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Everything posted by Tzephanyahu

  1. It seems you cannot teply in Q&A, by design. However, you can in every other section. Love & Shalom
  2. Amen sister... Then Yahweh called Samuel. Samuel answered, "Here am I." - 1 Samuel 3:4 Now there was a disciple at Damascus named Ananias; and the Lord said to him in a vision, “Ananias.” And he said, “Here am I, Lord.” - Acts 9:10
  3. Shalom @CaptWalker Just to offer an alternative view to the above... I believe His timing will be apparent to you when it comes. Sometimes, whilst eagerly waiting for Yahweh to instruct us, we can act prematurely and cause problems because of it. Consider the examples below: Sarah impatiently waiting, convinced Abraham to bare a son through Hagar instead, creating one Israel's biggest enemies Moses, eager to save his people, killed an Egyptian. It was 40 years later that his ministry would actually start Israel impatiently waiting for Moses, created a golden calf Aaron sons, impatiently waiting to offer correct and orderly service, offered "strange fire" before Yahweh and died because of it Moses impatiently struck the rock when asked only to speak to it, and forfeited his entrance to the land. King Saul, impatiently waiting on Samuel, offered the sacrifices himself and lost his appointment because of it King David, impatiently rushing the Ark of the Covenant incorrectly to Jerusalem, lost a man who tried to steady it on a cart There are many other examples we could choose from the OT. But even in the NT -Consider Peter impatiently offering to build three tabernacles for Moses, Elijah and Yahushua (Jesus), only to be lightly reprimanded for it, for example. When man tries to hurry God's plan along, it often has negative repercussions. Now Yahweh can transform all these repercussions to a greater good, but the question remains "should we therefore impatiently rush forward and have Him sort it out later?" Let's look at the Messiah for a perfect example of patience to serve His Father: Yahushua waited until about the age of 30 before starting his ministry Yahushua worked His first miracle with reluctance, but out of mercy, for Miriam (Mary) at the Wedding of Cana, as it wasn't time. Yahushua refused to present Himself publicly as Messiah until the final Passover week, when riding on a donkey. As it wasn't time to do so beforehand Yahushua didn't rush to heal His dear friend, Lazarus, but waited for instruction from the Father. Even though it meant Lazarus would die because of it There are many other examples we can find of His patience and timing, but this message is already becoming too long! Basically - there is a balance: You should always represent Yahweh and His Son and always act faithfully according to the Word. You should be as a light to all around you. That should be consistent and constant and shouldn't ever wait to do this. Neither should you wait or delay to do good works and give to those who are in need. However, BIG moves like moving nation, starting a church or ministry or something life-changing - then wait on Him to confirm it for you. When He does, you won't need to post on this forum to double-check. You'll just KNOW that you know that it is what you are meant to do. And I'm sure it will be something that utilises all of your past experiences and skills amazingly! So continue to serve Him faithfully. Stay in His Word and prayer regularly and be prepared in heart to act when our King summons you to a mission. Noah was in this good place when Yahweh summoned Him to a great mission. Yet before He was called to do so, He lived a long life of simple and faithful service. Love & Shalom
  4. Shalom @Melinda12 Fear not. This is a test for you as much as it is for the world. Trust in Him and His goodness. Be bold and confident in our Refuge and Fortress, to be a light of example to others, not buckling under fear. This is a time when people, without God, may be looking at you to see how you deal with this. Their hearts may be failing them but yours should not be. We have a great hope and strong rock of deliverance! This is a time when your faith in His Word is tested, so trust. A time much worse than this is to come. So, if this is a struggle for you, take the opportunity to refine your faith now, before the harder latter days come. You have to prepare your heart to trust in Him and His faithfulness, regardless of the "facts" you are being told by the mainstream news (which have their counterpart, revealing this virus isn't all it's made out to be). Don't believe all you hear from men in suits and white labcoats. Just because it's on CNN or Fox doesn't equal fact. Are you so easily shaken with numbers? There is a clandestine plot at play from the elite rulers of the world at the moment, and the fear they are spreading as "fact" is a huge part of it. Read and mediate on Psalm 91. Read it on a daily basis until you have digested it fully and it should provide you with peace. Love & Shalom
