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Gluttonous Winebibber

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  1. (Matthew 13:37-42) If you understand this, then you know the mission, which is to see to the success of the seed. (2 Corinthians 3:5) (1 Corinthians 7:7) The bible makes mention of many people that received gifts of knowledge,power, and the like from God. (1 Corinthians 12:4-6) (1 Corinthians 4:7) If you understand this then you know that it is your effort that matters to God, and not that you consider yourself more capable than others, for it is not your own capability but Gods, and he knows best who is capable of handling certain things. Therefore, if you spend no effort to use the gifts God gives you for helping those without, who need help, well you should feel upset by this, and you will now understand why this is written (Matthew 25:30). It is your own guilt that calls you to action, so spring into action! (Revelation 21:8)
  2. For me nothing made sense until I legitimately read my bible, prayed for understanding, and started asking questions. Everything is built on this.
  3. I would say consider the story of Jonah in the bible, specifically Jonah 4:11. Jonah was upset that God did not destroy those people, but God basically described the situation, that he has only ever had our best interest in mind, and would forgive anyone who truly repented. What does it mean to repent towards God? Pray and read the bible to learn of Gods personality, and more importantly, what he wants you to do. This takes patience and humility.
  4. I always thought of it as being in the same line of thinking as God and his will (which is perfectly described throughout the bible, that he had a plan for us). For if we are in the same line of thinking, then we also are in the same line of planning, creativity, and execution (Luke 14:28) to fulfill his will. Again, this is to spread the word. If you therefore have need of God's assistance in this matter at any time, he will do whatever you need to get it done, but only when asked for the interest of his will, and you put forth your best effort to not let his gifts go to waste. In this we are rewarded in many ways.
  5. In all the bible I never remember children and their return being mentioned, BUT, I do know that no dead child will return only to enter heaven (John 3:5), because all humans are first born of flesh, and later born of spirit, so this honor is reserved for the tried and true of the aged (sifted wheat and all that). However, with god being the all loving being that he is, it might seem plausible for them to be brought back to life.
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