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Rapture before the antichrist in Matthew 24


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7 minutes ago, Last Daze said:

Similar experience here, too.  There's nothing to be gained from giving preference to one's biases.  The truth remains the same and prophecy will come to pass according to the will of God, not the wishes of men.

This is a point worth noting. We just do not know.

Has it occurred to us that the powers and principalities are fully aware their time is short, yet deliberately instigate strife among believers so that we will not fulfill the Great Commission.  A Diabolical Delaying tactic to thwart God's plans.

Every breath we use in internal disputes is a breath wasted. Maybe we should rethink our priorities here?

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1 hour ago, Revelation Man said:

So I was shown Babylon is not a city, its not a place, its not NYC, America etc. etc. etc., its a CODE WORD alright, but its a code word for the Governments of the earth as lead by Satan.

It's a term used for both the influence of Satan's kingdom on the human race (spiritual), AND a city that embodies that influence (natural).  It's spiritual activity that's ever-present but only periodically manifests in the natural realm as a city.  I personally believe that when a natural manifestations of Babylon as a city occurs, it's linked to the activity of certain evil spirit beings, namely, the prince of Persia, prince of Greece, etc. essentially the seven heads of the dragon.  

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24 minutes ago, Last Daze said:

certain evil spirit beings

Holy ones that have been cast down will figure broadly in the coming Cosmic confrontations. As in heaven so on the earth.

It will be a conflict for the prize, the City of Our God - Zion, the mountain of the Lord that spans both heaven and earth.

It will be a battle that defies our present abilities to recognize, yet we believers and the Holy ones of God will clean house both on the earth and in heaven. It will be dramatic and the prophets and all the Eschaton(s) point to this as best they can, but it may be beyond our current imaginations. It will be COSMIC...

Edited by Justin Adams
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On 2/16/2020 at 5:30 AM, Revelation Man said:

Which means EXACTLY what I stated..........If the earth is not Organized that means its fabric has not yet formed, and its an EMPTY SPACE.  You are fighting a losing battle. You will understand exactly how old the Universe was/is when you get to Heaven. I am going to spread the truth now however so as not to push people away fro m the truths of God. People already to wrong by celebrating Santa Clause, thereby our kids think Jesus is just another "WHITE LIE" when they get to college and learn things these college professors teach them, you see, they give them half truths of Satan, they show them facts and tell them {in an off handed manner} that Christians believe the earth is 6000 years old, you can't believe anything your folks tell you man !! Which is why they need to be told the truth, so they have a shot at understanding, they can say "HEY.....I know the universe is 13.7 billion years old, but God Created it over 13.7 billion years". 


Actually we  an see back through time with our modern telescopes to see what happened millions of years ago, didn't you know that ? The Hubble Space Telescope can see objects even more distant than your eyes can. When it takes a picture of a galaxy 100 million light years away, we are seeing the galaxy as it looked 100 million years ago.

So we can see the Galaxies forming in some instances. Galaxies still form, the Universe is expanding.

Shalom, Revelation Man.

Sorry for the delay, but this is my THIRD attempt at answering this post! 

First, that's not what I said. You don't understand the word "earth" in the Bible. When the Bible uses the word "earth," it's not talking about the PLANET! It's talking about the LAND, the SOIL, the DIRT! The planet was already there; it was the SURFACE of the planet that was all mixed up and disorganized! The Scriptures are NOT saying that it was "EMPTY SPACE!"

Second, I'm not going to "Heaven"; nobody has, does, or will! There's no such promise in Scripture. How do people usually describe "Heaven?" "Streets of gold, pearly gates, mansions, etc.?" All of this really describes the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21, 22)! And, we don't go to it; it comes down to us on the Renovated Earth!

Revelation 21:1-4 (KJV)

1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away (literally); and there was no more sea. (The Land was prepared for the New Jerusalem's landing.) 2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven (Greek: ek tou ouranou = "out of-the sky"), prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 3 And I heard a great voice out of heaven (the throne) saying,

"Behold, the tabernacle (Greek: hee skeenee = "the [Bedouin] tent") of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. 4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away."

On 2/16/2020 at 5:30 AM, Revelation Man said:
Scientist refer to it as a biospheric dome, of course its not a real dome per se, its used in a metaphorical way, the gravity creates and atmospheric dome.

