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Is It Acceptable for Christians to Swear?

Mila Friiele

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Mila, I think you're right. Christians should not swear. Although many do.

In my mind it's a small part of a larger problem, which is Christians not abstaining from sin. In my area Christians think they can sin to their heart's content, because they are forgiven through Jesus. So what difference does it make, is what they say. They believe they will be forgiven. I know this is wrong, but I gave up trying to tell them.

I think I was 28 or 29 when God put it on my heart that I should not use His name in vain. It took me several years to wipe those statements out of my speech, but I did it. When I say God or Jesus, I am referring to to God and Jesus. Period.

A few years after I stopped taking God's name in vain, He started making me aware I should not swear nor cuss at all. I haven't wiped that out completely, but I want to. It would be easier, and grand, if I could be part of a larger group of people who all don't want to speak that way. Sad to say I usually cuss to make other people take heed of my words.

I'm glad you started this thread, Mila. We all need to work on stopping our daily sins. It's not okay. I haven't succeeded neither, but I work on it daily.

May God give us all the awareness that what we do is wrong, and may God give us all strength to conquer these sins.

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Speaking as one who has had to learn to NOT swear......it's hard but doable. Once I really started listening to others talking that way, I realized how offensive it really is. If you call yourself a Christian, and choose to honor Him, you don't do it by using crude language referencing bodily functions or waste. I believe that a person can be a believer even though they swear like a sailor but......God cannot be pleased hearing that. And He DOES hear it. JMHO.......

I totally know where you're coming from. I catch myself doing it in fits of anger or impatience and when I think back on it a few minutes later it's probably the dumbest sound in the world, haha. But it annoys me to hear other people do it too, it's irritating. I know I'm not entitled to feel that way because I'm guilty of it myself (“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?" Matthew 7:3), but it serves as a reminder to myself what a bafoon I sound like using that language. Long hard road, to be sure, but I've definitely improved, and I'm hoping I can beat it all together one day.

Good for you, Tim! It will happen if you want it to and keeping asking for His help.

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Is It Acceptable for Christians to Swear?

Is it acceptable for Christ to swear?


I love that response!! That sums it up! Also, there is alot of scripture talking about how we should hold our tongue, and how destructive it can be.

My ex husband cusses at me sometimes and calls me names, and I cry. But it just makes him look unintelligent, like he can't think of a better way to get his feelings across. It makes him look like he lives by his emotions.

I rarely cuss anymore, and when I first became a christian I thought I would never be able to stop! But it is incredible what the Holy Spirit can do!

God bless!

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.... I first became a christian I thought I would never be able to stop! But it is incredible what the Holy Spirit can do....


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Guest Norrin Radd

I make no effort at all to avoid profanities in any venues that allow them. I make free and frequent use f-bombs and occasionally worse. When I was a baby Xian, I did make some effort to refrain from such speech because other Xians told me I should, not because of any conviction of conscience. But I eventually came to realize that most of their Biblical proof-texts were tenuous at best, and my conscience does not convict me to the contrary.

I do make some effort (not always successfully) to avoid directly "cursing" people. I find most of the Biblical injunctions to relate to that, which makes sense, because doing so is a violation of the basic Commandment to "love your neighbor."

I also make some effort (again not always successfully) to avoid overly casual use of "God." I do not, FTR, consider *** edited *** to be "taking the LORD's name in vain." OTC, I believe it is those who easily claim, "God told me to tell you...," who are taking the LORD's name in vain by appropriating His authority for their own spiritual flatulence.

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Thou shalt not take the Lords name in vain. While using it as a swear word fits the general understanding of the command, the major meaning of the commandment is to not take his name as your own and then profane it by living in a way contrary to who he is.

Pro 30:9 Lest I be full, and deny [thee], and say, Who [is] the LORD? or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God [in vain].

As far as using profanity when you feel it is OK to do so consider your liberty you claim to have.

1Cr 8:9 But take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumblingblock to them that are weak.

1Cr 8:12 But when ye sin so against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, ye sin against Christ.

1Cr 8:13 Wherefore, if meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the world standeth, lest I make my brother to offend.

The principle is there. Just replace meat with profanity. If it truly is not an offense to God but your brother believes it is (and many do) then why not walk charitably amongst all? Or are you so desirous of vain profane words to describe things that you cannot do without them?

In Jesus Name,


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Guest Norrin Radd

Thou shalt not take the Lords name in vain. While using it as a swear word fits the general understanding of the command, the major meaning of the commandment is to not take his name as your own and then profane it by living in a way contrary to who he is.