  5. Shalom @Marceee That's not quite correct, but I can see how the matter can be confusing. To put it clearly, see the guide below: Allah is the name of the moon god of Islam. God is a generic term meaning mighty one, but it is not a name. Yahweh is the Name of the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. Pronounced: YAH-00-ay. The name Yahweh was removed from the Bible and replaced with "The LORD", out of great reverence for the Name. But this should have never happened! Therefore, every time you read "The LORD" in the Bible (nearly 7,000 times) that is where the name Yahweh would have appeared in the original manuscripts. For more information about the Name of Yahweh, you can check this out here. Now, as for the unpardonable sin. If you have insulted Allah, it matters not, as he doesn't exist. That said, you should be respectful to other religions and not offend them needlessly. Be more concerned for someone that you may have hurt or offended rather than "Allah"! If you insulted or mocked Yahweh or His Son, Yahushua (known as Jesus Christ), it will be forgiven of you - providing you repent of it sincerely. However, it is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit which is the unpardonable sin. Avoid this at all costs, obviously. But it doesn't sound like this is something you have done. HalleluYah! Good on you! Don't let anything stop you in doing so. If you have matters of conscience come up, like this, repent of it sincerely and move on. But don't let your conscience start becoming and unhealthy burden for you. 1 John 1:9. Remember it well I hope something in my rambling helps! Love & Shalom
  6. Shalom @bornagain2011 Tricky situation. I hope you allow me to offer advice and weigh it up accordingly. First of all, it is good for a child to have the fear of God, which is sorely missing in most Christians today, unfortunately. That said, the should not be fear that God is unjust or unfair. Whilst you are telling your daughter the truth about salvation, it also seems a bit inappropriate to address this issue until the coming of age. I hope you don't mind me saying that, I mean it in gentleness. Some adults even struggle with the concept of salvation and fairness, so how much more a 10 year old - who will have no concept of the depths of sin and being born in it? Personally, I think it would be better to teach her about the Messiah's teachings, the wise words of the Bible, and historical events (without making them 'cartoony'). Nevertheless, the subject has been addressed, so how best to explain it to her so that her heart isn't overly troubled about it. I would suggest something like the following: God is coming to live with us on Earth, in a huge palace in a huge city, which comes down from heaven - made of gold and every precious stone - shining with every colour and some colours we've never even seen before! In that city will be fun, celebrations and amazing presents for everyone. You'll be able to do amazing things there and everyone will be very happy and super kind to each other. When the city arrives, God's Son will come to collect all those he has invited to come to live in the wonderful city. He collects all those who have prayed to him and followed his good ways. However, the other people, who didn't like God's Son or didn't even believe in Him, weren't allowed to go to the city - as they would only cause trouble there and upset everyone else with their rude and selfish behaviour. So, there were those inside the city - enjoying a life full of joy, fun and excitement- and those outside the city - who preferred to act behave badly and selfishly. Questions: What is heaven then? That is where God is resting at the moment, until He comes to live with us. It will be a brilliant surprise when He comes and He'll bring many many gifts for those coming into the city. What is hell then? Hell is outside the city. It's a place for all the poorly behaved people to live because the don't want to live in the beautiful city. Crazy, no? God invited them, and so did His Son, many many times. But they refused to listen to him and accept his invite! Because they knew that, if they went in, they could no longer act wickedly to everyone else, and steal from them, hurt them and be rude to everyone. And they preferred to do that than act kindly and lovingly. Why doesn't God forgive them then so we can all live in the city? God wants to forgive them and have them come into the city. But some people refused to be forgiven and turn their back to God saying "we don't want you!". Some people even convinced themselves that God doesn't even exist! They say "How do we know he is in heaven! He might not be! So let's be cruel to each other and steal things!" So, when God arrives, he hasn't prepared a home for them in the city, because he knows they would prefer to live outside and be cruel. Hopefully some of the above gives you some ideas on how to approach it. The concept being "all are invited to go to the Great Party but only those who want to go are collected by the Bus", rather than "some go to heaven, some go to hell". The latter is too abrupt and without explanation as to why. It can seem random, unreasonable and even unfair to children and adults if they don't consider the "Invite & Response" scenario. Would you being doing your daughter a disservice in not explaining Hell to her? No, I don't think so. That can come later when she is ready for more truth. But ultimately, all everyone needs to know is that some will get to go to the City and others will not. So, we shouldn't focus our time on what "life" looks like outside the City, but rather get cited in thinking what it will be like inside. May Yahweh guide you on this matter and aid you in explaining it clearly to your daughter. Love & Shalom
  7. Or, more abstractly, the following... The Father is looking down on us, observing our lives, hobbies and activities with joy. But how much it would hurt Him if he was to see us with an idol dominating our fear, adoration and love.
