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Ghosts and Aliens..

Guest DRS81

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Let me just say that when Jesus confronted the demoniac and asked him who he was,they announced they were legion and carried on a conversation with Jesus,knowing exactly who they were addressing as they called Him "Jesus,Son of God".....satan had the arrogance to tempt Jesus(GOD) in the wilderness and even tried to use the scriptures as he tempted Jesus.....a demon scoffed at the the apostles as they tried to cast him out in the Name of Jesus and he said,''Jesus I know,but who are you?"........having discernment is the first step but we must have on the full armor of God,being protected with the shield of faith and having the sword of the Spirit(the Word of God)deeply ingrained in our hearts........Jesus Himself used the Word of God to rebuke satan and sent us His Holy Spirit that we may access His power that works in us and the authority He has given us to step on serpents and scorpions........it is much deeper than merely calling Jesus name,we must access His power.Jesus wouldn't even allow the apostles to go out to preach etc...until they received His Holy Spirit in the Upper Room on the day of Pentecost because they had not yet been fully committed to Him.

      All manifestations that appear as the embodiment of the deceased are angels,I believe some are from the heavens that may appear as a loved one that you would trust to perhaps warn you of impending danger or harm and others are the fallen angels(demons)but that is it,,,,no ghosts,no aliens.

     Perhaps raising Samuels spirit was the one exception that God made but by the yelp that the medium let out it shows us that she was a farce and more than likely more  surprised than Saul was that a spirit actually manifested ....I believe it was a heavenly angel of God taking the appearance of Samuel to deliver the message from God and that is the basis for my thoughts in my latter statement,but that is my interpretation,not his ghost but of course God can do whatever He chooses to do.

     God bless everyone who reads this and I only say these things to encourage all to pray for the wisdom and understanding of the Holy Spirit and to receive the indwelling of,in the name of our Lord and Savior,Christ Jesus and I plead His precious blood over us all.....                                                                  Glory to God,Kwik

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Clearly, it's either or, can't be both. And yes, we are sold truth mixed with lies, devil does mimic God successfully time and again.  It's like nowadays when you buy something advertised by containing some certain ingredient and when checked the amount of the hyped ingredient is usually almost nonexistent.


Also, what is constantly repeated theme in Jesus' teaching is the deception of the end times.


One thing is for sure, whatever it seems to be, it is rather easy to test if any supernatural activity is of God; simply bring the name of Jesus against it.

good idea,

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This has been an interesting topic for me lately.

So, I do need confirmation on this.

I'm looking for truth using scripture only.


I believe ghosts and aliens do not exist.

I believe "ghosts" are really Satan's fallen angels.

I believe our bodies rest,

but our spirits will either be in heaven or in hell after death.

I also believe Ezekiel's wheel in the Bible was not a UFO.

Rather, Ezekiel's wheel was a vision from God in Heaven.

So your job is to convince me otherwise using scripture.


I believe..

1. Ghosts - Are not ghosts, rather they are Satan's fallen angels playing games.

2. Ghosts - Do not exist because our spirits will be in heaven or hell after death.

3. Aliens - Do not exist. Ezekiel's wheel was really a vision from God.

4. Satan's fallen angels - They can use shadows and also move things.

5. Hollywood films/books - A billion dollar industry profiting off of our ghost/alien imaginations.

The truth shall be revealed. - DRS81 :mgdetective:


Well, I can't post any Scripture to convince you otherwise; there is none.  I believe exactly as you do but....it will be interesting to follow the progress of this thread.  :mgbowtie:

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God 'IS' Spirit and is unbounded in all things the are made... the minute you apply the thoughts of God in your heart you immediately try

to bind Him in your comfort of your own existence! The problem with this is reducing the actual Who of God to that of less and you

begin to form an idol of your own making and God becomes an invented god of your own fashion... To prevent this we must conform to

The Scripture and Holy Spirit and rest wherever we are allowed in The Word-> as we see The Lord of Scripture exceed past our abilities

and out of sight... We worship God in part till we are made able to in His presence to worship Him fully -by His making us able to do so-...