Call it what you may, I will use this terminology. 

Whatever. Just know that it's not truly a dome.

On 2/16/2020 at 5:30 AM, Revelation Man said:
I don't worry about Evolutionists; they are wrong, but so are you guys. Think about it, if you are wrong, and you are, then you are doing what they are doing on the other extreme. They cause people to not follow God because they have been deceived and thus they in turn deceive others. You can't reach those they have deceived because they can't buy your 6000 years {what they see as fairy tale} creation story. Our job is to reach people by using truth. If you get to heaven {and this will happen} and you find out the Universe is actually 13.7 billion years old, then how will you feel? By the way, that WMAP Map actually shows the Universe as mapped out by Microwaves, its a REAL PICTURE !! We have a picture of the Universe.

I really believe that you, being duped by some of the arguments of Evolutionists, are more wrong than we. All we need to do is galvanize our kids against ALL the arguments of Evolution! Microwaves are just another form of electromagnetic radiation - light - at a different frequency, less than radio waves, but more than infrared waves, frequencies between 1 and 100 GHz, wavelengths between 0.3 m and 3 mm. We CAN'T "see into the past" by looking at light waves because God created the LIGHT WAVES, not the sources that supposedly produced those light waves! Your "real picture" is a FABRICATION based upon the presuppositions of the Evolutionary timescale! In other words, THEY SEE WHAT THEY WANT TO SEE, WHAT THEY EXPECT TO SEE!

And, vicariously, so do you.

On 2/16/2020 at 5:30 AM, Revelation Man said:

Modern Hebrew has only 33 k words, there are no Vowels in Hebrew !! The Hebrew at Jesus' time had like 8 K words, and at the time Genesis was written had only 3 K words, not the 4 K I thought, {I learned that tonight}. So that is all that matters, when Genesis was written.

Well, that's a nice fiction, but let's investigate that claim a bit....

According to Wikipedia, there were 8198 words. Furthermore, there ARE vowels in Hebrew, they just aren't listed in the alefbet ("alphabet"), but they have names just the same:

There's the qamets (which I transliterate as "aa" and is like the "aw" in "saw"),
the patach (which I transliterate as "a" and is like the "ah" in "father"),
the segol (which I transliterate as "e" and is like the "eh" in "bed"),
the tsere (which I transliterate as "ee" and is like the "ay" in "day"),
the chireq (which I transliterate as "i" and is like the "e" in "bee"),
the chireq with yod (which I transliterate as "iy" and is like the "e" in "bee"),
the cholem (which I transliterate as "o" and is like the "o" in "doe"),
the cholem with vav (which I transliterate as "ow" and is like the "ow" in "rainbow"),
the qibbuts (which I transliterate as "u" and is like the "oo" in "moon"), and
the shureq (which I transliterate as "uw" and is like the "oo" in "moon").

There's also the sheva (which I transliterate as nothing and is either silent or a shwa).
When it is silent, it makes the consonants before and after it a consonant blend.
When it is a shwa, it makes a short quick sound like "uh" in "appoint". Indeed, the word "shwa" comes from the Hebrew word "sheva."

Today, these are all represented with vowel pointing, when provided for children or foreign adults, but the vowel sounds have ALWAYS been present in Hebrew, even if only understood by the reader. Even today's Hebrew newspapers do not contain the vowel pointing.


According to Ghil'ad Zuckermann: The number of attested Biblical Hebrew words is 8198, of which some 2000 are hapax legomena (the number of Biblical Hebrew roots, on which many of these words are based, is 2099).

Did you know that Moses was counted as a grandson of the Pharaoh of Egypt? Have you heard of the complex Egyptian language and its day-to-day usage? Did you know that Moses, as the son of Pharaoh's daughter, was TRAINED in all the knowledge of Egypt? For the first 40 years of his life, he was learning BOTH languages (as well as other languages in which Egypt did its commerce)! 

On 2/16/2020 at 5:30 AM, Revelation Man said:
It means a PERIOD OF TIME or an EPOCH. It most certainly does. The Universe is 13.7 billion years old, not 6000 years old.

Nope. Yowm means a 24-hour cycle of light and darkness, a "DAY." The Universe may LOOK like 13.7 billion years old through the rosy lenses of the Evolutionist, but death is the RESULT of sin, and sin didn't start until Chavah ("Eve") broke God's law, led her husband, Adam, into breaking God's law with her, and Adam sinned WILLFULLY against Him.

