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Everything posted by nobleseed

  1. read hebrews 1 it refutes Jesus being an angel
  2. well the third horseman is drought and before him is war, and we have had every war possible for 100 years, but till u see the stars fall then u will really know its time
  3. the Christian life isn't meant to be ordinary think of wat the apostles did and achieved we read in the bible about great men doing great things and God performing miracles but we don't believe such things are possible today. but why not has God left us as orphans and forgotten his promises just have faith in not only God but yourself too everything is possible with God and nothing is impossible for us to achieve through him
  4. i have a friend who i was challenging about God but he says he does not know, but he told me every night he says God is in heaven and all is well and in the morning God is on earth (cant remember the rest of it). but the fact he does this shows to me he has some faith but his mind is not convinced. is this what paul says in romans about those doing according to law but not knowing the law. is it possible for someone to have faith and not know it.
  5. u know lately i have been discussing with people whether we are in the tribulation times or not, but it occurred to me last night that the tribulation has been going on since Jesus ascended to heaven and will only end when he returns. the church has been persecuted throughout the last 2000 years and great events have happened. from false prophets to antichrists, wars and plagues it is all there in history till now. as for the specifics only hindsite will understand it all.
  6. well as the bible says, those who preach against stealing do u steal. this person has a trouble with addiction and u are right to be wary of him. and u are right to judge someone for wrong doing. i suggest that u take this up with your church leaders and if they do nothing find another church.
  7. lately i have been feeling that my prayers have been no more then a grocery list to God and that i had lost the means of intimate prayer with him as a use to. but yesterday after a prayer meeting after church i was wondering how to get that intimate prayer with God back. in the end i asked God into my heart as i did when i was young and i feel he has been listening to me since
  8. the best thing about tv is u can turn it off, maybe u should listen to the radio instead
  9. the sin is to call the holy spirit the devil and to do so publicly, i am sure u did not do that.
  10. i have found lately that a couple people have told me things they believe which i didn't think were true. one an atheist who claimed something can come from nothing, and two a bible study leader who believes the church will be taken away before the tribulation. the atheist was easy to refute as i asked for an example of where something come from nothing and all he could come up with was particles, but the bible study teacher was a bit harder as we were studying revelation and even though it talks about the great multitude from the trib, which she had a bit of trouble explaining as to her belief she still believed what she did. my point is this, make sure what your belief about God, Jesus and the bible, and life in general is based in truth and knowledge. beliefs that are not based in truth are easily refutable. we all believe certain things, i believe in the coming of a king the reaper, because of what i have read, if someone can point out why it is not so i am willing to listen. but it is said do not go beyond what is written and unfortunately many do or they misinterpret what is there. none of this really matters but interpretation is the cause of much error so simply take the message as it is written.
  11. u could try becoming a better person, the bible is about first dealing with sin, and then becoming more righteous and christ like, u start by praying to God about the forgiveness of sin, then u see what u can do for him and others.
  12. baptism of the spirit is when the power of God comes upon u. the fate of people who do not get baptized, well baptism is a declaration of faith, u are no worse off if u do not get baptised and no better if u do, it is if u believe Jesus is Lord is what counts who has the authority, well ministers or elders usually baptise in the church but any christian of maturity could arguably do it. with children when a parent has a child baptised he is dedicating that child to the lord which i think is a good thing. in acts whole families where baptised
  13. to me the church and those in the world are a crop, jesus planted the seed(and harvested what others had planted) and soon the reaper will come to harvest the crop, i find that the crop is still so young and is far away from being mature. lets us pray that the crop is ready for the reaper when he comes and produces mature wheat ready for harvest.
  14. who is this prince u refer to, do u also believe in the coming of another
  15. u can say this or u can say that but nobody really knows, u could be right but what u say has not been revealed. it is said do not go beyond what is written, who these men are will be revealed at its proper time just like the child that is born the rev 12. and we will not know until they come.
  16. i hope so, i see the church as a crop the has yet to ripen, Jesus planted the seed,(and the prophets before him) and one will come to reap the crop at the time of harvest, lets hope the crop will be ready and not destroyed by weeds
  17. in rev 12 the woman who gives birth is the queen of Israel, that is why she is depicted with a crown of 12 stars just as joseph did, and she gives birth to a son one who will rule with an iron scepter, he is taken to heaven by the angel when rescued from the dragon, so he essentially ascends to heaven just as Jesus descended to earth. he is not another messiah because he is mostly in heaven and will not die as Jesus did but his role will be just as important. he is later depicted on a cloud with a sickle is his hands with a crown and is referred to as the son of man. here he heavests the earth for God. this child does not come to earth again until he is seen in chapter 19 on the white horse and rages war against the beast and the kings of the earth. it is said in rev 2 and 19 that he has a name known only to him. this is all i know of the revelation and he is not Jesus or the church but one who will rule in the name of Jesus Jesus once said one sows another reaps and both share in the harvest. it was Jesus who sowed the seed but it will be this child who will reap the harvest when it is ready. he will be the reaper of souls. Edited just now by nobleseed
  18. never forgive an antichrist or those who abject evil, do not even pray for such people as john says. pray for those who wrong u and forgive those who offend u, forgive as your father in heaven forgives u whether they repent or not.
  19. i have no scripture or examples, but i know just telling someone your a christian is evangelism and God will have u work where u are. and remember it is God who prepares the work in advance for u to do. i am unemployed and have no position in the church but i find plenty of opportunity to spread the gospel, it was just yesterday that i debated the faith to an atheist, while witnessing to a friend. so do not worry about not doing enough because a little goes a long way, or about time because time never ends.
  20. to sin means death, but when Jesus died he became our scapegoat for death, so we do not have to die, except for a mortals death, but we will live forever because of him, whenever we sin Jesus points to the cross to his father and says, do not hold him accountable, i have already atoned for that sin.
  21. one plants the seed another reaps the crop and both share in the harvest, Jesus planted the seed and those that came before him toiled the soil, but it is the one to be born that will reap the harvest
  22. i had a dream tonight where i had the gift of tongues and i could understand a foreigner and she could understand me without having first learnt each others languages and i understood what the gift was or is. when the apostles got the gift of the spirit everyone there understood them in their own language and that is simply what it is. this would become extremely important for distributing the gospel to unknown places and was one of the signs that accompanied them. it is not making up gibberish as some do and so delude themselves and others. amen
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