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Everything posted by JustinM

  1. We are witnessing the birth of intellectual bigotry, or what can be referred to as a "proletariat" or "peasant" uprising against "the Bourgeoisie." The middle-class is under attack in the US, the instigators of this conflict have an insatiable appetite for wealth and control. The US middle-class, being the heart and soul of the nation, is the only obstacle in the way of establishing a permanent Aristocracy and re-establishment of a feudalist society.
  2. I guess "Rest In Peace" doesn't mean what we thought it did.
  3. Now that Oregonians are "aware" of this law, maybe they will swiftly overturn it by ballot measure, or political pressure. If a 15 year old isn't capable of consenting to sex, under the law, how is he/she capable of consenting to a "sex change" operation? This is why we have to keep a close eye on our children, it used to be the neighborhood pervert we had to look out for, now they are sanctioned at our schools, government, and health care facilities and who knows where else!
  4. Replacement theology, is the mistaken belief that the Jews broke their covenant with YHWH, so YHWH transferred their birthright to the Christians and that Christians have replaced the Jews as His chosen. I disagree with that. God doesn't break His promises or His covenants. His Word is His bond. There are many wicked people in the world that intend to drive all the Jews out of their homelands and into Israel. The islamists have openly stated that they want to corral the Jews into one place and eradicate them by any means necessary. That is why anti-Semitism is so prevalent throughout the world. Lucifer is anything but subtle, we've known His plan since the Garden. He has constantly tried to attack and destroy the Jewish bloodline since it began, because he has known that it will bring about his downfall. If you really want to know whether you are doing Satan's bidding or not, just ask yourself if you are anti-Semitic or pro-Semitic.
  5. I don't think naked baby photos are a problem if they are kept in the photo album and not posted on a social network somewhere. But, it seems bizarre when parents decide to get naked with their child and have their photo taken. It makes them look like they are "naturalists" or "nudists." Who would want to get naked in front of a photographer anyway? I guess people who do this don't care about modesty.
  6. This is pure, unadulterated bigotry against Christianity. These are the radicals that do not want to live in peace with the Christians, but are probably too cowardly to confront muslims over the same thing.
  7. Let me see if I am understanding correctly thereselittleflower. On the surface this sounds like you are referring to replacement theology, please don't feel this is an accusation, against you, on my part. If I go with that premise, then that would lead to the belief that these "Zionists" are invaders and not the real heirs to Israel, they are usurpers. So, if I were an usurper and an invader of a land that didn't belong to me and I was actually doing Lucifer's bidding, what would be the point of me pretending to be God's Chosen, what would I be trying to achieve, who would I be fooling? Wouldn't I, instead, be trying to wipe out the real Jews, instead of pretending to be them? This is exactly what the U.N. is trying to do to Israel today. With its constant antagonism of and countless resolutions against them. If the modern day Israelis were merely usurpers, the UN would have no interest in what is happening to Israel. But, the truth is, modern day Israel was created in one day, May 14, 1948, prophecy was fulfilled. Before and ever since then, the world has been trying to destroy the Jewish people. I disagree with your theory and I think you need to think it through some more. I hope you come to the same conclusion that I have, that Israel is still God's chosen and it still has an important role to play in the world. It will all end in Israel one day. I feel like this could happen in our lifetime.