When Adam sinned, their consequence was to suffer the pangs of death, and that passed on to the rest of the globe and its creatures. THAT'S when death began! You, like the Evolutionists before you, paint a picture of death for MILLIONS of years, since the first protozoa began to live! That's fundamentally WRONG and CONTRADICTS God's Word!

On 2/16/2020 at 5:30 AM, Revelation Man said:

There was were 400 Million Years of DARKNESS....that's why the Evening CAME FIRST !! You get it now ? Then TO BE HOT........The Stars started forming, that is why its called a Day, God's Days of Creating went from DARKNESS for 400 Million Years to STARS {to be hot}. Our Sun was not Created until 4.5 billion years ago and thus was not around for the first 9.2 billion years, thus the First Day lasted 9.2 billion years. The same guys that can't see this can't see the Rapture !! It is what it is, brother.

"Stars" are not called that because they are "hot." The Hebrew word for "the stars" is "hakowkaaViym" (Genesis 1:16) and means "the round objects."

On 2/16/2020 at 5:30 AM, Revelation Man said:
It's mapped out; we can see back in time; we have a picture of it, and by using the constants, we know exactly why the universe had to be the size it is. 

It's a Map of the Universe that shows God's holy word Holy Word is correct via THE DARKNESS, and you are so proud of your belief, you are going to miss out on that great thrill of a discovery. You see, when I tell Atheists these things it shakes them to their core because I have one-upped their lies. The Universe, being CREATED, now makes sense. God even spoke that there was DARKNESS on the face of the deep, and the sun was not created on the fourth day because the stars came first; THEN the Sun was created, and the Seasons came about on day four because the Earth and Moon CLASHED into each other, then the moon became our satellite. I love how Atheists run when I explain the Creation as it actually happened unto them. But  they aren't afraid of what you guys are telling them at all, they still think their logic wins out. 

And, yet again, you think to contradict what the Scriptures say. Your teachings are a strange amalgamation of the truth of God's Word TWISTED and the teachings of Evolution.

On 2/16/2020 at 5:30 AM, Revelation Man said:
Facts...you can't follow them because you are too wed to an IDEA, brother. No one [in OEC] believes in Evolution; that's just you speaking that jargon. We believe [that] God created the Universe over a 13.7 billion year period of time and that God created man 6000-[and]-some-odd years ago.

I'm following the TRUE facts, just as God presented them to Mosheh ("Moses") to write down, not this strange day-age theory Y'ALL present. Knowing that God has nothing to fear from human beings such as we are, He would have had no qualms about saying the truth, if these "days" were actually millions of years long! Why couch the truth in a six-day representation?

The answer is simple: HE DIDN'T! He actually accomplished it all in six twenty-four-hour days! The burden is on YOU to accept WHAT HE SAID JUST AS HE SAID IT! Don't resort to excuses: "He meant that" or "He means this" or "He didn't really mean that"!

You tell me: How is it possible for grass, herbs, and fruit trees (Day 3) to survive for millions of years without the sun (Day 4)?!

On 2/16/2020 at 5:30 AM, Revelation Man said:

Let me ask you to be honest as the day is long here, do you really believe Adam named ALL THE ANIMALS in ONE DAY ? Come on now, did he [or] did he not ?

Most assuredly he did. YHWH God's Scriptures SAID he did! That you can't accept the Scriptures as written tells everyone a truth about YOU! Adam was not just some caveman or Neanderthal! He was the EPITOME of our human race! It's all been "downhill" from him!

Some individuals today have a photographic memory; I believe that they are the few who have what ALL should have had! AND, I believe that Adam had that capability, too! He not only named them all (by genus, not necessarily by species), but He remembered them all from that point onward!

God's whole point was to show Adam that, out of all the various animals and their mates that He created, there was NO mate for him. This gave Adam a willingness (and an anticipation) to undergo what God was about to do for him! God put Adam into a deep sleep (anesthesia), took a bone from his bones (a rib containing marrow and red-blood t-cells), and made a female (XX chromosomes) from him (XY and XY chromosomes). Technically, this was NOT an act of creation (bara') but an act of making (asah)! God made a female CLONE of him, as perfectly female as Adam was perfectly male! Adam called her "ishah," the feminine form of "iysh," meaning "man." After Adam had sexual relations with her, he called her "Chavah" meaning "Life," because she was the mother of all "chayiym" or "living human beings." (Later, her name was transliterated into Greek as "Eve," spelled "epsilon-upsilon-epsilon" technically pronounced "eh'-weh.")

