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Everything posted by RustyAngeL

  1. Kathryn Kuhlman was a woman full of the Holy Spirit. This is a beautiful video.
  2. No Obama is not the Antichrist. I do believe that the Antichrist will be a lot like Obama, smooth talking and able to take a lot of people in. But no Obama is not the Antichrist.
  3. If your talking about Soros he is not even a Christian. He is a socialist, actually he is a communist and would like nothing more then to see this country just like Russia. He's a great friend of Hillary and together they would have been a disaster for this country. Very dangerous man.
  4. If your talking about Soros he is not even a Christian. He is a socialist, actually he is a communist and would like nothing more then to see this country just like Russia. He's a great friend of Hillary and together they would have been a disaster for this country. Very dangerous man.
  5. Amen Kwik, I"m sick of it too. Pictures instead of evidence as usual.
  6. Salvation is a gift from God. It is only through the death of Jesus on the cross, His Blood covering our sins and us accepting that sacrifice that we are saved. We can do nothing to save ourselves. It is not our works but His finished work on the cross. His words from the cross.. It Is Finished, is what it is all about. Praise His Holy Name! Blessings, RustyAngeL
  7. Amen Brother! Thank you. Blessings, RustyAngeL
  8. I believe we are to live and worship everyday of the week. I don't go to church on Saturday, I go on Sunday. I worship the Lord everyday. I believe that is what we are supposed to do.
  9. That is your opinion miss. I listen to him all the time. This man preachs the Gospel. Researching????? have you ever listened to the man? He is reaching millions with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You make me shake my head.
  10. That is a great idea Willa. Things can spiral very quickly and you need to be careful.
  11. God is the creator of all. He is not the God of Mohammed, He is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. They are all the same. God became fully man in Jesus yet remained fully God. Most of us here on the forums know Jesus on a personal level. We have asked Him into our lives and have make Him the Lord and Savior of our life. He is on the throne of our hearts and that relationship is personal level because he pray, and read His word. He speaks to our hearts through His word, the Bible.
  12. We follow the word of God. I love laughter, it is really good for the soul. We live under the New Covenant, under grace and it is glorious. Walking with Jesus in total freedom and being able to share with others His Grace and Mercy is what we live for. I was able to lead my friend across the street to the Lord. He is battling alcoholism but is doing better. Being raised a Catholic he never heard the truth, but when it was given to him he wanted more. I am praying for him all the time and I'm confident that Jesus is more then able to deliver him from this stronghold. I"m so thankful he is in God's Hands now, he is like my son and I know he is safe. Again we are looking forward to sharing with you too. Blessings, RustyAngeL
  13. I don't think the USA has anything to do with Revelation 18. Where do people come up with these things?
  14. whoops I meant Pat... oh wow sorry brother!
  15. It is God inspired. For me it is God's love letter to His people. It is true, without error. It is the only weapon against the enemy, he cannot stand against.
  16. I heard it put this way. Farmers do not plant on the mountains. They plant in the valleys because that is where the most fertile soil is, it's where the most growth takes place. We could never appreciate the mountain top experiences if we didn't have the valleys.
  17. I"m getting sick of it.. And your right Kwik, who cares?
  18. I"m not sure what you think your guilty of. If you are not a believer, you all you need to do is ask for the forgiveness of God. Ask Jesus into your heart, make Him the Lord and Savior of your life. God will accept you and will be a part of His family. Welcome to Worthy and ask as many questions as you wish, we will do our best to answer them.
  19. I agree with Omega.. The Holy Spirit will quicken your spirit as to what you should and shouldn't listen to.
  20. Amen from me too Kwik... as usual your right on top of things!
  21. You keep speaking about the Church,... I believe you mean the Catholic Church, when I speak of the Church I'm speaking of the Body of Christ not a physical church.
  22. Jesus Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Savior and Lord of my life, yesterday, today and forever.
  23. I don't think insulting someone is going to get the point your trying to make across.
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