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Everything posted by ENOCH2010

  1. Most people here have studied the Bible and form their own opinions from the Bible not from other peoples words. By the way your links don't work
  2. If they are all in the past you'll have to show them all having been fulfilled
  3. It's no wonder why those countries want us to protect them
  4. Correct Daze, The Bible in Rev.20 is easily understood if people would put aside their pet theories at believe it as written.
  5. The liberal amongst us can't be weighted down with truth. They think they can hide but their words reveal who they are.
  6. All the pre-tribers will take to the streets worse than the hillery voters
  7. obummer ain't gunna do nothing, The riots will stop when law enforcement arrests the thugs, that isn't going to happen until the new administration take over.
  8. The non college kids haven't had their heads pumped full of the liberal garbage.
  9. Why not go with land mass, say 50 sq. miles = 1 vote
  10. can somebody translate hobo's posts for me
  11. shep is gay, and Geraldo is a liberal, fox is trying to give a voice to every group.
  12. Ezra you were right with everything you said except "and the resurrection of the church was even before that". You know as well as most here there is no proof of a pre-trib rapture in the Bible.
  13. Proof in the Bible about a pre-trib rapture ___NO____ Proof in the Bible about a post-trib rapture ___YES ____ It really is that simple !!!!
  14. Are the tribulation saints not going to be part of the church?
  15. Yes it is relevant, Rev 19 is speaking about the second coming of the Lord. The ones the Lord brings with him are the saints that have died for the past 2000 years, not the so called bride of Christ. The rapture happens at this moment in time (not 7 years prior as the pre-trib doctrine teaches). When the Lord has gathered his church we go to Israel, not to some mystical place called heaven.
  16. The Bible says "to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord", the group coming with the Lord in Rev. 19 are all the righteous that have died since the Lord went back to the Father.
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