  8. I mentioned that a few weeks ago. We are dealing with a group of people that believe they are morally, culturally, physically, and sexually superior to all others. It is this extreme level of narcissism that blinds them to the truth about how harmful and deviant their lifestyle is. Let's just see how superior this really is when you take away all the emotionalism. Sexually. A person believes they are superior because they choose to simulate the reproductive process with someone they can't reproduce with. Does this sound like something that is smart? So, in a natural sense, (Darwinism) this is actually the stupidest thing a species can do, since it relies on reproduction to propagate the species. Physically. So, they believe they are superior to others because they can simulate the reproductive process with as many partners as they want with no risk of pregnancy. But, because homosexuals (statistically) simulate the reproductive process with so many different and oftentimes anonymous partners, they put themselves and others at risk of being infected with curable and incurable diseases and other physical, and emotional ailments that only come from this lifestyle. In a lifestyle sense, these people suffer from more diseases, shorter lifespans and preterm degradation of normal body functions, how is that superior to others that do not subject themselves or their bodies to that type of abuse/misuse? Morally. Gay pride parades, are more a demonstration of lewd and shameless exhibitionism than a celebration. Do you all remember when we were told that what goes on in the bedroom stays in the bedroom? Back then, we all at least agreed that heterosexuals or homosexuals shouldn't do that in public, but now it has moved out of the bedroom and into every facet of our lives. When have heterosexuals ever turned a celebration into a public group simulation of the reproductive process? Reproductive organs are being exposed to whomever is unfortunate enough to walk by, there is no modesty, no dignity and no respect or morality whatsoever. How is the absence of morality more superior to morality? If something doesn't exist, how can it be superior to anything? Morality is whatever they claim it is in the moment. Culturally. How has culture been improved by this group? What are their contributions? Since before Shakespeare, people have been cross-dressing for entertainment, that is not a new contribution, that is called irony, I believe. Some in these communities would say they are more educated, prestigious, and wealthy than heterosexuals, but these 3 things alone don't create culture, they may allow you to experience more of it, but experiencing a culture isn't the same as creating or enhancing it. We aren't seeing supremacy from this group, only foolish hubris.
  9. I don't get it, how can something that massive and powerful be dormant? Guess I don't understand quantum physics as well as I thought I did.
  10. When you have a lawless executive at the federal level, this is what you get, lawlessness at every level. The State Supreme Court is out of order on this one, the US Supreme Court already said it was constitutional to have this displayed on public property.
  11. You don't have to change the ideology, you just have to isolate and contain it. Importing millions of people from countries that have such entrenched ideologies is why we are losing the war against terrorism. It will be impossible for them to assimilate peacefully into Western societies. See France, Italy, UK, and US for examples.
  12. I disagreeTolken. Since we are in a cultural battle and our enemies have called their colors, we must do the same in return. But, don't trouble yourself, there are others that are willing to make a stand with this.
  13. Thanks for your comments saved_ricky, but that's the point with using the Christian Flag in the US. We are protesting the US government, so of course we would use a flag to symbolize that we answer to a higher power. Our federal government has (recently) chosen not to recognize any higher authority than itself and it's past time that it be reminded that it is wrong. It even has its own pledge: "I pledge allegiance to the Christian Flag and to the Savior for whose kingdom it stands; one brotherhood, uniting all mankind in service and in love."
  14. I see no problem with it and if I didn't live in base housing I would be doing the same thing this church is doing. Or, if you are wanting to avoid controversy, just fly the Christian flag and not fly the American Flag at all. Who is going to be upset about this? The "liberals or progressives"? We already know that they have nothing but contempt for the US Flag and the US Constitution. As a Texan, it should be Texas, Christian and US flag, in that order. J/K. But, honestly, I would fly the Christian, Texas, and US flags accordingly, to demonstrate how far the USA has fallen out of favor with its citizens. Our Congressional, Judicial and Executive branches are at the lowest favorability ratings ever. Maybe there needs to be more visible symbolic gestures from the public, since our "representatives" just aren't getting it.
  15. I've witnessed what could happen to a mortar tube if the explosive is loaded into it upside down. It was a very scary moment. It blew out the bottom of the tube and exploded in the middle of the crowd. Everyone around it had dropped down to the ground and covered their heads with their hands. Once everyone was safe, we kind laughed about our natural reflex to duck and cover, since we were all military members. It seems like, from the story, this is what happened. If the round had been loaded correctly, he probably would have still gotten a concussion from the explosion, but he wouldn't have died. Mortar/Artillery fireworks are nothing to play around with. Whoever is lighting them off, should remain sober at the very least, and ensure they are placed on a level and nonflammable surface. My heart goes out to his family, when such a catastrophic and unexpected death occurs, no one has time to prepare for it or say goodbye to the person, they're just there one minute, gone the next, the cold hard reality of life and death weighs in and compounds the loss. Also, this weekend, a 5 year old child was killed when a sturgeon jumped out of the water and collided with the girl as the boat she was in was traveling across the water. I am sure the driver was going pretty fast and there was nothing he could do to avoid the fish. But, that poor family, just out for a ride on their boat , doing everything right and just like that, their precious child is gone from this world. There is so much heartache in the world, so many people need our prayers.