On 2/16/2020 at 5:30 AM, Revelation Man said:

You see, the sixth day lasted for 300 million years until God RESTED, and we are still in Gods rest. This way Adam could name all the animals over MANY YEARS and that is what happened, of course. 

"... of course" NOT! That's a POOR opinion you have of your own ancestor! Must I remind you that he became a FARMER? Even with a perfect environment and good crops, that occupation would require much work, especially in light of the consequences of his sin against God!

It's also a POOR opinion of the GOD you claim to have! The God, YHWH, I know and serve is not a "static God"; He is a "DYNAMIC God!" He only took the ONE 24-hour day off! He is CONSTANTLY overseeing and perpetuating His Creation! He's an Artist at all levels of His Creation! He makes the quasars, nebulae, dust clouds, and supernovae we see in space! He makes the snowflakes that fall each winter, the frost that forms on window panes, and the crystalline structures found in caves and caverns! He is CONSTANTLY at work! HE makes the cute puppies and kittens and chicks and ducklings and cygnets! HE makes the plants to grow and produce food! Don't for one moment make the mistake of thinking He's still at rest!

On 2/16/2020 at 5:30 AM, Revelation Man said:
Seasons were created when the moon became the earths Satellite, it most certainly was, you might want to look it up, the earth and moon clashed about 4 billion years ago and that is why we have the Seasons we do, without the moon this earths weather would be nigh uninhabitable, we would have waves 1000 feet high, and 1/3's of the earth would have no sun, and ice would cover most of the earth etc. etc. Without the moon we would have really VIOLENT WEATHER, Google that and see if I am right, I didn't just right that blog sir, I studied for months on these things. Here is a tidbit of what I found BELOW:

What would happen to Earth’s Climate and Weather if we had no Moon?
Anthony Watts / February 15, 2019
A provocative hypothetical question: What if the Moon was not there? Video follows.

This giant rock lights up the night and can even change colors. So what would we do without it? Would we all need night vision goggles? How would it affect the ocean tides? Our seasons? Or our sleep cycles? Or would the consequences be far more drastic?

As the closest celestial body to our planet, the moon exerts a gravitational pull that governs much of what happens here on Earth Take the sea, for example. If you like surfing, you can thank the moon when the moon’s gravitational pull tugs on our spinning Earth, the oceans respond, giving us high tides in some parts of the world, and low tides elsewhere.

The Earth would speed up it’s rotation, giving us days of six to eight hours long.

Rotating at that speed, we would experience winds up to 480 kms per hour (300 mph). Birds and insects would have no chance of survival.

Earth’s axial plane would vary by some 10 degrees, causing dramatic shifts in seasons, and rendering our climate uninhabitable. Most crops would die with the drastic temperature changes. We’d experience the worst ice ages known to man, as huge glaciers from the north and south poles would encroach upon the Earth, covering everything except perhaps a small band along the equator.

Go to YOUTUBE and TYPE IN......What if we lost the moon ?

You can watch a 3 1/2 minute video on the subject. So I am pretty spot on here, brother; there would basically be no life on earth without the moon, and thus the Fourth Day gave us our SEASONS, go read it again !! 

First, you need to understand that there's a HUGE difference between not having the moon and losing the moon! However, since Day 4 of Creation, we have had the Lesser Light in our skies.

Second, I'll say it again, the seasons were the result of God putting the earth at a 23.5-degree tilt to the plane of our solar revolution, our ecliptic plane. It was the start of day and night that determined the spin of our planet to the light of God. It was the creation of the Greater Light that established the fact that the spin of our planet would be non-orthogonal to our path around the sun upon the ecliptic plane.

According to WeatherQuestions.com,


The seasons are caused by the tilt of the Earth's rotational axis away or toward the sun as it travels through its year-long path around the sun. The Earth has a tilt of 23.5 degrees relative to the "ecliptic plane" (the imaginary surface formed by it's almost-cicular path around the sun).

