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Who me

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Everything posted by Who me

  1. Aye I suggest the various Web sites that have posted answers to the accusations that the bi le is full of contradictions.
  2. As imitators of God we are to do what God does. How does God forgive? It throughout the bible is conditional on repentance. Then we must as the verses say we must forgive, regardless of how we might feel about it.
  3. OK so you would both quote the bible to people like atheist journalist Lee Strobel and atheist coldcase detective James Warner, two well educated cynical men of the world, both of whom in there autobiographies admit they rejected the bible and considered it irrelevant to life. Both of them became Christians through their investigations of the evidence for Christianity. It is this information I am trying to get this information into the hands of ordinary Christians. Remember Paul used reasoning and the knowledge his audience had to reach them. How would you reach men like Strouble and Warner, hardened cynical atheists who reject and won't read the bible?
  4. As the other one has said, it is a worldly money making scheme. The bible is very old slang for ' source of all knowledge' see:- https://opensea.io/blog/articles/non-fungible-tokens It comes from the fact that Christians used to constantly refer to the bible, be quoting it in there speech so any knowledgeable book or manual would be refer to as a ' bible'.
  5. Only by remaining close with Jesus, by knowing what Gods law requires of you, not the letter of the law but the spirit of the law and by repenting of the inevitable failures.
  6. We are to Love our enemies, those who do us harm, yes by praying intelligently for their good. But We are also to imitate God/Jesus, which means that like God we only forgive those who repent.
  7. Ever been stumped to answer a hard question on Christianity? You shouldn't have been, take a print out and ask your preacher why he does not use the information on it. Look up Sir William Michael Ramsay:-https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Mitchell_Ramsay This is wiki page for him, you can also find him on the biblical archeology site. He demonstrated back at the beginning of the 20th century the accuracy of the New Testament. Ask you ministers why they haven't taught you about him. Then there is Prof Robert dick Wi.son, an American who in the 1930 demonstrated from the heights of linguistic excellence ( he was fluent in every biblical language ) the accuracy of the Old Testament:-https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Dick_Wilson Again a wiki page you can find him on Christian sites. Let's come up todate. None of you have mention today's experts on the accuracy and reliability of the bible. Do you know them? Lee Strobel he has investigate and published his findings. James Warner of coldasechristianity. These are two X atheists who became Christian because of the provable evidence. Dr G Habbermas an expert on the historical fa ts of the resurrection. William Lane raig a professor of philosophy and a formidable debater about God, chistianity etc look at his Web site reasonablefaith. Then there are Web sites like answers in genesis, they have many articles easier to understand than Craig, that show the accuracy and reliability of the bible. Creation.com ditto. Wintery Knight, toughquestionsanswered. You should all be familiar with these sites and people sharing the information in your churches. There is no excuse for any Christian not to be able to answer the questio s you've had asked of you. Start reading.
  8. I'll join in and demonstrate the ignorance of your pastors. Look up Sir William Michael Ramsay:-https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Mitchell_Ramsay This is wiki page for him, you can also find him on the biblical archeology site. He demonstrated back at the beginning of the 20th century the accuracy of the New Testament. Ask you ministers why they haven't taught you about him. Then there is Prof Robert dick Wi.son, an American who in the 1930 demonstrated from the heights of linguistic excellence ( he was fluent in every biblical language ) the accuracy of the Old Testament:-https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Dick_Wilson Again a wiki page you can find him on Christian sites. Let's come up todate. None of you have mention today's experts on the accuracy and reliability of the bible. Do you know them? Lee Strobel he has investigate and published his findings. James Warner of coldasechristianity. These are two X atheists who became Christian because of the provable evidence. Dr G Habbermas an expert on the historical fa ts of the resurrection. William Lane raig a professor of philosophy and a formidable debater about God, chistianity etc look at his Web site reasonablefaith. Then there are Web sites like answers in genesis, they have many articles easier to understand than Craig, that show the accuracy and reliability of the bible. Creation.com ditto. Wintery Knight, toughquestionsanswered. You should all be familiar with these sites and people sharing the information in your churches. There is no excuse for any Christian not to be able to answer the questio s you've had asked of you. Start reading.
