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Mars Hill
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Everything posted by Jostler

  1. Just got back from the store and there are still lots of empty shelves, but overall things appear to be slowly recovering. There was both toilet paper and paper towels for the first time I've shopped since shelves in the US started emptying. As well as eggs which have not been available either. Purchases are still limited to one or two items for a number of things, which is fine, but it does seem we're slowly caching up. Butter was in short supply but most of the dairy was well stocked. Cheeses were available, though the big 5lb blocks i normally buy (good value) are still missing. Meats were ok....a bit lean on variety and nothing on sale, but that is most likely due to the early hour I shopped....and the butchers just hadn't had time to restock from yesterday. I really didn't need anything, but stocked up on some nuts, a few canned veggies (which were well stocked again), some elbow macaroni which has also been absent for a while and is still limited in supply and selection....still no flour products at all available....but that will probably recover some soon too. Laid in a good supply of dried fruit, and got horseradish, turmeric, ginger and lots of garlic to make some more fire cider with. Got everything I need for that Bought 4 dozen more quart canning jars, and about to head for Home Depot and get the cinder blocks I need for a dual burner rocket stove. Yes I wore a mask And I'll wipe down/sterilize what I bought before I bring it in the house. I hope a few are using this little rebound in the supply chain to get ready for what's next....this ain't over.
  2. Bro you really need to wake up. There has been enough information to know just how wildly false that idiotic statement is for well over two months now. You really need to dig a lot deeper into understanding what this virus is all about. This virus is far more virulent and far more deadly than any annual flu, and that FACT has been obvious to those who do the tiniest bit of research....for a very long time now. The measures needed to control this thing are not being implemented even now, and the cost for not doing it is going to be very, very high. And by the way, the economy is already ruined and this virus was not the cause....it was just the pin that pricked the bubble. There will be no returning to what was economically "normal" six months ago. Wake up....get ready....life is different now and what was is not coming back.
  3. I suspect there may be an interval between completion of the temple and when the anti-christ takes it over. I certainly wouldn't be dogmatic on that point because I don't know, but i imagine they might re-institute the whole system of OT sacrificial worship for a season, before it gets shut down. Time will tell But, this latest news of them wanting to do a fully "official" Passover sacrifice on the temple mount certainly seems to be a significant signpost along the road to a new temple.
  4. i'm a pretty good shot but I've never practiced with two might be ok for suppressive fire but i kinda doubt I'd hit much except by accident
  5. unfortunately, previously ignored issues tend to reach crisis proportions when forced into close proximity for weeks at a time. Those statistics may get worse for a season. Just another predictable result of the overall situation.
  6. i wonder how many who might be considering taking what they need got reminded Oklahoma might not be a safe place to do that because someone exercised their LEGAL right.....strap two on next time
  7. I love your sense of humour, and the anointing He has given you to share ..bless you, and thank you
  8. I think it's interesting how easily we misunderstand each other. I am rejoicing in the coming destruction of a SYSTEM that has positioned itself in the eyes of the world, and even the eyes of many of HIS people as the "church", when it is nothing of the sort. As His people were brought into bondage to Egypt in the Old Testament, the church....the REAL church has been brought into bondage to a system of religion that has nullified His power. I have not attacked any person, or passed judgement on anyone as either wheat or tare. Yet several have completely misconstrued my intent. I am REJOICING in the knowledge that He is about to set His church, a multi-membered Body independent of any building, denomination or structure, completely free...ready to be built by Him into a Body that has not only the form of Godliness, but the power to transform the world it resides in. That is coming, and I am still rejoicing to see it begin. Let the towers fall.....
  9. this thought of "repayment" is certainly not of Him. Even if this was intentionally released, what right do we have to hold a whole nation accountable for the actions of a few? In the measure ye mete, it will be measured to you again. It might be good to remember that.... Mercy is the ONLY thing that triumphs over justice. And if we want mercy, we better be giving it to others. I can't stand up under justice......if He gives me what I deserve, i have little hope for any reward from this life. None actually....