Can you understand that? So far, this has NOTHING to do with the "Lesser Light."

Without a doubt, the pull of the lunar gravity causes the tidal effects, although the sun's gravity affects them, as well. If the moon and the sun are pulling in the same direction or at opposing directions, we have a "spring tide." If the moon and the sun are pulling at near-90-degree directions from each other, we have a "neap tide."

On 2/16/2020 at 5:30 AM, Revelation Man said:
Well we know the Asteroid that hit in the Gulf of Mexico wiped them out some 70 million years ago brother. We are using oil that came from the Dinos right ? They couldn't survive that asteroid strike, so you might say God wiped them out in order to bring mankind forth.

Or, so goes the THEORY, again, in step with Evolution doctrine!

We actually have another global event that happened and wiped out most of the dinosaurs - the FLOOD of Noach's time. We don't need the theory of an asteroid striking the planet; we have the breaking up of the earth's crust, when the "fountains of the deep" were broken open.

On 2/16/2020 at 5:30 AM, Revelation Man said:

These animals do not have Souls. They return to the earth and, IMHO, when God creates the New Jerusalem He will recreate many of these animals, who will keep their simple lives forever, but they will never be like us men who become immortal souls. Now I can't prove this, its just an educated guess. But I do know they are not immortal like mankind. 

The animals do not have souls; they ARE souls, just as we are! The word "soul" is a translation of the Hebrew word "nefesh" (some write "nephesh") which means an "air-breathing creature!" Furthermore, all animals are not "nafshiym" (the plural of "nefesh"). Many of what we call "animals" are not air-breathers, such as fish and other aquatic animals!

And, this time, I agree with you. I also believe that when God forms the New Earth upon this planet and lands the New Jerusalem upon it, He will recreate many of these animals, who will keep their simple lives forever, but if they do, then they, too, will BE immortal souls - immortal air-breathers - just as we shall be!

And, another thing we learn from prophecy is that they will not be carnivorous at all! They will all be docile and herbivorous. (I anticipate riding a triceratops one day.)

On 2/16/2020 at 5:30 AM, Revelation Man said:

What we do know is via Nuclear Fusion the Universe had to be the EXACT SIZE it is or the Universe would have never came into being. 

Universe size matters!
Besides spiritual reasons, there are also physical constraints on the minimum (and maximum) mass of the universe. The universe could not have been much smaller than it is in order for nuclear fusion to have occurred during the first 3 minutes after the Big Bang. Without this brief period of nucleosynthesis, the early universe would have consisted entirely of hydrogen. Without helium (comprising ~24% of the matter in the universe), heavy element production in stars is not possible, so that no rocky planets would have ever existed in the entire history of the universe.

Likewise, the universe could not have been a much more massive than it is, or life would not have been possible. If the universe were just one part in 10/59 more massive, the universe would have collapsed before life was possible. Since there are only 10/80 baryons in the universe, this means that an addition of just 10/21 baryons (at 1.67x10−27 kg/baryon equals 1.7 mg of matter - equal to a grain of sand) would have made life impossible! The universe is exactly the size it must be for life to exist at all.

This is all hypothetical to support the theory of the Big Bang, but that's not how God performed His Creation.

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20 hours ago, Last Daze said:

It's a term used for both the influence of Satan's kingdom on the human race (spiritual), AND a city that embodies that influence (natural).  It's spiritual activity that's ever-present but only periodically manifests in the natural realm as a city.  I personally believe that when a natural manifestations of Babylon as a city occurs, it's linked to the activity of certain evil spirit beings, namely, the prince of Persia, prince of Greece, etc. essentially the seven heads of the dragon.  

The prince of Persia was Apollyon, he then was over Greece, and Rome before God locked him in the pit. But according to how God defines it on the book of Revelation, its the PEOPLE He defeats at Armageddon. 

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14 hours ago, Retrobyter said:

Shalom, Revelation Man.

Sorry for the delay, but this is my THIRD attempt at answering this post! 

First, that's not what I said. You don't understand the word "earth" in the Bible. When the Bible uses the word "earth," it's not talking about the PLANET! It's talking about the LAND, the SOIL, the DIRT! The planet was already there; it was the SURFACE of the planet that was all mixed up and disorganized! The Scriptures are NOT saying that it was "EMPTY SPACE!"

