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Everything posted by marvelloustime

  1. When we were living in the north of Scotland, we had extremely slow internet. I used to joke that one morning when I went on the computer, I thought gosh, the internet seems faster than normal today. Then I realised I hadn’t yet switched the modem on!
  2. I think you’ll get a lot of replies to this as I think we’ve probably all been in that position. We’re never going to get it right every time, even when we have the best of intentions. I would say that when experiencing that painful situation, remember it’s what Jesus thinks of you and not other people. He was also known by some as the “bad guy”, as He certainly wasn’t interested in being a people pleaser, but was interested in pleasing His Father and Him only. We must do the same. God bless, Becky. X
  3. Hi @frienduff thaylorde It’s getting like that here already. The database is nearly already in place. Swipe your phone to pay for something. They even have one of them scan things on phones. Bank cards and phones are now connected. How long till they say that we don’t even need phones now to pay for things, or even store all our info on. Now you can strap it onto your wrist and call it a watch. But, how long till they say now we can all have implants! I don’t think it’s far off. Some car parks you now can’t pay for by coins, or bank card. You can only pay by your phone! This is all swiftly going in the direction of what is in Revelations. How close we are to the end. Living it live in real time. Even if we get called Home by the Lord before it all starts kicking off, we would have still been in this world right near the end. God bless you. Becky.
  4. I’ve just posted this on another thread, but thought I’d share it here as well as appropriate for laughing with God thread. The day before yesterday we had to get up very early to go out. I felt really out of it. Tired, washed out and a bit grumpy. Whilst we were out, I remembered I needed to get some new pyjamas. But I didn’t feel like getting out of the car. I finally did and on the clothes section, there was only one set of pyjamas in my size. I mumbled to Jesus, what do you think and I felt Him say “Get them”. Then I laughed to myself, because on the front of them it says “I Don’t Do Mornings!”. God bless. Becky. X
  5. I love that! I’ve not heard of that hymn, but the lyrics are wonderful. I read a verse yesterday that said “We can’t see Him, but He sees us.” The lyrics to your hymn reminded me of it. And I love the picture of that cute sparrow! God bless, Becky. X
  6. It's the old saying in this world. "It's not what you know, it's who you know". If it's the Lord's will for your wonderful gift to be shared to a wider audience, He will arrange it. Yay!! God bless. Becky. X
  7. That's a lovely post, thanks. When I first wake up in the morning, I consciously make sure my thoughts go straight onto Jesus and I focus on Him as I become more awake and get ready to start the day. I purposefully keep away from thinking about the things I have to do that day or what went on the day before. I have found it massively reduces anxiety and feel much better. I usually say the Lord's prayer to myself and also consciously put on the Armour of God, as mentioned in Ephesians. God bless. Becky. X
  8. Lovely and wonderful poem. That one really touches me, as like you, I’m so looking forward to being with Jesus in Heaven. Thank you for posting that lovely poem. What a marvellous gift you have. God bless. Becky. X
  9. Well I'm with @ladypeartree I wouldn't do that well either. Roll on Jesus' return. There's no compassion left in this world we live in. This world expects us to be perfect and if not it will come down on you like a tonne of bricks. Jesus knows we're not perfect and is full of grace and mercy, helping us through all our situations as we travel through this life. I know who's Kingdom I'd rather live in! Praise the Lord for our future in Him and NOT in this brutal world. Becky.
  10. Amen! Well, I'm 45 this October, so God willing I'm now in the 2nd half of my life. If I'm not, then in Jesus' name I accept that. I can't wait to physically be with Jesus and see His glory. I would love to think I'm now nearing that, but whatever times and dates of our departure from Earth, our times are in His hands and the reason all of us believers are still here is because Jesus has more of His work to do for us. But let's all do it with a sense that time is short, as we never know when we'll be called Home, or when He will return. Our time here is very short compared with eternity with Jesus. Let's all praise Jesus and glorify His name! God bless. Becky.