  8. Shalom @Refresher What do you mean exactly? The word "stalker" isn't in that passage. Are you wondering whether the girl was a stalker? Or why Paul acted this way towards her or something else? Love & Shalom
  9. Shalom @Tyler22 How are you? Well, I hope. No, one shouldn't pray to the Bible. Instead, you should pray to Yahweh, the God of the Bible. The Bible is, in the literal sense, paper and ink,bound in a leather coat. It has no power to save, redeem or protect you - as you are obviously aware. Although, unlike any other book, it feels alive, spiritual and holy (which it is) - that is because of the divine content, but not its physicality, which isn't divine. The Bible is indeed the most precious artefact mankind has, and Yahweh has made it possible to be available almost everywhere. Yes, it's incredibly special, powerful and feels alive. One page eclipses all of the riches on earth for its worthiness - as these are the very words from the Creator of all things. Nevertheless, as beautiful and precious this Oracle (which we call the Bible) is, how much more so the author - Yahweh. Therefore, turn your prayers to the Almighty Creator who is fully powerful enough to create an answer. I think He would have understood if you have prayed to the Bible before, in ignorance, but don't continue with that. He wants to hear from you, not His book. Love & Shalom
  10. @Melinda12 be careful of your words and attitude here sister. Do you so readily believe that what you are fed by news media outlets is 100% fact? Really? Is your judgement swayed so easily with articles you see on the net and TV? Is that all it takes to make you think and say such things? Within your words you have judged the entire nation of China and wished for "huge economic punishment" exacted on them, in a post called "no forgiveness". I urge you sister to repent of this. It's not the right way. Even if your judgement was not ill-informed but factually 100% accurate - you should still not to be gravitating to this mindset and wishing for their punishment. And I think you know that deep inside. I realise you are angry, frustrated, confused and concerned for your family. But repent of these words and this post now, rather than having to give account for them later before our Lord. Whether what you believe is factually accurate or not, what would be an adequate reason to justify this post before Him? I write this with love and respect for you sister, with a heavy heart. Please reconsider your heart on this matter. Love & Shalom
  11. Shalom sister! Thank you for your kind words. Anything worthy from me is from Him or how He has taught me, as I know He does you too. Amen! The wisest words of Solomon. At what a privilege of a duty now we have been grafted in. HalleluYah! May Yahweh bless you richly in these days, in the name of our Lord and King. Love & Shalom
  12. Aw thank you for responding sister. All praise to Yahweh. I hope you are enjoying this Feast of Unleavened Bread. Love & Shalom
  13. Shalom @Tyler22 What you seek is a worthy thing and rest assured, if that’s truly your heart's desire, things will change for you soon in an amazing way - and the Word will open to you even further. For more help with this goal, please check out THIS guide, which will show you how to get more out of your reading time. As you read through the Bible, pray each day for wisdom and He will give it to you. These are the words preserved for you today by the Creator, so study them as diligently as if for a life exam, and you'll find the love for it will grow exponentially and without limit. Love & Shalom
  14. Shalom @branchesofHim It sounds like you are going through some stormy waters at the moment. However, I thank Yahweh for this as this is often indicative of when someone is soon to "Level Up" in their faith and become stronger. Not quite my friend. This body we have now will be resurrection and purified to a higher state of existence one day. Consider our body (Nephesh in Hebrew) to be like an spacesuit or rather an "earth suit". In order for your spirit to live and interact with this realm, it needs to be inside a Nephesh (or suit) to interact with it. Now, this was meant to be our original lives, but sin entered the world through Adam and Eve and so all our earth suits have the corrupted DNA in their "programming", giving us this fallen state. However, Yahweh has made a way for us to survive the death and live forever. And, when we do, we will be living here on a renewed earth with Yahweh who will live with us in New Jerusalem. We will rule and reign with Him with powers and appearances and rewards to incredible for our simple minds to understand now. This life is far from pointless. This is like a "training ground" to test, prove and know what's in our hearts - so that in the new world we won't have another Adam and Eve scenario happen again. Rather, we will be reborn with our whole previous lives behind us and knowing and choosing His way - as by definition those are they who get resurrected to eternal life. I agree. This world is tiresome and what most people find entertaining or fulfilling seems boring to me. It's ultimately empty or a waste of