Second, I'm not going to "Heaven"; nobody has, does, or will! There's no such promise in Scripture. How do people usually describe "Heaven?" "Streets of gold, pearly gates, mansions, etc.?" All of this really describes the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21, 22)! And, we don't go to it; it comes down to us on the Renovated Earth!

Revelation 21:1-4 (KJV)

1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away (literally); and there was no more sea. (The Land was prepared for the New Jerusalem's landing.) 2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven (Greek: ek tou ouranou = "out of-the sky"), prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 3 And I heard a great voice out of heaven (the throne) saying,

"Behold, the tabernacle (Greek: hee skeenee = "the [Bedouin] tent") of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. 4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away."

Whatever. Just know that it's not truly a dome.

I really believe that you, being duped by some of the arguments of Evolutionists, are more wrong than we. All we need to do is galvanize our kids against ALL the arguments of Evolution! Microwaves are just another form of electromagnetic radiation - light - at a different frequency, less than radio waves, but more than infrared waves, frequencies between 1 and 100 GHz, wavelengths between 0.3 m and 3 mm. We CAN'T "see into the past" by looking at light waves because God created the LIGHT WAVES, not the sources that supposedly produced those light waves! Your "real picture" is a FABRICATION based upon the presuppositions of the Evolutionary timescale! In other words, THEY SEE WHAT THEY WANT TO SEE, WHAT THEY EXPECT TO SEE!

And, vicariously, so do you.

Well, that's a nice fiction, but let's investigate that claim a bit....

According to Wikipedia, there were 8198 words. Furthermore, there ARE vowels in Hebrew, they just aren't listed in the alefbet ("alphabet"), but they have names just the same:

There's the qamets (which I transliterate as "aa" and is like the "aw" in "saw"),
the patach (which I transliterate as "a" and is like the "ah" in "father"),
the segol (which I transliterate as "e" and is like the "eh" in "bed"),
the tsere (which I transliterate as "ee" and is like the "ay" in "day"),
the chireq (which I transliterate as "i" and is like the "e" in "bee"),
the chireq with yod (which I transliterate as "iy" and is like the "e" in "bee"),
the cholem (which I transliterate as "o" and is like the "o" in "doe"),
the cholem with vav (which I transliterate as "ow" and is like the "ow" in "rainbow"),
the qibbuts (which I transliterate as "u" and is like the "oo" in "moon"), and
the shureq (which I transliterate as "uw" and is like the "oo" in "moon").

There's also the sheva (which I transliterate as nothing and is either silent or a shwa).
When it is silent, it makes the consonants before and after it a consonant blend.
When it is a shwa, it makes a short quick sound like "uh" in "appoint". Indeed, the word "shwa" comes from the Hebrew word "sheva."

Today, these are all represented with vowel pointing, when provided for children or foreign adults, but the vowel sounds have ALWAYS been present in Hebrew, even if only understood by the reader. Even today's Hebrew newspapers do not contain the vowel pointing.

Did you know that Moses was counted as a grandson of the Pharaoh of Egypt? Have you heard of the complex Egyptian language and its day-to-day usage? Did you know that Moses, as the son of Pharaoh's daughter, was TRAINED in all the knowledge of Egypt? For the first 40 years of his life, he was learning BOTH languages (as well as other languages in which Egypt did its commerce)! 

Nope. Yowm means a 24-hour cycle of light and darkness, a "DAY." The Universe may LOOK like 13.7 billion years old through the rosy lenses of the Evolutionist, but death is the RESULT of sin, and sin didn't start until Chavah ("Eve") broke God's law, led her husband, Adam, into breaking God's law with her, and Adam sinned WILLFULLY against Him.

When Adam sinned, their consequence was to suffer the pangs of death, and that passed on to the rest of the globe and its creatures. THAT'S when death began! You, like the Evolutionists before you, paint a picture of death for MILLIONS of years, since the first protozoa began to live! That's fundamentally WRONG and CONTRADICTS God's Word!

"Stars" are not called that because they are "hot." The Hebrew word for "the stars" is "hakowkaaViym" (Genesis 1:16) and means "the round objects."

And, yet again, you think to contradict what the Scriptures say. Your teachings are a strange amalgamation of the truth of God's Word TWISTED and the teachings of Evolution.