So ghost, aliens etc. are mere shadows of Spiritual realities of God's realm of the unbounded and nothing is impossible for Him in His

good pleasure!

2 Kings 6:17-18
17 And Elisha prayed, and said, "Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see." Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man,

and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. 18 So when the Syrians came down

to him, Elisha prayed to the Lord, and said, "Strike this people, I pray, with blindness." And He struck them with blindness according

to the word of Elisha.

The Scripture tells of the air literally being filled with spiritual presence and our elevation of first birth and sensual authority therein  

prevents us belief in the area of our God's domain of unbounded possibilities so stated by The Son

Luke 18:27

27 But He said, "The things which are impossible with men are possible with God."

Love, Steven

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And although, theoretically, we have power over these evil entities in the name of Jesus, it isn't wise to wish to directly interact with them so that one could give them a Christian smack-down, because not many people are equipped to do so.



Especially unbelievers who are not equipped with the armor of God. They are most vulnerable to the wiles of the devil and possession. I say to the unbeliever reading this, please turn from your mediums and ask Jesus into your hearts now. Stop playing with fire, and seek his face. Do NOT underestimate the devil, know your enemy. Leviticus 19:31 “Do not turn to mediums or necromancers; do not seek them out, and so make yourselves unclean by them: I am the Lord your God. Peace be with all.

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So your job is to convince me otherwise using scripture.


I don't feel like convincing you of anything, your free to believe whatever you want to.

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Let me just say that when Jesus confronted the demoniac and asked him who he was,they announced they were legion and carried on a conversation with Jesus,knowing exactly who they were addressing as they called Him "Jesus,Son of God".....satan had the arrogance to tempt Jesus(GOD) in the wilderness and even tried to use the scriptures as he tempted Jesus.....a demon scoffed at the the apostles as they tried to cast him out in the Name of Jesus and he said,''Jesus I know,but who are you?"........having discernment is the first step but we must have on the full armor of God,being protected with the shield of faith and having the sword of the Spirit(the Word of God)deeply ingrained in our hearts........Jesus Himself used the Word of God to rebuke satan and sent us His Holy Spirit that we may access His power that works in us and the authority He has given us to step on serpents and scorpions........it is much deeper than merely calling Jesus name,we must access His power.Jesus wouldn't even allow the apostles to go out to preach etc...until they received His Holy Spirit in the Upper Room on the day of Pentecost because they had not yet been fully committed to Him.

      All manifestations that appear as the embodiment of the deceased are angels,I believe some are from the heavens that may appear as a loved one that you would trust to perhaps warn you of impending danger or harm and others are the fallen angels(demons)but that is it,,,,no ghosts,no aliens.

     Perhaps raising Samuels spirit was the one exception that God made but by the yelp that the medium let out it shows us that she was a farce and more than likely more  surprised than Saul was that a spirit actually manifested ....I believe it was a heavenly angel of God taking the appearance of Samuel to deliver the message from God and that is the basis for my thoughts in my latter statement,but that is my interpretation,not his ghost but of course God can do whatever He chooses to do.

     God bless everyone who reads this and I only say these things to encourage all to pray for the wisdom and understanding of the Holy Spirit and to receive the indwelling of,in the name of our Lord and Savior,Christ Jesus and I plead His precious blood over us all.....                                                                  Glory to God,Kwik