  10. Beau you have a very tender heart which i believe is precious in the Lord's sight. I think that gives you a tendency to feel sadness, and grieve when you focus on such things. I believe that is a reflection of His heart because I am certain He is not happy at all when men suffer. That heart can drive prayer and intercession as these things unfold, though it may feel like a burden. If you feel drawn to "watching", there is a perspective we can obtain that understands these things MUST come to pass before He can return. There is a way to look forward with rejoicing, even knowing what is still to come is going to cost many lives. Our King is returning and these unfolding events indicate the time is "near"...whatever that ends up meaning in days, weeks, months or years. Our personal relationship to these unfolding events is not really knowable unless He reveals that to each of us. But I am convinced He does reveal all we need to know to walk faithfully in whatever role He has appointed for each of us. Fear and depression are not responses He puts on us, and those should be taken to Him for resolution if they try to crowd in on us. Right now my personal opinion is that we are witnessing the onset of a significant "birth pain" as He Himself indicated MUST come before the "Day" of His return. The clearest exposition of the "end of the age" Jesus Himself gave, is found recorded in three of the gospels. Each account (Matt 24, Luke 21 and Mark 13) is a record of the same discourse and each records His words from a slightly different perspective. In these passages we find His exhortation to "watch" Bro if you're an "observer of the times" i think that describes exactly what my concept of a "watcher" is. The earthquakes are relevant to all the other stuff I listed as a "lead up" because those things are all events He told us to watch for in Matthew 24, and are things He Himself identified as "birth pains". And there are more besides. Let me try to explain why I chose the word "watcher" to describe myself and my attitude toward these unfolding current events. I used "watchman" at one time, but found that due to some Old Testament uses of that word, many thought i was claiming to be a prophet. And that simply is not the case. I have studied what a prophet is and KNOW I am not called by Him to that office. I am not a prophet. Some of the places where the word "watchman" is used are found in Ezekiel, who obviously was one of the most renowned prophets in history....so people associating the word "watchman" with a prophet have good reason to do so. "Watcher" seemed to fit without causing people to suspect I was making some subtle claim to an authority and a position i have not been given. By watcher I simply mean someone who has noticed His exhortation to "watch" and has taken it seriously. And there are many "watchers". You seem to have been drawn to watching for and attempting to discern the relevance of current events as they unfold as much as I have. So it's really not a matter of "expertise" or even a "call"....in my mind it's simply a matter of obedience and attempting to just do what He exhorted us to do. Over the years as I have tried to give myself to watching, I do think He's shown me how to do it better. There is one passage I'd like to share He caused me to sit up and take notice of. There was an interesting exchange between Jesus and some Pharisees, including a rebuke ....the structure and implications of the rebuke were what caught my eye: There's a lot in there, but the two salient points I noticed were: 1. He used a simple example of predicting the weather even a child knows "Red sky at morning, sailors take warning, red sky at night, sailor's delight" which is a little ditty that has a very good record of predicting tomorrow's weather. It's SIMPLE...and it works. 2. Then He called the Scribes and Pharisees HYPOCRITES for being able to predict tomorrow's weather but failing to discern the "signs of the times". In that generation, the "signs of the times" were pointing to His arrival on the scene as Messiah, the Son of Man, Son of David....the Son of God. And those men, to whom had been entrusted the Word of God, who knew it more intimately than any others in their day....the "experts" .....could not "see" Him when He was standing in their presence. And He called them hypocrites for their blindness. A "sign" is simply something that "signifies" something else. So the implication is that the prophetic "signs" of His presence were visible, discernible and interpret-able, and SHOULD have been as easy or easier to see and understand as knowing what the sky tells us about tomorrow's weather. So, I asked Him "Lord, how would I manage to avoid that same rebuke if You were standing in front of me today?" And over time He began to teach... In another passage, He had another rebuke for the same group. The 'experts', teachers of the people....stewards of the precious Word...and this time He rebuked their ATTITUDE toward the Word, and I believe it explained their blindness to the signs of the times: I think there are two important aspects to effective "watching". One is obviously being familiar with what is unfolding before our eyes...current events. The other is spending time with Him...and LISTENING for what He has to say about what we see unfolding. This verse has been on my heart lately, for me personally and i think for His people in general. I'm feeling a tug toward spending more time obeying THIS exhortation: I went through a season years ago when I practiced that, but I've neglected it in the past few years. I don't think I'm the only one by any means...but I do think He's calling me back to that place of regularly setting aside time to just be "still" in His presence.....no agenda....no questions....no purpose but to be with Him in stillness...listening. It's that time. I think it's also important to remember this: He NEVER uses a "spirit of fear" so if looking to the "signs of the times" causes fear to try to come on us, we can know that is NOT from Him. There is a way to obey Him, and see all of this from His perspective, without fear. But with rejoicing....with eagerness...
