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Everything posted by I_found

  1. If Americans cannot believe their own public health agency, perhaps take a look up north. Dr. Bonnie Henry in BC has a strong following. A fancy fashion designer even named a shoe model after her. T-shirts and other swag are also being made by community minded people. She has extensive experience dealing with infectious diseases. Drs Tam and Noori also very helpful. Does the Canadian PM have a Covid test daily? Absolutely not; he has them if his doctor recommends - last time was in September after he had a nagging sore throat. You cannot rely on a test to keep you safe... so your Prez claiming his daily testing as a proof he is negative, and safe to be around others without masking, is ignorant. Science is your friend. Do the Christian thing and protect your neighbour by wearing a mask outside of your home. Just takes a second; seriously. Igore the politics and just follow the your public health agency's advice. They care about people and as Christians, you should do the right thing and spend a second putting on a mask to protect your neighbour, too. And yes, that's a reasonable ask.
  2. How does one delete their account here? I'm pretty tech savvy, but even I cannot see the link to do this!
  3. Praise the Lord Almighty! Elkie thank you for this wonderful news. A creative and intelligent solution I pray sticks.
  4. Here's a news article. I feel for them. A family in my community also lost a young child this same way recently. http://www.tennessean.com/apps/pbcs.dll/ar...5/ENTERTAINMENT
  5. Ok, this is just not right... as I'm reading this thread, my nearly 5 month old pup walks wtihin a foot of mee and pees on my carpet!!!!!
  6. This topic is difficult for me to see in print. Thank you glory2000 for saying what I was thinking. As well if one desires to be educated about this topic consider some reading because if women/girls are not your concern, you will see it also affects the boys/men in a negative way when their presence, or interests in one of the girls, becomes a crowding issue as the older men plan out THEIR wishes with the girls. May God bless those who need much counselling to recover from the psychological & grooming scars. While everything you say may be true, Axxman, it's just a matter of cutting through the manure and looking at the problem at the core of this mess. The old guys DO take girls in their early teens as 'wives'. The girls ARE forced to become their wives and countless women who have escaped these cults have come out and talked about it. It's illegal and they are pedaephiles. None of the rest of their twisted doctrines are relevant.
  7. Just my 2 cents, but really don't like the term "fall". Wish people would act like & use the term "walk" into love, cause really love is a choice... no? When we walk I think we also examine our feelings, families, and compare values at more depth, so 'falling' would be less likely to happen.
  8. Hey Near! I see some good advice posted already, Amen! Listen... have you heard that communication is 80-90% body language? Remember that when using chat. So often we add "tone" to people's text that was not intended, or miss a "lol" that was there. And basically in a nutshell... we all need to be careful how and what we type... and careful interpreting... all the while remembering to love our neighbours as ourselves. If you don't see a light in the crowd, maybe you're meant to be it!... Praying for ya!
  9. I haven't read all the posts here, but am aware of a very helpful program for coping with separation or divorce, from a Christian perspective. I'm unsure if the rules here would allow me to post the website, however... so maybe your church is aware of the program?
  10. I read the book Nebula refers to, Kissing Dating Goodbye. I liked it... and I think your idea shows honour & respect to God, yourself, and your future mate ...and that is irreplaceable.
  11. Like the poem... Reminds me of Proverbs 12:18... that goes something like... "Thoughtless words cut like a sword, but the tongue of a wise man brings healing." or NIV ... "Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing."
  12. Love your neighbour as yourself... comes to mind.
  13. Going to print some of these for contemplating! Thanks!
  14. I have only read a couple posts here, but have been pondering lately on a related issue. I have heard that "communication" is 80-90% body language, and yet body language is absent in the electronic world... So I wonder with text communication, if tone and body language being absent has part to blame or shoulder in this? For example, I have seen a deceptive "tone" being implied where it was not intended. Things also can snowball and confuse & heat things up. So I guess I'm just saying we may need to be careful and gentle stating things; and careful and gentle interpreting... because we're missing a large part of the "communication"... (bodylanguage)... picture. "Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as in fact you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11
  15. I'm hooked on a Washington station. If you want to check it out: www.praise1065.com Blessings,
  16. Thanks for the gift! I can't wait to sit down with my son with atlas at hand
  17. Well Blien, I don't know the answer to your question... but me thinks IF there were other 'beings' out there... then God would love them too... Its great to have you in worthy... thanks for the post.
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