  11. Hi @SurrenderedWife I will pray for you and your husband. I can empathise on a lot of what you said about your husband asking you these difficult questions to prove Jesus exists and then even when you do answer, he can still wrap you round in circles. A friend said to me that instead of trying to defend scientific arguments about the Lord, instead explain it’s to do with a relationship with Him. Regularly Pray that he will come to know Jesus as his Lord and Saviour and if anytime the Lord prompts you to say things to him, then say. You just have to leave it with Jesus to do His work in Him. It’s Jesus’ job to work in your husband’s heart. You can’t do it. That’s when the enemy can try and grab an opportunity to try and make you feel guilty. But you have nothing to feel guilty for. Continue to let Jesus work in you and your husband will notice a difference in you. That’s proof in itself. And keep praying for him. God bless. Becky. X
  12. We'll, I've been described in many strange ways over the years, but I think this tops it. Lol. (Surname is Pickles). Seriously though, great post @turtletwo
  13. I love reading these posts. I also love the way the Lord adapts His sense of humour to ours. Jesus had me in hysterics one night whilst I was reading the Bible. A quick summary. We used to have a white poodle called Rascall, who lived til he was 18. My husband and I keep him and another one of our dogs who passed away, Scruffy, alive in our hearts, by still using our character voices for them. Our on-going banter with Rascall is, he self nick named himself 'Cock of the North' because he loved to holiday in a cabin we used to holiday in, and at the local village, there's a write up about the history, and the place was once owned by someone called 'Cock of the North'. So that became his nick name. Rascall also loved the number 3. He used to do everything in threes. So our character voices have carried this on. So, one night I was reading the gospels, and read this: (John 13:38) - "Jesus *answered, "Will you lay down your life for Me? Truly, truly, I say to you, a cock shall not crow, until you deny Me three times. The Lord joined in our fun humour, but He's funnier than us, because He wrote it nearly 2000 years ago! I had had a bad day, and I felt He lead me to read those verses that night, for a bit of light relief, whilst still obviously wholly respecting His Word. Becky.
  14. I pray you all have a lovely time and I will continue to pray for your dad. God bless you. Becky.
  15. Jesus is Lord. He is the only way to the Father, and the only way to eternal life is through Jesus. Jesus is everything. You know when you are saved because He sends His Holy Spirit to come and live in your heart. Even Satan believes the Father and Jesus exists. Just believing He exists is not enough. We must repent of our sins, acknowledge that Jesus is our Lord and Saviour and ask Him into our life. He then makes His Home with us through His Holy Spirit in our hearts. And then we belong to Him, and we are saved. God bless. Becky.
  16. And your four pin digit number. Press 1 for customer service.
  17. Oh yes, totally agree about media hype. I'm certainly not bothered, but was curious just to see how true it was. If you believed what the media have been saying, then there would be no living folk in the U.S due to chlorine washed chicken. Lol. Becky.
  18. I've also noticed that things are escalating in the world very fast, and I feel that this is a recent escalation. So I've also been thinking that we are coming up to the Lord's next big chapter of history. We will soon be in the presence of Jesus! Amen. Becky. X
  19. What a friend we have in Jesus All our sins and griefs to bear And what a privilege to carry Everything to God in prayer Oh, what peace we often forfeit Oh, what needless pain we bear All because we do not carry Everything to God in prayer Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere? We should never be discouraged Take it to the Lord in prayer Can we find a friend so faithful Who will all our sorrows share? Jesus knows our every weakness Take it to the Lord in prayer
  20. Hi all. I hope you don't mind me asking, but curiosity has finally got the better of me. Lol. In the U.S, do you really have chlorine washed chicken? And if you do, has it harmed you, or are you able to purchase non chlorine washed chicken? I ask because it's currently a big scare tactic in the UK re; doing a trade deal with the U.S. Curiosity has led me to ask you if this is all correct. I don't know much about it. This is a very strange world. Let's praise the Lord that as believers we are all one in Jesus, no matter which country on the earth we happen to reside in. Our true citizenship is in Heaven. Praise God. Becky.
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