  11. Thanks for pointing out that quake near Montreal @1to3 A 3.1 isn't remarkably large, but that sure is an odd area for quakes.
  12. I am encouraging people to take this time when many of us are finding we have an inordinate amount of free time, and use it to really dig in with Him. He says that if we are sheep we HEAR His voice...perhaps this is a good time to be practicing awareness of His presence in the Word and in prayer, so we can KNOW His voice out of all the clamoring voices that fill our minds. It's one thing to hear, another to know who we're hearing. I can hear many hundreds of voices in a crowd, and not not who any of the speakers is. Hearing His voice, and KNOWING instantly Who is speaking, will soon be a matter of life and death for many.
  13. I forgot to mention the quake that happened while I was composing the previous post Again, one in a place not normally associated with frequent quakes...Idaho, a 6.5 https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/us70008jr5/executive
  14. I figured I'd just revive this thread rather than start a new one. I think it's going to prove a continuation of one story anyway. When DebP first posted this I felt like the Lord exhorted me to pay closer attention to earthquakes and got the impression He was going to speak through them. Since that time I have made sure I checked the maps and kept an eye on the news for earthquakes every second day at least. I have seen a couple of odd things since, but not felt I had any revelation specific enough to share...just some interesting observations. I noticed DebP mentioned in another thread on June 30th, she hoped the gay pride parade which was televised for the first time didn't end up bringing on an earthquake. Four days later the 6.4 hit, on the 4th of July which is obviously a significant date memorializing the founding of our nation. That one turned out to be a precursor.....a 7.1 hit the next day, July 5th. I'm not 100% sure there's a direct connection, but it's certainly worth noting. I guess it's been two weeks now, since I began hearing two words in my time with Him. "Earthquakes" and "next". I know He's shared those words as an invitation to focus on Him in reference to something specific, because He has more to share about them. I have been doing that...seeking Him for understanding, but I don't claim I've had much revelation of exactly what He wants seen or even exactly how the two words are related. I'm reviving this thread because i trust that others are being given a "heads up" related to the topic of earthquakes and we know in part and prophesy in part so I'm curious what "parts" others may have to share so we can all gain a better perspective on the big picture. Observations since He refocused my attention on earthquakes last July through this thread...beginning with a general overview of the global situation into which upcoming earthquakes will fit: 2019 saw some very significant inroads into global food security. Australian drought turned Australia into a net importer of wheat for the first time in many years. Australia has been a bread basket to much of SE Asia for years. She still exports a good bit of her lower protein wheat used for feeds and some products other than bread, but has had to import much of the higher protein wheat for bread for Australians to eat. The loss of Australian wheat in the international markets has not reached crisis proportions, but it has significantly reduced the world's reserve "cushion" for wheat production. US grain farmers had a horrific year, with excessive rain and floods preventing planting on millions of acres until VERY late in the season and some 1 million acres never got planted at all. Early snow at the end of the season left unharvested crops standing in the field on hundreds of thousands more acres. The US exports about 50% of the grains we grow, so the losses are not at crisis proportions here yet either, but our reserves also took a hit. We're much less able to cope with another bad year than we were. China lost a full 50% of their ability to produce pork. Their breeding herds and animals headed for the table were wiped out by another swine flu epidemic ....fully half their herds. It would have taken 2 years to get back up to the same production levels if nothing else had gotten in the way. It takes time to raise sows to bearing age, and needing so many new sows is also cutting further into the amount of meat they can produce while rebuilding those breeding herds. And this virus has certainly slowed down progress on that front. In addition to many reports since the virus showed up, of farmers forced to liquidate chicken flocks due to supply chain disruptions and inability to feed their flocks. 