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Everything posted by ravindran

  1. Sister, there is no disagreement here. I will stand by your side to proclaim no one can lose Salvation. I just quoted what Arminians would generally believe. The point is, doesn't mean Arminians can lose their Salvation just because they think so!
  2. I think this is just another way to ask about a person's belief in Once Saved Always Saved theology I don't think a person can lose salvation. I would like to make a correction though. A person's name is not written when the person accepts Jesus. The name is written when God regenerates the person. This probably answers the question. Because if salvation is based on our acceptance of Jesus Christ, then everyone would lose it, get it back, lose it, get it back every day! I would have lost it long while ago! Because Salvation is God's doing, no amount of rebellion from me can separate the Jesus from me. That's why our names are not going to be removed from Book of Life. I will post one of many verses which confirms this in Bible. We read on John 10, 27 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. 28 I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them away from me, 29 for my Father has given them to me, and he is more powerful than anyone else.[d] No one can snatch them from the Father’s hand.
  3. As per Arminians, many Calvinists are wrong when it comes to Salvation. They think Calvinists believe in OSAS, but they can lose their salvation anytime. Nothing is guaranteed As per Calvinists, many Arminians are wrong when it comes to Salvation. They think Arminians believe salvation is part because of what they did. And what they did does not matter and they are probably not truly regenerated. As per Protestants, Catholics are not saved because they believe in traditions outside of Word of God As per Catholics, Protestants are not saved because they believe only in half truth. You see the trend here? We can add more denominations here. There is only one way to heaven, that is through Jesus Christ. Faith on Jesus Christ and the Cross. There is no question Catholic church drives away people from true Gospel message. It does not mean, anyone who claims to be Catholic can ever be saved. Just my humble opinion.
  4. I see lot of self answered questions You are right, there is no place in heaven for idolaters. Similarly, there is no place in heaven for any sinner. Because no unholy thing can be in the presence of God. When it says there is no place for such people, it means what they are identified by. Every believer sins. Everyone is a sinner. But God does not see our sins, instead righteousness imputed through Jesus Christ. That is exactly the same reason I believe there are many Catholics who are truly saved and will spend eternity with us! I love John MacArthur, wonderful preacher and very passionate about Word of God. I do disagree with him on many areas and this would be one of them. There is no harm in that.
  5. Hello Spock. Every point you have mentioned, comes from tradition and not Word of God. That is the problem. Bible does not confirm any of these things. Going by Bible, maryology is idolatry. regarding your other questions, I truly believe there are many Catholics who are truly saved and we would see them in heaven. Because Salvation is not based on how good a life we live. Salvation is from God. No one is perfect. And we all have our own idols.
  6. Denial of God's creation and order. Man can call himself woman and vice versa. People can marry others of same sex if they like. And now they push the same agenda to kids. To deny their uniqueness. That's what I feel it is all about
  7. Absolutely agree! people think parents enforce "gender expectations" on kids. I saw another thread on this as well. But kids have a natural gravitation towards certain things. I have 2 girls. Both of them hold baby dolls perfectly in their hips, cuddle them and so on when they were like 7 or 8 months old. My niece, would hold the dolls upside down and try to beat other with it. He had no how to hold it. God did create boys and girls different. There is uniqueness that God put in. We cannot deny it. It is wrong to deny the uniqueness. Equality does not mean exactly same.
  8. Will keep you in prayers brother. Let God's peace surround you
  9. I have heard a few sermons from him. He sounded like a solid preacher. Sounded like a genuine preacher with burden for middle east. If I am right, he is originally from Egypt. That would explain the accent.
  10. There is uniqueness in nature for boys and girls. God did create men and women differently. Men and women are wired different. In the name of equality, people try to destroy this uniqueness. That is wrong.
  11. The verse does not actually say there are secrets. It is people who called them as secrets or deeper truth. Actually Lord is calling it "false teaching". Meaning, telling something as deeper truth of satan is a false teaching. The devil is nothing but deceiver. I am pretty sure he would be happy when people think there is some deeper truth about him! We should not fall for it. We see that very much happening even today. As another poster said, scientology and all these cults.