  16. Since we only have hindsight, trying to correctly interpret/recognize signs and the meanings of things going on in the world is impossible. All we can do is get our lives in order, continue fulfilling the Great Commission and be busy at work helping others until He calls us home.
  17. White House linked, which to me, means the President is involved in this organization and is now threatening to sabotage the career of any Democrat that opposes his agenda. So, lets refresh how the President does business: First, he creates an agenda, Then he creates a strawman, then that strawman becomes either a target, or some unfulfilled need, Then he tries to Persuade people to buy into the need, or target, When persuasion fails, he lies to manipulate people into supporting something they wouldn't normally agree to, When manipulation fails, the President tries to discredit his opposition by ridiculing, criticizing, or chastising them publicly. When that fails, he threatens their funding, Which leads to threatening their careers. What will he do next? Threaten the lives of anyone that opposes him? Yes, people this is what despotism under the rule of man looks like.
  18. I skipped over most pages, because I don't have time to read all 7 of them, so forgive me if I am repeating what someone else has already stated. I agree with Tanusha, how someone dresses, should be up to how they want to present themselves to God. I grew up a Southern Baptist, so it took me a very long time to give up dressing in slacks and ties. But, to this day, even though I am no longer Southern Baptist, I refuse to wear shorts, sandals, flip-flops, and un-collared shirts to church. It's not that I am concerned about what others think of me, but I do want to be respectful to the Church and of course YHWH.
  19. I don't believe this is actually a symbolic reference to Jezebel. It is a comparison of Jezebel and the Church of Thyatira. Fornication, eating foods sacrificed to idols, sounds like the church was practicing and encouraging participation in the Roman Empire's culture, which was polytheistic and polysexual. Basically, the Church in Thyatira moved away from YHWH and became more Roman than Christian. Fast forward to present age and we see some major Churches in the West embracing the hedonistic culture and that they are no longer trying to set themselves apart from the world. The following link may be helpful to you: http://biblicalconnections.blogspot.com/2009/09/seven-churches-of-revelation-david-q.html
  20. This is surprising news, I thought the Hindu backlash would be against the Muslims first, but it must be the same there as it is in the US, Christians are easy targets to attack, there's no fear of backlash or violent retribution from us.
  21. Those pastors did us a service, they made it easier for us to identify who the enemy is. I wish all pro-gay pastors were so arrogant.
  22. Climate Change has nothing to do with protecting the environment and everything to do with the NWO. It starts with extorting money and redistributing wealth to developing countries. If they can get these underdeveloped countries addicted to financial aid, it will be easier to control them and force them to agree to surrender their sovereignty to a global government.
  23. Homosexuals can't reproduce so they recruit, and the age of the recruits gets younger with each passing year. (AKA sex education in Kindergarten). I feel the most compassionate thing we can do for our children now is to take them out of our public schools. They are going to be taught that this behavior is good and normal and that they should at least try it before making any judgments about it. I am tired of our children's minds being molested, now they want their bodies. Enough is enough!
  24. Bull worship was a pagan worship of fertility. In much the same way, these "pride" parades are a worship of sexual virility and in their perverted minds, the worship of sexual and cultural supremacy. Has any other social movement showed more arrogance than this one? They plant their flags everywhere, as though they are conquerors and enthusiastically celebrate their sinful lifestyle in the streets, forcing all who would oppose them to witness their ritualism.
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