time. Strangely, studying His Word is the only thing that I find exciting. I never thought I would say that when I was an unbeliever! Hehe. So if you knew you could have a big family and some of your children would hate you and some would love you, would you have none at all? It's necessary that evil lives with us for now. Some will be evil and some will be good. Until the evil is removed, we must bear with them. Consider then how great Yahweh's patience is and how much longsuffering He has. But in summary. If man can be created and some will do good and some will do bad - should they not be created at all? Or should they be created and the bad one day removed for the good to thrive? True, I have read that book and I believe it is meant to be read and understood today. In fact there are many allusions elsewhere in the the Bible that reflect parts of that book. In my mind, it should be read with the Bible, along with a handful of others. Such as the Book of Enoch, Jubilees (both in Dead Sea Scrolls), 2 Esdras (included with the 1611 KJV), 2 Baruch and a few others. Although I would recommend you get very familiar with the WHOLE Bible first before digging into the "hidden books". See my previous comments :) Let's suppose you are right. Do you think that you (however mature and educated you are) are smarter and wiser than God? Do you think Yahweh will overhear your thoughts and go "Good point, this is all worthless. What have I been doing with my time? Why did I bother sending my Son to die for this Creation?" If you can't picture Yahweh saying the above, then maybe you are wrong or have a barrier of understanding. Humble yourself to learn the truth rather than cast judgments upon it. I say that with love my friend. Israel was shepherded and protected to become a mighty nation under the protection of the world's most powerful nation (at the time). Do you think 70 men could have become a mighty nation just "squatting" in Canaan or in the wilderness? Be realistic here. Now, as to why they became slaves etc, that is a different question altogether and an interesting debate we can continue at a later time if I haven't bored you already? Interesting that you say this because I believe something similar. We are created in HIS image and our Father creates with words. Our words can bless people, curse people, bring people knowledge and bring people love. I believe in the next life we will have creative power to the extent of terraforming though "if you say to this mountain..." However, our understanding of our capacity is hindered in this life. Maybe because we are under the slavery of another Egypt - that being of the men who rule the world and define for us what reality is. Whatever the truth, if we follow His ways in THIS life, we will see great things in the true life to come. You will find them. Stop being impatient! hehe. It has taken me many years to find answers but I kept on seeking and kept on knocking. We have to also humble ourselves to accept the truth, whatever it is, and stop putting our ideas and intellect as a filter for it. Keep on asking, seeking and knocking. He will reward you for this. Proverbs 25:2 ------------- Please read the follow page which should bring you some answers. I know you are a Christian already, but I think it's content may bring you some ideas to consider. https://faithandtheword.com/bother/goingon/ Hopefully I haven't bored you too much! If you have any further questions, please ask and I'll do my best to help if I can. But if you take one thing away from this whole reply, let it be this: There is a point to everything. This life is like a boarding school in preparation for the real world. Keep studying! "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,”declares Yahweh. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than our ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." - Isaiah 55:8-9 Love & Shalom
  15. For what it's worth @Sonshine, I've not read anything neagtive in your posts on this forum. Your love for the Father, the Messiah and your brothers and sisters shines in your posts. Love & Shalom
  16. Shalom, Yes, I believe it would be a sin. Effectively you would be comprising your testimony (even if in word alone) for the sake of a marriage. This would then put the marriage or your fiance in the position of an idol. As you would be in essence serving it (or her) before Yahweh. I appreciate what you are saying, that it would just be in word only and not in your heart but just for the sake of the marriage. However, it would not be a highlight in your walk, that's for sure, and you don't want to have to give account for that on judgement day. If it were me, I would wait on Yahweh - to see how He may change the situation so you don't have to compromise your testimony. But ultimately I would rather not marry if it meant bearing a false witness calling myself a Muslim - even in deception. Do you remember when Yahweh delivered Saul into David's hand in the cave? David could have killed him quickly and had an easier life - but no, he refused the easy way out, which would have compromised his faithfulness to Yahweh's ways, and he was honoured for it. In conclusion, I don't think Yahweh would ever want you to claim your a muslim - even unto death, so how much less for a marriage. But, if it is meant to be, wait on Him and see what miraculous circumstances He may bring you two. Love & Shalom