  12. I have it. Have had it for many years. You will get used with it. After a while, you would not even notice it. I did not even realize those floaters until now. After reading about it, I can see it I would suggest not to worry too much and get into any risky procedures. It is such a small thing. Annoyance will go away pretty soon
  13. Yes, God did choose Israel. While Lord chose nations and people, it would be incorrect to say Lord "caused" or "made" someone to reject Him. God chose Israel and other nations rejected Lord. If God did not choose Israel, they would have also rejected Lord. Pharaoh did rejected Lord and it was his own sin and hardness of heart. Lord did not intervene and restrain his wickedness. Lord chose not to stop Pharaoh. That is the right perspective to look at it. That is what it means when it says Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart. He simply let is harden
  14. Actually I meant to say "revives" and not revises Sorry about that. We read in Titus 3:5 he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, This is ESV. Some translation simply uses rebirth in place of regeneration. It would make sense. It is the act of God when He gives us spiritual life. He revives or renews us from spiritual death. And I believe regeneration is the only way a person can have faith. This is true from the time of fall of Adam. What has changed after Pentecost is indwelling of Holy Spirit and not regeneration.
  15. It is God who makes us 'freely' choose Him. Due to original sin, our inclination was to reject Him. We rejected Him freely. We were spiritually dead. It is God who regenerates and revises us spiritually. In regenerate state, we 'freely' choose Him. Which is our faith in Christ.
  16. The answer to the question is going to depend on context. Why people generally consider drinking beer or wine to be sin? Because of alcohol in it. Even cold medicine have alcohol in it. Do we avoid taking medicine with alcohol? It is acceptable because we don't get "drunk", it does not stumble another believe, does not damage body, it is for a genuine reason to make us get better, it is very limited in quantity. It is not a sin every time alcohol touches our lips. There is no limit to say exceeding a certain quantity becomes sin (like the legal rules for driving!). Even a single cup of alcohol can cause another person to stumble, which is sin. There is no yes and no question and depends on the context and situation. We just have to remember the golden rule. While something might be permissible, it need not be beneficial. We should strive to do things which are beneficial and bring glory to Lord.
  17. Not trying to play with semantics here. Not seeing the truth is different from not being capable to see the truth. Being blind is, not being capable to see. Atheists are perfectly capable of seeing the truth. And they have seen the truth and rejected it. Trust me, I know where you were. Because I was there. More than that, I will trust Bible which tells where everyone one was once!
  18. I think this is where you are missing the point. When you were an atheist, you were NOT blind. You absolutely saw the truth, but rejected it. Atheists are people who close their eyes and say everything is dark. It is NOT being blind.
  19. That is Jesus left us with Holy Spirit, Comforter. We need to keep going back to Jesus when we are tired. It will keep happening again and again. As long as we are in this world. We have to keep going back to Jesus and cling on to His promises.
  20. I thought that was the reason. I am not sure very sure about it though. I have never done enough research on this myself. I have only done study on how it applies to us today I might have been completely wrong with my previous statement though
  21. Bible has all answers w.r.t our relationship with God. It also has many other "bonus features" Which are not necessary for our salvation, but enriches our spiritual wisdom. Debates and Apologetics are needed because answer is not there. Because people reject the answer. And we have so many denominations because people like to disagree on the bonus information.
  22. Paul continues to say that nevertheless death has been there from the time of Adam. People die even though they did not have a direct command from God on what they should follow (like Adam). Before Mosaic Law, God did not give direct commandments to people. They still sinned and died. Verse 12 confirms the same. We read below in verse 20 of chapter 1. Every one had something revealed to them about God, His power and divine nature. And it clearly says people are without excuse. People will be judged by what was exposed to them and if they had faith based on what was exposed to them. For some it might have been just through consciousness. Romans 1:20 - For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
  23. I have seen successful marriages where the girl is slightly older than boy. Me and my wife are almost same age. She is just few weeks younger than me. It has been working out pretty good for us. I think it does not matter who is older. I think 5 to 10 years is the max. Otherwise, the difference is more than a decade and we know how things get so different in few years. It would feel like people from 2 generations are living together
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