There is no scriptural support for the first part of your sentence.  Anywhere in the Bible where God sends His Angels to deliver a message, they never masquerade as something or someone else.  If an entity is posing as something or someone else, other than what it is, it is not from God.  God does not use deception or subterfuge to deliver a message.  And we are told to never consult with spirits, only to test them.  Dead people don't come back.  They can't.  Their spirits cannot depart from where they are right now, either in Heaven or Hades. So if a spirit appears to someone as a departed human being, that "person" is either a fallen angel, or a demon.  There aren't any other options.  They can use the illusion of being "good," but it will not stand up under a test or scrutiny.  Anytime a person says they encountered a ghost, or aliens or apparitions, this is always demonic, or fallen angel activity.  And a person shouldn't be dabbling in it at all.  And although, theoretically, we have power over these evil entities in the name of Jesus, it isn't wise to wish to directly interact with them so that one could give them a Christian smack-down, because not many people are equipped to do so.  We may have power over them, in the name of Jesus, but how many people know how to effectively use that power?  They have more knowledge than us about the extra dimensions they are working in which we cannot.  So it is best, when one encounters this to renounce the thing in Christ's name and leave the scene.


sometimes you can't just leave and have to learn to deal with it.  there is an area at Tinker Air Force Base where the morgue was during WWII that has all kinds of things going on.  I had to work there off and on for over 30 years. long story short it got to the point that I had to pray before arriving there and ask the Holy Spirit to keep them at bay.  I could still see them, but they could not mess with me, or move my stuff around.  Several people that I know would not work there at night by themselves.   Then one lady who thought them simply ghosts would invite them to spend the weekend at her home.

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Not that I am trying to defend anything that I believe to be a possibility,other one,but I do hope I was very clear in saying that my "non-scriptoral'' statement about Gods heavenly angels appearing as a deceased person was only something I beleive to be possible because of my interpretation of the "samuel incident'".......thank you for bringing attention to this because I would never want anyone to be mislead or mis-informed by something I may have said,,,,,,,,I will confirm what you have said if I was not clear the first time......what I think may be a possibility is and has never been backed up by scriptures!....Phew,I feel much better now,Love you all........             God bless you all,Kwik

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Not that I am trying to defend anything that I believe to be a possibility,other one,but I do hope I was very clear in saying that my "non-scriptoral'' statement about Gods heavenly angels appearing as a deceased person was only something I beleive to be possible because of my interpretation of the "samuel incident'".......thank you for bringing attention to this because I would never want anyone to be mislead or mis-informed by something I may have said,,,,,,,,I will confirm what you have said if I was not clear the first time......what I think may be a possibility is and has never been backed up by scriptures!....Phew,I feel much better now,Love you all........             God bless you all,Kwik


Not that I am trying to defend anything that I believe to be a possibility,other one,but I do hope I was very clear in saying that my "non-scriptoral'' statement about Gods heavenly angels appearing as a deceased person was only something I beleive to be possible because of my interpretation of the "samuel incident'".......thank you for bringing attention to this because I would never want anyone to be mislead or mis-informed by something I may have said,,,,,,,,I will confirm what you have said if I was not clear the first time......what I think may be a possibility is and has never been backed up by scriptures!....Phew,I feel much better now,Love you all........             God bless you all,Kwik

I know from personal experience that there is much concerning the dark side that is not spelled out in detail in scripture; it's not the purpose of the Bible to teach us of their workings.  I also think it best not to deal with it for most people.....   there are many many things that I really wish I didn't know.  Life would be much easier to keep a positive sense about.  While I'm looking forward to getting to the end of this present age I must say that some knowledge makes me not look forward to the trip.

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I agree with the start post but of course it is hard to back up all things with scripture on a solid level. However, concerning the Gen. account I differ, believing the sons of God were of the Seth line and not fallen angels. I can find no place that the sons of God are ever called fallen angels and I also could not find any valid claims of woman becoming pregnant with such encounters. However, I know that is most likely already on another thread. There is most certainly evil spirits all around us and they can cater to our desires to win us over. I do believe all ghost/aliens on this earth are demonic. However, there is what seems to be a variety of different creatures and/or angels in the presence of God. Are they all angels or are there other creatures up there as well. Time will tell. 

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