30% of the protein in the Chinese diet came from pork....production of chickens was being ramped up massively to try to replace some of that protein lost when the pig herds got wiped out. Much of that effort has been disrupted by the virus. China has been buying pork from South America hand over fist in record amounts....again....global reserve capacity for food production is much less resilient to further shocks this year should they come, and exactly what effect this pandemic will have on food production is not clear yet. Something to watch. Australia had a literally unprecedented bushfire season last year. The first fires were in July and they only got worse until December when the devastation simply reached mind blowing levels. Property destruction came in at horrific levels. I was there in 2009 for the last record breaking fire season...and that was horrific. The loss of life in 2009 was much greater, but the number of acres burned and the economic cost were far, far less than Australia absorbed this year. I remember the shock of the 2009 season....i can't imagine what last year must have felt like for our friends down under. Intense fires continued all the way through January and into February....finally all fires were out in NSW in early March and what fires remained in Victoria were contained. But Australia took it on the chin economically and financially in a wildly unprecedented way. And some 34 lost lives was also inflicted on her. Something to reflect on related to this. In both 2009 and this year, MANY fires were the result of arson. There' an indicator of the social degradation and lawlessness the Bible warns us would increase and dominate at the end of this age. All of the previous was building up to what turned into a crescendo that seemed to just move rapidly from one disaster to another as 2020 opened up. January 1. 2020-01-03 General Soleimani, Iranian commander of the Quds Force is assassinated in Bagdhad. Tensions in Northern Syria, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Libya and of course Israel, already rising almost daily, ramped up to a whole new level. 2. 2020-01-07 6.4 mag earthquake near Indio Puerto Rico. Which was preceded by a 5.8 the day before. Both caused significant damage with the 6.4 causing numerous injuries and one death. 3. 2020-01-07 At least 15 Iranian missiles are launched at US occupied bases in Iraq in retaliation for Soleimani's death, bringing us within inches of a devastating regional war, that will almost certainly result in global conflict when it finally does come....and the transition from regional to global will likely be measured in weeks or less ....not months or years. Might explode into global conflict within hours. 4. Mid January the first indications a new disease has appeared begin to make it into the news. By Jan. 22nd China has locked down 40 million people and over the next week that number rises to 760 million. Fully half of China's total population is under some level of quarantine or isolation order. The Chinese economy comes to a screeching halt. 5. Mid January locust swarms begin to be reported in Northern India and Central Africa. 6. 2020-01-28 A massive 7.7 quake is followed by a 6.1 aftershock 3 1/2 hrs later in a very unusual place not known for quakes, located in the Carribean between the Cayman Islands and Jamaica, just SW of Cuba. This quake is of interest because of it's strength, notably unusual location and most of all, because of it's very, very unusual lack of aftershock activity. The area right around Ridgecrest is STILL ringing with daily aftershocks from the 7.1 all the way back in July of last year. And that is typical of almost any major earthquake. It would be strange if aftershocks were not still happening. Ridgecrest has followed the most common pattern of aftershocks that come after major quakes of magnitude 7 and above. And that is what is strange about this massive 7.7 along the Cayman trench. There was a single 6+ aftershock. For about 4 days after the 7.7 there were a few 4+ and smaller....then the region just virtually went silent. VERY atypical behaviour. A 7.7 usually results in aftershock swarms for many months, in some cases years. This one is silent....and that is worth noting. Normally you'd expect a number of 6+ aftershocks and often one or two more 7's after a quake that big. 7. February was characterize by increasing severity of every one of the previously mentioned developments (and some I haven't mentioned) but mostly not reported on due to COVID-19 dominating the news cycle. Locust swarms spread from Northern India and Central Africa to Pakistan, China, Saudi Arabia, Iran....etc. Middle East tensions continued to ferment and increase. The economic, banking and monetary after effects of this plague reach crisis proportions. 