  17. Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Our silly, idle, foolish thoughts are one thing and our words are quite another. Don't let such words pass through your lips and repent to Yahweh for the foolish thought. In my opinion, it could be what is called negative suggestion in psychology. You know you're not meant to do something and so there is a stronger drive to do it. Paul addresses this topic in Romans 7. It's the essence of the flesh. It rises up in desire to violate rules as soon as a rule is known to it. Our battle becomes harder the more we walk "in the flesh" and easier the mote we walk "in the spirit". So don't be convinced by random passing thoughts but rather in your sturdy remaining ones - and learn to reprove negative ones according to the Word. Nevertheless, even though these are silly passing thoughts, and even though Yahweh knows your true heart - repent! For He is a great king and we can all do so now, when we are free to do so, rather than wish we could later when standing before Him. Love & Shalom
  18. Shalom @RobertC. I can relate to this. I was the same a few years ago and I know it's a slippery slope. Praise Yahweh! I know you may not see it now, but that fear comes from Him to prompt you to snap out of it and get back to Him. For all of those He loves, He chastens. I went through the same thing, fearing the same things as you. This happened just shortly before I came back to Him and was restored better than I was before in my faith. Take courage. He is throwing you a lifeline. For now, maybe. But this can change by doing the following two things. 1. Pray at the beginning of each day a simple prayer. I forced myself to do this when I was coming out of my dark depression. It felt weird, alien and hypocritical for me to do so and I didn't really know what to even say as I felt ashamed, unloved, and a pathetic excuse for a child of God. Nevertheless, believing in His faithfulness (and not mine) I forced myself to pray each morning. All I could muster was simply "Father Yahweh, I love you". That's it, nothing else, but I did this each morning for about a month and then eventually I felt encouraged to say more and the line of communication was re-established. Not that He isn't eager to re-establish it, but that I had trouble doing so. 2. Hear the Word. I'm not a great reader and I don't often have the time. Travelling to and fro to work and having a short evening for all the admin of life after. However, during that time (and even today) I made time for the Word by switching to an audio version. Now I could hear the Word going to and fro from work, during my lunch hour walks and even doing other tasks. Before I knew it, I was understanding Scripture more than ever before and memorising parts with repeated listens. It became a joy to me and now reading or hearing the Word is literally my favourite thing to do - something I could never imagine back when I was where you are now. I recommend this audio bible: NIV Audio Bible trailer and check out: Genesis Sample Not the best translation but David Suchet really reads it well and there are many other cheesy ones out there! I advise to start from Genesis and go all the way through. Even if you don't understand it all, even if it gets tough sometimes. Do it. The Father works miraculously in you as you hear and digest His Word - even if your mind doesn't comprehend everything at first. But continue to listen to it when you have finished Revelation. Make it your goal to have no "grey areas" in your understanding. When your do these two things, the third step is to seek for the Holy Spirit, above all things. You said you already had the baptism, which is good (to say the least). Seek the Holy Spirit, again. The walk of a disciple with the Holy Spirit is joyous and a delight and not heavy and burdensome. You cannot go on without the Holy Spirit. Seek Yahweh on this matter diligently, above all things. That could indeed be the case. However, it is also possible that RobertC of the past came under enemy attack and fell under it's condemnation, temptations and torturous thoughts. But, whether it be because of you or an enemy attack, do thosethings above and you will find that narrow path again. Only be sure to stay away from doctrine and in the Word only! There is a lot of nonsense taught in mainstream churches today. Even on this forum there are many who teach alluring, Biblical sounding, pleasant words but are actually unscriptural. Stick to the Word and in the Word, and follow no man or doctrine. Stay in the Word and by the Word. Remember, the devil quoted Scripture to the Messiah to deceive Him, so anyone of his minions can surely do the same. But just as the devil twisted the context of the quoted Scripture, so will his minions. Therefore, learn the Word thoroughly and stick to the word - not doctrines. Spoken like a man about to return to His Father! Praise Yahweh! These words of yours remind me of the below parable... “When he came to his senses, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired servants.’ So he got up and went to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him." -Luke 15:17-20 Keep on walking back home, He will meet you whilst you are still a long way off. Love & Shalom