Pro 30:9 Lest I be full, and deny [thee], and say, Who [is] the LORD? or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God [in vain].

As far as using profanity when you feel it is OK to do so consider your liberty you claim to have.

1Cr 8:9 But take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumblingblock to them that are weak.

1Cr 8:12 But when ye sin so against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, ye sin against Christ.

1Cr 8:13 Wherefore, if meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the world standeth, lest I make my brother to offend.

The principle is there. Just replace meat with profanity. If it truly is not an offense to God but your brother believes it is (and many do) then why not walk charitably amongst all? Or are you so desirous of vain profane words to describe things that you cannot do without them?

In Jesus Name,


No, I will continue to enjoy my liberty. There may be times when I choose to exercise restraint, but mostly I will "restrain" myself from being around overly-sensitive people.

I'm well aware of Paul's arguments in 1 Cor. 8 and Rom. 14 about making concessions for the sake of others. OTOH, he showed no such concern in Col. 2 when he exhorted the readers not to submit to rules about clean and unclean foods and holy days.

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Guest Norrin Radd

I come across so many Christians who have absolutely no problem with swearing. And I mean, swearing. Since when is it okay to let loose with a tirade of nasty language? Or even the "f" word. I had lunch with a woman calling herself a Christian, who says she believes there is nothing wrong with cussing. Or swearing. Even the "f" word is okay to her. I told her we are to be in the world but not of the world. Separate and called out, but that made no impression upon her at all. Her boyfriend has no trouble speaking with every second word being "f" this and "f" that, and then telling my other unsaved friend he needs Jesus. My friend later laughed and said they are no Christians.

There's at least one woman in my church who seems to believe that swearing is not an issue either. And though she doesn't use the "f" word, I find myself bothered by her language. I haven't said anything, and honestly not sure if I will. Perhaps these are signs of people falling away in the last days.

Does anyone else have a problem with this, or am I just being too "Christian".

It creates an appearance of evil.

First of all, it does not "create" an appearance of evil. The "appearance" is in the mind of the beholder. I do not believe profane language is evil (though in some contexts it is unseemly), so to me there is no such appearance.

Secondly, if you are referring to 1 Thess. 5:22, you might want to consider a few different translations, as well as the context of the verse.

I am not so sure that a word in and of itself is evil? There are some words that are called unclean or dirty that to me are just fine. The word bastard for instance, is used in the Bible. Then there is the word used to describe a female dog. That word is used all the time in dog shows, but is considered a curse word, and there are about 3 major uses for it. One is a female dog, one is a loose woman, and one is a hateful woman. Frankly, I am not personally bothered by either, but I don't use them. Why? Because of how it looks to others. The only thing I know is wrong is using God's name in vain. That is a clear violation of one of his Commandments, and I am bothered by anyone doing that.

I would suggest that Christians refrain from the use of curse words, because it harms our testimony.

That's a matter of opinion. Which harms our testimony more -- to use coarse language, or to be viewed as a bunch of stodgy weirdos *** edited ***?

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People may choose to continue to use profanity in their lives, that is between them and God, but on this site, it is not allowed.

This is part of the Terms of Service everyone agreed to when becoming a member.

You may not post any material that is disrespectful of God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, or the Bible. This includes user names or anything in your profile, or sig. (Ex. 20:7)

You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this bulletin board to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law.

The use of profanity will not be tolerated. This includes sexually explicit, vulgar, or other profane language or usernames as well as any any signs or symbols that suggests such. Do not post sexually explicit, vulgar or offensive website addresses (URL's) to the forum. (Eph. 4: 29)

Do not continue to swear in this thread or it will be closed.

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To use God's name in vein is a no,no (sin).

Any other form of swearing is very distasteful, really not a good way to present yourself as a Christian and doesn't really help when trying to help others find Christ.

There must be a fine line in swearing when one is angry, somebody ask a question "What would Jesus do". Well lets look in scripture at some choice words Jesus used when he was angry.

Matthew 3:7

But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism, he said to them, “You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?

Matthew 12:34

You brood of vipers! How can you speak good, when you are evil? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

Matthew 23:33

You serpents, you brood of vipers, how are you to escape being sentenced to hell?

Luke 3:7

He said therefore to the crowds that came out to be baptized by him, “You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?

Now I will admit that the term "brood of vipers" isn't common here in the USA, here in the USA it would SOB's.

​Something to think about and unfortunately I don't know the answers.

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