  9. Hea en is where God is. As God has always existed so heaven has always existed. He'll is where God is not. He consciously withdrew his presence from the area where hell is. C.s. Lewes pictured hell as being g smaller than an atom, in that compared to love hate is nothing.
  10. Ha e you read the ' Sacted Diary of Adrian Plass? It is a story written as a diary about an ineffectual Christian as he struggles to live as a Christian and love other Christians, including some unloved people. One of them is an alcoholic, he struggles to help this man. The book ends with some moving, realistic lines. "He was looking at his problem and his solution" as they celebrated the Lords supper. Your brother/sister may well be a nuisance, but they may also need your love, support, help and prayers.
  11. Why, does this behaviour affect you or is directed at you or is merely highly irritating to you? If it is the later, grit your teeth, pray for them a d your self and keep away from them. If it directly affects you, speak to them about it, if they do not recognise there offence or are unwilling to change. Then speak to your church elders. Be realistic, just what do you expect them to do? All they may be able to do is pray with you, if this behaviour is a long standing habit, which I'm sure they will be well aware of.
  12. Yes and atheistic evolutionary science does not recognise the existence of the supernatural. Because as far as they are concerned all there is is the material world, there explanations will on.y include natural material explanations.
  13. For the same reason he doesn't stop the countless acts of cruelty people inflict on the weak and helpless every day. They would not recognise his intervention and would not credit or praise him for his mercy and kindness. Ww2 is an example of what Godless men can do, the problem is people.e today are not looking for God and don't recognise his acts.
  14. Very much so, a encouraging uplifting sermon on Jexus the Man of Joy. Not something I thought about, pastor had found a number of texts talking about the Joy Jesus 3xperienced.
  15. There is a basic test that can be applied to every and any supernatural or natural event. Does it magnify God, or make us more aware of God and more interested in him. If like UFOs it diverts attention away from God then it is clear they are not from him.
  16. Paul made it clear as did Jesus that we are to stay in a marriage, and not leave them because we are unhappy or the spouse isn't a Christian. We are to live for Jesus, honoring him in our difficult lives, witnessing to them of the love of Jesus. Please ensure that you know the theology of marriage, the command for wives to obey their husband is balanced by the command that husbands are to love their wives as sactifically as Jesus lo es us, giv8ng up everything for us.
  17. Which is far better than in isolation misunderstandings scripture and developing a heretical view.
  18. Family ,I've is about compromise, for a start you can reasonably ask him to turn the volume down or to wear headphones. Otherwise unless you have to be in the same room don't be there. As part of making a compromise start listening to Christian blogs and debates, so you can suggest if he turns his volume down you will do the same. You also have a chance to educate your family on the historical accuracy of Christianity. See Lee Stroble's The Case for Christ' it mentions several good online debates/ blogs.
  19. And who do we learn from? Are we to sit in solitary cells struggling to understand something we don't comprehend or do we learn through communal service, worship and study as well as through learning with someone else. Yes there are false teachers out there, how does a new Christian learn what is true or false? In the same way that they learn this, so they learn which commentaries or which authors can be trusted.
  20. My first reaction is ' a copy of TV preacher's find another church that is biblically based. The bible teaches don't get drunk, this is aimed at being drunk in publick because of the stupid things drunks do. But it also applies to getting drunk at home because of the stupid things one could do while under the influence of booze. Just how dependant on booze are you? Try cutting how much you drink by half. Alternatively arrange to meet some of the other men at a home or bar for an evening socialising over a couple of beers. Sin is an act, action, thought or speech that is disrespectful of or to God.
  21. Do you regularly attend the same church? Do you take part in church activities? Can you get a better paid and more regular hours work?
  22. As Peter wrote, there are passages that Paul wrote things that are difficult to understand and that is not just Paul's passages. Many difficult passages need Christian and biblical maturity to understand, but there is a resource no o e has mentioned, that of biblical commentaries, where other Christians have struggled to understand the bible and are sharing the results of their studies.
  23. In God's economy of action he only uses miracles when there is either a reason for a miracle or no other physical or human bases for action. So God used the Israeli test to execute his judgement on Jericho, just as various nations were used to punish Isreal.
  24. The ancient world had a different attitude to time and recording events. In recording when a king started his reign that would include a period when he acted as a regent or as Co ruler. Partial years would be counted as whole years. No I don't have an answer to your question.
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