I'm following the TRUE facts, just as God presented them to Mosheh ("Moses") to write down, not this strange day-age theory Y'ALL present. Knowing that God has nothing to fear from human beings such as we are, He would have had no qualms about saying the truth, if these "days" were actually millions of years long! Why couch the truth in a six-day representation?

The answer is simple: HE DIDN'T! He actually accomplished it all in six twenty-four-hour days! The burden is on YOU to accept WHAT HE SAID JUST AS HE SAID IT! Don't resort to excuses: "He meant that" or "He means this" or "He didn't really mean that"!

You tell me: How is it possible for grass, herbs, and fruit trees (Day 3) to survive for millions of years without the sun (Day 4)?!

Most assuredly he did. YHWH God's Scriptures SAID he did! That you can't accept the Scriptures as written tells everyone a truth about YOU! Adam was not just some caveman or Neanderthal! He was the EPITOME of our human race! It's all been "downhill" from him!

Some individuals today have a photographic memory; I believe that they are the few who have what ALL should have had! AND, I believe that Adam had that capability, too! He not only named them all (by genus, not necessarily by species), but He remembered them all from that point onward!

God's whole point was to show Adam that, out of all the various animals and their mates that He created, there was NO mate for him. This gave Adam a willingness (and an anticipation) to undergo what God was about to do for him! God put Adam into a deep sleep (anesthesia), took a bone from his bones (a rib containing marrow and red-blood t-cells), and made a female (XX chromosomes) from him (XY and XY chromosomes). Technically, this was NOT an act of creation (bara') but an act of making (asah)! God made a female CLONE of him, as perfectly female as Adam was perfectly male! Adam called her "ishah," the feminine form of "iysh," meaning "man." After Adam had sexual relations with her, he called her "Chavah" meaning "Life," because she was the mother of all "chayiym" or "living human beings." (Later, her name was transliterated into Greek as "Eve," spelled "epsilon-upsilon-epsilon" technically pronounced "eh'-weh.")

"... of course" NOT! That's a POOR opinion you have of your own ancestor! Must I remind you that he became a FARMER? Even with a perfect environment and good crops, that occupation would require much work, especially in light of the consequences of his sin against God!

It's also a POOR opinion of the GOD you claim to have! The God, YHWH, I know and serve is not a "static God"; He is a "DYNAMIC God!" He only took the ONE 24-hour day off! He is CONSTANTLY overseeing and perpetuating His Creation! He's an Artist at all levels of His Creation! He makes the quasars, nebulae, dust clouds, and supernovae we see in space! He makes the snowflakes that fall each winter, the frost that forms on window panes, and the crystalline structures found in caves and caverns! He is CONSTANTLY at work! HE makes the cute puppies and kittens and chicks and ducklings and cygnets! HE makes the plants to grow and produce food! Don't for one moment make the mistake of thinking He's still at rest!

First, you need to understand that there's a HUGE difference between not having the moon and losing the moon! However, since Day 4 of Creation, we have had the Lesser Light in our skies.

Second, I'll say it again, the seasons were the result of God putting the earth at a 23.5-degree tilt to the plane of our solar revolution, our ecliptic plane. It was the start of day and night that determined the spin of our planet to the light of God. It was the creation of the Greater Light that established the fact that the spin of our planet would be non-orthogonal to our path around the sun upon the ecliptic plane.

According to WeatherQuestions.com,

Can you understand that? So far, this has NOTHING to do with the "Lesser Light."

Without a doubt, the pull of the lunar gravity causes the tidal effects, although the sun's gravity affects them, as well. If the moon and the sun are pulling in the same direction or at opposing directions, we have a "spring tide." If the moon and the sun are pulling at near-90-degree directions from each other, we have a "neap tide."

Or, so goes the THEORY, again, in step with Evolution doctrine!

We actually have another global event that happened and wiped out most of the dinosaurs - the FLOOD of Noach's time. We don't need the theory of an asteroid striking the planet; we have the breaking up of the earth's crust, when the "fountains of the deep" were broken open.

The animals do not have souls; they ARE souls, just as we are! The word "soul" is a translation of the Hebrew word "nefesh" (some write "nephesh") which means an "air-breathing creature!" Furthermore, all animals are not "nafshiym" (the plural of "nefesh"). Many of what we call "animals" are not air-breathers, such as fish and other aquatic animals!

