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Everything posted by da_man1974

  1. Agreed. But there are many instances where they are not contradicting. It's just a different interpretation. Another example. The church I go to now takes communion every Sunday. The church I used to go to only did it once per month. Is one of these churches teaching a false doctrine?
  2. Correct but it is also interpretations. Just like people have been debating in this thread about emersion versus sprinkling for baptism. You may see they have to be fully emerged and someone else may say they have to only be sprinkled. Neither one is contradicting the word of God. But people went point at the other one saying they are teaching false doctrine.
  3. I think I would have to agree with you. I have family members and have worked with folks that are members of SDA.
  4. Some people may view interpretations different from their own as false doctrine. Kind of like the old debate that KJV is the only Bible to read from. That being said, I notice that many forums allow people an anonymous outlet to post what they think with not any real repercussions.
  5. I have a question about these verses. Why do they say there are 6 things God hates 7 that are detestable to Him. Why not just say 7 things God hates?
  6. My personal belief. I think demons are affecting you. You have the power of the blood of Jesus Christ to expel any of these things that may be tormenting you. It says in Ephesians that we are fighting in the spiritual realm already. Put on the full armor of God. I don't think you need someone else to pray over your house (although it may help). But if you pray sincerely God will answer your prayers and bind these demons. It is a battle to fight everyday though.
  7. Some men from our church were out one day doing something (I don't remember what). Anyhow there was a guy on the street corner with I sign that said anything helps. So one of the guys bought a hamburger and took to him. The guy took it kinda begrudgingly. They finished whatever they were working on and noticed the guy was gone. The fellow that bought him the hamburger walked over where the guy was sitting and there was more than just his hamburger sitting in the bushes behind where the guy was sitting.
  8. It is obvious by your tone that it will do me no good trying to have a meaningful discussion with you. Good bye Posts like this are the ones the leave me thinking if worthy is the place for me??? SMH
  9. I guess the think I struggle with is the fact that you could do a yoga position and not even know it. Like playing with a little kid on the floor and then before you know you are in the downward dog position. Then you are doubly wrong because you may cause that younger one to stumble. Or if my hip flexor hurts so I decide to stretch it by bringing my leg up like whatever that yoga tree position thing is to stretch it out. I just think we may be getting a little legalistic about things.
  10. Agreed. Partially. I think we can get into symantics here. What if the exercise/stretching you are doing, happens to be one that is called yoga in the class down the street. My point is I guess if you are intentionally going into looking for some higher spiritual association or whatever then that is wrong. But if you are looking for ways to release stress and loosen up your body, I think the stretching really helps.
  11. I think doing yoga is fine and helpful. Just not the meditation aspects that some people bring into it.
  12. Yes I believe so. Hell would be a total separation from God. Which leads me to wonder how can anything exist being totally separated from God.
  13. Isn't it God who gave you life and raised you with selfless love? And God says He will make Himself known to all creation. So although you may never have met Him personally He will make Himself known.
  14. I kinda think a belief in God boils down to faith. Either you have faith that He exists or you don't. For me, I cannot foresee any situation that would make me believe that He doesn't exist. There is just too much evidence in nature, peoples lives, etc.
  15. I don't think you should feel bad at all if you take him to court. He is not upholding his obligations. You need to do what is best for you and your kids.
  16. Right. They just believe in something
  17. Here is a pic of the festival as it is starting.
  18. I agree with you. But didn't Paul also say that when they were traveling through a town they did work and what not so they wouldn't be a hindrance to anyone?
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