  19. Shalom @Zemog You are right to feel cautious to this practice/habit/symbolic gesture. For even if it was the very same cross that the Messiah was crucified upon, we still shouldn't be turning to it or pray facing it - as if it gives us a clearer line of communication to God. So how much less a modern iteration of it in a church. With this in mind, consider what the good king Hezekiah did to the bronze serpent which Moses had made for the children of Israel's healing in the wilderness... "He removed the high places, smashed the sacred stones and cut down the Asherah poles. He broke into pieces the bronze snake Moses had made, for up to that time the Israelites had been burning incense to it. (It was called Nehushtan.)" - 2 Kings 18:4 The symbol which brought them healing/salvation in the wilderness (as the Messiah likens Himself to in John 3) became their idol. They had missed the point. So, again, you do well in feeling cautious about this. Love & Shalom
  20. Shalom friend, I understand what you are saying. I'm an introvert and shy as well. However, whereas I used to be hard on myself and judge myself on this matter, now I have come to understand things in a different light. Psychologically speaking, there are many different personality types out there (around about 16) and each have their strengths and weaknesses. In the same way, in the Body of the Messiah, we are all different parts of the Body with strengths and weaknesses. You find it uncomfortable chatting in rooms and feeling like people judge you - but this is YOUR interpretation of events and ambiguous stimuli and is not necessarily the actual truth. This is likely because you are highly attuned to identifying potential issues and are sensitive to criticism. However, you are focusing on your weaknesses only and not on your strengths, which are based on the same principles. The flip side of these "weaknesses" are that you are probably excellent for empathising, counselling, objectivity (despite lacking it for yourself) and likely to be capable of understanding deep issues that allude others. Therefore, you shouldn't try to copy anyone else's behaviour and attitude but be true to yourself and your feelings. You're a needed element of the Body but, if you try to change your core and emulate someone else, you are short changing the Lord and others who could benefit from your counsel. With this in mind, watch this if you have the time. Finally, there are some practical things you can do to help strengthen your weaknesses. Accept who you are and what you find difficult as you BUT also accept your strengths. When in chatrooms, don't get so easily offended, recognising that not everyone is like you. Some thrive on being bolshy, some are naturally cold. See each interaction you have with objectivity. Are you making assumptions about the person or the meaning behind their words? Don't judge yourself unfairly. You are you by design and requirement by the Father. Judge yourself and conduct by the Word alone (which should be as an anchor for your when your mind is hypercritical) and do not judge yourself by your heart and assessment alone. Pray each day for wisdom and seek it in the Word regularly and as often as possible. Once you accept your weaknesses AND strengths, then you will be ready and able to serve Him in the way He directs. May Yahweh bless you with wisdom, health and joy my friend. Love & Shalom
  21. Shalom @blessed-x HalleluYah! Praise Him for His Grace and Mercy. First of all, have you been baptised in the Holy Spirit? This is separate from water baptism and when it happens - you'll know! Don't just assume it has happened if you are unsure. Seek this above all things. I was a Christian for about 15 years, assuming (and being told) I was already baptised by the Holy Spirit. However, I doubted it and so sought it with my whole heart and it happened and I was changed from then. But, for the sake of brevity, let's assume you have indeed received this baptism... Yes and no. Speaking in another language often accompanies some when they receive the Holy Spirit - but not all. It is a gift and seems to be for the purpose of reaching others in their language and extolling God with words that the Spirit gives you as you speak. Beware of those who advise that you need to 'make your own tongue' by bumbling odd words and sounds of your own creation! Some teach this, explaining that you you won't speak in tongues unless you first start creating random sounds with your mouth first. This isn't Biblical but is closer to occult practices (though the person advising this is probably ignorant of that fact). But again, not everyone speaks in tongues. It's not like a seal of approval from God or anything. It's one of the gifts. All gifts of the Spirit are for the purpose of edification of the Church or extolling Yahweh. As for my understanding of those with the gift