8. 2020-03-18 A most interesting earthquake struck Salt Lake City, knocking the trumpet out of the hand of the statue of Moroni on top of the Mormon Tabernacle. Now that one could easily have a symbolic message in it .And I believe it does. There is a great deal more I could list by way of recapping what preceded today, but that's enough for now. Almost two weeks ago now, the Lord impressed two words on my spirit. "Earthqukes" and "next". I have come to understand through how He has dealt with me in the past, that when He drops words into my consciousness He is inviting me to seek Him for greater understanding...He's inviting a conversation. I have learned to be careful not to assume, even when two words like earthquakes and next could EASILY be assumed to relate to each other as a time sequence.....maybe they do, maybe they don't. But I'm not assuming that unless He confirms it, and if He does then it's not an assumption any more anyway . If there are any other "watchers" out there who feel they are hearing anything related to earthquakes, please share what you're hearing. We know in part and we prophesy in part...and many parts make a whole.
  15. Fear is definitely something that needs addressing if it tries to crowd in on any believer. Perfect love casts out fear. These events are prophesied and we are warned, exhorted, to watch for them. They tell us something about the day we live in and the nearing return of our King. Anxiety is countered by knowing how much we are loved by Him....no matter what the natural circumstances look like. Choosing to hide in beautiful lies will NOT work....knowing and loving the truth will. Those who are struggling with anxiety need to be immersed in the Word that proves His love for us. Learning to see all this from His perspective, and rest in the peace that surpasses all understanding. All of that....every bit of it, has to be walked out and worked out in the context of reality, as it is, as defined by TRUTH....no matter how dire the natural circumstances look to the flesh.
  16. the fact you think fear is on display because someone is trying to point to the truth, and the necessity of being aware of and guided by it (Him), that alone is an indicator of a fear issue. And it isn't mine. We have a job to do, and understanding the terrain of the battlefield is part of any soldier's job. Pretending you are walking a level plain when the fight is in mountainous terrain will just get you killed. If the facts cause anxiety, the facts are not the problem. Denying the facts doesn't change them. It just makes sure you won't be prepared for reality as it manifests.
  17. man the twisting of statistics to match a preferred conclusion at this late stage when so much data is available simply boggles my mind. We are supposed to be lovers of truth, not seekers of propagandistic memes that support what we want to believe.
  18. man what must have been on His mind.......finally time to return home....and perform His first High Priestly duty, presentation of the firstfruits sheaf..... "Father I'm home! Look what I brought You..... "
  19. a repeat of the problems that cult caused for South Korea.....and you'd think Christians would know better. And there's another one in Louisiana that will be hitting the news very soon...
  20. that two sabbaths bit was what resolved the issue for me. And two preparation days. Which resolves the issue of why the girls had to hurry to buy the embalming spices and had no opportunity to finish that job for three days...i imagine they were not looking forward to finishing the job...but hallelujah....they didn't need to after all
  21. I think a good argument could be made that all four horsemen have begun their ride....
  22. yet the question remains....in spite of artful dodges
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