And, this time, I agree with you. I also believe that when God forms the New Earth upon this planet and lands the New Jerusalem upon it, He will recreate many of these animals, who will keep their simple lives forever, but if they do, then they, too, will BE immortal souls - immortal air-breathers - just as we shall be!

And, another thing we learn from prophecy is that they will not be carnivorous at all! They will all be docile and herbivorous. (I anticipate riding a triceratops one day.)

This is all hypothetical to support the theory of the Big Bang, but that's not how God performed His Creation.

I know there are THREE to answer.....I have to do these long ones when I have time because I don't like answering without reading the replies, its a mutual respect thing with me. If I reply I must read and put forth a detailed reply. So its INCOMING in the next day or so. I just been busy, lots of honey do lists going on. 

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22 hours ago, Justin Adams said:

This is a point worth noting. We just do not know.

Has it occurred to us that the powers and principalities are fully aware their time is short, yet deliberately instigate strife among believers so that we will not fulfill the Great Commission.  A Diabolical Delaying tactic to thwart God's plans.

Every breath we use in internal disputes is a breath wasted. Maybe we should rethink our priorities here?

True. But remember there is a great and necessary diversity within the oneness of the body of Christ:

There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.

Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines."

All contribute and move forward the plan of the Lord. The Gospels contain a great many truths and one is the Return of the King. I don't see that as a barrier to salvation or edification. 


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On 2/22/2020 at 2:44 AM, Revelation Man said:

So I was shown Babylon is not a city, its not a place, its not NYC, America etc. etc. etc., its a CODE WORD alright, but its a code word for the Governments of the earth as led by Satan. Babel means confused, Babylon hence means mankind is confused by Satan. In Rev. 16:19 when Jesus defeats the Kings of the WHOLE WORLD {as the 6th Vial says/calls them} God calls those He defeated Babylon the great in verse 19. God calls them that, I saw it, and the holy spirit was like, there is your answer Ron.....I had asked why so many Christians had multiple answers on who Babylon is, who the Harlot is, what the Beast is and I got.......Because you guys already know it all Ron. So I started asking for insight instead of assuming things of old. That one action began to allow the holy spirit to teach me/flood me with things I had not seen before, like Babylon being the Government side of the two headed coin. The False Religious Harlot RIDES the Satanic Government Beast down through the ages, From Egypt to Babylon to the Anti-Christ. 

Just a code word? A detailed description in Rev 18 and labeled a city a dozen times is code? :th_frusty:

On 2/22/2020 at 2:44 AM, Revelation Man said:

The timing doesn't matter if the Evidence is there for the Pre Trib Rapture of the Church.

Hate to break this to you but 'Pre' trib is timing. Means 'before' Tribulation. So is guess timing is vital as it's right there in the name.

On 2/22/2020 at 2:44 AM, Revelation Man said:

Once someone sees these patterns, like the Jewish Wedding Pattern, the Seven Feasts Pattern, the Church in Heaven in Rev. 4 and 5 before the Seals are opened, etc. etc. he can start to see these things.

Is that right? I don't see anywhere in the Gospels or Epistles where we are told to look to the past to get a handle on the future. In reality this epistemology is refuted by Jesus and Paul, notably;

"Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”" In context it's about following the Lord but still holding on to the former life; which I see as analogous to looking back at the feasts to interpret eschatological matters. 

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23 hours ago, Last Daze said:

It's a term used for both the influence of Satan's kingdom on the human race (spiritual), AND a city that embodies that influence (natural).  It's spiritual activity that's ever-present but only periodically manifests in the natural realm as a city.  I personally believe that when a natural manifestations of Babylon as a city occurs, it's linked to the activity of certain evil spirit beings, namely, the prince of Persia, prince of Greece, etc. essentially the seven heads of the dragon.  

I agree. In addition it appears Satan will build the city on earth in opposition to heavenly Jerusalem which comes down from God. Like staking a claim as ruler of the earth embodied in a city. A vile caricature. 

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55 minutes ago, Diaste said:

All contribute and move forward the plan of the Lord. The Gospels contain a great many truths and one is the Return of the King. I don't see that as a barrier to salvation or edification. 


Agreed, when we can have a decent talk about it without the strife and accusations that most definitely are a bad witness.

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