of discernment is that it comes very naturally. It's not fuzzy or slowly developed, but clear to them. It can be used to assist for the purposes of deliverance and spiritual foresight of strongholds and attacks. It's likely that someone with a calling of spiritual warfare or healing will have this gift. Assuming you have been baptised with the Holy Spirit, why not pray and seek Him on this directly? If He hasn't answered you, keep asking! He will reward the diligent with answers. It might not be a voice from Heaven, but it could very well be a live example when you least expect it and your gifting will shine. Only keep seeking Him directly on this matter - and don't stop until you know. Why not? Praying is always the advisable course. It's not that Yahweh doesn't know your heart, but there is something special that happens when we vocalise it. And not just once, but often. You need to seek Him diligently and passionately on the matter. There are numerous Scriptures in the New Testament where the Messiah advises us to keep on asking and you will get an answer. Again, Sometimes praying once is enough, sometimes praying more is needed. Prepare your heart and walk before Him, so you can ask boldly and with confidence and not shying away because of unconfessed behaviours and attitudes. And most importantly, trust! Ask and believe you will get and answer. Believe He is faithful to answer your prayer. Try to stop this "I don't expect it" kinda response. Ask, continue to ask and believe. Hope and even get excited at receiving the answer - I believe this pleases the Father and He will answer you. Now, don't assume your gift will be tongues or discernment. It may be something else entirely. But it will be something that is totally appropriate for you and will bring you and, more importantly, others blessings. Finally, I recommend you meditate on 1 Corinthians 12 & 13. Read it through deeply and slowly and as often as it takes to "digest". May Yahweh bless you and your fiance with wisdom, health and joy - and may He hasten your Spiritual Gift and your understanding of it, in the name of our Lord Jesus. Love & Shalom
  22. Shalom @wikey321, Yes this is roughly the common view and you can expect the same answers in here to start popping up soon. Now, it might sound a bit extreme to say these things (and indeed a lot of Christians like to get extreme quickly) but this is true in a way. Basically, anything one or thing that you serve or bow down to besides Yahweh, the God of the Bible, is idolatry. Becauae you are serving someone/something else first (or as well as). Is you golden buddha statue satan incarnate, probably not. It is probbaly just wood covered in gold. However, that doesn't make your veneration of said statue any less insulting to your Creator. Yes, Christians (in general) can seem to specialise in doing this in this modern age. Just browse this forum and you'll see plenty of arguments and divisions as each passionately fights for what they think is right. But this is not the way it should be. It wasn't always like this and it won't always be like this. However, the state the church is in today is prophesied. Don't let that dissuade you from the truth though. There are many good loving and kind believers out there today - they are just few and far between. So you're right, no one (believer or non-believer) should be approached judgmentally and aggressively by a Christian. However, the Creator Yahweh will not be "another god" to anyone and I guess it is with too much zeal that some have tried explaining that to you. Anyway, in summary, I urge you to get rid of your buddha statues, if you have any, as an offering of worship to Yahweh, the Creator. If you do this, He will bring blessing and wisdom to you. Stay in the Word concerning your walk and don't judge matters according to what modern Christianity says, but by the Word only. Pray to Yahweh each day for wisdom and guidance in His Word, will and way in the name of His son, the Messiah Yahushua (Jesus Christ) and you will find Him. Love & Shalom
  23. Exactly. There are disciples I have met or know of that I can't wait to see in the Kingdom and fellowship with. To be sat by them at the wedding feast would be a privilege. Then there are those believers that aren't pleasant to talk with and if I saw my seat next to there's at the wedding feast I would try to swap places! Those type of believers are legalistic with the words of the Messiah and Paul, using them as rod to beat people with, whilst praising God for His mercy and grace. I think such people, who drag His name and gospel though mud, are in for a rude awakening.
  24. Shalom, Perhaps this article will help answer the above question. Www.faithandtheword.com/bother/why-bother-with-the-bible Love & Shalom
  25. Shalom @jonrgrover Can I ask you if that really the case? Never for anyone, ever? What would you say was the closest you felt to it? You don't have to give details, but the general idea. Hopefully you allow me to ask another question. When you see people in love, hear of kind acts of love, or imagine being loved - what feelings does it bring you?
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