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Are the unrighteous allowed to preach?


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how do you judge a man's living as righteous?  do you measure his actions against those around him? 2Co 10:12 KJV(12)  For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise. or do you measure his actions according to the perfect standard of Jesus?  if you measure a man's actions by Jesus' perfection, then who can be qualified to preach the gospel? and who is qualified to judge another man's living as unrighteous? Rom 2:1 KJV(1)  Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things. Php 1:15-18 KJV(15)  Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife; and some also of good will:(16)  The one preach Christ of contention, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my bonds:(17)  But the other of love, knowing that I am set for the defence of the gospel.(18)  What then? notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice. Php 1:18  What then? only that in every way, falsely or truly, the preaching of Christ goes on; and in this I am glad, and will be glad.

On a previous quote I said that I'd have to read the previous verse in context with Php 1:18 but didn't realize that the previous verses you posted were the ones in context with Php 1:18. Sorry about that I was a little sleepy that night. Thank you for your addition to the answer.
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God is opportunistic. A not so godly man came and preached a sermon to another church, and I still remember it because it was God's word. The Holy Spirit used it in my life. It was 40 years ago and he preached on the little foxes spoiling the vine. Sometimes it is the little things that eat at us and spoil our testamony.

I don't condone ungodly people as pastors. They should be examples in love and grace to others. But I don't limit God. Where ever the Word is preached, God's Spirit can move.

Men in adultry and other grevious sin should be removed from the pulpit. These men can be given other jobs by the churches should they repent but should not be placed back in the pulpit as a senior pastor. A child molester should not be placed near children again. A thief should not be made the church treasurer, etc. They must prove themselves worthy of trust in their new position. Should they continue in sin they face removal from fellowship. Just my opinion. The Corinthians were upbraided for being tollerant of sin in there midst, not even their leadership.

1 Cor. 5:11 But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother, who is sexually immoral, or covetous, or and idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner---not even to eat with such a person.

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I tend to believe - based on what I have read in the bible - not truly based off of my beliefs - but I believe that if a woman is sleeping around with man after man, an alcoholic and a drug addict and doesn't even believe in following God's word - and this woman is trying to preach about "getting right with God" before too late - yes I don't think she would be in any state to preach to anyone - the same goes with a man who's knowingly living in sin. Because in the bible it does say in Luke 6:42 to "take the beam out of your own eye and then you will see clearly to take out the beam that is in your brother’s eye" So what the unrighteous should do before preaching to anyone, is to take the beam out of their own eye and then they're able to take the beam out of someone else's eye. Also, before they can put someone else's spirit in subjection with their flesh, he/she must first put their spirit in subjection with the spirit of God. So, now the unrighteous should not preach anything that they have no daily practice in themselves because preaching is no more than testimony of what you know, what you've been through and who brought you thought it and the God who brought you through it can bring others through their situation as well....

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Mathew 7:2 and up I believe. Katrina had the right of it. Do not preach anything that you yourself cannot follow. The scripture should be enough for anyone, but if it is not, how does that look if you preach do not commit such and such sin to someone then the person you are preaching to sees you commit that same sin? You may become the reason someone does not find salvation.

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"Preach the Gospel endlessly. When necessary use words" - St Francis


To me this says it all.

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I agree that there are people in the ministry who according to our standards should not be there...yet, just as God puts one leader in and removes another, I believe that we are perhaps given a minister who is either chosen by us or for us , who should not be in the ministry but God chose to use that person to suit His purpose. God is in control...is He using that person to humble the people or to draw them closer to Him. God does not need to explain His reason to us. In all things we need even in the case of a minister to trust God and pray for that person. Perhaps prayer will change the minister's heart if enough pray for him/her. Who knows the mind of God or His will. What about some of the wonderful old song writers whose experiences God used to draw man to seek God's face.

Happy clappy Christians....there should be more of us...we are the redeemed who trust God and know that no matter what our circumstance God is in control ...IF we let Him lead. Have I been frustrated by a minister or circumstance ....you bet, but then I pray ...Father I can do nothing....You can. Your will...that I don't understand...but I have to trust because YOU are in control.

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Happy clappy Christians....there should be more of us...we are the redeemed who trust God.

Preachers ought, of course, to be good examples. Are we not all called to preach? When you know someone well enough to know if they are caught up in sin and still preaching, well, does it give you pause to reflect on your own life? How small a thing as getting angry can affect how others see Christ in you when you talking with them about God? Or any number of other things people judge each other on. Can you find me one righteous preacher? Are any of us righteous? In Christ alone we are righteous. God can use anyone, including a preacher possibly caught in a habitual sin, even if it is to show us what we look like when we preach others should live such and such while we don't. Would this be a really good reason to be regularly attending a church, so that each member can be held accountable, in love?

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Guest shiloh357

How can someone be a credible preacher if his words and actions don't agree?   Paul in Romans 9 discussed this very thing.  HE said that He kept himself disciplined so that after preaching to others he would not end up being disqualified for ministry. 


When someone is living in sin, they are not qualified to preach.

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I always seem to pick the wrong titles for my threads. I know that none of us are perfectly righteous, and if we think we are then we have a case of over righteousness which is a very bad thing in God's eyes. So the question is how righteous should we be before we go out into the world to try to spread the Word of God? Should someone who has bad habbits such as smoking, drinking or fornicating try to bring people to the Lord or should they be cleansed of these sins before trying to help people? I mean say that we try to save someone by trying to teach them the gospel, and we hide our flaws in front of them, then they catch us at a bar smoking a cigarette talking to a woman, what will they think of what we have preached to them then? See what I mean. I'm not judging preachers or anyone I'm just trying to find out if its best to be quiet and try to renew our own spirit before we try to help others.

There are several places in the Bible that say that people who practice certain sins shall not inherit the Kingdom, and that we should judge those within the church. Listed are sexually immoral, covetous, idolaters, extortioners. 1 Cor. 5:11, adultry, fornication, uncleanliness, lewdness, idolitry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries (those that practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God) Galatian 5:10-21, fornictor, unclean person, covetous man who is an idolater, Eph 5:5; fornicators, idoliter, adulterers, homosexuals, sodomites, thieves, covetous, drunkards, revilers, extortioners, cheaters, 1 Cor. 6:8-10; dogs(sodomites), sexually immoral, murderers, idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie, Rev:22:16

It should be clear that the people who habitually and continually practice these things and make them a life style are those that are spoken of. They aren't speaking of those who have occasionally fallen and have completely repented of these sins, for of such were some of us at one time. But Christ has redeemed us and cleansed us from these things. So fornication should no longer be practiced if one wants to be a preacher of the Word. That means the person should either be legally married or should be celibate. An alcoholic should be abstaining from alcohol. A homosexual should be abstaining from the practices.

Notice that it doesn't mention playing cards, dancing, smoking, or having an occasional glass of wine, or many of the other things that holiness people might name as evil. Dress codes are not mentioned, nor the type of music one plays or listens to. THESE are not the types of things we should be judging others about. But we should not associate with people who call themselves Christians who habitually practice the things that will exclude them from heaven. Nor should they be in the pulpit preaching the gospel. That makes a mockery of God.

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I think many are in danger when it comes to fornication. Many Christians believe its ok to be intimate with the one you love before getting married, (I was one of them), and many prefer to not get married but still live together as they were married (which usually falls under the unequally yoked category). It's probably just as important to try to remove a Christian from sin as it is to try to save unsaved souls, because according to the Word neither will inherit the kingdom of God.

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